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Roll call: Please join me on my homschooling island!

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It's that time again. Time when I just need some encouragement, some reassurance that yes, Virginia, there are other people who homeschool their children. Now, I know people have differing interpretations as to what constitutes "homeschooling". I don't want to start an argument to that end. But for the record, my *own* base line is that I'm homeschooling when I'm teaching/guiding the majority of their studies.


In my case, I've not yet outsourced any of my boys' schooling, in the eight years we've been doing this. I am not against outsourcing. I am not against school. I am against, and I've gone on record here before about this, the "parent partnership programs" that now exist in Washington state. I won't bore you with the explanation of such programs, and I'm aware there are folks here who take part in and appreciate these programs, but I adamently oppose them. Yet in my area, where homeschooling is quite common, I am in the very slim minority of folks who don't participate in them.


In short, I am amidst of a sea of homeschoolers, but I feel as if I'm an island unto myself when it comes to homeschooling. Often, I'm okay with that. Different strokes and so on. (Although on a deeper level, I have grave concerns about my future ability to independently homeschool. I worry that participation in programs like this will eventually be mandatory, since the popular thought now is that they provide the "best of both worlds".) Other times, I feel lonely. I just need to know that there are other people doing what I'm doing. Call me crazy (no, please don't!;)), but it encourages me.


So-o-o-o...hello out there?

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I will jump on your island, dear. I do my own thing. My support comes from my virtual friends. I understand what you are saying and am with ya!:grouphug:


Hugs backatcha. Now to come up with a name for the island. Something with "Mike's" in it, fer sher...

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If I hear you correctly you are asking for support that you aren't the only one coming up with the curriculum for your kids and teaching that curriculum to them?


If so, I'm there with you for the child I have who is homeschooling. And for the record the other kids aren't in school for the education. They're there because our funky situation got too isolated. I would homeschool them again in a minute and am sneaking in curriculum wherever I can.


It does get lonely, especially as the kids get older, doesn't it?

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Make room for me if the island's big enough! My kids have piano lessons, but that's it. My very best homeschooling friend does that though. But I feel like we're doing fine on our own tvm!


Ah-oh, I don't drink alcohol, so....now I feel alone :(



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Guest Virginia Dawn

I have been 100% homeschooling for 15 years. If you don't count sending my oldest boy to community college for his senior year this past year. :-)


I don't outsource. I don't have the time, money, or a whole lot of patience with the teaching style of others.

I also don't like to feel tied down to other peoples schedules and deadlines. So far it's worked pretty well for our family.

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Is there room for a family of 6 on this island???? So far we've outsourced nothing (and we've been doing this for 7 years) except team sports (and there are a lot of those!). So, as long as there are sports and Merlot on this island, I'll join ya'!


Oh - and can we make it somewhere warm??? Year round?? I think I'd like that. . .

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If I hear you correctly you are asking for support that you aren't the only one coming up with the curriculum for your kids and teaching that curriculum to them? If so, I'm there with you for the child I have who is homeschooling. And for the record the other kids aren't in school for the education. They're there because our funky situation got too isolated. I would homeschool them again in a minute and am sneaking in curriculum wherever I can.


Boy, it's difficult to express this without stepping on toes. Yes, I'm looking for encouragement from others who primarily teach their children ~ all their children, actually. I'm not rejecting encouragement from anyone who doesn't fit that description, and I'm definitely *not* lambasting anyone who chooses different paths for different children. Thanks for chiming in, Jennifer.

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Oh - and can we make it somewhere warm??? Year round?? I think I'd like that. . .
Great idea! NO SNOW IN JUNE ALLOWED! Or cold rainy days!!!


Can we have Dr. Pepper there too?


Ooops, since my oldest went to school this year at 16, that means I outsourced?

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I have been 100% homeschooling for 15 years. If you don't count sending my oldest boy to community college for his senior year this past year. :-) I don't outsource. I don't have the time, money, or a whole lot of patience with the teaching style of others.

I also don't like to feel tied down to other peoples schedules and deadlines. So far it's worked pretty well for our family.


That really does encourage me. Thanks for posting.:)

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I have been 100% homeschooling for 15 years. If you don't count sending my oldest boy to community college for his senior year this past year. :-)


I don't outsource. I don't have the time, money, or a whole lot of patience with the teaching style of others.

I also don't like to feel tied down to other peoples schedules and deadlines. So far it's worked pretty well for our family.


Thank you for this!!! I'm with ya' on the patience thing. My oldest will start attending community college soon and I'm nervous about it - the teachers, the schedules and all. Good to hear from you!


Great idea! NO SNOW IN JUNE ALLOWED! Or cold rainy days!!!


