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Perhaps twins aren't so bad after all...

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So, my twins are 15mo. They've spent the last 2 years or so driving me slowly insane. Twinfancy is just plain exhausting, and the last few months now that they are walking have almost been worse - they constantly pull each other's hair, steal toys, fight over random items of garbage, empty the shelves, climb the furniture, disassemble the baby gates, throw all out tantrums etc. Normal, but overwhelming. The crying is nearly nonstop.


Today DS2 (my larger twin) decided on a new game. Instead of trying to remove his brother's scalp, he randomly charges him with arms wide open and hugs him right down to the ground, leaving a pile of giggling boy. They've done this a dozen times or so over the course of the day. :001_wub::001_wub::001_wub::001_wub::001_wub:


Just had to share.

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Very sweet!


My eldest was so exhausting in her neediness that I often wished she was a twin in those first four years before my second was old enough to play with her. I figured it would be exhausting to care for two infants but by age two they'd start to play with each other...and apparently hug.

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So, my twins are 15mo. They've spent the last 2 years or so driving me slowly insane. Twinfancy is just plain exhausting, and the last few months now that they are walking have almost been worse - they constantly pull each other's hair, steal toys, fight over random items of garbage, empty the shelves, climb the furniture, disassemble the baby gates, throw all out tantrums etc. Normal, but overwhelming. The crying is nearly nonstop.


Today DS2 (my larger twin) decided on a new game. Instead of trying to remove his brother's scalp, he randomly charges him with arms wide open and hugs him right down to the ground, leaving a pile of giggling boy. They've done this a dozen times or so over the course of the day. :001_wub::001_wub::001_wub::001_wub::001_wub:


Just had to share.


You must be exhausted!! :lol:

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Well I am. But that wasn't a typo. I promise, twins can drive you crazy before they are born. :tongue_smilie:


Hiccups in utero... One starts, the other gets annoyed and starts kicking at the hiccupper, before ya know it they are BOTH hiccuping.... Craziness!


Love your hugger-mugger story, so cute. You really are in the exhausting phase. By the time they are 3 they still require a lot of your energy, but at least you can reason with them then. Sometimes, anyway!


Just hang on, take your vitamins, and feed off the adorable moments. My 15yo twins would defend one another to the death; it's rather awesome to see them all grown up and remember I survived the early days!

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Twinfancy is just plain exhausting,


Someone told me before the babies were born that twins don't double your work, they quadruple it at least. I thought that person just couldn't handle her dc. I was wrong. Twins are a LOT of work! But oh those moments when they both smile at you or are "talking" to each other...:001_wub:


I don't know that I'm looking forward to when they are both moving, though. ;)

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Our triplets ganged up on me. I'm not sure they still don't at 17.


Oh I imagine they still will at 17. But I do hope they won't pull hair at that age. Also I hope that at that age I will not be finding children sitting on chairs on TOP of the table waving around a lighter. That or I will need a much sturdier table.

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I have twin 6 1/2 year old boys, who are as different as night and day, and I totally concur with the exhaustion thing. When they were out of diapers though, we celebrated! They also had their own language with each other which was cute. I hear it gets easier as they get older, but time will tell...They are lost without the other though, and I love to see them play together...mostly.

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Someone told me before the babies were born that twins don't double your work, they quadruple it at least. I thought that person just couldn't handle her dc. I was wrong. Twins are a LOT of work! But oh those moments when they both smile at you or are "talking" to each other...:001_wub:


I don't know that I'm looking forward to when they are both moving, though. ;)


So true. I will say that the work load is closer to double at this point. When they were newborns I swear it was at least quadruple. I'm still a little shocked we survived last year.

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Sweet moment!:001_wub:


It just gets better and better.... and easier. :)


Thank you. I really need to hear that more often. I hear far too many people lately (often strangers walking by) telling me to "enjoy them now, they only get harder". I kinda want to shake people when they say that. Because I'm barely surviving now, kwim? If it does get harder, I don't want to know about it. I need hope, not doom and gloom!!


Though I do theorize that many of the people who claim that older kids are so much harder than toddlers have simply forgotten what dealing with a pile of tiny people all day is like...

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Hiccups in utero... One starts, the other gets annoyed and starts kicking at the hiccupper, before ya know it they are BOTH hiccuping.... Craziness!

Love your hugger-mugger story, so cute. You really are in the exhausting phase. By the time they are 3 they still require a lot of your energy, but at least you can reason with them then. Sometimes, anyway!


Just hang on, take your vitamins, and feed off the adorable moments. My 15yo twins would defend one another to the death; it's rather awesome to see them all grown up and remember I survived the early days!


