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Sure-fire cure for a canker sore?

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Equal parts each: Benedryl, Maalox, and Xylocaine (or other viscous lidocaine formulation -- ask your pharmacist). This for canker sores that need more pain relief than the typical Orabase Gel can offer.


Chloreseptic spray can also be used for temporary pain relief. But the most effective stuff is the concoction above. (Our pediatric dentist gives out prescriptions for it, calling it "Magic Mouthwash".)

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Canker sore. I rarely get fever blisters, but canker sores I get about once every couple of months. :glare::glare::glare: this one is just especially bad.


I had one a month ago that was so bad I couldn't sleep on that side of my face. My whole jaw was throbbing from the pain. So, first :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Second, I too read about the Benadryl/ Maalox solution, but wasn't willing to try it because I am already on an antihistamine and didn't want to mix drugs. I went the old fashioned route. Warm salt water, 3xs a day. However, because I couldn't eat (the pain was so bad), I did try swishing and spitting with Mylanta (it's what we had) and it totally worked! I don't know that it healed it any faster, but it certainly did relieve the pain so I could eat and sleep for a couple of hours. I would try any kind of OTC liquid antacid, swish and spit.




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My son gargles with hydrogen peroxide (and I think mixed with water....not sure, since my dh is the Florence Nightingale around here:D)


This is what ds does. For prevention, take B-12. He doesn't get them when he takes the B-12 consistently.

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Well, my husband swears by drinking a Coke and letting it basically lance the canker sore. It hurts when you do it, but afterwards it feels better and heals up quickly.

I use oragel and place a dab of it on the canker sore and that at least helps me to be able to eat without excruciating pain. The trick is to put it on the canker sore and let it dry for 30 seconds so it doesn't get all over the inside of your mouth.



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Colgate Peroxyl - recommended by the orthodontist, especially if you can't stand hydrogen peroxide straight


:iagree: Yes, this. Orajel makes a peroxide rinse, too. It stops the pain almost immediately, and the sores heal very quickly. It also tastes minty. :)


I've tried Lysine, orajel, Maalox/Benedryl, Abreva, but the hydrogen peroxide rinse is the only thing that works for me. For some reason, I'm prone to canker sores. :confused:

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I believe cold sores (HSV1) are on the outside, canker sores are on the inside. I think you're asking about canker sores.


Get a Q-tip. Dab sore with hydrogen peroxide. Stings, but helps.

Then get another Q-tip and dab with Milk of Magnesia. Hold lip open so it can air dry on there.


THIS REALLY HELPS!!! I am afflicted with terrible canker sores whenever my immune system is depressed and this is the best cure I have tried.

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I have heard Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is an irritant that can bring them on. I just got over one & got Tom's of Maine Clean & Gentle Care toothpaste to try & avoid them. I can't say for sure it works, but I had one foe 2 weeks that wasn't going away with my regular method of salt water, so I thought it couldn't hurt any.

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Hydrogen peroxide rinse.


Also, if you get them often (I used to - and they were stress-related), see if you can find a toothpaste without sodium laurel sulfate (SLS). There's a brand of Sensodyne, and also a brand of Arm and Hammer easily available - this discovery CHANGED MY LIFE. I now get one every 10-12 months and they go away like the medical textbooks describe. (Check the inactive ingredients, though - a lot of "sensitive" or "natural" (like Tom's) toothpastes still have SLS in them. It's a foaming agent in most shampoos and body washes, too.)

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  • 3 months later...

After using hydrogen peroxide I also dab some milk of magnesia on the sore and it really seems to help. I also take acidophilus which is a probiotic found in yoghurt. It tends to boost the immune system. There are many ways how to get rid of canker sores like with aloe juice or a baking soda paste. You just have to try each of them and see which work best for you.

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