Can we have Dr. Pepper there too?


Ooops, since my oldest went to school this year at 16, that means I outsourced?


Yes!!! I love Dr. Pepper too!!!

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Brindee, teetotalers are welcome as long as they're willing to pour drinks for those of us partaking.;) No Dr. Pepper, though. Evil stuff. We may wean you off of it by gradually decreasing your Dr. Pepper intake and replacing it with increasing amounds of Mike's.:D


The island will experience all four seasons. Crisp, clear, invigorating autumns that make for fabulous outdoor bonfires and pumpking carving. Cold, snowy winters during which time we bundle up and read next to the wood stove. Refreshing springs that draw us to meander through meadows. And warm, summer days, perfect for lolling about doing nothing and everything. Lots of outdoor activity, lots of open space. But somewhere on the island is a city of manageable size offering an abundance of cultural experiences and pedestrian zones.



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Brindee, teetotalers are welcome as long as they're willing to pour drinks for those of us partaking.;) No Dr. Pepper, though. Evil stuff. We may wean you off of it by gradually decreasing your Dr. Pepper intake and replacing it with increasing amounds of Mike's.:D


The island will experience all four seasons. Crisp, clear, invigorating autumns that make for fabulous outdoor bonfires and pumpking carving. Cold, snowy winters during which time we bundle up and read next to the wood stove. Refreshing springs that draw us to meander through meadows. And warm, summer days, perfect for lolling about doing nothing and everything. Lots of outdoor activity, lots of open space. But somewhere on the island is a city of manageable size offering an abundance of cultural experiences and pedestrian zones.





I am so loving this island. But no mosquitoes allowed, okay? They like me a little too much. Lots and lots of every kind of fruit tree and bush. Oooohhh, we're going to have a good one, aren't we!

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Sounds great, If I can continue to be a non-conformist and skip the Mike's AND the Doctor Pepper. I'd really love a babbling brook with icy water that you can drink without worrying about pesky contaminants or parasites.



ETA: Oooh, I'm a queen bee!


Editing again: Thanks for the rep guys, you've earned me my second square too!

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I'm here, Colleen! I've only got 3 children, so we won't take up too much space on the island! :) I can sympathize with your feelings... each year, more of my homeschooling friends put their children back in school, even if it's what I refer to as a hybrid school (attending 2-3 days per week). I understand and appreciate that everyone has to take their own path, but it gets very lonely. And homeschooling kids with autism is an island unto itself, and sometimes I worry that I am making a huge mistake and they need to be in school where professionals can take care of everything.


You're not alone!

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I have been 100% homeschooling for 15 years. If you don't count sending my oldest boy to community college for his senior year this past year. :-)


I don't outsource. I don't have the time, money, or a whole lot of patience with the teaching style of others.

I also don't like to feel tied down to other peoples schedules and deadlines. So far it's worked pretty well for our family.


I find this encouraging as well.


We don't have extra money for outsourcing, plus I'm enjoying (for the most part) learning the skills I never learned in school. So I pretty much plow on with learning a bit ahead of my ds, just so I can keep teaching the skills I want my kids to have. It's getting more daunting, though. But I find posts like this very encouraging.

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Yup, I know where you're coming from. I've been homeschooling for 9 years - no outsourcing, no co-ops, no homeschool/support groups, nada. Just me and the monkeys.


I had no idea all you other people lived on this island with me!greet013.gif


I'm in this (homeschooling) thing for the long haul. My oldest will begin high school next year. I can do it. I can do it. I. can. do. it. Right? Right?!confused004.gif

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No out-sourcing here. Although I finding it much harder at the high school level. My oldest has surpassed me in Math and the 9th grader is ahead of me in Latin. I need to get crackin' on the books myself and I just don't know how that is going to happen if I am hanging out with you guys on an island that has Mike's. :tongue_smilie:

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I think there are more of us on the island than you know. I really tried to be part of the homeschool group in my area and I just don't fit the mold. We really march to a different beat. Like I celebrate Happy Hour almost daily. I'm kinda on a Miller's Chill kick, so I'll bmob...And I love the fact that you chose an island! Are there flamingos? "Cause I can bmof, as well...

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Yes, Virginia, there is still homeschooling to be found in the wider world. Wherever people maintain a stubborn persistence in doing what they believe to be educationally best for each of their children; wherever energy and will combine to form the determined resolve of the individualist; wherever fly lady, crockpots, and multi-passenger vehicles are found, there may one find the elusive homeschoolers. No man is an island, Virginia, and so long as one other homeschooler persists in these United States, there is hope that the ingenuity that built this great nation shall arise to the occasion of cementing our educational liberties.


