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Flying alone with a 4 mo - tips for maneuvering airport...

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Dd and dgs are flying to NY to meet up with her dh and spend a couple of days with him before he leaves for Afghanistan next Saturday. She is a nervous wreck regarding airport details.


She will have dgs (in a wrap or sling), his diaper bag (which is a backpack-style so that helps), and his infant car seat to carry through the airport. Her concerns are:


1) Going through security alone because she has to remove wrap or sling and this is not something she can do with the baby in hand.


2) Getting through the airport with all of the items without being able to put baby back in wrap or sling (because she can't do it alone, especially with the wrap).


3) Keeping him remotely calm on the plane (not gonna be an easy task - see my other post on this subject).


She is nursing so that helps, but when he doesn't want to he can be a real pill, so she's worried about takeoff and landing. He will NOT suck a pacifier at ALL, but will suck her finger so she'll offer that if he won't nurse.


Of course, I hate flying and am scared to death. I finally have them here on this side of the world and now I have to worry about this.


Any tips yall could offer would be great. And any prayers for their safety, and my sanity, would also be appreciated!

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Does she have a stroller? If she can't get him back in the wrap/sling, she needs a different one and/or a stroller. How will she navigate going to the restroom, much less security?


It doesn't make any sense to me that she would rely on a hard-to-use sling in the airport. I see her trying to rush and ending up flustered and having to carry a diaper bag, a car-seat, a sling and a baby from security to her gate. Even if she carries baby, a stroller will roll everything else.

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The only reason I had to remove my sling (in 2007) was because it had metal rings on it. If I had known that I would have used my plastic ring one. If I had more time I would have opted for the body scan as ds was asleep in the sling when we went through security. But I am guessing each place is different.

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The only reason I had to remove my sling (in 2007) was because it had metal rings on it. If I had known that I would have used my plastic ring one. If I had more time I would have opted for the body scan as ds was asleep in the sling when we went through security. But I am guessing each place is different.



I would look up official policy, before counting on it. Especially, since your dd can't get the baby back in the sling/wrap. When I see them make people take off extra sweatshirts (other appropriate clothing was clearly underneath) I just wouldn't count on them not making her take baby out of the sling.


I will say that I haven't flown with kids since they quit making them take off shoes. (Mine have the pre-security, strip-down procedures down. Remove electronics, take off coats, remove shoes......) So, maybe it's a newer, kinder, gentler TSA.:lol:

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he had to be removed from the Moby wrap.


The stroller is an option I suppose. We were just trying to eliminate more items for her to deal with, but that might make it easier. I know she doesn't want to put him in it (she just feels better when she has a grip on him in public iykwim), but it would make it easier to tote everything else.

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She definitely needs to get to grips with the sling and also have a light weight easy to fold stroller that can handle the car seat. That is the only way I ever survived with my kids when they were babies. I practised a lot with the sling at home before my first flight when my oldest was 2 months old. TMI, but I even practised going to the bathroom with the baby in the sling! It made my life easier during travelling!

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What kind of car seat is it? You can get trolleys for the non carry type car seat, she could then pop her son in the car seat if she needed to. Like this. If its one of the ones with a handle she may be better off not bothering with the sling and just taking a lightweight small folding stroller that will handle the car seat.


But she needs to get to grips with the sling if she is taking it or get something easier like an ergo.

Edited by lailasmum
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I have always had to take my babies out of the sling for security too. And to add to my frustration, they have to tell you to remove baby from the sling for take off and landing becuse the sling isn't officially approved by the FAA as a safety device. Some staff overlook the rule, but others can get rather militant about the whole thing.


4 months is my favorite time to fly with babies. They are old enough to have a bit of a predictable routine, I am familiar enough with my little one to know what their cries mean, and they are still young enough to be super portable.


Tell her not to worry if baby cries on the flight. Most people are really nice and understand that babies have no other way to communicate. She can try to "fix" baby's crying, but it will only stress her out. Feed him when he needs it, change him before each leg of the flight, bring a mirror or other toy for him to look at, but realistically, just know that he will cry and try to be content with that.


ETA: if she is renting a car when she gets there, she can just rent a car seat too and skip the hassle of lugging the thing through the airport.

