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Scrapbooking, help me decide

Help me decide what to do with this Creative Memories stuff!  

  1. 1. Help me decide what to do with this Creative Memories stuff!

    • Set aside time and just do them as best you can.
    • Make 12x12 page printouts and sell or get rid of your extra cute stuff
    • Sell it all
    • I can't decide (or I have the same problem)
    • Other

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UGH! I am awful. I have a friend who sells Creative Memories and I bought a bunch of stuff from her to help her out but also because I had high hopes. Instead, it just takes up huge amounts of drawer space and nothing is done.


What shall I do?


I KNOW dang well I will NOT do the extensive scrapbooking that takes hours and hours to do.


I have 3 or 4 actual albums with all the pages and protective covers, etc....and I even have all those decorative papers.


Here are my options:


1. Just throw some pages together, they will probably look fine with just the papers and the pictures without too much fuss.


2. Sell it all, you won't use it.


3. Make 12x12 online scrapbook pages and print them out as 12x12 and just throw them in there. Sell the extra stuff like stamps and decorative backgrounds and call it a done.


I am trying to PURGE but I hate to throw out good stuff.



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When it becomes a burden it also becomes not fun. Ok, poor grammar there, but you KWIM.


I think simple pages can be really nice and if you can get them done without hating the process or the pages afterwards, then keep the stuff and keep it simple.


If on the other hand, you will hate all of the above, then sell it. Craigslist is great for CM. Where do you live? I will come get it! :001_smile:

If you sell it be sure you list whether it is the old style/size CM stuff or the new. Old stuff can be worth more than you paid for it because it is no longer made and some of us still have some old albums we are still trying to get pages for off Craigslist or Ebay. Just saying..Do NOT THROW IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I can't help, sorry. I do not like the CM style, so I would never put those pages in my books. I do have boxes upon boxes of uber creative/decorative stuff - that I haven't touched in over 2yrs. Can't sell it; haven't used it.


There is no more "point" to scrapbooking than there is to any other creative/artistic endeavor. It doesn't need a purpose, per se. The process and end results made me happy.

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Check out projectlife. It by Becky Higgins and focuses on just getting it done. A photo a day/week/whatever and some simple journaling. I'm sure you could use up your supplies this way, and get some done.


I did however sell all my supplies and went digital. Too much stuff for me to keep up with and I never used it enough.



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Well, if you lived closer by I would have you over for a scrapping party. I might have more coffee and chat than actual scrapbooking (or will watch YOU do it! :lol:), but you could come over.




You forgot the option where you box it all up and mail it to me! :tongue_smilie:


ETA: But I did vote for you to set aside time and get some pages done the best you can.

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You forgot the option where you box it all up and mail it to me! :tongue_smilie:


ETA: But I did vote for you to set aside time and get some pages done the best you can.


Well, if you lived closer by I would have you over for a scrapping party. I might have more coffee and chat than actual scrapbooking (or will watch YOU do it! :lol:), but you could come over.




Unsinkable rudely demands an invite if this ever happens! :lol:


I vote for developing a formula for the pages in which you put 5 or 6 pictures and a journal box. Put the pictures on the blank page but use your decorative stuff w/the journal box.


Does that make sense?

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Owning my "other."


If you have friends other than your CM pal who are into scrapbooking, you could have a scrapping evening, and get as much as you can done. Repeat monthly until you are caught up or have used all of your supplies. OR


Some scrappers (myself included) enjoy designing pages without the photos, just for the fun of papercrafting. Perhaps you could get someone to whip up the pages for you- maybe in exchange for some of the excess supplies or a nice box of chocolates- then all you would have to do is stick on your favorite photos, and write a quick note about them.


I'd definitely try to get the scrapbooks done. Your kids will love looking back at photos of themselves, and especially hearing the stories behind the photos over....and over.....and over..... (Well, my dd does, anyway!)


If you decide to sell (oh, the horror!;)) the stuff, you may want to offer it here first. There are plenty of die-hard scrappers here who may be interested! (*cough, cough* me *cough, cough*)

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I don't like the papercrafting part of scrapbooking--just give me the pictures and a blurb about where they were taken, who's in them, and maybe a few mementoes thrown in there to make it look cool. Taking an hour to cut out and paste together a ribbon and a button and a little frame and a this and a that--Good Lord, it'd drive me nuts. I'd save the room and the time for a photo.


