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So let's hear it from you McCain supporters....

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I also agree that we need to WIN Iraq, not duck and run. I realize people lose their lives, and I am not happy with that, but they do volunteer to stand up and support our country, and many volunteer to return over and over again. THEY believe in what they are doing, and I support them!! We cannot let the terrorists win!!


This is exactly what John McCain supports. Last I heard, he wants to stay there as a military presence until we have resolve the issues and help rebuild the Iraqi government and help them for as long as they need it.


Mr. Barrack wants to pull out ASAP which can have dire consequences.

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While I'm not overly thrilled with McCain, I will likely vote for him for two reasons:


1. He's not Hillary or Obama




2. He's a surviving Prisoner of War. The fact that he survived that experience and held tightly to his American patriotism throughout the whole ordeal speaks voumes to me.


And that, believe it or not, is enough to qualify him in my eyes. Let the tomatoes come as they may.


Do you really expect tomatoes?

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I also agree that we need to WIN Iraq, not duck and run. We cannot let the terrorists win!!



I agree about not ducking and run but WIN Iraq. I thought we invaded it in the first place under false pretenses. TERROISTS WIN. I didn't realise that the Iraqis were all terriosts. We completely destabilised the country. We turned it into what it is now. Even the 9-11 terrorists were mainly from Saudi Arabia.


And I like McCain a lot. And I am a Conservative. But RON PAUL all the way.



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Have you been reserving a stash of watermelons for such an occasion? :D


beans, you are SO BAD today. Bad. BAD!




Kumquats are my fruit of choice. However, I would not throw any at a person who dared answer a direct question that just happened to... wait for it... answer the main question of the thread!


Now I'm off to pick up my ds from work. :D:driving: His man Obama is speaking in Bristol tomorrow, and he is desperately trying to take the day off to hear him. So we may be driving to Bristol tonight to pick up tickets. :auto:


Maybe tomato sandwiches for dinner. But I promise not to throw any!

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Really? Here, meaning on this board?

I must not be reading all of the same threads, because I haven't gotten the same feeling.


I haven't gotten that feeling, either.


I would have guessed about an equal liberal/conservative split. (And I usually think in terms of 'liberal' or 'conservative' when I see how a particular person responds to something, not 'Democrat' or 'Republican'.)


I can't remember a poll that specifically asked for political affiliation, but I'm wondering if the results were compared against the number of people registered on the board. If everyone who posts didn't respond, I wouldn't look at it as totally reflective of the actual population.



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Ummm I think maybe there are no or very few died in the wool McCain supporters. My dh who is a Democrat is voting for McCain maybe, I will be writing in my cat's name if they will let me, Baby Leo Kitty also known as Snow on Sand. He has a nice platform he is sitting on it right now watching a cardinal in my yard :D He is peaceful, healthy, plus he will be the youngest candidate, and has survived a tough kittenhood, almost eaten by a coyote. It was the coyote that convinced him to be peaceful although he does enjoy an occasional sneak attack on our elderly 15 yo lady cat. He is very loving for a cat I think due in part to the coyote and loves to sleep next to my dh's German Shepherd, otherwise known as Ginger, so he has demostrated that he can cross party lines ;)



LOL!! Maybe it's because we just got two kitties after 13 years of marriage with no pets, and I am really loving these kitties, but I found your post hilarious!!! :lol:

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And, here is the biggie for me and I could incur the wrath of my conservative friends on here.......who's more likely to bring our soldiers home the fastest? Because if I am pro-life I have to consider the unborn life and the grown up life and I have to grieve equally over the loss of either.


I share your dilemma. Sometimes we forget that "pro-life" includes all life. That muddies things up a bit at time, doesn't it?


I am feeling pretty lonely these days.


:iagree: I'm right there with you. And I just got elected to office (thankfully, non-partisan).


I will, admit, though, that I just ordered myself a "Republicans for Obama" button. I'm too chicken to get the bumper sticker, lol.

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:DSorry folks, but I dont understand you are voting for lesser evils. How about voting for no evil.


If you do vote, put down who you believe in. It just sounds like one big poll game.


Sorry again.



I think this is foolish. I can keep my personal convictions and vote pragmatically.


People who take their marbles and go home because it isn't exactly like they wish frustrate me. This is politics we are talking about.



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I keep hearing this but the *fact* is a large portion of our presidents have lacked "national" political leadership.