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If she's using a Moby Wrap, she can tie it on herself first so that she can put baby in and out with it on, rather than putting baby on part way through tying. The instructions for this are on the Moby site (I think) and certainly in the instruction packet that came with the wrap. If she can't find them let me know and I'll find a link for you.


I would also suggest she practice, practice, practice putting the sling/wrap on by herself. If she can't figure it out, she should get a carrier that works better for her in this regard. The Ergo is one of the best for quick in and outs, and especially good for back carries. (Though if she's having trouble with her carriers, she might find doing a back carry solo a challenge without practice.)


If she has to take baby out for any reason, can she put him in the infant seat? She should be carrying that on the plane with her anyway, so it will have to go through security as well and will conveniently be right there.


No real advice for on the plane, other than having positive thoughts for a good outcome. I had a surprisingly easy time flying with all my babies, even the super fussy one. So it can happen! :)


Sending good thoughts her way!

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She can bring a stroller with her and check it at the gate. It will be waiting at the gate when she gets off the plane. Is she holding the baby or does he have his own seat. If she does not need the carrier on the plane, I believe that she can check the seat at the ticket counter and not pay a fee (check with the airline)_

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I remember flying with ds--not alone, but dh had to handle the carryon stuff, so I had the baby and diaper bag.


I used an umbrella stroller--a really cheap one. I put the baby in that and hung the diaper bag off the handles. If the baby was in the seat, it wouldn't tip over. When he wasn't in the seat, I put the bag there. If she really needs the sling, have her bring it but not use it in the airport. Have her put a very small purse inside the diaper bag/back pack so she's just carrying that but can take the purse out and use it separately when she's got more help.


Does she need the carseat ON the plane? IOW, did she purchase a seat for the baby? She can ask an attendant to help her get the seat strapped in properly, and even to carry it down the hallway/gangplank/whatever you call that walkway! If she didn't buy a seat on the plane for the baby, she can check the car seat.

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We lived in HI when my oldest was born and I flew back to the northeast every two or three months. She hated the car and car seat but never had issues with flying. The noise and motion of the plane seemed to calm her and if she started to get restless I would just get up and walk around for a bit (there always seemed to be a flight attendant or grandmother in the back who was happy to hold a baby for a minute so I could use the bathroom). If she is unable to put him into the sling or wrap I would seriously consider getting an ergo or becco (or some similar buckled carrier that she can get him in and out of herself).


If she is really worried about it you could ask the counter agent for an escort pass to help her to the gate (I have done this with my elderly grandparents) and then her dh can ask for the same at her destination to meet her at the gate. Another option is to check the infant seat when you check in if she didn't buy a seat for the baby (it can be checked for free, just make sure you have a storage bag or large plastic bag for it as things get dirty in the hold of the plane).


She can also ask any of the airline staff for help. They have porters specifically to help those who need it and most will go out of their way, especially for military families at the holidays. Will she be flying into Syracuse? It is a wonderful airport and I have never had any trouble there.


I wouldn't do benadryl at 4 months old.

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She should be able to get him in the sling herself I would think. She needs to practice. A mei tai would be another carrier that is easier to do on her own. Wraps are harder. But if she has the infant seat with her she can take the baby out of the sling for security and put the baby right into the seat at her feet. Then put the baby back in the sling or mei tai from the car seat. Or she needs to bring a stroller to use if need be, and to push the car seat around with. You can check the stroller right at the plane doors really, as you are getting on. I think it is called valet check. No cost to do so, and then when you get off the plane you stay right there, by the plane doors, and they unload it and give it to you again, so you can have it really the whole time.

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If you are going to the airport with her you can get a gate pass that will let you help her through security. My husband has done this a number of times to help me when I had babies even if he wasn't flying. Just make sure you get in line at the ticket counter to actually talk to a human being and they can issue a gate pass. You will need to show your ID ect.

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Is it to late for her to get a different type of baby carrier? An Ergo, for instance, is easy to use on your own, and with the a helping hand from a kind stranger she would be able to also get baby onto her back which would be a HUGE help when carrying the car seat.


