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What is all this hcg talk about?

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I don't get it, but I would like to..


So you put some drops of this hormone stuff in your mouth and loose weight?


So don't you just gain it all back when you stop buying the expensive drops?


How much do you loose over all?


I'm not impressed with the loss of 10lbs in a week. That's going to happen with any cleansing type diet too.


I would be interested in hearing what keeps people from gaining it back and how they loose weight past that initial 10lbs.


My new year resolution is to get back to my No S lifestyle bc it worked and I felt great. I'd like to jump start it and possibly boost it during those enevitiable but still discouraging level offs that are so hard to get past. All of this might be moot bc this stuff might be completely out of our price range anyways. Do you need an RX?


Is it safe for nursing women?


I need to loose about 70lbs, if that is important.



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Not safe for nursing moms, imo, no. Any diet that has you losing weight rapidly is not safe during nursing, if I remember correctly.


The HCG diet is based on a VERY old paper written by a Dr in the 50's, I believe? It has been awhile since I tried it/read about it. (not in that order) It made my blood pressure spike like mad, even on meds.

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Not safe for nursing moms, imo, no. Any diet that has you losing weight rapidly is not safe during nursing, if I remember correctly.


The HCG diet is based on a VERY old paper written by a Dr in the 50's, I believe? It has been awhile since I tried it/read about it. (not in that order) It made my blood pressure spike like mad, even on meds.



Thanks! I've never looked into anything supplemental to diet to diet before, bc I'm leery of it all.


But if was safe and helped get me over the lump if weight at the start gate, I was interested this time.

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Okay, first, you can read Dr. Simeon's work online. That is probably the best idea.


Second, It is NOT expensive. It costs $13-ish doctors for a vial of 5000 IU hCG. That will last you 25-40 days depending. Add some bacteriostatic water, syringes, and an amber colored vial for in the fridge? You are paying less than $1/day. On top of that, you're eating 500 calories of normal food (chicken, greens, certain fruits) which makes the eating extremely cheap also.


HCG works the same on the diet that it does when you're VERY first pregnant (before you get morning sickness). It simply allows your body to use the fat and stored nutrients. When you're pregnant, that goes to your baby. When you're not, your body uses/expels it.


The reason it allows you to lose and not just gain it RIGHT back (unless you go to Hardee's every day for months because you're living in a hotel next door <sigh>) is that after you finish the diet, you ease off the diet, allowing your body to set a new "set point." So so your natural set point was 190 pounds. You diet down to 165. Your body will naturally go back up to 190 because you've been there the last decade. You ease off the diet (different people do it differently, but mostly it is simply being mindful of what your body is sensitive to, especially processed carbs) teaching your hypothalmus that 165 is what you want your new set point is. After about 3 weeks, you're good and can eat fairly normally (that doesn't mean eat Taco Bell daily!) and not gain weight.


You take a 6 week break then get back on if you still want to lose weight.


There are various clinics that help you with the diet. The good part of that is that other people consider it acceptable if you have a doctor prescribing it. Additionally, you know that the hCG likely came from a local source, not an overseas one. I'm not particularly concerned with the latter. The brand is often the same regardless. Of course, not paying $25 for shipping is nice.


Anyway, I did it on my own. It worked fine. And I did fine keeping it off until we lived in hotels and fast food restaurants (and AppleBees).


I *have* heard of people with blood pressure or hypoglycemia issues having trouble with it. I don't know why the former. The latter is obviously due to not having a large amount of food (though you'd think that after several days, the release of fat and nutrients would help). My friend didn't make it three days though so.....

Edited by 2J5M9K
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HCG works the same on the diet that it does when you're VERY first pregnant (before you get morning sickness). It simply allows your body to use the fat and stored nutrients.


Wow -my HCG must be defective because the minute I become pregnant I start eating everything in the fridge and plunking ON the weight -in fact that's how I know I am pregnant before I even miss a period because normally I am not a big eater. :lol:

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It's basically a partial fast. I wouldn't take the drops while nursing. (And personally, I would not take them at all.)