Since Nixon resigned I think *all* of our presidents except for Bush 1 have been governors.


in the last 50 years, I think only 4 or 5 Presidents have had any "National Experience".... but, you know....that is often forgotton. LOL

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Ok, I'll take the bait.:tongue_smilie:


Using quotes from the campaign web sites:


Up to two Supremes will be replaced in the next 4 years.


John McCain believes that one of the greatest threats to our liberty and the Constitutional framework that safeguards our freedoms are willful judges who usurp the role of the people and their representatives and legislate from the bench. As President, John McCain will nominate judges who understand that their role is to faithfully apply the law as written, not impose their opinions through judicial fiat.



Obama does not have a statement on this on his web site.


While I don't want the U.S. to be in Iraq, I think McCain better represents my views:


John McCain believes it is strategically and morally essential for the United States to support the Government of Iraq to become capable of governing itself and safeguarding its people. He strongly disagrees with those who advocate withdrawing American troops before that has occurred.


It would be a grave mistake to leave before Al Qaeda in Iraq is defeated and before a competent, trained, and capable Iraqi security force is in place and operating effectively. We must help the Government of Iraq battle those who provoke sectarian tensions and promote a civil war that could destabilize the Middle East. Iraq must not become a failed state, a haven for terrorists, or a pawn of Iran. These likely consequences of America's failure in Iraq almost certainly would either require us to return or draw us into a wider and far costlier war.


The best way to secure long-term peace and security is to establish a stable, prosperous, and democratic state in Iraq that poses no threat to its neighbors and contributes to the defeat of terrorists. When Iraqi forces can safeguard their own country, American troops can return home.



VS Obama


Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq. He will keep some troops in Iraq to protect our embassy and diplomats; if al Qaeda attempts to build a base within Iraq, he will keep troops in Iraq or elsewhere in the region to carry out targeted strikes on al Qaeda.


While I wish I could choose none of the above, McCain is the best of the two choices. He has experience, integrity and conviction. Obama lacks experience and is pursuing a liberal agenda that will create a lot of new government programs and taxes. The new programs always sound good, but they will be run like the government schools;:D Good intentions--bad execution.

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I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Touche. Its okay I like to keep my marbles to myself. Thats why I said Sorry. I will stick with my a-politics for now and go to my corner.


Thanks for response, knew it might ruffle feathers,


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I like:

John McCain Will Reform The Tax Code To Offer More Choices Beyond Employer-Based Health Insurance Coverage. While still having the option of employer-based coverage, every family will also have the option of receiving a direct refundable tax credit - effectively cash - of $2,500 for individuals and $5,000 for families to offset the cost of insurance. Families will be able to choose the insurance provider that suits them best and the money would be sent directly to the insurance provider.


Overall, I don't wish to have a socialist society, I'd prefer to make our own decisions that effect our family's health and finances.


John McCain Will End Policies That Contribute To Higher Transportation And Food Costs. Ethanol subsidies, tariff barriers and sugar quotas drive up food prices and hurt Americans. However, we cannot take the wrong direction and cut off trade for American goods.


John McCain Will Cut Taxes For Middle Class Families. John McCain will permanently repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) – a tax that will be paid nearly exclusively by 25 million middle class families. Repealing this onerous tax will save middle class families nearly $60 billion in a single year. Under McCain's plan, a middle class family with children set to pay the AMT will save an average of over $2,700 – a real tax cut for working families.


John McCain Will Double The Personal Exemption For Dependents. John McCain believes the tax code should be less of a burden on those, whether they are mothers and fathers or single parents, who are trying to raise a family. He proposes to raise the personal exemption for each dependent from $3,500 to $7,000.


John McCain Will Make It Harder To Raise Taxes. John McCain believes it should require a 3/5 majority vote in Congress to raise taxes.


I could go on, but what I also KNOW is that all that he proposes will not happen but I'd rather take a chance on him than the others.


Oh, and I am not joining any discussion about this. :)

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I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Touche. Its okay I like to keep my marbles to myself. Thats why I said Sorry. I will stick with my a-politics for now and go to my corner.


Thanks for response, knew it might ruffle feathers,





Come out of the corner! I'm sorry if you felt I put you there. You aren't the only one who has suggested the "don't vote" solution. I quoted you, but I should have clarified that I wasn't singling you out alone. It wasn't personal towards you when I typed- I forget to fully form my thoughts sometimes. ;)


No one is completely apolitical. I'm always glad to see a new entry into a healthy debate.



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Thanks, I rarely get into any political or religious discussions. I stick with the old credo. But thought I would stir pot. Some people would just like to see it perhaps set back up the way it was intended by our forefathers. But times change. Anyhow thats my two cents, which are probably worth -2.