:iagree:Yes, they would hiccup and kick each other ALL NIGHT LONG. :glare:


My twin girls are now just over 5 years old. Tonight they were laughing and playing one second, then BRAWLING with each other the next.


What happened? She tapped me, she hit me, she hit me back, she hit me back again.... :smash: It was like Smack Down. They are mostly sweet, though.


When they were babies, they were wonderful. When they turned 2 years + 3 months, I wanted to ship them back. Moaning and whining in surround sound. We were so happy when they reached somewhere around three years of age, they were much easier to cope with by then.


It gets easier, honestly (at least up to the age of five, LOL). I used to think, "When I can tell them to go to the bathroom, put on their shoes and coats, and get in the van -- and they DO it -- then we will have arrived at a new level of existence." They do, and we have. ;)


I tell my oldest daughter (7) that she is my Equilibrium. I tell my husband that he is my Sanity. Yes, capital E and capital S.

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Thank you. I really need to hear that more often. I hear far too many people lately (often strangers walking by) telling me to "enjoy them now, they only get harder". I kinda want to shake people when they say that. Because I'm barely surviving now, kwim? If it does get harder, I don't want to know about it. I need hope, not doom and gloom!!


Though I do theorize that many of the people who claim that older kids are so much harder than toddlers have simply forgotten what dealing with a pile of tiny people all day is like...


:iagree: My twins are 2 weeks old... please, all I want to hear for now is that it will get easier :blink:

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Thank you. I really need to hear that more often. I hear far too many people lately (often strangers walking by) telling me to "enjoy them now, they only get harder". I kinda want to shake people when they say that. Because I'm barely surviving now, kwim? If it does get harder, I don't want to know about it. I need hope, not doom and gloom!!


Though I do theorize that many of the people who claim that older kids are so much harder than toddlers have simply forgotten what dealing with a pile of tiny people all day is like...


"A pile of tiny people." Great description!


I used to think that everyone should have a set of multiples, so they could all know what it's like. It's very different from having one baby or toddler at a time. Twin toddlers KNOW they have power. They know, so they try to overwhelm and exhaust you. :tongue_smilie:Sometimes they succeed, right? I used to look my girls in the eye and say, "I am MORE than enough mother for you! You think you're gonna rule this family, but I have news for you! You're not in charge here! I'm the Mommy!" :toetap05:


I remember someone saying to me at Moms Morning Out (stupid church "ministry") that she didn't understand why I had to bring my mother along just to come to Moms Morning Out. Duh. I had no van. We needed two cars to fit the car seats. I had three babies to drag through the snow, plus the diaper bags (plural), plus their food, plus a blanket to put down on your filthy floor. Any other questions?


Of course, I didn't say this, just thought it. :lol: But sometimes people are completely clueless.


Even so, enjoy your babies. Ignore ignorance. Enjoy your babies.

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"A pile of tiny people." Great description!


I used to think that everyone should have a set of multiples, so they could all know what it's like. It's very different from having one baby or toddler at a time. Twin toddlers KNOW they have power. They know, so they try to overwhelm and exhaust you. :tongue_smilie:Sometimes they succeed, right? I used to look my girls in the eye and say, "I am MORE than enough mother for you! You think you're gonna rule this family, but I have news for you! You're not in charge here! I'm the Mommy!" :toetap05:


I remember someone saying to me at Moms Morning Out (stupid church "ministry") that she didn't understand why I had to bring my mother along just to come to Moms Morning Out. Duh. I had no van. We needed two cars to fit the car seats. I had three babies to drag through the snow, plus the diaper bags (plural), plus their food, plus a blanket to put down on your filthy floor. Any other questions?


Of course, I didn't say this, just thought it. :lol: But sometimes people are completely clueless.


Even so, enjoy your babies. Ignore ignorance. Enjoy your babies.


Love the "pile of tiny people" term. I used to call mine a pile of hamsters. Like you, AM and Sahamamama, I had another very young singleton when the twins came along. DH said we skipped being able to practice man-to-man coverage - we had to go right to zone defense! And three in diapers - aye yi yi!


As far as being twice, thrice, or quadruple the work? IME they were a lot harder in those first months when they needed more frequent feedings and diaper changes, but it did get easier as they became best playmates and kept each other occupied. AM, be encouraged, you are arriving at that stage!