But that is just me. :D


So I say use the pretty paper for backround, attach some photos and a blurb box you can write in, and sell the rest.

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If having an album of pictures is important to you, just do naked pages. Tape down the pictures you like, write a blurb about it and move on to the next one. If you are okay with the photos in a box or on the computer, then sell it and get rid of the guilt.


I also second the Project Life suggestion. I'm doing it for the first time this year and it is super fast.

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I'm in the same boat. I have tons of scrapbooking stuff and I love to do it. It's a great creative outlet for me and, for those who don't see the point, my family sat down and joyously went through some of our old scrapbooks last night. Some of the notes and things I saved were very meaningful and would not have been in a regular photo album. I haven't found the time to do it in recent years and I'm sad about that.

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I'm in the same boat. I have tons of scrapbooking stuff and I love to do it. It's a great creative outlet for me and, for those who don't see the point, my family sat down and joyously went through some of our old scrapbooks last night. Some of the notes and things I saved were very meaningful and would not have been in a regular photo album.


:iagree: My kids love looking through the scrapbooks. I think just adding some personal info to a regular photo album is also worthwhile. I like digital scrapbooking, too, and have done some. For me, the papercrafting part of traditional scrapbooking is a creative outlet and just plain fun. If you're not into papercrafting, digital scrapbooking is a great alternative. Before scrapbooking was a huge industry, my aunt would put "journaling boxes" in empty pockets in regular photo albums. It was a very nice touch.

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I voted sell it because you can sometimes make more than you paid for it on ebay -- I have. Seriously put each item out there separate and start the bidding on each at .99. You will be surprised.


Re: Scrapbooking. If you don't enjoy scrapbooking then don't do it. There are far too many other ways to record memories -- simple Project Life- type things, photo albums and notes, photo books, blogs (back it up! and possibly slurp it to a Blurb book).


I was a CM consultant years ago and scrapped it all :D because the chronological format impeded my progress -- I would get hung up on what order to scrap in. Now, I scrapbook digitally and simply because I like to tell stories. They are in no certain order -- I simply make pages about what is interesting to me at the time. Everything is printed and stored in 3-ring scrapbooks so I can move it about whenever I want.


There should be no guilt in scrapbooking. :001_smile:

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Re: Scrapbooking. If you don't enjoy scrapbooking then don't do it. There are far too many other ways to record memories -- simple Project Life- type things, photo albums and notes, photo books, blogs (back it up! and possibly slurp it to a Blurb book).


I was a CM consultant years ago and scrapped it all :D because the chronological format impeded my progress -- I would get hung up on what order to scrap in. Now, I scrapbook digitally and simply because I like to tell stories. They are in no certain order -- I simply make pages about what is interesting to me at the time. Everything is printed and stored in 3-ring scrapbooks so I can move it about whenever I want.


There should be no guilt in scrapbooking. :001_smile:


:iagree: This is why I never bought CM scrapbooks. I always bought the ones with the drop in pages, because I didn't like to be forced to put something on a page when I might want to rearrange later. Now CM is making the drop in pages, and it works much better for me. My BFF is anal about chronologically scrapbooking, and freaks if she finds pictures of an event and has to go back and rearrange pages. I'm more laid back. As long as the pages are from the same general time frame, I'm good.

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I've found that it is the color combinations that make great scrapbook pages, ie: using a background paper in a color that accents or emphasizes the colors in a photo. The embellishments are not needed after that. Color, title, photo, journaling... and that's it. I use solid colors all the time, and the pages look more cohesive, less "busy".


It takes less time to cut paper of different colors/shapes than all the planning of which embellishments/ stickers go where. If I have the "perfect" sticker, then I use it, but I don't spend the hours planning the perfect page anymore.

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I have tons of stuff too. We ran across all of it the other night while doing some decluttering. I never even finished DS's baby book. DS looked at what I had done of his book and he LOVED it. I decided right then and there that I need to finish. I have determined that I actually prefer a very basic textured paper as the background with a different tone as a simple mat under the photos. I use a little embellishment with the journaling or the page title. That's it. I will be selling all the 12x12 paper trays, the bright color embellishments and the loud paper.