It *might* be safe to do a partial fast for short periods of time while nursing. I've read that women in famine situations can keep producing ample milk for three weeks. An exclusively nursing mom produces 500 calories a day of breastmilk. So in theory a nursing woman needs 1700 calories to maintain normal brain and body function, plus produce milk. I would hate to risk my milk supply by going below 1700 but theoretically you could restrict and still produce milk.


In the hospital I was given a booklet about breastfeeding that said to eat 2700 calories a day!

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Guest submarines

It is a 500 calorie a day diet. Of course you'd lose weight. I'm willing to bet that the hcg effect (i.e. not feeling hungry while on such a restricted diet) is merely a placebo, since people report the same results on homeopathic hcg.


I can't imagine it being even remotely healthy, with or without the hormones.

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It's basically a partial fast. I wouldn't take the drops while nursing. (And personally, I would not take them at all.)


It *might* be safe to do a partial fast for short periods of time while nursing. I've read that women in famine situations can keep producing ample milk for three weeks. An exclusively nursing mom produces 500 calories a day of breastmilk. So in theory a nursing woman needs 1700 calories to maintain normal brain and body function, plus produce milk. I would hate to risk my milk supply by going below 1700 but theoretically you could restrict and still produce milk.


In the hospital I was given a booklet about breastfeeding that said to eat 2700 calories a day!



That's the number I've always been told as well. I hadn't heard this nonsense of 500 calories a day. That nips it right there.


I can't believe that you can get enough nutrients in a 500 calories a day diet. A day like that- fine. LIke that for the whole diet- seems very unhealthy to me.


Nutrients? Sure. Especially if taking quality supplements and only eating nutrient dense foods. But people need calories. Extreme cutting of calories is just as unhealthy as extreme cutting of fat. I'm not looking for extremes.


Dern. Where's that magic pill already?


Wish I was rich so I could just pay a dr big bucks to have it removed.

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But people need calories. Extreme cutting of calories is just as unhealthy as extreme cutting of fat. I'm not looking for extremes.

It is a very low calorie diet (VLCD) but your body is also using the unwanted/unneeded fat in the body. By doing that you can be on the VLCD and not be starving yourself.


It may seem extreme to some....but it works.

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To do this do you buy what you would for the injections but just put it under your tongue instead?



No, there is the prescription method (using injections) and then the homeopathic drops that go under your tongue. Dh lost 25-30lbs his first time around and has kept it off. He just started his second time around and oldest dd & I are joining him this time (I'm hoping to finally drop off my extra baby weight :tongue_smilie:). We are using the drops. Today is our last "loading day," tomorrow begins the diciplined meals.

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It's not hcg, but I've lost 75 pounds on Weight Watcher's new points plus. I started in april. I stay On the program and walk a lot. That's it. I will say that I really stick with the program. I am now 2 pounds from a "normal" BMI. It's totally doable. Not easy, but something you can live with.

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It is a very low calorie diet (VLCD) but your body is also using the unwanted/unneeded fat in the body. By doing that you can be on the VLCD and not be starving yourself.


It may seem extreme to some....but it works.


Right. I've had hypermesis stickies enough times to know exactly what you mean. But it is crazy unpleasant? Just going No S, I have a 2 week time frame where I am a very cranky moody gal. I can't imagine being No S and only 500 calories a day for 6 weeks. Yikes.


It's not hcg, but I've lost 75 pounds on Weight Watcher's new points plus. I started in april. I stay On the program and walk a lot. That's it. I will say that I really stick with the program. I am now 2 pounds from a "normal" BMI. It's totally doable. Not easy, but something you can live with.


Ug. Weight Watchers and Spark People just did nothing for me. It was expensive, time consuming, I hated the food and the counting and I just felt punished every time I was hungry.

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Ug. Weight Watchers and Spark People just did nothing for me. It was expensive, time consuming, I hated the food and the counting and I just felt punished every time I was hungry.


