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Prayers for Cousins Baby- possible Leukemia

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My cousin has a one year old son who was perfectly healthy up until two days ago. They went to get him out of his crib in the morning and noticed he was covered head to toes in bruises. They took him to the hospital and he has been undergoing tests. He started bleeding profusely today, out of every opening in his body. They suspect Leukemia or some rare disease. Prayers for his family would be greatly appreciated. The baby's name is Owen.


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Praying. I hope it turns out to be something less serious. My nephew had a blood disorder a few years ago. He had horrible bruising. It was treatable, although it took a couple of short hospital stays and a few months of follow-ups with the doctor.



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Thanks so much for all your prayers! Baby Owen remained 'stable' during the night. He has had two platelet transfusions due to a dangerously low numbers. His numbers went up from 9,000 to 10,000. It's good that it went up and held, but still significantly lower than what it should be. He is in a great hospital (Chicago) with the head of Pediatric Hematology as his doctor, and although the doctor still does not know what is wrong, they trust that a diagnosis will come soon. I'll update when they know more. :grouphug:

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I just wanted to give an update for those of you praying for Owen's family. They are still doing blood transfusions and testing, they still don't have a diagnosis. Owen is still covered in bruises, and getting a special helmet made for him today to protect his head since is still has internal bleeding. Despite the serious nature, he is doing well, and even visited the playroom yesterday.

The nurses in our family our very concerned, and really surprised he is still alive. They are talking about doing a bone marrow aspiration to see if that would give them any answers. PLEASE continue to pray for this sweet little baby, that they find answers and a treatment that will help him. :grouphug:

Owen's sister has been sent 4 hours away to be with relatives (she is 3), and I can't imagine how hard this Christmas will be for them. Thanks!

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I will pray for Owen and all of those who love him.


If the parents aren't satisfied with the hospital in Chicago, St. Jude in Memphis does have a hematology dept with a whole lot of research scientists working everyday on bleeding disorders. We are friends with one of the researchers and know some of the doctors and nurses. If St. Jude takes a patient, that patient's family doesn't see a single bill. If the insurance doesn't cover it, donations do.

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Praying for Owen and the family.


My son had leukemia, and we knew within hours of arriving at the hospital that he had that. There were leukemia cells in his blood, so we knew prior to the bone marrow aspiration. His platelets were 9,000, but he had no bleeding and his platelet count went up over 40,000 with only one transfusion prior to starting chemo. I am not a doctor or a nurse, but this sounds like something different. There are so many blood disorders out there. I hope they get answers quickly.

Edited by dwkilburn1
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