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A Picture from the Curling Club

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Allow me to grieve a little. Here's a picture of my dh teaching a youth curling class just last weekend inside our curling club. My dh is the man on the right, and Molly is next to him-- the tall girl in sweat pants.


And here's a picture of what the place looks like today. There was a whole big building in front of the ice house (metal roof and sides) that is literally GONE. Up in smoke. NOTHING is standing but the chimney and the metal walls of the ice house.


Thanks for the hugs-- I don't know why this is hitting me so hard, but it is.





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Thanks, Kathleen. I guess one of the things that gets me is that perhaps the greatest irony is that you do not find a more gentlemanly sport than curling. The UTMOST importance is placed on sportsmanship, respect and manners. The WINNING team buys the losing team the round of drinks at the end, and if a sweeper "burns" a stone (touches a moving stone with his broom) it's up to the sweeper to admit it. Even if the whole opposing team saw it, they would never call it. The person who burned the stone must own up to it. It's just like that, you know?


Sigh. For some reason, it's helping to write this all out. You guys are my own private therapy group. So thank you all for that.



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I had my first car torched by a pyro inclined teen. It was not his first fire. There is something especially disturbing about the wanton destructiveness of such vandalism. An extreme selfishness that they feel entitled to utterly destroy what is not theirs in the interest of their own gratification.


I'm sorry. I hope you can rebuild. Maybe the broken granite stones can become part of a new chimneypiece

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:grouphug: I am so sorry. We lost our car to fire about 6 yrs ago, and I remember that feeling. Seeing the hollow shell and the melted remains of dd's car seat was hard.


I hope you will be able to find a new place or rebuild for the curling team :crying:.


I was fascinated by curling the first time I saw it. I would so join a curling club/team if we had one around here! Neatest sport ever! :grouphug:

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I had my first car torched by a pyro inclined teen. It was not his first fire. There is something especially disturbing about the wanton destructiveness of such vandalism. An extreme selfishness that they feel entitled to utterly destroy what is not theirs in the interest of their own gratification.


I'm sorry. I hope you can rebuild. Maybe the broken granite stones can become part of a new chimneypiece


Yes, this is a great part of it. When someone deliberately and selfishly takes something from you it is so much harder to take than if it were an accident. The loss is amplified by the senselessness of the act. It didn't have to happen, but it did.


Astrid, it sounds like a wonderful sport for growing character in children (and adults, for that matter). I've enjoyed watching it on tv but was not aware of the rules to that degree. And, yes, that makes the whole arson thing even more maddening.

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Yes, the insurance guy was there by 9:00 am yesterday morning. The board is meeting next week to discuss how to proceed. Despite being 42 lbs. of the hardest granite on Earth, quarried in Scotland, the stones shattered. They were super-heated, and when the cold water from the fire hoses hit them they just exploded. The granite isn't quarried anymore, so it's anyone's guess where the club can get new sets of stones. They had four sets-- two sheets, two teams per sheet.


My friend and I walked around it this afternoon. It is nothing but charcoal.

So senseless.



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Allow me to grieve a little. Here's a picture of my dh teaching a youth curling class just last weekend inside our curling club. My dh is the man on the right, and Molly is next to him-- the tall girl in sweat pants.


And here's a picture of what the place looks like today. There was a whole big building in front of the ice house (metal roof and sides) that is literally GONE. Up in smoke. NOTHING is standing but the chimney and the metal walls of the ice house.


Thanks for the hugs-- I don't know why this is hitting me so hard, but it is.





I'm sorry Astrid, this is just heartbreaking. :grouphug:

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