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Dr. Hive- huge recurrent bruising w/no explanation?

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*Update at end of thread.



What would cause a very large hematoma to continue to recur on one knee without any explanation or injury?

This is probably the 3rd or 4th time in the last 6 weeks or so. I have to admit not paying the attention I should to it, just because I'm so incredibly busy, so I don't know dates for certain. I just know that every time it comes back, it's worse. I don't know if it actually disappears completely in between, either.


Right now, my entire knee is black and blue. And purple. It's nasty, and slightly swollen. Probably about 6 in. by 4 in. and very ugly. The only thing I can think of is that I spend time on my knees with the kids... but it just seems extreme for that and it's only one knee. I do run, but it doesn't seem to happen in conjunction with runs- I've been off (I maybe squeezed in one short run over a week ago) for the last 3 weeks with sick kids. Also, I don't have any pain in the knee while running or walking- the only pain I have right now is from the huge bruise.

Now I find myself getting all paranoid about other possible symptoms...I'm always fatigued and very achy lately, and I get headaches most days, but I think that's more likely to just be because I'm the mother of five kids. :tongue_smilie:

Anyway, if anyone has any ideas I would appreciate some feedback. My mom is concerned and pushing me to go to the doctor (I think because it just looks so bad) but I really can't afford to spend $100 + for him to tell me I have a bruise and to get over it.

Edited by Coffeetime
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Is it a hemarthrosis?




If it is genuinely a hemorrhage into the joint, I would have it looked at. It is rare, but a person can get auto-antibodies to clotting factors and "become" a hemophiliac.


Do you mean prepatellar bursitis? These can hemorrhage, too, but not into the joint. This is much more common.


Does it hurt? Are you on NSAIDS? Can you post a pic?

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This is a terrible camera phone photo, but you get the idea. My husband is pushing me to make and appt. I probably will, just to ease my mind. I feel like crap lately, but I could just be getting sick with something. I don't know.


Recurring? I think you need a CBC at least.

It doesn't look like a hemarthosis, whew!

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Recurring? I think you need a CBC at least.

It doesn't look like a hemarthosis, whew!


A CBC is a blood panel, right?

I forgot to say that no, it doesn't hurt like I've injured it but it's sensitive to the touch like a bruise. And I'm not on any NSAIDS, just the occasional Ibuprofen. No other drugs or supplements.

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A CBC is a blood panel, right?

I forgot to say that no, it doesn't hurt like I've injured it but it's sensitive to the touch like a bruise. And I'm not on any NSAIDS, just the occasional Ibuprofen. No other drugs=Quote] FYI, Ibuprofen is an NSAID.


I would get it looked at, and I avoid doctors.

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FYI, Ibuprofen is an NSAID.


I would get it looked at, and I avoid doctors.


Right, I know- I just mean I'm not taking them regularly or large amounts- just occasionally for a headache. Thank you everyone, for your advice. I think I'll end up making an appointment. Ugh. I hate going to the doctor.

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UPDATE: I had a doctor appointment today- he seemed a bit concerned with the bruise combined with my vague but persistently feeling "unwell". I also have a few slightly swollen and tender lymph nodes in my neck/chest and my stomach is tender. He ran a CBC to rule out lymphoma or leukemia type things, along with about a zillion other blood tests so we'll just have to wait and see how it all comes up. So, it could be something, or it could be nothing. Most likely, I'm spending a whole lot of money on nothing lol. But better safe than sorry, I guess. Thanks, all! I really appreciate having you to bounce things off of. :)

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Don't think of it as money spent on nothing. Peace of mind is priceless!


I do hope it turns out to be nothing serious, and that the waiti for test results is short.



(I have been following your thread and I am very glad to see you have been in to the doc.)

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Don't think of it as money spent on nothing. Peace of mind is priceless!


I do hope it turns out to be nothing serious, and that the waiti for test results is short.



(I have been following your thread and I am very glad to see you have been in to the doc.)


:iagree: I thought I was spending money for peace of mind, but that was not the case 5 years ago. Now I will spend whatever it takes just to hear the words I have no idea, but it is nothing serious. :001_smile: I hope the news is good. CBCs do not take long to get back, so hopefully you will have those results today.

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:iagree: I thought I was spending money for peace of mind, but that was not the case 5 years ago. Now I will spend whatever it takes just to hear the words I have no idea, but it is nothing serious. :001_smile: I hope the news is good. CBCs do not take long to get back, so hopefully you will have those results today.


