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would you move to colder state if job there?

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I live in PA and don't really want to be anywhere that gets colder than here. (Hotter, either, actually; the blend of seasons is perfect for me right here.)


However, in this economy, we'd go most anywhere. There are a few places where we'd really fight going (not for weather reasons), and both of us would be heartbroken to leave *here,* but otherwise, yeah, colder would not be the big deterrent.

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We get -40°C regularly during the deepest part of winter. This is as far north as I go. And, when I say *this* is as far north as I go, I mean that the next town 10 miles north of us is OUT OF THE QUESTION. I've drawn my line in the sand. If dh ever gets an itch to go further north, I'll pack him some extra longjohns and then he's on his own.


Wow! I'm in Alaska and we don't even get that cold.

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Alaska is awesomely beautiful. Winter though would drive me I.N.S.A.N.E. :tongue_smilie: Give it some heat and some daylight (not all day and all night) and I would be a great consideration.:)


The nice thing about the cold in my part of Alaska is that you can add more clothes, keep warm, and still do things outside in the winter. In a wet environment, you get chilled to the bone and you do not warm up even if it the temps don't look cold on paper.


The short days are definitely something you have to get used to.

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I'd consider temp and landscape in a decision, but would definitely put them aside for a dream job for dh. I'd be more concerned about heat, though;).


As for Wisconsin, I'd just console myself with cheese and thank God it wasn't ______ (insert place you'd be more upset by). :D


:iagree: We did it...moved from hot/dry in summer, cold/dry in winter, to wet.wet.wet 9 mos out of the year. :glare: But it was the best move we ever made! I recently visited WI and LOVED it! So beautiful. You might find you enjoy it! ;)


eta: you might also find you grow weary of it if it is TOO cold for you. I do detest all the rain and wish we had more sun...but alas, the job is still here and we've put down roots.

Edited by Alenee
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We would follow my husband. This is easy for me to say because we've been in the same house for 16+ years. The first 10 years of our marriage he commuted to the jungles of Indonesia. About nine years ago we were all set to move to Indonesia and then they had unrest so that fell apart. Right now he's thinking about taking a job in Chile which means we would have to move to Chile. I doubt it will happen but anything is possible.

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The nice thing about the cold in my part of Alaska is that you can add more clothes, keep warm, and still do things outside in the winter. In a wet environment, you get chilled to the bone and you do not warm up even if it the temps don't look cold on paper.


The short days are definitely something you have to get used to.


I noticed that in Alaska too. I feel colder in Washington when it is a rainy 38 than I did in Alaska with two feet of snow and -10 with the windchill factor. :D

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Yes, OP, I would. We are in Washington state, but it looks like we'll be going back to the Alaska bush next year for two years. I'm starting to psych myself up for it now. :D The way I see it, in this economy I just have to be thankful for the job opportunity for my DH. And there is an art to properly layering your clothes so that you don't notice the cold as much. ;)

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Yep, Wisconsin isn't bad at all!! I live in, essentially, North Dakota. Trust me! There are far worse places to live than Wisconsin!:001_smile:


:lol: I live in essentially South Dakota, and I have to agree with ChemMommy. Wisconsin weather (where I have lived) is heavenly compared to weather on the cold, windy prairie. If I had had a magic ball back in my WI days, I would have kept my butt there. I had no idea weather like this existed. I thought I knew cold after living in IL, WI, and central MN.


Do these reviews make it sound wonderful?

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We just accepted a job this week in a much colder state. But I would move anywhere if dh could be happy in a job. He's been unhappy in his job for a good long while. It's nice to see a little hope and spring in his step again!:001_smile:


However, I also think that you and your husband should totally agree the move is good and beneficial for the whole family. It could be your lack of enthusiasm is the Lords' way of shutting that door too.

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Well, I hate the cold. I live in Florida and freeze on a regular basis. That said, cold in Wisconsin is different than cold in Florida. I visited recently and 50 degrees there is NICE, but 50 degrees here is cold and icky. I think the dry cold is much better than the wet cold. I would never have guessed it was in the 40's as we walked around.

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I'd go. WI is a great place to live, often ranking among the top in surveys of quality of life. We live in MN (Twin Cities) and drive through WI often and I have many friends from there. It sounds like a wonderful place to live and there is so much to do. The winters do get very cold, but the other seasons, the beauty, and quality of life more than make up for it. You can learn how to dress for the cold (layers, long underwear, warm boots, hats, etc.) but you can only take so many clothes off in the heat:tongue_smilie:.

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We've lived near Pittsburgh. I don't think the mountainous areas of PA would be much colder than WI. Have you looked at the monthly average temps? If you are happy where you are, I think WI would probably be comfortable enough for you. As for me, I would not willingly move that far north again. I was miserable and did not get used to it. Of course, if it was a job in a cold state vs no job or a job we couldn't live on, then I'd move and make the best of it, but I wouldn't do it for a small pay raise.

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Yes, I have and would again.


I really, really, really don't like the cold, but going where the work is is more important than that. So if I had to, I absolutely would.

I guess that being a military kid has given me my perspective on this issue. We moved a lot when I was a kid, to places that none of us really wanted to go sometimes, but we all learned to make the best of it. My mom was a great example to us, I think. She was usually the most reluctant to go, but would get us uprooted and back into new soil as quickly as possible, herself included, while dad usually immediately re-deployed with his new ship.

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We have, more than once - even to a different country (with a non-military job).


That said, I really think this is a very individual decision, as different people prioritize different things. I tend to think through the worst case scenario and see which I just could not live with. I figure if the reality ends up being the best case scenario, then it will certainly be livable.



Ironically, (and, I suppose further supporting the already obvious fact that all people are different), we are currently in Pittsburgh and dreaming of moving to Madison, WI. :lol:

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Yes. One gets used to a different weather anyway. One even gets used to a different language, a different culture, a different anything - no matter how difficult one finds it at the beginning to even fathom to change one's habits, in the end, we are all a lot more adaptable to outside circumstances than we think. You do not know how it is going to be, you do not positively know that you would hate it, so I would go for the adventure. :D

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I noticed that in Alaska too. I feel colder in Washington when it is a rainy 38 than I did in Alaska with two feet of snow and -10 with the windchill factor. :D


Exactly! We lived in western Oregon for 8 years and the rain just was bone-chilling and depressing. At least when it is cold here the sun is gorgeous and bright.

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I would probably move almost anywhere in this country IF


1) the job and company are STABLE, which I know is hard to determine nowadays;

2) the move itself was not cost-prohibitive considering...

3) the pay of the job, which would have to be *better* than what we currently have and adjust to cost of living differences.

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