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How was Easter dinner?

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On the "disgusting food" thread, I predicted that we might be due for purple squid today. I almost started laughing when MIL brought it out! I did not predict the fish head (sans body). I noticed that no one ate it and I asked dh about it later. He said that he was going to have some but noticed that it was not quite cooked. MIL is getting older and she doesn't always notice if food is till pink. . . But having said that, the lumpia (Filipino egg rolls that are MIL's specialty) salad and pork adobo were excellent. We also had excellent cheesecake and cranberry orange bread for dessert. And family (which is really most important) were all fun to be with.

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Well, I spent the morning (and yesterday) toiling over the Easter feast, which I then loaded into the car and sent with dh to mil's house. Dd and I had odds and ends at home which watching LOTR. Dd is still. soooooo. sick. She also terribly weak and discouraged. It's been eight days with a fever and lots of coughing. Dh brought home leftovers, as well as some chocolate cheesecake, but I just didn't have any passion for it with dd laying so listless on the couch.

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We ate Easter dinner on the US air base here in Kyrgyzstan. They had lots of delicious vegetables that are usually too expensive for me to buy in the winter and I ate lots. I finished off with a slice of cheesecake which was wonderful, especially since I haven't had cheesecake since 2010. And they let us each take home a box of Cheerios for breakfast.


I love the food here, but it's fun to eat cheesecake and Cheerios once in a while.


Mostly though, it's hard to be there on holidays. The other time we were there was on Christmas and I wish every person there were home with family and friends instead. I see so much sacrifice there.

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Well, I spent the morning (and yesterday) toiling over the Easter feast, which I then loaded into the car and sent with dh to mil's house. Dd and I had odds and ends at home which watching LOTR. Dd is still. soooooo. sick. She also terribly weak and discouraged. It's been eight days with a fever and lots of coughing. Dh brought home leftovers, as well as some chocolate cheesecake, but I just didn't have any passion for it with dd laying so listless on the couch.



:grouphug: So sorry for your dd. I hope she's better soon. Eight days is a long time to feel that bad.



We had a fabulous Easter dinner with our church family. Every single thing was delicious, and there was more than enough for us all.

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Our dinner was actually great. Many times it's not what I'm hungry for... My husband roasted an organic Roast. My mom did a sweet potato casserole with crunch on top, potato bites with cheese, I did a from scratch green bean casserole. (I got the recipe off here at Christmas time, I think.... Even the onions were homemade... and all of it organic :)) Rice Krispies for the kids... And some Trader Joe's chocolate for my 8 year old son... :) I have to say... I made the green bean casserole, because my husband likes the Campbell's variety, and I can't handle making it. After all of the putting it together, I was pleasantly surprised... because fresh makes it GOOD! :)

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We had a great Easter dinner with no out-of-the-ordinary food. Turkey Medallions and Rib Eye Roast. This was all fine with me since I don't care much for ham.


We spent Easter Sunday with friends from Bible Study Group since our ds and girlfriend were spending Easter with her family several hours away.

Church Service was very good and even though my resurrection cookies were NOT hollow as they were supposed to be, it was a fine day!

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It was wonderful.


I've never been about to get fully into celebrating Easter. I went even easier this year than previous years. For dinner, we had a family favorite: what we call homemade Chipolte's...basically white sticky rice, bacon-flavored pinto beans, spicy seasoned chicken, shredded Monterrey jack cheese, salsa, sour cream, and guacamole. Yes, I splurged and got us some dairy.

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My in laws eat non-traditional food on holidays. My husband smoked pork butts and we had slaw and fruit, etc. I hardly ate anything. Pork butts just aren't my thing. We did end up hosting at the last minute since MIL got sick last night but it was fine since it was casual food anyway. We laid everything out in the backyard and ate at the picnic table!

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My Cairo-born friend hosted and did most of the cooking, and it was a wonderful meal. She made several dishes she grew up with (grilled meats, roasted veggies, rice, salads, dips) and I added in some more salads. Both of our kids made the desserts (cake, cookies, and baklava). The men kept us all in beverages. We talked for hours, the kids jumped on the trampoline and played wii, some of us went for a walk in the woods, and we all played with the dogs and laughed at the pet ducks. It was a glorious day!

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My Cairo-born friend hosted and did most of the cooking, and it was a wonderful meal. She made several dishes she grew up with (grilled meats, roasted veggies, rice, salads, dips) and I added in some more salads. Both of our kids made the desserts (cake, cookies, and baklava). The men kept us all in beverages. We talked for hours, the kids jumped on the trampoline and played wii, some of us went for a walk in the woods, and we all played with the dogs and laughed at the pet ducks. It was a glorious day!


Yum! That sounds perfect.

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Well, I spent the morning (and yesterday) toiling over the Easter feast, which I then loaded into the car and sent with dh to mil's house. Dd and I had odds and ends at home which watching LOTR. Dd is still. soooooo. sick. She also terribly weak and discouraged. It's been eight days with a fever and lots of coughing. Dh brought home leftovers, as well as some chocolate cheesecake, but I just didn't have any passion for it with dd laying so listless on the couch.




I am sorry. Hope dd feels better soon!

