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Have you done the three hour glucose test while pregnant?

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Apparently my ob's office is now using this test to screen all pregnant women instead of the one hour test. I literally do not see how I will fast for 8 hours and then drink this stuff, go another three hours with no water, and not wind up passed out on the floor. I drank orange juice with breakfast a few days ago and almost passed out. I can't eat sugary stuff by itself at all. I'll survive this, right?


And, has anyone else heard of them using the 3 hour test now??? :glare:

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With my first pregnancy I failed the one hour test. I had to take the three hour test. It was horrible. I left there shaky, starving, and ready to faint. I highly recommend you bring granola bars or any other food with you. Eat a snack before you try to leave. Good luck!

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You'll survive. It's not a pleasant experience, at least in my case. I felt like I needed a razor blade to scrape all the sugar from the drink off of my teeth afterwards. I though it tasted like the concentrate (minus water) of the old Hawaiian fruit punch.


It's the time that was the inconvenient part. Take something with you to work on, to distract you. They are pretty strict about the timing of the blood drawings. There's not really enough time in between to go anywhere, do anything else.


Good luck!


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I'm not sure about the "no water part". I had the 3 hour test with both of my last two kids and I was encouraged to drink plenty of water during the 3 hours because they wanted urine and blood samples.


It wasn't that horrible, even with kid #4 when I had gestational diabetes. Had an early dinner, drank plenty of water thru the evening. got up and went into the doctor's office early in the morning. Drank the nasty stuff and sat around drinking water and reading a book for the next three hours (except when they needed the samples). The sugary stuff upset my stomach a bit, but water helped.

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Nope, and in fact with 2 of my kids I simply "forgot" to take the 1 hour test too. I took the 1 hour with my boys and skipped it with my girls. I have not been able to drink orange pop since. For my self I would not do a 3 hour test unless I had reason to suspect GD. Given your reactions to the sugary stuff like the juice I would suffer through the test. It sounds like your sugars are not cooperating with you right now. Take some crosswords, or books, or lesson planning or something to keep you busy, and some snacks for after.

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I'm not sure about the "no water part". I had the 3 hour test with both of my last two kids and I was encouraged to drink plenty of water during the 3 hours because they wanted urine and blood samples.


It wasn't that horrible, even with kid #4 when I had gestational diabetes. Had an early dinner, drank plenty of water thru the evening. got up and went into the doctor's office early in the morning. Drank the nasty stuff and sat around drinking water and reading a book for the next three hours (except when they needed the samples). The sugary stuff upset my stomach a bit, but water helped.


Okay, if I can have water during the test, that will help. I probably won't be able to start the test until around 9:30 am. I am a bit nervous about having to go without water from bedtime the night before until after lunchtime.

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I did it three times. It's a pain, but you'll be all right.

Not sure about the "no water" part. I was allowed to drink.


I stayed in the office for the whole time - too woozy to drive. Take a good book to read, no kids to watch and snacks to have after the test is done.


You can do it! :001_smile:

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I've done it 4 times, and I cannot ever drink orange soda again.


I too, stayed in the office, I took a good book to read. Taking something to eat for after is a good idea. I never thought of that, but I always treated myself to a nice lunch out afterwards.

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I did it twice with number 1. I refuse to ever take it again. It left me with GI issues which is not healthy.


I would see if you could sub a meal.


You can always refuse the test. They work for you. With my midwife I just decline the test.


If you walk or get some movement it will lower your numbers. Really how many of us with young kids eat a meal and sit for 3 hours?


The first time I failed by 1 point and my dr wanted to hospitalize me. I switch providers and he used a different scale. So you might want to know which scale they will be using. I think there were 3 but that was 9 years ago.

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I took the 3 hr w/my second b/c I failed the 1 yr. It was not pleasant - I don't like needles. I made sure to bring a bunch of food w/me to eat as soon as I finished - I left it in the car so I wouldn't be tempted. I don't get where you're not going to be able to drink water? You want to have water b/c it will help keep your veins plump enough to draw blood from.

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One thing I have not seen mentioned, you can ask your OB to prescribe phenegrin suppositories for the nausea if you truly feel you won't be able to keep it down.


Also, often they'll have a place where you can lie down if you feel really queasy. Between that and a decent book or other distraction, it is manageable. Not fun, but survivable. Definitely bring a snack with you for after or have someone pick you up and drive you to food.

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I took the 3 hour both times because diabetes runs in my family. The worst part of the experience was drinking the glucose drink. The only thing that kept me from throwing it up was the knowledge that they would just make me drink it again. I had granola bars in my purse for when it was over. Overall, I did not find it to be that big of a deal.