Can the car seat be tied onto one of those wheeled luggage carriers? The type which one can put a small suitcase onto? If so, she could also tie the diaper bag onto it. Or a stroller might serve the same dual purpose.


Rely on others! If she is struggling at security, hand over baby for a moment. Or ask someone for help carrying a bag. People might not want to intrude by offering to help, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't be willing to help if asked.


Take off, landing and other "seatbelt required" parts of flying can be horrible with small children. Get an aisle seat, and stay standing with the baby for as long as possible. They often put the seatbelt lights on long before the actual take-off. Travelling with ds at 4 months, I spent most of the flight either standing or with him sleeping on my chest in a sling - he wouldn't go in the bassinet provided. Be extremely polite to air staff - they can make or break the flight. Let her make herself known - mention that she is anxious. Ask for advise. Small things like putting a meal aside for her if she is feeding at meal time can help enormously.


Good luck!

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When I flew alone with infant DS, I bought an umbrella stroller just for that trip. It was so much easier to get around the airport and into bathroom stalls than a larger stroller. I also rented a car seat with my rental car. Expensive, but easier than hauling it.


We tried using rental car carseats and had a horrible experience. With an infant seat, I threw a fit because the thing was old and dirty. We ended up having to go buy one and they reimbursed us and kept it to use. It was a large pain. How do you drive to the store with no seat? I don't trust that they have had proper upkeep. And they certainly weren't clean.

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Even if she is carrying the baby a stroller will make life so much easier. It can haul all the other stuff for her. I wouldn't use a small umbrella stroller, but one of the nicer ones would be easier than a big stroller. But being able to stick the baby seat in the stroller will make it so much easier on her. And she will have the option to put the baby done in the stroller if she wants.


She will gate check the stroller, so she can have it until the plane and from the plane. It makes things so much easier.


Is she holding him on the plane? If so, she really does want to be able to navigate the sling/wrap alone. That will be so handy on the plane - at least it was a nice break for my arms. She can box and check the car seat or use a car seat bag - they are pricey though. Although you risk losing it - they lost one of mine once. I was not happy - they do have loaners, but they are awful!!


If she is putting him in his seat, she may not need the wrap/sling. He will be fine in the stroller as long as she stays close.


Having all of the above options is a good idea though.


She should get online and watch some video clips and learn to work her sling or wrap alone. Or get one she can.

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I became an expert at traveling alone with my babies/children.


She will need a stroller. Slings are great - but it is going to be a problem in security. Save the sling for when you are through the security line.


Have the baby in the car seat which is attached to the stroller.

As you approach security you:

-remove shoes and place them in a bin & place on belt

-put your bags on the belt

-pick up the baby and hold with one hand

-place car seat on belt

-collapse stroller & place on belt


Sometimes the airport security people are kind, friendly, & helpful. Sometimes they are not. But someone will help her. I was often assisted by strangers.


She will be ok. Tell her to pack extra diapers & wipes in her carry on.

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She should practice putting the wrap/sling on by herself, but if they make her take it off completely, I understand that she'll need somewhere to set her baby so she can retie it. The only carrier I can put on completely while actually holding the baby is a ring sling, so that's what I'd use for the airport. (I love an Ergo for a toddler, but I actually hate it for front carries, and at 4m, he might be just a wee bit little for a back carry.)


I think she could do it without a stroller if you wanted to; put the baby in the sling, check a suitcase, and carry the empty carseat and a small bag/backpack. When she needs to take the baby out of the wrap/sling (if she does), she can set him in the carseat if she needs two hands to put the wrap/sling back on. If she's not bringing the carseat on the plane, she can gate-check it. (Alternately, if she checks the carseat early, she could have a small blanket in her bag on which to lay him while she puts the wrap back on.) She could also consider renting one of those luggage carts at the airport; I have used them when flying solo with 1 and 4yo's, and they were great!

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I flew alone with my ds for the 1st time when he was 4 1/2 mo. old. I think that was the easiest time! Every time I've flown with him random people have been super helpful.


