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Muppets, Arthur Christmas or Hugo?

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The kids and I saw Puss in Boots a few weeks ago -- it was very very cute - entertaining for all --


I am vacillating between the three films you mentioned for dh and the kids and me to see tomorros evening.


If anyone goes before that, I would love feedback on whatever you see.


(((hugs))), Happy Thanksgiving and hi to your parents:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: and to you and your family! Tell your DH that Whole Foods was my 'go to' place this year!:D

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(((hugs))), Happy Thanksgiving and hi to your parents:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: and to you and your family! Tell your DH that Whole Foods was my 'go to' place this year!:D


Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow!


Glad you went to WFM. My dh said his store is having the best Thanksgiving in it's history. They are set to run out of the organic/natural turkeys in the state of CO today. Crazy!


Anyway, my parents just left with the kids. My dad is taking ds to "Arthur's Christmas" and my mom is taking dd to "Muppets". I will post what they think later.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow!


Glad you went to WFM. My dh said his store is having the best Thanksgiving in it's history. They are set to run out of the organic/natural turkeys in the state of CO today. Crazy!


Anyway, my parents just left with the kids. My dad is taking ds to "Arthur's Christmas" and my mom is taking dd to "Muppets". I will post what they think later.




WFM was fantastic yesterday -- I barely had to think about what I wanted to put out for each course, and I would turn the shopping cart, and there was someone with a demo table and the item ready for purchase. THAT so works for me!


Stacey and her dh arrive in a couple of hours and I think they are going to take allison and emily to see the muppets - I am curious to see your parents' review. Later!

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We just got home from "The Muppets". Oh, my word, it was wonderful! Sweet, funny, a home run. My 15-year-old and I were quietly singing along to "Rainbow Connection". (He's watched every season on DVD.) I found myself just smiling through most of the movie, and when I glanced over at the man next to me, he was smiling, too. :001_smile:


It is PG, and some sensitive little kids might be upset by the bad guy, but otherwise it's just perfect.



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We just got home from "The Muppets". Oh, my word, it was wonderful! Sweet, funny, a home run. My 15-year-old and I were quietly singing along to "Rainbow Connection". (He's watched every season on DVD.) I found myself just smiling through most of the movie, and when I glanced over at the man next to me, he was smiling, too. :001_smile:


It is PG, and some sensitive little kids might be upset by the bad guy, but otherwise it's just perfect.





So glad to hear this. We want to see the Muppets at some point.

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We saw Hugo on Thanksgiving. "We" consisted of 4 adults, 3 teenagers, and 2 boys ages 8 and 11. The general consensus was pretty much "boring." I thought it was a nice story, but rather slow and a bit too focused on film making, which I'm not particularly interested in. The 11-year-old and I probably liked it best, the 8-year-old was fidgety and kept saying he didn't get it (as was also the case with one of the teens, who has special needs). The other teens and adults kept waiting for something to happen, even if it was only a bit more dialogue.


We probably would have been better off seeing the Muppets.

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Our family went to see Hugo today--oh, it was GREAT! The 3D was stunning. James Cameron said it was better than (his) Avatar, which is a high compliment.

The plot--interesting, well-done.

And it follows the book very, very closely, with just a few minor additions to the storyline. Dd said the toy shop even looks like the picture in the book.


I can understand how some may think it a bit slow and how some young kiddos might not get it, so it's prolly not for everyone.


It's a story about the movies--and an homage to early movie history. That's not fascinating to everyone. It is to us, though! One neat thing we observed was that they gave the audience the chance to feel the same emotions as some of the early film goers felt--particularly in the Harold Lloyd/clock sequence.


Ds LOVED it--he's a cinema major.


Brilliant example of a book and film intersecting to tell a story--really, lovely! And the acting was top notch.


5 Stars, here. :D

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We saw The Muppets (Dh, 6 yo dd & I) today since we're in Colorado on vacation and it was 25 degrees outside. People from Texas can't do outside things when it's under 30 degrees outside:D


We all loved it. DH and I normally aren't big fans of musicals but really enjoyed the movie. It was exactly what a family movie should be; lots of silliness, a struggle between good and evil, little or no crude or adult humor and no attempts by the writers to preach to the audience about some controversial topic in the modern news.


This was a sharp contrast with Happy Feet 2 which we saw last week. DD enjoyed it but DH and I both hated it. Between the weird side story with the 2 male krill who discussed raising a family together, the bathroom humor and the slow boring plot it was torture to watch.

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The Muppets was wonderful. Half the theater was singing Rainbow Connection, and I cried. :D There was a great article in Wired magazine that inspired me to go see it, and we took our out-of-town guests and dc to see it.


I took little guy to see Puss in Boots, and there were definitely crude parts. Sort of like Shrek, where there is adult innuendo I think is supposed to go over the dc's heads. The theme was good, though.

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I'm planning on getting seeing Hugo with Dr the Elder tomorrow. I didn't realize until Friday that it's The Invention of Hugo Cabret. :blush: Having now seen a trailer, I'm very much looking forward to seeing it.

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We saw Arthur Christmas this afternoon.

It was OK......cute.

I would probably say 3 star (out of 5).

Not worth paying the regular movie admission IMHO.


For reference, we LOVED Tangled, The Chipmunks Movie, and Up just to give you a frame of reference for our movie tastes :)


Better to go see The Muppets I think.........

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I was more than impressed by Hugo and would be happy to see it again in the theatre. My not quite 10 yo liked it even more than I did, though she's opting to take her father next time. :001_smile: Everything clicked (thankfully even the child actors), but there's no way my wiggly 7yo would sit through it.

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SillyAutismMan wanted to see them, so off to Muppets we went. Funny, good movie - however, most of the smallest kids in the theater were bawling towards the end, as the humor of the Bad Guy and his Muppet henchmen went over their heads, and to the kids those guys were just mean and scary! The Bad Guy tries to take down the Muppets (I will not go into details and spoil the film for you) and the cries of the tiny audience members escalated. Of course the Muppets prevail in the end, but by then several parents had had to take crying toddlers out of the theater.


It is not a film for the tiniest of viewers. 4-yr-old should be okay...not any younger.


PS I have a girl crush on Amy Adams. :-)


PS Puss in Boots is fun, too. Probably not as cry-inducing as Muppets.

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We saw Hugo and loved it, but with a 4 year old, I'd recommend Muppets. Hugo starts out kind of slow and is really geared towards older kids, probably 5th grade and up.


I wouldn't recommend Muppets for 4 yos. It is like the old Muppet movies, with a plot line, slow songs, cerebral jokes, etc. I'd say probably Puss in Boots for a 4 yo.

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