To me, this is the tricky part: two or more toddlers don't have just double the problem-solving skills. No, their ability to figure things out is exponential! They can get out their cribs. They can get the cookies on the counter. Heck, I remember hearing of one mom of multiples whose tots figured out how to take a door off its hinges to get to the toys in the toy closet! So, you have to keep an eye on them. :D

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When my twin boys were tiny, one day we went to the park, so that then-dd2 could play. I was struggling to feed them both bottles at the same time, as usual, and they were crying and hungry. A woman came over to offer encouragement - she was pointing out, to her 9 y.o. twin boys, how hard I was working, telling them that she had done so once upon a time and they should appreciate it :lol:. I couldn't believe her twins were nine and she had lived to tell about it, IYKWIM.... Fastforward a bit - my twin boys turned nine a few days ago. Time flies :):)

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To me, this is the tricky part: two or more toddlers don't have just double the problem-solving skills. No, their ability to figure things out is exponential! They can get out their cribs. They can get the cookies on the counter. Heck, I remember hearing of one mom of multiples whose tots figured out how to take a door off its hinges to get to the toys in the toy closet! So, you have to keep an eye on them. :D


LOL. When my boys were around 18(?) months old, together they managed to pull down the baby gate at the top of the stairs. Dh was really annoyed, as he had attached it to a piece of wood that he had nailed into the sheet rock with about ten nails. They ripped it out of the sheet rock.

Edited by wapiti
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Thank you. I really need to hear that more often. I hear far too many people lately (often strangers walking by) telling me to "enjoy them now, they only get harder". I kinda want to shake people when they say that. Because I'm barely surviving now, kwim? If it does get harder, I don't want to know about it. I need hope, not doom and gloom!!


Though I do theorize that many of the people who claim that older kids are so much harder than toddlers have simply forgotten what dealing with a pile of tiny people all day is like...



Older children are SO much easier!!! Even though I didn't have any multiples I did have 4 children in 6 years. My third dc has cerebral palsy and it felt like having twins when number 4 was born. Now that they are 16, 14, 12, and 10 life is so much easier. I sometimes feel guilty.:glare: Plus having kids who can carry on interesting conversations is rewarding!


You are laying the foundation to enjoy the teen years!! It takes a lot of hard work to get there but it is all worth it!


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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Aw, such a sweet twin story. My boy/girl twins are 11 months now. I don't think anyone can understand how much work twins truly are unless they've had them. It is exhausting at times. I don't think I could survive without my older dds (10,7, and 3). Now that my babies are mobile they manage to get in to everything. They gang up on me and work together to destroy any and all child safety locks, plug covers, gates and barriers. Nothing can stop them.


Despite all the work, the twins are a wonderful blessing. It is so sweet to see the two of them interact with each other. My dd will pass her pacifier through the crib bars when her brother can't find his. The special smiles they share only with each other melt my heart.


Hang in there! I understand how hard it is. Cherish those special moments.



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Sigh...my premie twins boys (who weighed 3.5 pounds each) just turned 18 last week. They are now over 6 ft tall and beasts on the football field and basketball court.


They are a novelty in our town...especially at their workplace. They have worked at a grocery store for the past 3 and 1/2 years. Many people have recently realized that they are twins...haha..they always thought there was only one of them.


When they were babies they used to tear our house apart. I remember them using each other as teething rings!


What a blessing they are!

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I won't say it gets easier or harder....it gets different. Yes easier in that I'm not a feeding/diapering machine...harder in that you are still dealing with 2 in the same developmental age at.the.same.time. I wouldn't have it any other way...love my twin boys!


Our twins are 7 months. I am that feeding and diapering machine!!!

I was just looking back at photos from their early, early months. I felt exhausted just looking at them.


I love the zone defense.

I also feel slightly shocked that we have all got to 7 months and survived.


Some things are a bit harder right now and some things are a bit easier. I am supposing that that is how it will go!


I am very thankful for the "extra hands" in my family- I cannot imagine how much more exhausted I would be without my older children.



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I won't say it gets easier or harder....it gets different. Yes easier in that I'm not a feeding/diapering machine...harder in that you are still dealing with 2 in the same developmental age at.the.same.time. I wouldn't have it any other way...love my twin boys!


Yes, it gets different. For some moms, the different is easier, and for some moms, the different is harder. For me, it is just different and harder and easier in some ways. Twins are so much fun, however! They are so much fun at every stage! I don't think there is much cuter than twin toddlers. I used to think I would explode from all the cuteness. I have 2 other non-twin kids and love them the same and I know they are fun and cute too, but I just have to say that 2 of them would be cuter! These days, I love it when they both write a story on their own and when they show it to me, I find they have written almost identical stories down to their spelling mistakes!