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If you aren't interested enough to use it in the near future, I say sell it now.


I have narrowly managed to avoid buying scrap booking materials for many years, even though I am attracted to the idea and have 4 large boxes full of photographs of the kids. I know that what I really want to be, instantly, is an accomplished and talented scrapbooker. That is not going to happen.


I know if I bought scrapbooking supplies, the materials would sit here for years, unused, taking up valuable space, and making me feel guilty every time I saw them. I love to cook and bake, love everything about food. I still have the unused ice-cream maker and a deep fat fryer that I bought 10-15 years ago. The fryer was used 2 weeks ago for the first time, solely because DD's boyfriend loves to make doughnuts. I bought it to make doughnuts.


I also have a brand new, never used, sewing machine I bought 12 years ago. A few years ago, I gave away the many, many yards of fabric I had bought to make my then preschooler DD some clothes. I am not getting rid of the sewing machine because I still firmly believe that someday I will need it or want to use it, and I will have time to do that.

Edited by RoughCollie
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I bought a lot of stuff before my twins were born with high hopes of paper scrapping. Two pages later, and I was done. Years later I found digital scrapbooking. It takes up much less room. I still had all my stuff for scrapping though and just found the box a few months ago. I handed it to my DD and told her to have fun. One of her Christmas presents this year was about 50 pictures she can cut up and scrap to her heart's desire. She has also been cutting up magazines and making collages out of them.

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I love both digital and paper. I have TONS of stuff (back in the day was on Design teams and in magazines) that I really enjoy. So, I'm keeping it and making it a priority. But, I'm also doing a shutter fly Project Life digital book this year using my iPhone pics. I love it!!!! So - my short answer would be to scrap if you love it and it relaxes you - and other than that don't worry about it. It's a hobby - it's supposed to be fun!

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Ok, I am going to go through ALL of it by the weekend's end and make a decision.


I will also be looking on ebay to see about what I can get for my stash.


I would do much better with the albums you drop your pictures into and should have gotten those......sigh.


I have about $500 or more of stuff here completely unused and I am sick about it.



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Ok, I am going to go through ALL of it by the weekend's end and make a decision.


I will also be looking on ebay to see about what I can get for my stash.


I would do much better with the albums you drop your pictures into and should have gotten those......sigh.


I have about $500 or more of stuff here completely unused and I am sick about it.




You will be able to sell it. Make some of it in bundles ( album with pages and protectors for example). If you bought it a while ago, it's probably worth more now.


Another thought, you can now buy side loader page protectors from CM so you can slide in a page you have completed on cardstock. That would allow you freedom to scrap in any order and rearrange them as you want to. The new page size will fit into old albums..so don't fret over that. You could then just sell the refill pages and protectors.

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Really? Do you have a link?


I thought the slide in ones were different page sizes and a new album had to be purchased.




You will be able to sell it. Make some of it in bundles ( album with pages and protectors for example). If you bought it a while ago, it's probably worth more now.


Another thought, you can now buy side loader page protectors from CM so you can slide in a page you have completed on cardstock. That would allow you freedom to scrap in any order and rearrange them as you want to. The new page size will fit into old albums..so don't fret over that. You could then just sell the refill pages and protectors.

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Really? Do you have a link?


I thought the slide in ones were different page sizes and a new album had to be purchased.




The slide in ones are true 12x12 AKA the new ones. Old pages were 11.5 by 12. I have only the old albums yet and yes, the new size is 1/2 inch wider, but it fits in the old album just fine. The staples/hinges whatever you want to call it are the same. No, they don't promote that but yes, they do fit and no need for new albums. If you go to this link and click on the picture of the little girl you can zoom in the photo and see the paper is being pulled out from the side. I have used them in the 8.5 X 11 size and they work just like a top loading sleeve, they just load from the side.





Also if you choose to go this route, the paper insert that comes in them is photo safe and you can use it in your scrapbooking so don't throw it out.

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I've never really understood the point of scrapbooking. I'd sell it.


