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Buying Curriculum Poll

How do you buy YOUR curriculum?  

  1. 1. How do you buy YOUR curriculum?

    • I ALWAYS buy from other homeschoolers
    • I will buy from a homeschooler, even if a higher price....just to help out a fellow homeschooler!
    • Homeschoolers first, but if I find it cheaper elsewhere, I'll buy it there
    • I USUALLY buy new
    • I ALWAYS buy new
    • Other.....Please explain

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It just depends. Does buying from a homeschooler mean it's used from someone? I will do that if I can find what I need.


I like to buy directly from a company if I can, especially small homeschooling businesses.


Often, though, I don't have time to wait and search and I get it wherever I can, often Rainbow Resource or Amazon. We're blessed to have a homeschool store in this area but I don't get out there very often so do a lot of my buying online.

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I purchase some things used but the majority of what I purchase is brand new. I'd rather pay a higher price for a brand new item that I can possibly return for a refund. And of course there are the few times I've purchased used only to be disappointed that the description of the item wasn't really accurate. I can think of at least 2 items I purchased that I tossed into the trashcan upon opening the package. One was from a smoker's home and that was my fault because I didn't remember to ask. The other was a textbook that was supposedly 'slightly used' but had lots of pencil, pen and highlighted marks. If that was "slightly", I'd hate to see what they considered to be 'heavily' used.


There's also the convenience of payment. When I purchase brand new, I am ordering online and the package is delivered in a timely manner. When I'm purchasing used, we have to email back and forth several times, and then I have to hope they'll mail the package promptly. I do not buy from anyone that can't accept a payment online. I hate doing checks or money orders.

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because I have certain curriculum that I like and use it for all 3 dc eventually. I figure I'm saving so much money using the same stuff over and over, that I want to invest in a new edition and version of it. When I'm buying resources to go with it (books, videos, etc.), I do buy used off of other home schoolers if possible.

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I buy used from another homeschooler when I can, but usually it's not convenient because I live in the UK. I always have our materials brought over in late July by people who visit annually. If I'm organized early enough and have the cash on hand, then I'll try to find used materials here on the boards. Often I'm not ordering until late June, and then it's a lot easier to buy new so I'm sure it will all make it over here.

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I always buy the cheapest I can, taking postage into consideration, and 2nd hand if possible.

However, I prefer books to downloads so sometimes will spend extra to get the book.(I am using Ambleside and dont like printing books).

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I picked "other" because none of the choices really described my buying habits.

I buy some things totally brand new.

I buy some things used.

I order some books from discount book sites like Amazon or Overstock.


I buy SOTW and other Peace Hill products directly from Peace Hill.


I would not pay a homeschooler more for a book if I could buy it new at a better price. I do not understand why people think they can offer a used book on eBay for the same price Amazon sells it new. Why would I buy it from them if I wasn't getting a good deal? When I buy books I am usually expecting to use those books for four children, so I want them to be in great condition.

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Just really depends.


I prefer new - i have 3 kids so if it's something that will get used by all 3, i try to get them new.


This year we are doing homesat for a number of classes, my first order i got 30% off and free shipping, so i bought more new TE than i normally would have.


A lot of times though - i just don't have time to hunt for used items. It kinda has to fall into my lap (like the 7th grade science TE i just bought).


I try to price my used stuff more attractive than RR because i need the space :D


But overall, it varies based on my financial situation at the time :D

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Edited to Add: I chose "Other."


So, I buy most of those at used and discount book retailers in "the real world" and online. I would like to buy from other homeschoolers, but it is rarely cost effective for me to do so when we're talking about a single book here and a single book there and the postage costs as much as the book.


I do regularly check the For Sale boards here and have bought a few items and been quite happy with both the savings and knowing that I helped someone else recycle those curriculum dollars.


After those two strategies, I go ahead and order the rest new, usually from Barnes & Noble (using my discount card) or Rainbow Resources (which is owned by a homeschooling family).

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I spend a lot of time making curricular decisions and I want exactly what I want. I generally find it cheaper and easier to buy new somewhere that I can get free shipping on most of the things I want at once.


I buy things used if it's truly a significant savings. For instance, individual books where I have to pay shipping each time is rarely economically advantageous. But for a big-ticket item or set, and someone has exactly what I need, I'll buy it.


If prices are comparable, I'll buy from a small company I want to support. But no, I don't feel the need to support "home schoolers" particularly more than anyone else.

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:iagree: with anj


I buy some things totally brand new.

I buy some things used.

I order some books from discount book sites like Amazon or Overstock.


I buy SOTW and other Peace Hill products directly from Peace Hill.


I would not pay a homeschooler more for a book if I could buy it new at a better price. I do not understand why people think they can offer a used book on eBay for the same price Amazon sells it new. Why would I buy it from them if I wasn't getting a good deal? When I buy books I am usually expecting to use those books for four (2) children, so I want them to be in great condition.

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If it is from Peacehill Press I buy it new from them because I view it as my way of saying thank-you to them for this board. With other things I try and find them used on the sale-swap board. If I can't find them used then I will buy them new.

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I generally buy new. I like to support the publishers, and I like to have a fresh, clean copy of whatever it is. If I run across something at our used book sale that is in great condition, I might pick it up ( I just picked up the RS4K Physics and Biology books, brand new, for $7.50 a piece), but mostly I buy new.


Both Luke and Peyton can use it then I can sell it, or more often, loan it to someone to check out, so it's worth it to me.

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I guess I should clarify my choice of 2 or 3: If I am looking for an item, and I see it for sale on this board. I check Amazon and other places. I also take into consideration the mailing cost. If I need the one item and it's not for sale around here, sometimes the charge for mailing it really brings the price up. In that case, if the person on here has postage included, and it comes to around the same as the other one, I will buy from the homeschooler. Did that make any sense? I am still waking up! :D


An example of why I would choose to buy new, instead of from a homeschooler would be this: I was looking for TT Algebra. Someone was selling it used for $160, and said the price was firm. Well, NEW is $185 with free shipping. So, in that case, we felt it was better to pay a bit more for a new one that we KNEW would be in good shape or we'd be able to send it back, than buy it used for that high of a price.

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I have 2 different answers. For my oldest, I buy as much "like new" used as possible for non consumables. I buy new for all of our consumables. For my 5yo who is followed very closely by my 3yo, I buy everything new.


If we had the funds, I'd buy everything new for all of them. My oldest is doing sonlight, so the cost factor there is part of why we go used. I just bought a used core 5 for less than 1/2 price.

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I voted "other" because I buy it where it's cheapest. Most of my curriculum is put out by homeschool families anyway so somewhere along the line, they're being helped. I can't in good conscience buy it from just one place or another because I need to be choosy with how I spend my money.

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I usually buy new but also like to buy from homeschoolers if I get a good price and the item is in next to new condition. I have this thing about the smell of new books and that feeling of opening the spine for th first time, okay I am a freak, but simple pleasures you know. Plus out here we are giving funding which translated into purchase orders from stores but buying used from someone else you can't use it without a proper receipt to submit.

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I always try to buy used, both for cost and for reducing the amount of junk that goes into the waste stream. If I have to buy new, I usually use a company run by a homeschooling family I have ordered from in the past.



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