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Well, I spent the morning (and yesterday) toiling over the Easter feast, which I then loaded into the car and sent with dh to mil's house. Dd and I had odds and ends at home which watching LOTR. Dd is still. soooooo. sick. She also terribly weak and discouraged. It's been eight days with a fever and lots of coughing. Dh brought home leftovers, as well as some chocolate cheesecake, but I just didn't have any passion for it with dd laying so listless on the couch.


I'm so sorry. I was really hoping she'd wake up feeling fine and you'd all be able to participate in the dinner. :grouphug:


We went out to eat and dinner was fabulous!!!

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We went to my husband's brother's house (oh gosh I hope I did that right and no kittens are dead)...


They served venison (he can hunt on his property!), lamb, and ham -- yes, to please a variety of eaters ;) She made pineapple casserole, sweet potatoes, corn...yum yum! All kinds of good food!


My 10 year-old pulled her first trigger (BB rifle) and shot that can right off the crate, she showed up all the boy cousins, it was hysterical. Kids ran around his property all afternoon and had a most excellent time; dead tired by the time we got home!


It was a wonderful day, and I am so glad we got to go, my DH's Crohns is often unpredictable and sometimes we can't go to things! Just thankful that he had one of his rare really good days!!



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:grouphug: to all those who were sick over the weekend.


Our Easter dinner was lovely. My super-expensive, husband-shocking ham was delicious. I made homemade cheesy potatoes which were absolutely scrumptious. Although, I ate too many of them, and regretted it later. :tongue_smilie: The kids had fun with their cousins, the sun was shining- couldn't have been nicer.

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Our Easter was wonderful! My parents are visiting, and we all went to church together; the children all behaved during the service, and the music was lovely. I put a polo shirt on my baby, and my 3 and 7yo boys insisted upon wearing their ties (and my 10yo DD a fancy dress), and I love the cuteness so much. We even made it on time to church (no small feat). Usually we are very traditional with our holiday meals, but since my birthday is also this week, my parents took us to my favorite restaurant, which has delicious Indian food. Completely not traditional, but yummy! And it was sunny and (mostly) warm, which is always great for Easter.

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We had 19 for Easter Lunch and I hardly had to do a thing but sit and look pretty (and make sure the water pitcher was filled.) The other families brought ham and turkey, potato salad, tomato & artichoke casserole, steamed asparagus w/hollandaise ( :001_wub: ), crackers/spinach dip, & green bean casserole. I provided croissants and cheesecake (from Sam's Club), and a homemade apple crisp with whipped cream.


My oldest dd made colorful Easter baskets and hid candy filled eggs for the younger kids.


The weather was beautiful, windows and doors open. A lovely afternoon.

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Not great! DD and I missed it though I managed to get a small plateful, cold. Someone collapsed at church during the sermon and dd, just coming off a shift that ran 15 hours, had kept herself awake in order to attend church thought she should have been in bed. This turned out to be a real blessing. So, she and I attended to him as well as his family.


He came to and didn't want to go to the hospital though he was in very bad shape...stubborn kind of guy. However, dd pleaded with the family. He's a live because she was there. Had they taken him home as he requested, he would have been dead within a couple of hours.


She spent time in the ER with the family until it was clear that the hospital would be able to stabilize him. Since she only had four hrs. to try to get some sleep, she went to bed without dinner. I was able to drop the man's two grandsons to a neighbor and then grab a plate of cold food at my mom's house before coming back here to work on informational packets for the rocketry team that must be delivered to the parents today.


From what I understand, the dinner itself was quite nice and the rest of the family really enjoyed it.


Never, ever a dull moment.



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We had a quiet, traditional meal with just the four of us. Some friends of ours were supposed to come over, but they had to attend to a family situation out of town at the last minute. We had ham, mashed potatoes, roasted asparagus, corn, & pineapple. Dessert was simple... ice cream with sprinkles.

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On the "disgusting food" thread, I predicted that we might be due for purple squid today. I almost started laughing when MIL brought it out! I did not predict the fish head (sans body). I noticed that no one ate it and I asked dh about it later. He said that he was going to have some but noticed that it was not quite cooked. MIL is getting older and she doesn't always notice if food is till pink. . . But having said that, the lumpia (Filipino egg rolls that are MIL's specialty) salad and pork adobo were excellent. We also had excellent cheesecake and cranberry orange bread for dessert. And family (which is really most important) were all fun to be with.


Thanks for sharing, but I am glad I wasn't there IRL, lol.

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On the "disgusting food" thread, I predicted that we might be due for purple squid today. I almost started laughing when MIL brought it out! I did not predict the fish head (sans body). I noticed that no one ate it and I asked dh about it later. He said that he was going to have some but noticed that it was not quite cooked. MIL is getting older and she doesn't always notice if food is till pink. . . But having said that, the lumpia (Filipino egg rolls that are MIL's specialty) salad and pork adobo were excellent. We also had excellent cheesecake and cranberry orange bread for dessert. And family (which is really most important) were all fun to be with.


All right, Jean. You've just made me feel better (and I would love to experience a holiday with your family!!); we went to my parents' house to enjoy (or not) Chester's Chicken ordered fresh from the gas station, gravy from a packet, Suddenly Salad, cold canned baked beans, WalMart Coleslaw, and a blueberry pie made from pie filling and canned crescent rolls.


But I still adored the company and wouldn't trade it for anything (except maybe some good food) :). I can always eat when I get home.

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