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Anyone else in the never had a cavity club?

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Well, I probably would be if I hadn't taken a 15 year break from the dentist. :tongue_smilie: Never had a cavity as a kid, even though my parents only took us once a year for cleanings (we didn't have insurance). But when I was 17, I had two wisdom teeth out, and it scarred me so much that I didn't go back to the dentist until two years ago when I was 32. Even then I only had one big cavity and three small ones.


Blessedly, my boys seem to have inherited my teeth. No cavities for them at all either, at least so far. And we went just today for check ups. But both my stepkids have multiple fillings; poor things.

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I'm 33 and have never had a cavity. I didn't go to the dentist at all from age 18-32. It wasn't because I was scared or couldn't afford it. I just never found the time. I was so nervous when I went back but they told me my teeth looked better than most people's after 6 months! I attribute it to good genes and a good dentist when I was a child who taught me how to care for my teeth.


My kids don't appear to be as well off as me. I wonder if it is because we had well water when I was pregnant with them (little flouride).

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I had terrible teeth as a child. Our dentist had a giant poster on the wall with all the smiling kids who didn't have cavities and he acted really disappointed when you had one (jerk). I always felt like a sinner at the dentist office and it made me really not want to go back. I'm so glad that my kids dentist treats cavities like no big deal.

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I had my very first filling at the age of 45. I was scared.to.death at the thought of the drill, but managed to live through it. I'm now in my late 50's and have a total of three fillings in my mouth. I've always been told I have great teeth and take excellent care of them, even when we've had long gaps with no dental coverage.


BTW, I still have two baby teeth as well. :D




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