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'Fess - how bad were you this (how much did you eat)

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I was very good by force. Gluten free is not easy with a family in which I am the only person who cooks from scratch. So, everything that the others bring is made of a lot of pre-packaged, pre-cooked elements all thrown together and that means hidden gluten but no cans and boxes I can read to make sure.


So, I had a 1/2 cup green beans, 4-5 oz. of turkey, plain mashed potatoes (probably about 1/2 cup) with some butter, two celery sticks, a couple of carrot sticks, and that was it. I took an exquisite fruit bowl, but didn't end up getting any because DS came down sick (our youngest who is 11) and so we left him at home (upper respiratory crud and sore throat but we were only two blocks away). I prepared a nice plate for him and then pampered him a bit before I went back to dinner...the fruit was gone. I didn't have time to make a gluten free dessert.


I really miss not eating the dressing.



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I didn't overeat. The food was good, but I just didn't want to have that stuffed feeling.


I didn't eat any dessert. It was all filled with wheat and I am off of wheat so I didn't have any. A very nice cup of coffee for dessert was fine.


This weekend I hope to find some turkeys on sale as I didn't cook the turkey so we don't have leftovers! DH wants leftovers!



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Too much. I didn't eat that much earlier in the day (not on purpose) and had intended to take smaller portions. However, my eyes were bigger than my stomach and, since everything tasted SOOO good, I had to finish it. I would have been good about pie, limiting myself to one piece, but Papa had to bring cheesecake - one of those that has every flavor. Just had to sample!

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I did really well! Sort of. I stayed within my Weight Watcher points and would have had a great day EXCEPT that I then ate a grilled chicken sandwich and french fries at 3:00am while out doing Black Friday shopping. Oh, and I might have had a tiny bit too much chocolate fondue but I was trying to reign it in! I'm going to be super good before weigh-in on Tuesday morning, but I will be greatly surprised if I show a loss this week. This wasn't the first day of this week that I ate too much. :D

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I'm in the didn't eat much category. I don't care much at all for the way the in laws cook so I end up hungry with no leftovers after Thanksgiving! At least I don't have to go through that depressed-cause-I-ate-too-much phase of the night :D


This is why about 10 years ago Dh began to insist that we host Thanksgiving. He couldn't stand to eat his parents cooking anymore. He prefers his own stuffing and gravy, my mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce and my homemade pies to the vast quantities of store bought desserts my in-laws buy.




I don't like feeling full, so I ate a small amount of everything.


This is what I did too, partly b/c I didn't want to be uncomfortable, partly b/c I cooked a lot of it and was too tired (recovering from sinus infection) to eat much. Also got some bad news yesterday and just wanted everyone to go home and have the whole thing over!

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I thought I did good. I only had Turkey, cranberry sauce, cheese potato casserole (our family calls them wedding potatoes lol) and cali blend veggies. 1 slice of cheesecake. That's all. No grazing. We went for a 2.25 mile walk and I still gained a pound and a half :glare: I didn't have big portions. The cheesy potato casserole and the cheesecake are LOADED with calories though so I guess that's why. Oh well could be worse!!

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I WISH I could have eaten more. Gestational Diabetes and Thanksgiving don't make a cute couple :glare: .


I had a lot of turkey, a small helping of stuffing (I soooooooo wanted more because it was so good and stuffing is my very favorite), a teeny-tiny bit of sweet potato (about a tablespoons worth) and a weensy itsy bitsy amount of cranberry sauce (maybe a couple of teaspoons worth). I skipped out on the delicious rolls, buttery mashed potatoes and drank as much water as I could to try and dilute the meal. A couple of hours after dinner I did treat myself to a small piece of pumpkin pie.


My blood glucose levels stayed okay..I was originally going to just eat what I wanted for the day but I'm fighting a bit of a cold and that has my numbers elevated already..not to mention I feel like poop when my numbers spike up.



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I WISH I could have eaten more. Gestational Diabetes and Thanksgiving don't make a cute couple :glare: .


I had a lot of turkey, a small helping of stuffing (I soooooooo wanted more because it was so good and stuffing is my very favorite), a teeny-tiny bit of sweet potato (about a tablespoons worth) and a weensy itsy bitsy amount of cranberry sauce (maybe a couple of teaspoons worth). I skipped out on the delicious rolls, buttery mashed potatoes and drank as much water as I could to try and dilute the meal. A couple of hours after dinner I did treat myself to a small piece of pumpkin pie.


My blood glucose levels stayed okay..I was originally going to just eat what I wanted for the day but I'm fighting a bit of a cold and that has my numbers elevated already..not to mention I feel like poop when my numbers spike up.





I am sorry. :grouphug:

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I WISH I could have eaten more. Gestational Diabetes and Thanksgiving don't make a cute couple :glare: .


I had a lot of turkey, a small helping of stuffing (I soooooooo wanted more because it was so good and stuffing is my very favorite), a teeny-tiny bit of sweet potato (about a tablespoons worth) and a weensy itsy bitsy amount of cranberry sauce (maybe a couple of teaspoons worth). I skipped out on the delicious rolls, buttery mashed potatoes and drank as much water as I could to try and dilute the meal. A couple of hours after dinner I did treat myself to a small piece of pumpkin pie.


My blood glucose levels stayed okay..I was originally going to just eat what I wanted for the day but I'm fighting a bit of a cold and that has my numbers elevated already..not to mention I feel like poop when my numbers spike up.



I'm sorry. :grouphug: Holiday meals are loaded with carbs and sugar.


A few years ago one of my SILs and I were pregnant at the same time and both had GD. We ate a bit of everything, took a brisk walk around the neighborhood and then ate some pie. Our sugar levels were fine.

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