Virginia, you are not alone,

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Can I join? I have 3 small kids and we don't take up much room. LOL! We've only been officially homeschooling for a year now. I live in an area that is supposed to have a lot of homeschoolers but I've somehow managed to not actually meet any. My 2 youngest are still young enough for MOMS Club activities and my oldest doesn't like to socialiize with kids his own age. And since dd1 is 4 all we've been hearing about is school talk from the mamas of her little friends. It's starting to get very wearing on me. Especially when they try to drag me into the conversations. Ugh!

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. And homeschooling kids with autism is an island unto itself, and sometimes I worry that I am making a huge mistake and they need to be in school where professionals can take care of everything.


You're not alone!



Amen. My oldest has Asperger's. Some days it feels as though everyone thinks he would be better off with the professionals. Well, we had him tested and the "professionals" tested him into the gifted classroom, yet wanted to put him in a classroom for kids who were non-verbal!!! Ugh. Anyway, Nope. You're not alone!!!

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OK I have never had a Mike's but all this talk is getting me curious.


I hs my two oldest. Dd is 4th grade next year. People do manage to do it all the way through. I know some.


If this is a poll....we hs both almost exclusively. I outsource for Art, Guitar or Piano and Swimming. All I would consider social activites or ones that are "usually" outsourced. Most Moms I know do something similar so I feel for you being so alone. It is a hard road to walk alone and I am glad I do not have to.


So if you would include me on your island I would be honored. Now to find the Mike's Store.:lol:

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But for the record, my *own* base line is that I'm homeschooling when I'm teaching/guiding the majority of their studies.



Colleen, I know the feeling. All of my friends are putting their older kids (6th +) back into school. Just as I pondered this aloud on my blog, my partner and his ex were deciding that their kid is going back to school too! I'm starting to feel paranoid that some horrible insecurity going to infect me when my oldest has his eleventh birthday. I think, if you'll let me, I'll abandon our land and come build my passive cordwood home on your island. I qualify -- I even pulled my kids from religious education.

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Here we have school sponsored co-ops... And to me it's a very slippery slope. I can understand the huge temptation, but we've not yet succumbed. but, it's in good part due to having four not yet school age. :) We will continue to try to resist the temptation because we are opposed to the idea of government and public run schools dipping their fingers into homeschooling.

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There aren't a lot of options for semi-homeschooling here in our neck of the Illinois woods, maybe because the regulations are . . . well, non-existant.


My boys are young yet, but I don't have plans on outsourcing things unless they decide to take up something like competitive Olympic diving. :D

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Will pregnant 100% homeschoolers be allowed on the island? Colleen, you could probably deliver a baby by now, right? ;)


We are among some of the few we know here who don't either participate in a virtual academy, homeschool through the umbrella of the local Christian school, or send their kids to public school by middle school, and don't plan to. It is lonely a lonely road.

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I met someone who recently moved to WA who was just thrilled that here she can "Homeschool" through the school system and get $500/year. It was hard for me to share her enthusiasm, since we have consciously rejected such programs for our family.


I'm with you on the "parent partnership" programs. Though I do know of a couple of cases where people who would otherwise ps are considering such a program instead. (My parents might've jumped at something like this, where I don't think they would have considered hsing.) If there were some guarantee that those of us who independently hs will maintain our right to continue to do so, I'd feel a little easier about the programs, and rejoice in the added choice available to parents in the education of their children.


So...your island sounds nice. I hope that even the colder seasons have plenty of sunlight. The afternoon sun today is most welcome...I've had no energy at all in the recent gloominess here.


Kelsy (whose 4 dc are about the same ages as your younger 4, incidentally :))

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Is there anymore room on this island. I will be starting my 3rd year of homeschooling my kids. I do all the researching of curriculum and planning and then when the ball starts rolling I present the lessons and teach them. I like being that involved with them and their learning. I love seeing the "light bulbs" going on over their heads.:thumbup:

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I consider myself to be homeschooling on my own, even though we'll be going to a full day, once a week co-op this fall. Supplemental subjects like French, Science, Literature, Geography, and Gym will be covered there. But I'll be teaching all the basics here at home, as well as overseeing the work of those co-op classes that dc will need to do during the week.


It is hard when everyone seems to be flocking to the public school-run options. It does start to feel like you're an island among homeschoolers, especially when there are real financial benefits to allowing the govt. to choose your program. But I've never been one to be swayed much by financial concerns, so I'm sticking to independent homeschooling.



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Instead of being on the island, can the city be a ferry ride away? The biggest bonus is that riding a ferry is tons of fun.


Otherwise, I think it will be fun. My kids are entirely parent-taught. We don't have hybrid public/homeschool options where I live.


