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Had to put my other dog down today. :(

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Yes, 2nd dog this year.


She was a beautiful basenji collie mix. She was between 13-15 years old. Over the weekend she started passing blood and vomiting blood. The vet said she had a stomach tumor. :( And given her age it was time to say good bye.



At least she got 4 months back on the farm and she was healthy until this weekend. She loved to run. She hated bikes & the UPS man (she treed him from time to time). She snored. :001_smile: And she smiled big smiles.


R.I.P. Gypsy. We loved you so much.

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I'm very sorry. We had to put our third (and last) cat down this morning as well. We lost our 15 yo cat about 18 months ago (thyroid problems for a year and then cancer), our 16 yo cat about 6 months ago (seizure issues for 4 years then kidney failure) and now the 12 year old cat (cancer and congestive heart failure). He appeared fine until yesterday afternoon, so at least he didn't suffer long. I take some comfort that none of the three suffered for very long and that they all died in our arms rather than alone.


It's strange to be without a pet for the first time in our marriage, since we got the older two the month after we got married. I keep expecting him to walk into the room and jump up into my lap.

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I'm very sorry. We had to put our third (and last) cat down this morning as well. We lost our 15 yo cat about 18 months ago (thyroid problems for a year and then cancer), our 16 yo cat about 6 months ago (seizure issues for 4 years then kidney failure) and now the 12 year old cat (cancer and congestive heart failure). He appeared fine until yesterday afternoon, so at least he didn't suffer long. I take some comfort that none of the three suffered for very long and that they all died in our arms rather than alone.


It's strange to be without a pet for the first time in our marriage, since we got the older two the month after we got married. I keep expecting him to walk into the room and jump up into my lap.


You, too? This is a terrible day. Hugs to you as well.

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You, too? This is a terrible day. Hugs to you as well.


Thanks. As you say, at least we can all comfort each other. For us, the issues with this last cat came totally out of the blue. We had anticipated at least a couple of more years with him.


It must be extremely hard to lose one pet that is so young, much less two and so close together! I lost my first cat when she was three (they never figured out what was wrong). At least with ours, we take some comfort that they had much better and longer lives than they would have had if they were feral.

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Thanks. As you say, at least we can all comfort each other. For us, the issues with this last cat came totally out of the blue. We had anticipated at least a couple of more years with him.


It must be extremely hard to lose one pet that is so young, much less two and so close together! I lost my first cat when she was three (they never figured out what was wrong). At least with ours, we take some comfort that they had much better and longer lives than they would have had if they were feral.


Yes, my friend comforted me by saying that they had a better life than they otherwise would have if we hadn't rescued their mama. They'd have been born on the street, lived hungry, and died sooner. That was very kind of him because I always worry about whether there was something else I could have done. The vet reiterated today that this is better and that there is nothing more to be done.


I'm sorry your cat's issues were sudden. It's nice sometimes to have time to get used to the idea that you are going to lose your pet. I'm sorry you didn't have that.

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Yes, my friend comforted me by saying that they had a better life than they otherwise would have if we hadn't rescued their mama. They'd have been born on the street, lived hungry, and died sooner. That was very kind of him because I always worry about whether there was something else I could have done. The vet reiterated today that this is better and that there is nothing more to be done.


I have been profoundly grateful for the support we've gotten from our vets and their staff. You hear stories about people who seem to just want to get the owners to spend more and more money, but I've found our vets to be extremely understanding, reassuring and compassionate, as well as willing to give us an honest and realistic view of what's in the best interest of the animal.

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I have been profoundly grateful for the support we've gotten from our vets and their staff. You hear stories about people who seem to just want to get the owners to spend more and more money, but I've found our vets to be extremely understanding, reassuring and compassionate, as well as willing to give us an honest and realistic view of what's in the best interest of the animal.


Me, too. I'm grateful for the vets we've dealt with. They actually seemed to love our puppies. The one today looked like he was going to break down he was so sad. I am glad he didn't detach himself from the situation. I think he is a great man.

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You, too, huh? We put my puppy down today. Also the second dog dead this year. Her brother died earlier this month, though naturally. We didn't put him down. They had an immune disorder.


I'm sorry. Big hugs and know that you aren't alone today.



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Me, too. I'm grateful for the vets we've dealt with. They actually seemed to love our puppies. The one today looked like he was going to break down he was so sad. I am glad he didn't detach himself from the situation. I think he is a great man.


Our vet is so compassionate. He was hugging her as she was falling asleep and said, "Oh, here, you need to give her a hug too!" He kissed her goodbye too.

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I'm so sorry for you. We had to put our beloved beagle of 10 years down in Oct so I understand part of your pain. We thought we'd just live life with our one dog but we only lasted about 6 weeks before we had another beagle join our family. Praying that your family can remember all the good times and maybe share your heart with a new dog in the future.


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Snickers, my poochon, is missing his buddy. Last night he couldn't find the best spot in the yard to pee right away. Gypsy was good at finding the right spot pronto! They'd both pee on it and get back inside. He wandered, look back at me, wander and wander, and looked back at me like, "Where's Gypsy? I can't pee by myself."


We need someone to help keep the foxes away from the chicken coop and he needs a potty buddy stat!

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I'm so sorry. I have never had a dog die naturally. We always ended the suffering because we loved them. It's the hardest thing in the world to do.



Allow yourself time to grieve and heal, but no farm can be without at least one dog. I think you should get two.:001_smile:


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