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So now stores are opening at midnight for 'Black Friday'??

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I read that Target and Macy's are, and more to follow along, I suppose. I guess there will be absolutely no rest for the weary shoppers this year. My dh and I always get out *early* (7am :D) and shop together, but now I imagine all the amazing sale items will have been gone for 8 hours by the time we even arrive. :glare: When will the madness end? Just gets more and more about the greed.

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Actually it will mean more sleep for me, so I am thrilled. This way I can be home by 2 am and still get about 7 hours of sleep. Other years when the stores opened at 4 am, I only slept from 11 ish to 3 am.


Same for me too.


DH works usually on Black Friday. So this meant if I wanted any deals I would have to chance online Black Friday shopping and that's just pure madness!


Last year we did the Midnight Walmart Black Friday and he stayed home while the kids slept. I was out at 11pm and home by 1:30pm! I was thrilled. We scored great deals and I was home snuggled in bed sleeping peacefully with the whole family and woke up like any other day and sent dh off to work.


So I LOVE this change.


And I don't have to drive 35min to the nearby town that has the mall, toys r us and targets....Walmart price matches majority so this is nice! I price matched 3 things last year without any issues!

Edited by mamaofblessings
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I read that Target and Macy's are, and more to follow along, I suppose. I guess there will be absolutely no rest for the weary shoppers this year. My dh and I always get out *early* (7am :D) and shop together, but now I imagine all the amazing sale items will have been gone for 8 hours by the time we even arrive. :glare: When will the madness end? Just gets more and more about the greed.


walmart has opened at midnight the last few years, I believe. So this does not seem new.


Oh and the online sales start at midnight so they are competing with that too.

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And it keeps the mad rush away of all of those who come in the morning. I went to Walmart last year after they had begun at midnight and been open all night. The store was nice and calm and the shelves were stocked at 5 am. Usually when you get there at 5am people are rushing and diving like crazy and you are lucky if you find the deal you came for. The midnight thing staggers it and makes it much better. People who like to stay up late can do that. Others can get up early.

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Doesn't matter to me , last year I bought most stuff on Black (Gray?) Thursday and then also Friday from Amazon and Best Buy websites and never sent near a store. I think, if I recall correctly, Amazon had timed deals cropping up over several days. It sure beat going to the store!


Check Amazon - they have already started!

Edited by JFSinIL
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I read that Target and Macy's are, and more to follow along, I suppose. I guess there will be absolutely no rest for the weary shoppers this year. My dh and I always get out *early* (7am :D) and shop together, but now I imagine all the amazing sale items will have been gone for 8 hours by the time we even arrive. :glare: When will the madness end? Just gets more and more about the greed.


The outlets near Williamsburg have been doing this for the past few years. My girls want to go but I won't get up that early. Getting up early enough to go to Target at 5 is good enough for me.

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I think the initial motivation for doing this was by Walmart, in order to prevent the crush of frantic shoppers who trampled people to death at 5:00am.


I don't see what the big downside is. I shop on Black Friday, but I shop at a "normal" hour and I still score lots of amazing sales. True, the $100 laptops are gone, but there are still lots of deals to be had.


I'm big on cyber Monday, personally. :D

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Actually it will mean more sleep for me, so I am thrilled. This way I can be home by 2 am and still get about 7 hours of sleep. Other years when the stores opened at 4 am, I only slept from 11 ish to 3 am.




I much prefer they all open at midnight. I am up anyway. I can then go home and sleep in as late as I want. My only requirement will be that Starbucks be open too. I must have my hot chocolate with hazelnut! Ha!

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I much prefer they all open at midnight. I am up anyway. I can then go home and sleep in as late as I want. My only requirement will be that Starbucks be open too. I must have my hot chocolate with hazelnut! Ha!


:iagree: It's a LOT easier for me to stay up late than get up at *gulp* 3 or 4 AM.


But I don't understand how the timing of Black Friday makes it more or less about greed?

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:iagree: It's a LOT easier for me to stay up late than get up at *gulp* 3 or 4 AM.


But I don't understand how the timing of Black Friday makes it more or less about greed?


I guess it is in one's perspective on greed. I see it as a way to give my friends and family gifts I might not otherwise be able to afford. I don't see that as greed. I see that as wanting to do something nice for somebody. One year my sister stood in line at Best Buy for hours so that we could go in together to get my mom a computer. This was a purchase that we could not have afforded if not for the deeply discounted sale and it was something my mom (living on social security) could not purchase for herself. I don't see how it was greedy that my sister stood in that line and made my mom very happy come Christmas morning. She now uses that same computer to check in on her many grandchildren that are scattered through the US via Facebook. Greed - not in my book. Joy - yep!

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I guess it is in one's perspective on greed. I see it as a way to give my friends and family gifts I might not otherwise be able to afford. I don't see that as greed. I see that as wanting to do something nice for somebody. One year my sister stood in line at Best Buy for hours so that we could go in together to get my mom a computer. This was a purchase that we could not have afforded if not for the deeply discounted sale and it was something my mom (living on social security) could not purchase for herself. I don't see how it was greedy that my sister stood in that line and made my mom very happy come Christmas morning. She now uses that same computer to check in on her many grandchildren that are scattered through the US via Facebook. Greed - not in my book. Joy - yep!


I couldn't even tell if OP meant it was the stores' greed or consumers'. Why would buying something on one day be greedy but another day just a purchase?


Otoh, if it's the stores, wanting more hours to lure shoppers in...well, I still don't get it. It sounds to me like a catch phrase that somebody says w/out thinking & the rest of us nod solemnly w/out thinking, but in reality means virtually nothing. :001_huh:


But for whatever reason, I can't just let it go, so I'm still sitting here trying to figure out what was meant by "every year IT [what, exactly?] becomes more & more about greed." :confused:

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I couldn't even tell if OP meant it was the stores' greed or consumers'. Why would buying something on one day be greedy but another day just a purchase?