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I am very thankful for the "extra hands" in my family- I cannot imagine how much more exhausted I would be without my older children.
I think of women who have twins first with no older dc to help...ACK! I am seriously spoiled with many, many helpers.


you know I used to secretly wish I had multiples. After reading this thread I am sure glad I didn't.
lol, I always wanted at least twins if not triplets. I'm super glad I have twins but the idea of more than two at a time scares me greatly. I had a young lady at church ask if I thought it was OK that she was praying for twins. I wasn't sure how to answer her...
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My twins will be 4yo next month and I agree with you about the first year. I remember telling someone that I was just about recovered from the lack of sleep when they were 2 1/2 yo.


My favorite memory is when the were about 12mos and crawling around on the floor in the family room. Twin A was crawling after twin B then twin B turned around and babled something only twin A could understand. Then Twin B started crawling after twin A. I knew I was in big trouble after that. :)


Since then they have worked together to knock down gates and move chairs to get food, candy, or whatever they want.:glare: It amazes me how they can just get what the other one wants and they are not identicals. But it is an adventure everyday.

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My twins will be 4yo next month and I agree with you about the first year. I remember telling someone that I was just about recovered from the lack of sleep when they were 2 1/2 yo.


My favorite memory is when the were about 12mos and crawling around on the floor in the family room. Twin A was crawling after twin B then twin B turned around and babled something only twin A could understand. Then Twin B started crawling after twin A. I knew I was in big trouble after that. :)


Since then they have worked together to knock down gates and move chairs to get food, candy, or whatever they want.:glare: It amazes me how they can just get what the other one wants and they are not identicals. But it is an adventure everyday.


My dh is a triplet and my mil loves to tell stories of when they were little. One of their favorite things was for one to get down on all fours, so the others could use him as a step stool to climb on things. When they were 2, she went to the bathroom and came out to find that they had done that and two of them were standing on the kitchen counter holding sharp knives that were kept up high!


I'm sure it will get easier AdventureMoms! And think of all the stories and memories you're creating. Besides, if my mil could do it.....so can you!!!!!

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:iagree: My twins are 2 weeks old... please, all I want to hear for now is that it will get easier :blink:



OK, from 2 weeks? I promise, it is way, WAY better now. And now is still tough (because they are mobile and insane) but I remember 2 weeks old.


At that point we could do one thing beyond bare survival a day. That meant if we had to plow snow (boys were born in November), that was it. We'd have to wait until the next day to get groceries. If we got groceries, then I'd have to wait for the next day to cook. There just wasn't enough time or energy to plow the driveway, then get groceries. All the rest of our time/energy went to feeding, dressing, diapering, and the basic care of the then 2-yo. We would all have to be in bed for at least 12 hours from start to finish to even survive, and even then we were insanely exhausted (we were up for 1-1.5 hours every 3 hours for the first few months - there were feeding issues and we were trying to establish breastfeeding).


It is not like that anymore. I still end the day exhausted most of the time, but I can cook dinner, deal with the most basic house stuff, and get a couple of extra things done besides. I get dressed every day, I get a shower on a regular basis, and Some days during nap I can even take a few minutes to read a book while DD paints or something.


The biggest miracle of my current life though - I get sleep most nights. The boys go to bed at 7pm or so, I get up once or twice, hand the boys a bottle, then go right back to sleep. They get up for the day around 7:30. That means I can spend a couple of hours catching up on house stuff before I go to sleep, and STILL get a full night (or close enough). EVERYTHING else is better when you've had sleep. :grouphug::grouphug:

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OK, from 2 weeks? I promise, it is way, WAY better now. And now is still tough (because they are mobile and insane) but I remember 2 weeks old.


At that point we could do one thing beyond bare survival a day. That meant if we had to plow snow (boys were born in November), that was it. We'd have to wait until the next day to get groceries. If we got groceries, then I'd have to wait for the next day to cook. There just wasn't enough time or energy to plow the driveway, then get groceries. All the rest of our time/energy went to feeding, dressing, diapering, and the basic care of the then 2-yo. We would all have to be in bed for at least 12 hours from start to finish to even survive, and even then we were insanely exhausted (we were up for 1-1.5 hours every 3 hours for the first few months - there were feeding issues and we were trying to establish breastfeeding).


It is not like that anymore. I still end the day exhausted most of the time, but I can cook dinner, deal with the most basic house stuff, and get a couple of extra things done besides. I get dressed every day, I get a shower on a regular basis, and Some days during nap I can even take a few minutes to read a book while DD paints or something.


The biggest miracle of my current life though - I get sleep most nights. The boys go to bed at 7pm or so, I get up once or twice, hand the boys a bottle, then go right back to sleep. They get up for the day around 7:30. That means I can spend a couple of hours catching up on house stuff before I go to sleep, and STILL get a full night (or close enough). EVERYTHING else is better when you've had sleep. :grouphug::grouphug:


Wow, can't agree with you more. Twins are definitely an endurance test!

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