I can see hating the counting - it's a pain at first - but you can eat any food you want. There's no prepackaged anything that's required or even encouraged. (By week 4, the counting becomes pretty second nature, if that's any encouragement.) Also, with the new program fruit and veggies are zero points so I am rarely hungry. If I get hungry I just snack on an apple (or two!), a smoothie made with frozen fruit and a Vitamin Water Zero, or some veggies. I know Weight Watchers is not for everyone - but it's a great alternative to taking supplements and eating 500 calories a day. I hope you find something that you can live with - dealing with weight is such a pain!!

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Right. I've had hypermesis stickies enough times to know exactly what you mean. But it is crazy unpleasant? Just going No S, I have a 2 week time frame where I am a very cranky moody gal. I can't imagine being No S and only 500 calories a day for 6 weeks. Yikes.




Ug. Weight Watchers and Spark People just did nothing for me. It was expensive, time consuming, I hated the food and the counting and I just felt punished every time I was hungry.



I am terrible at counting BUT you may have success with Fitnesspal. You just enter in what you eat and it counts it for you.

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It's not hcg, but I've lost 75 pounds on Weight Watcher's new points plus. I started in april. I stay On the program and walk a lot. That's it. I will say that I really stick with the program. I am now 2 pounds from a "normal" BMI. It's totally doable. Not easy, but something you can live with.


:party: 75 pounds is great! Wow! That is wonderful you have found something that works for you! You must be so proud!

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It is a very low calorie diet (VLCD) but your body is also using the unwanted/unneeded fat in the body. By doing that you can be on the VLCD and not be starving yourself.

It may seem extreme to some....but it works.


Worked for me also and I look forward to starting my next round in a month or so.


Few things that come to my mind:

hcg if done correctly, is not a fad diet, but a lifestyle change.


As someone else wrote:

If the protocol is followed correctly, you are operating on approximately 3000 cals./day (2500 of your own fat calories are released + the 500 you're taking in). So you are not starving, you definitely learn about portion size because you are eating so little and you are eating ONLY whole and preferably organic foods. 100 grams of organic veggies/100 grams of organic lean protein/1 organic fruit, 2x day. Also, you eat no processed foods and cut out artificial sweeteners and crap. If done correctly, it does make one more conscious about everything that goes in the body.


hcg is not designed to be a long-term diet.

P2 is for 23 or preferably 46 days (although those on homeopathic can go for longer and often do)

P3 is maintenance for 3 weeks.

P4 should be life.


I'm not saying this is the perfect diet for everyone. Everyone's body is different. Their goals and lifestyles are different. I might not like this diet five years from now. But for now, I love it and am incredibly grateful for it. I was very, very skeptical and doubtful about this diet when I first heard about it. I'm so glad that I read up on it and did my research. :)

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It is a 500 calorie a day diet. Of course you'd lose weight. I'm willing to bet that the hcg effect (i.e. not feeling hungry while on such a restricted diet) is merely a placebo, since people report the same results on homeopathic hcg.


It's a starvation diet.


I can't imagine it being even remotely healthy, with or without the hormones.


It's not healthy. Not remotely healthy.

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I lost 17 pounds in a little over 30 days with the homeopathic HCG this past June. I felt GREAT and it was super exciting to see the scale go down DAILY...not always a lot, but even a .4 loss was encouraging.


Having said that I have gained 5 back...but it took a while for me to pack that on (4+ mths), and I was eating anything and everything I wanted. So, it definitely changed my metabolism. The BIG problem for me though was the hair loss. After I went off the diet my hair started to fall out like CRAZY!!!! I mean scary crazy. I had to cut off some of the length because it got so thin. I wanted to go back on it because I still had 10lbs I wanted to lose (now 15 :glare:) but the hair loss is/was too scary. I would not make a very pretty skinny BUT bald woman. I need to do something though or I'm afraid I will have all 17lbs back on before the holidays are over.

