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dd has UTI can't see dr until tomorrow

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cranberry juice - preferably one not loaded with sugars to sweeten it. some will use sweeter fruit juices instead. cranberry juice affects the lining of the UT so that bacteria can't adhere to it. You can also buy tablets at the health food store that contain the active ingredient in cranberry juice. drink lots of clear fluids.



tylenol or ibruprophen for pain and discomfort.

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I second cranberry juice. I like to mix mine with lemon-lime soda.


My MIL has recurrent UTIs and swears by baking soda water. Though I'm not sure if that's an endorsement (because she has plenty of experience) or not (because it clearly doesn't cure it).

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Definitely cranberry juice. Knudsen's is the best imo if you can find it. It is pure and it is strong. You can water it down to taste as drinking water helps flush out the bladder as well. Don't buy a cocktail or a juice with sugar. I've heard some people use apple cider vinegar, but have no experience with that. You could google for info. Also there are cranberry pills, but again I have no experience with them and I have no idea how effective they are. I always drink Knudsen's cranberry juice when I feel a uti coming on and it knocks it out in a day. Be sure you tell the doctor she has been drinking the juice in case it might affect the test when they check her urine. Hope she feels better quickly.

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There's an over-the-counter pain med specifically for UTIs that helps, too. The only caveat-it is a dye so don't be surprised by bright yellow or orange urine.


Yes...I recommend these for fast relief...along with lots of cranberry juice. You can find the over the counter UTI pills in the feminine hygiene section at any store.


I've also found that the cranberry juice blends work well, too (cran/apple, cran/grape, etc.) and they taste better, too, than the plain cranberry juice. Just make sure it's 100% juice...no sugar.

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You can get OTC pyridium at CVS. It will eliminate the symptoms until she can get some abx. Note: it will turn the urine bright orange. But ohhh, it makes the burning, pain, and frequency go away. Good stuff.


*I was on vacay in DC when I had my first UTI. I thought I was going to die. The CVS pharmacist steered me toward the pyridium. What a lifesaver. :)

Edited by bcnlvr
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AZO over the counter.


100% cranberry juice is available at Trader Joe's. It is super sour, but if you refrigerate it and mix it with very cold water and however much sugar she needs, you'll still get a whole lot more actual cranberry juice than in the regular cranberry juice drinks. Blueberries, like cranberries, also keep the bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract.


Drink tons of water.

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The over the counter pain med for urinary infection (the one that turns the urine bright yellow) can skew the test results for urinary infection so be sure to tell the Dr. if you have given her those meds.


I had a UTI recently and the Minute-Clinic was a lifesaver for me. It was after hours weekend and I couldn't wait. The pain and urgency was just unbearable. Like the others have said, have her drink LOTS of water and cranberry juice. :grouphug:

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thanks everyone, we called the after hours nurse at CHOP (which our ped. is part of) and she had us take dd to the er because dd could not pee at all. They were able to get her to pee and sent us home with Macrobid (she is allergic to amoxicillin). It was her 3rd UTI in a year. She is starting to feel better. I also got her some of the cranberry tablets as she hates the juice.

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  • 3 months later...

The best way to treat UTIs in the elderly, or anyone for that matter, is to try to prevent their occurrence. UTIs can be prevented or their recurrence minimized by:



  • Not using douches or other feminine hygiene products
  • Not drinking fluids that tend to irritate the bladder, such as alcohol and caffeine
  • Drinking cranberry juice or taking cranberry supplement tablets, but only if you or your family does not have a history of kidney stones
  • Drinking lots of water
  • Keeping the genital area clean. If wearing adult diapers see that they are changed regularly. Wear cloth undergarments
  • Always wiping from front to back (for women)


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It was her 3rd UTI in a year. She is starting to feel better. .


I would make sure they culture the urine to find out WHAT is causing the infection and then look at prevention matters---and maybe a trip to the urologist to find out if the is something that can be addressed to help avoid more of these.

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For pain relief I always take AZO. Not sure how young you can give it. Can you call the doctor and ask, or ask the pharmacist? It numbs the bladder, and makes you pee orange.


Acidic things like cranberry help cure the infection but can make the burning worse in some people...like me.

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In addition to the cranberry and macrobid, don't hesitate to give her Tylenol or Motrin because she hurts. I don't like giving meds, but pain is a horrible thing to suffer through if it can be controlled or lessened with a pill or two. Just do that for a day or two until the pain is more bearable.

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