My advice is to definitely bring a stroller! If he isn't able to sit up well enough for an umbrella stroller or if her other stroller is too bulky, she might consider this carrier frame stroller (assuming his carseat is the infant carrier size). My DS was using a HUGE carseat (not a carrier) that I carried in a backpack and I pushed him in an umbrella stroller, but he was barely ready for it (able to sit up and not slump, won't fall over w/out 5 pt. harness, etc.)


If she's gate-checking the car seat (rather than using it on the plane), make sure she has a bag for it. The gate-checked stuff can get quite dirty and even wet if it sits on a rack on the tarmac.


I brought a small blanket specifically for spreading on the floor to set him on during my layover to keep him off the dirty floor but give him a me a short break.


If she wants a beverage while in flight, I would recommend she bring her own cup w/a tight lid and straw so it doesn't have to worry about the baby and an open cup (especially if he's going to be on her lap). When we fly I bring these cups for DS and me to use because I don't have to worry if we lose one somewhere (They're cheaper in an actual store like Walmart).


I would suggest she bring a snack and/or meal for herself because she may not have time to purchase something after maneuvering the rest room w/herself and the baby. Just don't pack anything w/a goopy sauce--dh had his Arby's roast beef sandwich confiscated because it already had horsey sauce on it!


They won't let you keep your baby in a sling through security or during takeoff/landing, so she's got to have one she can use herself! In the airport itself, I personally would have no problem asking a random woman to help me, but on the plane space and time are limited.

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She should practice putting the wrap/sling on by herself, but if they make her take it off completely, I understand that she'll need somewhere to set her baby so she can retie it. The only carrier I can put on completely while actually holding the baby is a ring sling, so that's what I'd use for the airport. (I love an Ergo for a toddler, but I actually hate it for front carries, and at 4m, he might be just a wee bit little for a back carry.)


I think she could do it without a stroller if you wanted to; put the baby in the sling, check a suitcase, and carry the empty carseat and a small bag/backpack. When she needs to take the baby out of the wrap/sling (if she does), she can set him in the carseat if she needs two hands to put the wrap/sling back on. If she's not bringing the carseat on the plane, she can gate-check it. (Alternately, if she checks the carseat early, she could have a small blanket in her bag on which to lay him while she puts the wrap back on.) She could also consider renting one of those luggage carts at the airport; I have used them when flying solo with 1 and 4yo's, and they were great!


Yeah, if she can use the sling herself going stroller-less might work.

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I flew cross country with 3ds when he was four months.

I'd check the carseat with the luggage - they'll usually let you check them for free. They've also bagged them for me in a heavy plastic bag.

A stroller can be checked at the gate, and picked up at the gate.

nursing is very handy- if he's hungry at take-off, he'll nurse and swallow so his ears will pop.

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Her infant car seat actually fits her stroller, and the good news is, it's just a spare set up (she has another infant seat here, and a convertible that we actually USE), so if it all gets to be too much, she doesn't HAVE to bring it home.


I'm gonna have her work with her wraps/carriers this evening. She usually uses a Moby or Sleepy wrap, but also has a sling, and an actual ergo-type (it is NOT an ergo though) carrier. I'm sure ONE will work for her.


I am going to plan on asking if I can go through security with her. I know she will be fine if they let me do that.

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I think she needs to find a sling she can handle better. My Baby Bjorn was very easy to use alone.


When travelling alone, I used to use a lightweight umbrella stroller. I could put the baby in if I needed my hands free, or (more commonly) I would pile in my car seat and nappy bag while I carried the baby in the sling.


FWIW, I travelled between continents with both my boys at least once a year on my own.



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They don't seem to be popular choices around baby wearers....but I loved my Baby Bjorn and thought it was very easy to get baby in and out of.


:iagree: If this were me, I would carry my baby in a Baby Bjorn or Playtex Hip Hammock (depending on baby's size), wear a backpack diaper bag, and use my breasts for comfort and feeding.


I would check the car seat.


I've used various other wraps and slings, and none were as easy to use as my Baby Bjorn or Playtex Hip Hammock. The baby wearing club would probably reject me. :D

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They don't seem to be popular choices around baby wearers....but I loved my Baby Bjorn and thought it was very easy to get baby in and out of.


I had a wrap sling too and enjoyed using it, but for something like getting through an airport the Baby Bjorn was very easy.



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