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I had to do it when I wa pg with the twins -- I was the first person at the lab. at one point, I did think I was going to either become 'sick' or pass out, but I stood there and kept breathing, the lab tech was very nice and the feeling passed. I brought a wonderful book to read and the time passed.


Good luck! :grouphug:

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I know that in other countries this is normal practice. I had to do the three hour with all of my pregnancies. If it makes you feel better, the "soda" tastes 100 times better now than it did 19 yrs ago!!!! I never got sick or dizzy, but it always did make my stomach feel yucky for the first few minutes after drinking it. I wish you luck, but it's really not that bad.

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I did it twice with number 1. I refuse to ever take it again. It left me with GI issues which is not healthy.

I would see if you could sub a meal.


You can always refuse the test. They work for you. With my midwife I just decline the test.


If you walk or get some movement it will lower your numbers. Really how many of us with young kids eat a meal and sit for 3 hours?


The first time I failed by 1 point and my dr wanted to hospitalize me. I switch providers and he used a different scale. So you might want to know which scale they will be using. I think there were 3 but that was 9 years ago.


I subbed a meal. My OB said that was actually a better test but most people don't want to do it because of something or other. I think maybe what most people don't like is that it requires two blood draws--one after fasting for 8 hours, and then one after eating a normal meal. I much preferred the meal to drinking an excessively sweet drink.


I would definitely not skip it, though. You're already having trouble with drinking juice, so it seems like it might be important to get some version of the test done.

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I had to take it 2 out of 3 pregnancies. BRING A STRAW! It's a lot easier to drink with a straw because you don't have to taste as much of the sugar. Other than that, bring a book to read, and tell them if you need to lay down. They will understand and have a place for you. I've also heard that some doctors will let you eat a candy bar instead of the drink. A doula also told me I could eat a hardboiled egg before the test. It's straight protein and won't affect your sugar levels like carbs will. HTH!

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There is a replacement called a jellybean test. I have hypoglycemia and cannot take this test. My midwife introduced me to this test with littlest ds. You have to eat 18 BRACH's, specifically BRACH's jellybeans....I forget the time frames, but you can google it. Much easier than the glucose test with the same results.



ETA: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10561636



Edited by PentecostalMom
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I don't know about drinking water during the test. The doctor just said nothing to eat or drink at all before getting there for the test. I'm hoping they will let me have water after they start????


Water should be fine. I've always had a big glass of water before I go in for any fasting blood work - never had a problem.

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I actually took that test 6 times. LOL. By the third kid I wisened up and just skipped the first one altogether. I was always allowed to drink water -- and I left my kids at home and had 3+ hours to myself. I loved it, actually. I either scrapbooked or read or did a writing project. Good luck!

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Nope, and in fact with 2 of my kids I simply "forgot" to take the 1 hour test too. I took the 1 hour with my boys and skipped it with my girls. I have not been able to drink orange pop since. For my self I would not do a 3 hour test unless I had reason to suspect GD. Given your reactions to the sugary stuff like the juice I would suffer through the test. It sounds like your sugars are not cooperating with you right now. Take some crosswords, or books, or lesson planning or something to keep you busy, and some snacks for after.




Same here. I had the one hour test 6 times in one pregnancy! The Dr simply could not accept that I was not going to develop gestational diabetes. I have pcos and am insulin resistant so he was sure that I would develop it. :glare: Nope, my sugar was perfect every time. I have not had orange soda in over 9 yrs and do not plan to ever. :lol:

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Really? Maybe I need to call and clarify. They told me *nothing*!!! And, some of the stuff I read online seemed to confirm that.


I would call and clarify to be safe. I've never been yelled at for drinking water (though once, I was yelled at for brushing my teeth). I usually will say I drank water before coming, and if there was a response, it's been along the lines of, "good, plump veins make drawing blood easier."

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My OB's office still uses the 1 hour test and if you fail that.. then the three hour. My 1 hour results this time was 134 and the cut off was 135 which meant I did not have to take the three hour. My OB did not insist on the 3 hour even though I had flunked the 1 hour last pregnancy and been borderline on the three hour(2 draws okay, 2 borderline).. I kept my sugars under control last time without problems although I needed to test my 4 times a day or whatever and report to my OB. This time I am testing myself (still have the meter) and the closer we get to the end.. the more careful I have to be. So if you choose not to test.. please make sure you eat well and watch your sugars yourself. :grouphug:

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