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Ugh! Intense sinus pressure and blockage--any suggestions for relief?

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I've had a bad, crummy cold for several days now, and for the last two days, my sinuses have been really swollen. Nothing is coming in or going out of either side. I tried Neo Synephrine spray last night, and boy, did that work great--for an hour :crying: So now I suspect I'm dealing with some rebound effect as well as the initial blockage.


Has anyone tried anything that actually helps with this? DH suggested Claritin, which hasn't done anything for me. I'm getting desperate! TIA for any ideas you may have.

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the OTC claritin doesn't do a THING for me-I have to get a script for the claritin D that's kept behind the counter....lately I've been taking that with a "kicker" a few hours later of the new ADVIL CONGESTION RELIEF....ds and I are sick here....ds has bronchitis/croup and I have sinus crud/pain....hope you find some relief....

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Mucinex D (you'll have to get it at the pharmacy and be fingerprinted by the FBI, or nearly so) and a Neil Med Nasal Rinse bottle (easier to use than a neti pot and available at most drug stores -- new recommendations are that you buy distilled water or boil water and let it cool rather than using straight tap water even if it's filtered).

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Hot pack, cold for just about 2 minutes, than hot pack again.


Sorry....I feel your pain. When I get that way I feel like I could go temporarily insane. Every so often I get up on the chair just so I can get a couple of breaths.

Agree with the Mucinex recommendation, it's the only med I even bother with.

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My favorite for Sinus issues is anything that contains Chlorpheniramine maleate. It is an allergy med, but it really dries everything up and takes care of the drainage. You can buy it straight as an allergy med or get it mixed with other meds like Sudafed or Dextromethorphan (for cough). I know that Triaminic, Chlor-trimeton, Vicks Formula 44, Coricidin HBP, Alka-Seltzer Plus, etc. are a few that contain it along with other meds.


Good luck! We had a cold a few weeks ago that really kicked my butt. I called it "the plague" and short of death, it was.

Edited by Tree House Academy
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I've been dealing with this all week. After using stuff from the drug store shelf, we asked the pharmacist for pseudoephedrine hcl. It is an OTC med, but they keep it behind the counter since it can be used to make meth. It worked much better. I also took ibuprofen to help with the headache. Last night was the first half-way decent night's sleep I've had in a week.

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...pseudoephedrine hcl...


That's the "D" in Allegra D, Claritin D, Mucinex D, etc. Also known as Sudafed. Great stuff, but more and more of a pain to get these days.


I prefer Mucinex D since you get the decongestant of pseudoephedrine along with expectorant guaifenesin. You can add ibuprofen for the swelling and pain.

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That's the "D" in Allegra D, Claritin D, Mucinex D, etc. Also known as Sudafed. Great stuff, but more and more of a pain to get these days.


I prefer Mucinex D since you get the decongestant of pseudoephedrine along with expectorant guaifenesin. You can add ibuprofen for the swelling and pain.


For me, the only things that work are a combo of the real Sudafed (behind the pharmacist counter) and Mucinex. Sounds like the same thing as Mucinex D. It is the only stuff that relieves my sinuses.

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We put vicks vapor rub on our soles of our feet with socks over. Then boil water in a pot, put head over put at table, cover head with towel and breathe deeply. Do it as long as you can. Usually my head starts draining and nose dripping and I feel a zillion times better.



This was my mom's remedy when I was a kid. Except we rubbed the vicks on our chest.

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Thank you all. I went to CVS last night after the pharmacy was closed, so I couldn't get the big guns. I will today. I finally broke down and used the spray just to get through schoolwork! Hopefully that wil be the last time.


I appreciate all your thoughts. I very rarely have sinus issues, and they've never been this bad! I was so miserable last night, Yuck!


Thanks again!

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I feel your pain. I'm home from work today feeling miserable. I don't get sick time pay which makes getting sick the pitts! Unfortunately, I'm allergic to pseudoephedrine hcl. So that's out. A shower helped, but I ran out of hot water way too soon. Guaifenesin is great. Thankfully, I've got a lot of it, but there's no Vicks to be found. It's tough to be the only driver in our home. I may have to take my DDs to the store. I'll stay in the car while they shop. If it helps, I'll smear Vick's on my feet and chest. My left ear canal was swollen last night. My daughter made some garlic oil to put in my ear. It helped...some.


I hope you feel much better very soon!

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Echoing the behind-the-pharmacy-counter pseudonephrine. The stuff on the shelf is a waste of time and money, for me anyway.


In addition to heat/steam, I find relief by laying a bag of frozen peas against my nose-forehead. Maybe it helps the swelling? Whatever it does, it feels good to me alternated with the steam treatments sometimes.


And I send my dh down to the Chinese restaurant for a big carton of hot-n-sour soup. :)


Hope you feel better soon... All of you who are sick right now!

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I've had a bad, crummy cold for several days now, and for the last two days, my sinuses have been really swollen. Nothing is coming in or going out of either side. I tried Neo Synephrine spray last night, and boy, did that work great--for an hour :crying: So now I suspect I'm dealing with some rebound effect as well as the initial blockage.


Has anyone tried anything that actually helps with this? DH suggested Claritin, which hasn't done anything for me. I'm getting desperate! TIA for any ideas you may have.


Okay, I've dealt with chronic sinusitus.

here's what works for me

ibruprophen - anti-inflamitory to reduce swelling

muscinex - thins secretions

decongestant - pseudoephedrine if you can get it

LOTS and LOTS of water


Now - if you have a natural food/supplements store. Some homeopathic remidies that I LOVE. there are handy charts there to match symptoms with remedy.

Kali bichromicum - these worked when I had the super foul smell from the back of my throat and major sinus pressure/headaches, etc. I didn't have to get any antibiotics. whoohoo.


eta: clairtin is an antihistamine. antihistamines do aboslutely NOTHING for me when I have a sinus infection.

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For me, the only things that work are a combo of the real Sudafed (behind the pharmacist counter) and Mucinex. Sounds like the same thing as Mucinex D. It is the only stuff that relieves my sinuses.




That's what I used last week when I felt HORRIBLE and I'm like a new person this week.

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Head amputation.

Seriously, I'm considering it.

I am about to die.

Sitting here at work, miserable, and unable to get to any sort of a pharmacy before tonight.


UGH...I feel your pain.




This is where I was this morning. I HAD to get school done, and I was practically in tears trying to focus! I used the spray until I could get to my mom's. She had pseudoephedrine for me. Even with a 12-hour one in me, I was still almost entirely blocked, probably from the rebound from the spray. However, it was better than it was this morning! There was less pressure, and I had a tiny bit of air flowing through on one side. I used the spray one last time, just to get through a doc and hospital visit for an X-ray, and then I stopped. Now I'm mostly clear on one side and blocked on the other (the opposite one from yesterday :glare:). I won't use the spray anymore. I hate pseudoephedrine and I haven't used it since I was a teen, I think! But this is still better than the state I was in last night and this morning. Maybe I'll actually be able to sleep tonight :001_huh:


Thanks again, everyone. I'll keep the more natural suggestions handy for another day, when I can get some stuff in advance. I don't think there's anyplace around here to get Bragg's :( Hopefully I won't have to deal with this again for awhile!

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