If negative, its cloudy here and no sleep.

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that everyone makes a choice and votes for a viable candidate. This is a tough election year for many people, because for many of us the choices aren't ideal. I believe that there is no such thing as "no vote"; if someone elects not to vote (which I understand that some may), I believe that, by default, that person has voted for whomever wins the election, whether he/she was the better candidate or not.


I guess I think it's better to go ahead and make a choice between one of the two candidates: Barack Obama or John McCain.

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One more thing... while of course some people feel differently, I do feel that it would be a waste of a vote for me to write in some other name on the ballot. That person would have absolutely no chance of winning, and if all Republicans who weren't totally happy with McCain did that, it would just make it all the more likely that Obama would win, which would concern me greatly.


For me, I can't vote for someone on the ballot if I do not agree with their political philosophy. I don't have to agree with everything on their platform, but I want to at least be aligned with the angle at which they approach politics. Unfortunately, this means I often cannot vote for the candidate put forth by either of the two major parties. I will either vote for a third party candidate or write someone in. I understand by doing this that there is a good chance the person I vote for will not win, but I don't think elections have to be all about winning. Sometimes they are about sending a message to Washington, the state, or my town that I don't like any of the options and that maybe they should rethink how they are approaching issues to be more in line with how the general population would like to see them addressed or about emboldening a third party to put forth a candidate that those of us dissatisfied with the current choices could support in the future.

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I want smaller government, lower taxes, strict constructionist judges, a greater focus on capitalism rather than socialism, a stronger military, and a sense of responsibility instead of entitlement, just to name a few. Of the two candidates, who is more likely to take my country down that path? John McCain. He may not be my first choice, but now that the decision has been made, he's my only choice.

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I am historically a Republican, but like I said in the other post I don't feel there are any worthwhile candidates at this point. :confused: :D


:iagree: It's really quite disconcerting to be here unexcited about any republican candidate yet scared to death of the democratic candidate's possible policies & plans, etc. (And NO, I'm not referring to the video that's out there.) I don't feel at ease about any of this, and I don't know what that is going to mean!! EEK!



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I voted for Reagan in 1980 -- the first time presidential election in which I was old enough to vote. And I voted for him again in 1984. I think he was a tremendous unifying factor in American politics. Even my BIL, who had always voted Democrat, voted for Reagan.


I'm afraid they broke the mold with Reagan. He was the best of the best!! :001_smile:



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I also agree that we need to WIN Iraq, not duck and run. We cannot let the terrorists win!!



I agree about not ducking and run but WIN Iraq. I thought we invaded it in the first place under false pretenses. TERROISTS WIN. I didn't realise that the Iraqis were all terriosts. We completely destabilised the country. We turned it into what it is now. Even the 9-11 terrorists were mainly from Saudi Arabia.


And I like McCain a lot. And I am a Conservative. But RON PAUL all the way.




I know this has nothing to do with the thread, but man of these 'terrorists' from Saudi Arabia are still alive. If anyone researches this the info is readily available on the internet.




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that he is NOT Obama. Honestly, Obama scares me to death. His policies, his support of the UN Rights of the Child (something ALL parents should be afraid of), his religion, his views, etc.


McCain is certainly not my first choice, but he will win my vote because he is the lesser of 2 evils. I would like to see Ron Paul up there!


So what is Obamas religion and why is it so scary? I thought the majority of people on this board were Christian as he states he is.



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Is McCain a republican? Oh wait his dance card says he is but he sure doesn't look like a elephant but then he doesn't look like a donkey either.... more like a elekey........ or donphant or maybe ....... :confused:


Whoops this was for McCain supporters sorry ;)



:iagree: You put it better than I did; for years I've said he was an donkey in elephant clothes.


Naah, he looks like an a$$ to me...





:iagree: Or a wolf.

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He was held as a prisoner of war in Vietnam for a long time enduring torture, broken limbs, hopelessness, depression, and starvation. He had the chance to go home because he was an admiral's son. He refused because he knew it would cause the other service men he was imprisoned with to lose faith. He stayed for his country.


To me, John McCain cares about this country and would make an awesome president. Barrack is too young and inexperienced in diplomacy. McCain a lot of experience here.


This country needs someone who can work with everyone to rebuild the situation in Iraq - and see it through. Someone experienced in diplomacy.


Personally, I am glad Barrack won the nomination - now McCain has a better chance of winning in November .