Interestingly, I was just now asking my sis-in-law exactly how much money peace of mind was worth. Thank you for posting, I really needed that perspective. :grouphug:

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Bumping to see if you've heard from your doctor yet.

Thank you for thinking of me! :)


I haven't received any lab results yet- the nurse called today because the Doctor wanted to remind me to take only Tylenol for my headache not Ibuprofen because it's an NSAID (Which I already knew and was doing). I asked her about when the labs would be back and she said it could be Tuesday before I hear because the doctor is out on Monday- but she also said that its good that we haven't heard anything yet because if there was anything emergent the lab would call right away. So no news is good news, I'm thinking. That made me feel much, much better.


I'm starting to wonder if the bruise is totally unrelated and my other symptoms are related to blood sugar- I've been having some low blood sugar type things happening, getting the shakes in the morning and feeling really weak for hours. Well, last night, I hadn't really eaten all day and was about to make dinner when I had the WORST low blood sugar attack I've ever experienced. I was shaking, dizzy, sweating, had a headache and really thought I was going to pass out. I drank some juice and ate some fruit and told the kids to call their dad if I keeled over- and it started letting up after 20 min. or so. Now that I'm thinking about how I've been feeling (headaches constantly, weak and sore, fatigue) I wonder if I'm having blood sugar issues. :confused:

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I have the same thing happen all of the time. I am clumsy, but I bruise if the wind even blows. My doctor did some blood tests and I don't have a bleeding disorder. He did say if my Vit. A and Vit. D levels are too high (I take CLO and sometimes Vit D) that can hider Vit K and clotting factors. So I just take one or the other depending on the weather and that decreases the bruising. The other day I took both on accident and it looked like I was beaten half to death by the time I hopped in bed.

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Hope you are well. Your knee looks like what my dh leg looked like when he tore his quad. No real margins to the bruise as the bleed was actually under another muscle and just moved up to the surface. All he did was dash to grab something, not a real strenuous activity, just a sudden burst and it tore.


He was sore, but not insanely so that he stopped activity. It took several weeks for the bruising to go away, simply due to the size.


Hopefully all your blood work comes back fine! As the nurse said, no news is likely good news

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Aww, you guys make me feel loved. :)


Still haven't heard anything from the doctor's office... :/ But I'm going with no news is good news. I'll let you all know when I hear. If he tells me that nothing is wrong with me, I am prescribing myself a long massage, sushi, and a couple of nights away to get some sleep. :P

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Aww, you guys make me feel loved. :)


Still haven't heard anything from the doctor's office... :/ But I'm going with no news is good news. I'll let you all know when I hear. If he tells me that nothing is wrong with me, I am prescribing myself a long massage, sushi, and a couple of nights away to get some sleep. :P


Thanks for updating. I keep checking to see how you are. :001_smile:

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Aww, you guys make me feel loved. :)


Still haven't heard anything from the doctor's office... :/ But I'm going with no news is good news. I'll let you all know when I hear. If he tells me that nothing is wrong with me, I am prescribing myself a long massage, sushi, and a couple of nights away to get some sleep. :P


If you haven't heard by now, that doesn't mean there is no news. Please call the doctor's office and insist on getting feedback. :grouphug:

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Update: heard from the Doctor's office and everything came back in normal range! So that's great news- but no answers as to why I feel so badly and the weird bruising, which is a bit frustrating. Ah well, guess I get to follow through on my self-prescription! :)

All joking aside, I do think I need to take a break. Just a couple of days of not having to be everything to everyone and maybe, just maybe, I could feel normal again.


Thank you all for caring and checking in.

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Apparently they're just happy to let it go- the doctor didn't even call, he had the nurse call, so I couldn't ask questions. :/ I didn't see my regular doctor (he was out of town) and I don't have a rapport with this doctor like I do with the doctor I've seen for years- it was definitely a different experience than I am used to.


I have health insurance but it's only major medical so I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand I can't really afford a lot of testing. However, if the bruising happens again, with me staying off my knees, I will definitely go to see my regular doctor.

Other than that I know I need to eat more often and more regular meals, get back to running regularly (I really do feel healthier when I do that), and I am going to try to plan a few days "off" from the kids during spring break to try to get some rest.

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