Otoh, if it's the stores, wanting more hours to lure shoppers in...well, I still don't get it. It sounds to me like a catch phrase that somebody says w/out thinking & the rest of us nod solemnly w/out thinking, but in reality means virtually nothing. :001_huh:


But for whatever reason, I can't just let it go, so I'm still sitting here trying to figure out what was meant by "every year IT [what, exactly?] becomes more & more about greed." :confused:


:iagree: You know, I have a budgeted amount that I spend on Christmas. Whether I spend it all on Black Friday or the following Tuesday, I spend the same amount. A few years ago, my best friend and I decided to try Black Friday shopping and we loved it! We spend the early morning laughing so hard...drinking coffee, fighting the crowds together and getting some great deals. It might sound crazy, but it is our "thing" now and we look forward to it each year. So, back to my budget, Black Friday shopping has allowed me to use my budget more wisely and to really enjoy time with a friend. Not sure what is so greedy about that? :confused:

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The Kohl's stores in our area are opening at midnight as well- that's probably company wide.


We have a mall that opened for the first time last year at midnight, but they made it optional for their tenants. They only had about 20 or stores open last year, but I suspect this year more will follow suit.


I don't know. I know people who work in these stores and they are FUMING about having to work at midnight on Thanksgiving day. As a shopper, I would much rather go shopping at midnight than 4 am. But I don't go Black Friday shopping as a general rule because we host our family's Thanksgiving on Friday. So I feel bad for the people who have to work, but am happy for the people who like to shop.

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I'm glad that stores are opening earlier. It gives us night owls a chance to participate for once ;) My one successful score was at WalMart a couple of years ago. We got there after midnight and waited in line for a laptop for my dd. It was a peaceful, orderly procedure inside the store. I'm too much of a wimp to brave the cold waiting for a store to open its doors at 5am, plus I wouldn't be able to wake up, lol.

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:iagree: You know, I have a budgeted amount that I spend on Christmas. Whether I spend it all on Black Friday or the following Tuesday, I spend the same amount. A few years ago, my best friend and I decided to try Black Friday shopping and we loved it! We spend the early morning laughing so hard...drinking coffee, fighting the crowds together and getting some great deals. It might sound crazy, but it is our "thing" now and we look forward to it each year. So, back to my budget, Black Friday shopping has allowed me to use my budget more wisely and to really enjoy time with a friend. Not sure what is so greedy about that? :confused:


:iagree: My mom and sister and I go out every BF. We laugh, get coffee at Starbucks and pay it back, are extra sweet to all the people working at dark-thirty, sometimes might be wearing flashing rudolph noses :D ... Basically we're out having a wonderful time together. For us, if we get a great deal on BF, that's great for our budget! We're not mowing down people to get the hot item of the year. We're out making memories and having fun. We do get up earlier & earlier each year... might be easier to go out late and sleep in instead!

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I couldn't even tell if OP meant it was the stores' greed or consumers'. Why would buying something on one day be greedy but another day just a purchase?...

But for whatever reason, I can't just let it go, so I'm still sitting here trying to figure out what was meant by "every year IT [what, exactly?] becomes more & more about greed." :confused:


Sorry, I should have clarified...I meant the stores seem more and more greedy. I know they are all trying to stay in business. I loves sales, admire the folks who can go with no sleep to get the best deals. But for goodness sake, some of the ads last year were segmented by time slot. Some amazing things were on sale at 3 am, then some others at 5am, and so on. So basically I can see shoppers lined up at 6pm waiting for the midnight sales, but if there is something they really, really want and need that doesn't go on sale till 6 am, what a nasty long night of walking and waiting. Maybe I'm just too old for all the excitement. Dh and I like our time together that day, cause it makes us feel like kids. :D Maybe we'll just have to adjust our plans and stay up till 2...

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We've lived in our remote location for so long, I didn't even know what the heck Black Friday was until a couple of years ago. But driving 2 1/2 hours over a mtn pass that will likely have snow doesn't sound like fun. But---I honestly am SOO looking forward to living in a civilized urban area and participating in all of these things civilized people do in well populated areas with plenty of stores---even if we can't afford to buy anything! ;) I'd show up to shop at midnight...simply because we could! Just once anyways.

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Only twice as my dh ever done the black Fridays sales. He, like most people, has to work the day after thanksgiving. Though most times, there just isn't anything we want on the ads. Last year there wasnt a single thing in them we wanted or needed for gifts. :(

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Sorry, I should have clarified...I meant the stores seem more and more greedy. I know they are all trying to stay in business. I loves sales, admire the folks who can go with no sleep to get the best deals. But for goodness sake, some of the ads last year were segmented by time slot. Some amazing things were on sale at 3 am, then some others at 5am, and so on. So basically I can see shoppers lined up at 6pm waiting for the midnight sales, but if there is something they really, really want and need that doesn't go on sale till 6 am, what a nasty long night of walking and waiting. Maybe I'm just too old for all the excitement. Dh and I like our time together that day, cause it makes us feel like kids. :D Maybe we'll just have to adjust our plans and stay up till 2...


But this is better. It helps prevent stampedes.


I don't think it speaks to a retailer's greed to say they are willing to open earlier and earlier. They're offering sales in the way the public desires them.

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That's fine. I don't do those kinds of high pressure cattle call sales. I much prefer to shop when it is calmer. I don't care so much about missing out on whatever "stuff" they had for sale, nor about the supposed deep discounts they say they offer. I think it is all a bit of a scam really. JMHO. YMMV.

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