But somewhere on the island is a city of manageable size offering an abundance of cultural experiences and pedestrian zones.



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I have four children and we would love to jump on board with you! We just finished our third year of hs'ing and we have never outsourced anything. I am sad that several of our hs family friends are now doing umbrella, virtual, or public schools.


I'll take some of the coffee instead of alcohol or dr. pepper!

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Although on a deeper level, I have grave concerns about my future ability to independently homeschool


I am pulling up to the shore. I will ask that I be allowed on the island even though I run an independent parent led co-op. ;)We actually lost 50% of our people when the PPP started. :glare:


I bring a six pack of Mike's as a peace offering. :001_smile:


I just finished reading a book from Vodie Baucham and I loved the answer he gave to those who questioned their family's ability to hs through high school. He said," You only need to be a week ahead of them."


Now that my oldest is beginning "7th" grade I think I will adopt that as my new mantra.


I only need to be a week ahead of them, I only need to be a week ahead of them, I only............


We can do this!

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OK Colleen, I'll try not to get my feelings hurt that you don't want me on your island! I don't even think I'm allowed to sit in the dingy with Elaine and Jenny! I guess I could start an island for "homeschool" (note the quotes)moms-who "teach/guide the majority of their studies" and-yet-teach-part-time-in-their-district's-parent-partnership but I'd much rather be with you guys!!


I know, I know, we've had this conversation before...

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Apparently, I need a boat.




And/or fewer rocks in my road. I can't even make it to the ding-dang dock!




I'll wave at you guys from the mainland, 'kay? And tip my Mikes your way.







(...hs-ing exclusively since 2000, but facing the return to school this fall of one or both kids...)

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We are independent homeschoolers. I agree with Virginia Dawn that I would have a difficult time adapting myself to someone else's schedule, and I am picky and opinionated when it comes to what and how to teach my children. It is a bit of a lonely road sometimes. But it's just who we are.

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May I pull up a beach chair on this island? I'll be the shy, introverted one listening in.


We have been homeschooling independently from the beginning, with my oldest doing 7th grade next year. Around these parts, most folks put their hs'd teens into public or private high school.


We have always done our own research, spend our own money, and do all the planning and teaching.


I'm glad there are options out there to meet the various needs of families, but it is getting more difficult to find folks following a similar path as us. A new member of our support group has been raving about a public/homeschool hybrid. And after all, you get a free computer! :tongue_smilie:




Is this a tropical island? Yes? Well, pass the sunblock! I'm a redhead.

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Neither of my children has any desire to go to school.We have no ps/charter school/part time options.And as oldest dd approaches her teenage years we know no one IRL who is committed to hsing through 12th grade.I haven't outsourced any classes regularly for several years now.It's hard to take your children to classes and activites,see them make friends and then lose them as people move or decide to send their children to school.

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That's exactly what I do here. Pick my own stuff, teach my own kids and am in no support groups or co-ops. Some day we will probably outsource something (like higher math and sciences)... maybe... perhaps (okay, so not probably... just maybe.) Right now we are just chugging along sort of like the little blue engine...

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Hmmmm.... I was going to say we teach all our own, but my older ds is taking EPGY math now, which is online. Of course, it isn't "interactive" online, it's a program that he runs and we work with him, but still we pay for it on a monthly basis... So maybe I'm on an isthmus?


What about curricula that use DVDs? Would they be on the island?


Other that that, only "normal" outside activities are outside--Karate and swimming, and one day at the park. But no classes or academics.

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Apparently, I need a boat.




And/or fewer rocks in my road. I can't even make it to the ding-dang dock!




I'll wave at you guys from the mainland, 'kay? And tip my Mikes your way.







(...hs-ing exclusively since 2000, but facing the return to school this fall of one or both kids...)


Should we start our own island??? {sigh} I wish I could be allowed, but alas, one of ours is going to ps come this fall. It isn't my first choice, but if I'm honest, it is the best choice, at least right now. I'll tip my Mikes to you too and sit and have a chat with Doran! ;)

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I haven't done the co-op thing either. we are early in our journey and I just don't see the need. I did let my son take a 6 week science class that offered some neat things I can't do at home(NASA related). we do the normal sports/dance/church activities but schooling is all me all the time. And I don't expect it to change. I look at all the area co-ops but nothing seems 'right' and I trust that and have no intention on joining anytime soon.



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I'll sit in the dingy with you.;)


Well, I think we can row the dingy to shore.. I just dropped out of the classes do to a lack of funds. I fact, I may need to move to the island if things keep going as they are. No work is coming in for dh. I don't honestly know what we will do. :confused:

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