<<me ducking and running :)>>



you're speaking my language!:iagree:

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So what is Obamas religion and why is it so scary? I thought the majority of people on this board were Christian as he states he is.




I also don't see anything where Obama says he supports the UN Rights of the Child. I've looked and looked and the only place I see that mentioned is on right-wing sites and they don't have any kind of citation. I see other UN resolutions he is in favor of but I don't see anything on that one. Do you have a citation for that, Stacey?

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that he is NOT Obama. Honestly, Obama scares me to death. His policies, his support of the UN Rights of the Child (something ALL parents should be afraid of), his religion, his views, etc.


McCain is certainly not my first choice, but he will win my vote because he is the lesser of 2 evils. I would like to see Ron Paul up there!


His RELIGION? He's congregationalist! Why is that scary??????

You aren't laboring under the misconception that he's Muslim, are you??? That rumor has been long circulating among those who believe such drivel just because they saw it on youtube or heard The Comedian Known as Rush Limbaugh preach it.


And I"ve looked and looked, but I cannot find anything indicating he supports the UN Rights of the Child. Hillary, yes. But Obama? I don't thik so. Do you have facts to back up your claims?

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What do you think has changed about his values? I am not happy with his abortion views but feel overall he is a good candidate for me.


Most of my objection, Adrianne, is simply my own personal feelings. It is very possible that *I* am the one who has changed. (It’s not you, it’s me! ;))

One thing that I can put my finger on, though is his change in position on the topic of torture.

During the early debates he said to Governor Romney,



“And, Governor, let me tell you, if we’re going to get the high ground in this world and we’re going to be America that we have cherished and loved for more than 200 years, we’re not going to torture people. We’re not going to do what Pol Pot did. We’re not going to do what’s being done to Burmese monks as we speak. And I suggest that you talk to retired military officers and active-duty military officers like Colin Powell and others, and how in the world anybody could think that that kind of thing could be inflicted by Americans on people who are held in our custody is absolutely beyond me.â€

But when it came time to make a policy decision in February, Senator McCain did not vote to ban the use of torture.

This particular change in position is very disturbing to me.

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So what is Obamas religion and why is it so scary? I thought the majority of people on this board were Christian as he states he is.



ETA: "states he is" being the operative phrase. His actions don't show it.


On the religion side, for me, it's that he claims to be a Christian but his own words and actions speak otherwise. My faith comes first. It's not based on my current circumstances and the bible specifically speaks to this. He uses the words "faith" and "Christian" to suit his purposes in the moment.


His idea of unifying everyone (from a Christian pov) are good and we should all try to find a common ground, but the way he's going about it are self-serving, not unifying. I've said before on these boards, he is a motivational speaker by trade which is why he's done so well. He takes your mind off of the real issues and doesn't address the "whole" nation. He is very partisan but veils it under the word "unity". These are not Christ-like actions. Yep, all Christians are sinners, however when you're going to go into the public eye on your own choosing, you better make sure what you say holds up and he.just.doesn't.

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On the religion side, for me, it's that he claims to be a Christian but his own words and actions speak otherwise. My faith comes first. It's not based on my current circumstances and the bible specifically speaks to this. He uses the words "faith" and "Christian" to suit his purposes in the moment.




Carli, what does he do, specifically, that makes it seem as if he's using his faith to suit a political purpose?

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I have always respected Senator McCain for his service to our country. Four years ago I was certain that I wanted him to be my president some day. I met him when he was campaigning for a candidate in our state back then, and I had the chance to tell him as much.
We took the kids and went and saw him too! I thought it was a neat chance for them to meet him. They gotta grab his hand as he was running for the bus after his speech! :D
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Carli, what does he do, specifically, that makes it seem as if he's using his faith to suit a political purpose?


He was extremely wishy-washy in his quotes about his church. Have you checked out his church website? I realize he's now "denounced" his church. That says something to me as well...that he'd back it up again and again and then leave it. Why? I don't believe he denounced it for religious purposes. The church he belonged to is not imo biblically sound anyway. For fear of starting another war on this, I'm going to leave out the others. It makes no difference anyway. He won't get my vote not only because of religious reasons but also because of his platform on the whole.

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We took the kids and went and saw him too! I thought it was a neat chance for them to meet him. They gotta grab his hand as he was running for the bus after his speech! :D


Did you see him when he was campaining for Dino Rossi in the Tri Cities?

We were making photographs of the Senator and Mr. Rossi with his supporters before a luncheon.

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