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I lost 17 pounds in a little over 30 days with the homeopathic HCG this past June. I felt GREAT and it was super exciting to see the scale go down DAILY...not always a lot, but even a .4 loss was encouraging.


Having said that I have gained 5 back...but it took a while for me to pack that on (4+ mths), and I was eating anything and everything I wanted. So, it definitely changed my metabolism. The BIG problem for me though was the hair loss. After I went off the diet my hair started to fall out like CRAZY!!!! I mean scary crazy. I had to cut off some of the length because it got so thin. I wanted to go back on it because I still had 10lbs I wanted to lose (now 15 :glare:) but the hair loss is/was too scary. I would not make a very pretty skinny BUT bald woman. I need to do something though or I'm afraid I will have all 17lbs back on before the holidays are over.


My sister had this issue, started on a hair/nail vitamin, with biotin and some other recommended nutrients, and the loss stopped. Ideally, you should start taking the vitamins before you start the diet. My hair hasn't changed at all, in 2 rounds, so everyone is different.

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I lost 17 pounds in a little over 30 days with the homeopathic HCG this past June. I felt GREAT and it was super exciting to see the scale go down DAILY...not always a lot, but even a .4 loss was encouraging.


Having said that I have gained 5 back...but it took a while for me to pack that on (4+ mths), and I was eating anything and everything I wanted. So, it definitely changed my metabolism. The BIG problem for me though was the hair loss. After I went off the diet my hair started to fall out like CRAZY!!!! I mean scary crazy. I had to cut off some of the length because it got so thin. I wanted to go back on it because I still had 10lbs I wanted to lose (now 15 :glare:) but the hair loss is/was too scary. I would not make a very pretty skinny BUT bald woman. I need to do something though or I'm afraid I will have all 17lbs back on before the holidays are over.


Two things to consider with hair loss. The first is that if your metabolism gets skewed up or down, you can experience hair loss. Also, with only 500 calories or so, it makes sense that you would lose hair.

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Regarding hair loss-that can happen with weight loss regardless of the plan that is followed. I lost a lot of weight with Atkins and dealt with loss of hair. I had people telling me that it was due to nutritional deficiencies. However, when I did some research I found that losing weight is actually a stress to your body and the hair loss can be a reaction to that stress. Just wanted to put that out there in case anyone thought hair loss was due to a certain weight loss plan.I have not used hcg, but would consider it. I have gained about 15 lbs back from what I lost and my body does not seem to be cooperating with attempts to lose it.

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It was a year ago Thanksgiving that I did this diet, and I have maintained my weight at 110 lbs.


I have nothing but good to say about it. :)


I'm 43, take no medications, have no health problems, and feel great. I took the real stuff (not homepathic) by injection, and followed a strict 500 calorie diet. I got the perscription from my doctor and the hCG from a local pharmacy.

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So your doctors were okay with is diet? Okay enough to RX the hcg?


The hair loss doesn't surprise me. I shed worse than a little of Persian cats in summer. Always have and it always gets worse over a baby is born or when I lose weight for any reason. Brush fills of it and it's easier to just change my shirts than try to take the hair off them. Ick. And annoying.

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It is a 500 calorie a day diet. Of course you'd lose weight. I'm willing to bet that the hcg effect (i.e. not feeling hungry while on such a restricted diet) is merely a placebo, since people report the same results on homeopathic hcg.


I can't imagine it being even remotely healthy, with or without the hormones.


One of my SIL's did this. It was insane, she still hates chicken and gained all the weight she lost during diet and more.

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There are those who follow the Simeon's protocol religiously, and others who are "rogue." There are even plans (OWL is one) that allow for 700-800 calories while on hcg.


From what I've read, the percentage of people who gain back after doing this diet is lower than others. (However, those who just do the hcg, then entirely skip the maintenance phases--that's another story).


