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I am just beginning to understand how hoarding starts.

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It's hard to get rid of things but I am doing it. As I am putting my daughters room back together I have a goal of only keeping half of the stuff that was in her room. One of things on the go list was blocks, wedgits, kaplas, alphabet blocks. My boys and dd have enjoyed these for many years so it's time to let them go but I thought "I'll keep these for the grandkids" :001_huh: did I really think that..yes I did. They are in the donate pile along with the gears, gears, gears and many other things. I have a question why do people think little girls need a stuffed animall everytime they see my dd or bring her barbie for every occassion. Out the door half of it will go but which half.

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I have a shelf of things I'm going to keep for when I have grandkids. And, I'm the furthest thing from a hoarder! So, I hereby give you permission to keep the Kapla blocks for your grandkids!


My mom has kept a small closet of toys and I've appreciated that when I visited with small children.


Not to make life difficult for you!

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I have a shelf of things I'm going to keep for when I have grandkids. And, I'm the furthest thing from a hoarder! So, I hereby give you permission to keep the Kapla blocks for your grandkids!


My mom has kept a small closet of toys and I've appreciated that when I visited with small children.


Not to make life difficult for you!


Don't listen to her! Throw it out! You know the scene in which the guy has an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other? I'm the anti-hoarding angel: :Angel_anim:



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As a Grandma who kept more than a few, but totally manageable, things for future grandkids.......I am glad I did!


And so are the grandkids. They are loving playing with their Daddy's and Mommy's toys.


Gears have just come out here and are now a favorite.

The lego container is in constant use when they are around.


I say, if you have room to store a few things, keep the Gears, etc.

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My MIL clearly had the line of thought to save stuff for the grandkids. Fast-forward to the time my kids are of age to use some of it and I won't touch it with a ten foot pole. Can we say lead paint and sharp metal edges?


However, I have several books or curriculum that I'm saving. My grandkids will need to be educated and still need books. Right? :tongue_smilie:

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I am actually keeping a few things for my children as well. My son still plays with his big blocks (with his legos). We have a lot of Sylvanian Families (Calico Critters) items, some that cannot be bought again. These are too cute and we won't sell them. I'll hold them until DD wants them or I'll keep them here for the grandbabies. Then there are the legos...they won't go either.

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I have a question why do people think little girls need a stuffed animall everytime they see my dd or bring her barbie for every occassion. Out the door half of it will go but which half.


We could easily fill an entire walk-in closet between the regular and giant stuffed animals my children have received in the last 4 years. :001_huh: I need that space more than we need stuffed animals my children don't even remember. And the "goody bags" we receive every single time we visit my in-laws? Ugh.

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I'm with the keep the classic toys crowd. Because in the future - the product may not be produced, might be too expensive to buy, and most likely won't be the same quality. I have Lincoln Logs from 40 yrs ago. The quality is much higher than today's product. Playmobil cut production costs and quality about 5 yrs ago.


I'm not a horder at all, but a few, classic things have found their way to plastic tubs and future fun. Sometimes it's not hording; it's planning. :D

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If your kids don't play with them, I would get rid of them unless they are sentimental. That is all. I'm not ready to think about grandkids when my youngest is only 2 so if they aren't using it- it goes out the door.


We did receive a bunch of small cars (like the older Hotwheels kind)- I am worried about lead and small parts so I've kept them away from my kids until I can figure out if they are safe. Oyy.

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As someone whose mom kept a few things, keep some! My kids love my old books and breyer horses. I wish I had more!


I am keeping the wedgits, duplos, and legos. Breyer horse collection stays too. That being said I have donated tons so you can't keep everything.

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I'm trying to go through our massive book collection and get rid of some. I culled 6 boxes of books from the kids' shelves. They were books that nobody was ever going to read again, mostly historical fiction that I bought for us to read for school. I kept all the books that were read for fun (and school books that became beloved).


I can't get my dh to let go of anything though. We have about 30 organic gardening books and he isn't willing to let go of any of them. We haven't had a garden in 7 years and he hasn't been involved in any type of gardening or even yard work in 10 years, but he can't let go of the books.


He doesn't want to let go of the pachinko machine that he bought "for the kids" about 10 years ago that has been sitting in the garage unused all this time because they don't like things that make that much noise.


I would really like to purge some stuff, but it's hard when he won't let go of hardly anything.


At least he let me get rid of both of the encyclopedia sets his dad gave us.

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come here twice a year. The toys they play with the most are the big blocks and legos and swords and shields and maybe a few toy cars. Don't keep the stuffed animals or action figures for the grandchildren. The children will bring their own. A doll or two for the girls are fun if they are in great condition. As for books, limit the number.

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Do most seven year olds stop playing with Kaplan, Gears, etc.? My boys are still playing with those types of toys at eight. They play with toys from when I was a girl at my parents too. That said, the hoarding gene (truly in my family) skipped me and I don't have plans to keep any toys for potential grandkids.

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Don't listen to her! Throw it out! You know the scene in which the guy has an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other? I'm the anti-hoarding angel: :Angel_anim:




Hey now! What does that make me!?!? :glare:




I still maintain that if you have the room, keep a few things. Just a few. Kapla blocks are ones that I keep. My teenagers still play with them sometimes!


I just purged a whole bunch of the little kiddie books. I now have one small basket of them and I'm SOOO happy not to have them anymore.

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The whole family still plays with the Wedgits so I would keep those especially since they aren't cheap to begin with. My first grandchild has come along and my dd is planning to homeschool so I have already passed along about $1000 worth of curriculum and I only passed the stuff that I thought was worth keeping. I tried to refrain from keeping too many toys but all the little people stuff is going this spring and we have enough to buil an entire village. Everything else gets given away or donated.

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I've struggled through this, to keep or not to keep. Then the 2 yr old came along almost 10 yrs later, I'm very glad for the things I kept, especially the wooden puzzles. I regret getting rid of Duplos=( Plus I really wish my mil had more toys. My youngest gets bored at her house. My mom has a basket full of of toys, legos and other things. They don't get bored there.


That said, I'm not for hoarding!

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I think it is definitely worth keeping the better quality toys and a few books, no stuffed animals or anything. My mum held on to our lego, duplo, building bricks and a few books and other bits, my kids are playing with them now and I plan to keep them for their kids. The duplo is around 30yrs old now and still in good condition.

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I haven't kept anything specifically for grandchildren, but we do get little visitors now and then and it's nice too keep them happy. I held on to some books, and the ENTIRE little people collection. I drag out that bin and kids from 2-6 are occupied. If they get dirty, I put them in the dishwasher :-)


Hoarding is keeping ALL the toys "just in case."

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