The point is to use your creativity to preserve memories. If you're not creative and don't like artsy/crafty things, then it's not for you, but my kids love to look at their scrapbooks and remember places they went to, good times they had, etc... sometimes they just like to see what they looked like when they were younger, etc...

If you have the time for it, it's a great way to preserve the pictures you take. Personally, I have switched to making their scrapbooks online (on snapfish or shutterfly) since I just don't have the time for it now... :001_smile:

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I'm kind of in the same predicament, except I used to sell it so I have a couple boxes full of stuff besides the albums. My goal is to get a couple of albums done this summer from vacations. I'm hoping to get my dd to do at least a couple to take to Spain with her - one with pictures of here to show people and one or more with some pre-done pages that she can put pictures in while there to give as gifts to her host families/friends/whoever. I might just part with whatever we have left over after that.

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I don't get it. So, if I have 4 pictures to put in there, can I put 4 pictures in without needing tape?




The slide in ones are true 12x12 AKA the new ones. Old pages were 11.5 by 12. I have only the old albums yet and yes, the new size is 1/2 inch wider, but it fits in the old album just fine. The staples/hinges whatever you want to call it are the same. No, they don't promote that but yes, they do fit and no need for new albums. If you go to this link and click on the picture of the little girl you can zoom in the photo and see the paper is being pulled out from the side. I have used them in the 8.5 X 11 size and they work just like a top loading sleeve, they just load from the side.





Also if you choose to go this route, the paper insert that comes in them is photo safe and you can use it in your scrapbooking so don't throw it out.

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I recently found that I was years behind in scrap booking but still had a lot of nice papers to use. I asked the kids for help and now it's a family scrap booking project. I have let go of using all of our favorite pictures and keeping events in order and have instead allowed each child to pick his/her favorites. So far we have a lot done with pages that we all enjoy, plus we are using the supplies and I'm clearing them out of our extra room. It's not a passion with me like sewing so it was easier for me to let go of some rules. HTH

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I don't get it. So, if I have 4 pictures to put in there, can I put 4 pictures in without needing tape?




No, you will still need tape.


They are clear sleeves that from the side. Yes, I guess you could mount your pictures on that white paper, journel and stick it back into the sleeve. But I don't thiink it is heavy enough to mount pictures on both sides of it.(Typically I take the white paper out and cut it up for journal boxes or for matting pictures that I am mounting on colored paper.)



I would personally use 2 pieces of paper, mount your pictures on them and slip them into the sleeve back to back. That way you can rearrange them as you get more done. The sleeve has the same staple/strap thingy that the refill pages do in your current album. You then put them into your album same as you would if they were the old refill pages and get rid of the old pages and protectors.


Any 12x12 size paper will work.

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No, you will still need tape.


They are clear sleeves that from the side. Yes, I guess you could mount your pictures on that white paper, journel and stick it back into the sleeve. But I don't thiink it is heavy enough to mount pictures on both sides of it.(Typically I take the white paper out and cut it up for journal boxes or for matting pictures that I am mounting on colored paper.)



I would personally use 2 pieces of paper, mount your pictures on them and slip them into the sleeve back to back. That way you can rearrange them as you get more done. The sleeve has the same staple/strap thingy that the refill pages do in your current album. You then put them into your album same as you would if they were the old refill pages and get rid of the old pages and protectors.


Any 12x12 size paper will work.



They do have Picfolios, which you can slide individual pictures in. They are pretty neat. You buy different covers for them, of course, but you should ask your CM friend to show you one that has already been put together. I really like them.



ETA: Here is a blog showing how the Picfolio looks.

Edited by thescrappyhomeschooler
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They do have Picfolios, which you can slide individual pictures in. They are pretty neat. You buy different covers for them, of course, but you should ask your CM friend to show you one that has already been put together. I really like them.



ETA: Here is a blog showing how the Picfolio looks.


OP already has albums. I was giving her an option that didn't require buying different album covers. She could of course sell everything she has and buy new albums. :001_smile:

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OP already has albums. I was giving her an option that didn't require buying different album covers. She could of course sell everything she has and buy new albums. :001_smile:


I know, but if she sells her stuff, she'll still need to do something with all those pictures. She can use the money to buy an easier method. :D

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