When you see people in your (real) life that do this right and keep it off, it is just inspiring. We have a group of 4 of us now, I will start round 3 in January, 2 will start round 4, and one will start round 2 (she lost 30 in her 30 days on hcg and is keeping it off nicely). We are all on phase 3 right now, so we weigh every morning and eat accordingly, making adjustments as we need to. Mostly we stay anywhere from 1400-2200 calories, depending on our bodies' needs, and most of it is low-carb, with plenty of veggies and some fruits.


The very low calorie phase is relatively brief--3, maybe 4 weeks for most of us. We all do homeopathic hcg and none of us has had much issue with hunger (I've probably been the worst, but I do up my protein if I'm having a tough day). The food we choose is nutrient-dense and very low in fat. My menu usually looks something like this:


Hot tea or coffee

Baked apple with cinnamon and stevia


Iced tea

3.5 oz ground beef mixed with several diced tomatoes and seasonings (much like chili)--sometimes some onion and peppers, too

Grissini breadstick


7-8 strawberries


Dinner is 4 oz Tilapia with lemon and dill

and a big salad or maybe cooked spinach or cabbage

Grissini breadstick


If I'm particularly hungry or get to where I feel uncomfortable, I have no issue with adding a piece of fruit or an additional ounce or two of protein.


Celery and Cucumber are two "free" foods that you can also have if you have pangs. Many people say they have trouble eating this much food, though.


Like I said before, I don't know why hcg works, but it does. I am healthier than I've been in a long time and for the first time feel like my goal is attainable.


I just went through Thanksgiving and cookie baking, plus going out to eat and extra goodies and am still exactly where I was when I stopped the drops on 11/15. And believe me, I have not deprived myself, nor made special recipes for only me (like mashed cauliflower instead of potatoes!). If my weight goes up one day by a lot (more than 1.5 lbs or so), I'll scale it back that day and have eggs/bacon for breakfast, roasted chicken for lunch, and steak for dinner (extreme low carb) and it comes back off the next day.

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I'm on day four of my first round of the VLCD (very low calorie diet) phase, and am using sublingual drops. I have lost 8 pounds and an inch off my waistline already. I'm nowhere near as hungry as I thought I would be on 500 calories a day! I have plenty of energy, and feel better than I have in a few years.


As to hair loss and weight loss maintenance, I can't say yet since this is my first experience with hcg. I had extreme doubts about the diet. When I first read and heard about it, I thought it was insane. But, then I have friends that have lost significant amounts of weight, and kept it off, with hcg, so I thought it would be worth a try. I have tried regular diet and exercise to not much avail. But this is working! My plan is to do three weeks of the VLCD with drops, then stop the drops and move into the maintenance phase by doing the South Beach Diet Phase 1 (the phase with no starches). It is teaching me portion control, and steps to healthier eating.

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I was skeptical but desperate so I tried the homeopathic hcg pellets. I had great success and have maintained my 60 lb loss for about 5 months now.


Several friends and dh have tried it and all have been successful. I still cannot believe how great it has been for me. It felt like a miracle every day I stepped on that scale. Still does every morning that I maintain my weight.


I understand that 500 calories sound crazy. I had no health problems whatsoever and never even felt lethargic. I have never felt as healthy as I did on the hcg.


It is an unusual diet. I don't think any of my friends (besides me :) ) would have been crazy enough to try it but when they watched my results they were inspired.


It was a miracle for ME. I'm not that dramatic of a person but I am so thankful I found this diet and gave it a try. I feel like it changed me - body and mind.


Best wishes to anyone who tries it.

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As long as it's accurate, I don't see why a science scale wouldn't work! You really do need one, at least during phase 2 (low calorie phase). Everything gets measured.


I like myfitnesspal.com to track calories. You can even build your own recipes (like phase 2 chili) and figure the total calories/nutrients.

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I see hair loss being mentioned a lot. I myself didn't really experience it. Regular and daily scalp massages are essential. A big reason for hair loss as we get older is poor circulation. Scalp massage, to the point where it starts to feel hot and tingly, really, really helps. More tips here.

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