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Would you plan a birthday party two weeks after your dc's birthday?

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Ds was planning his b'day party when he received an invitation to his friend's party. The same weekend (this one). And they have lots of overlapping friends. I thought it would be better to plan ds's for another weekend. But the next will be filled with Halloween activities. The school will have a dance on Friday and the youth groups have a party on Saturday.


Would you put it off another week?

These are teens who have lots of homework on weeknights . . . I just can't see fitting anything else in during the week.

What do you think?

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We've done this many times, for similiar reasons. Usually we will also do some small family things to recognize the actual day, like a special celebratory dinner with family gifts and maybe a cake if the party date is too far off. I'm sure he will enjoy the party more if most of his friends can actually be there.



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Dd's 16th birthday was Sept. 13. We were busy on the surrounding weekends with ACT testing, Girl Scout camping, younger sister's birthday. She's having her party next weekend, Oct. 29th.


She specified "no gifts", most of her friends already wished her "Happy Birthday" -- at this point it's just sort of an excuse for everyone to get together and have fun.


Edited to add: The immediate family had a fun evening with cake and presents on the actual day.

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Yes, my DD's birthday is 12/29- and we usually do the party with friends a couple of weeks later... To have it during the week of her birthday would be difficult for her friends to make with all of the busy-ness that the week of Christmas usually entails for families.


That's my DS's birthday too! And we have the same issue, so we have done his party a couple of weeks after the holidays and his actual birthday.

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It is rare that we do birthday celebrations the week of the actual birthday. They are usually moved at least 2 weeks. We have moved them as much as 2 months before. DD12 has a fall birthday and loves summer birthday celebrations...so we used to combo her birthday with ds's summer birthday and do them both at once. We used to have one HUGE birthday party for them 2 weeks Before ds's actual birthday. LOL

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I don't see any problem at all with having the birthday party scheduled up to a month before or after. My middle dd's birthday is in September and that's a popular birthday month. There are 3 birthdays in our very own house within a two week timeperiod and another 4 on our street. Her birthday party often gets pushed out 3-4 weeks.


My oldest dd's birthday is right around Easter and we always had scheduling problems because of it. I tried to go on the earlier side for her because my youngest dd's birthday was 6 weeks after hers.



And around here, it's very common for people with birthdays in December or January to do half-birthday parties instead of birthday parties.

Edited by AngieW in Texas
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Absolutely fine. We only do family on the actual birthday. Parties with friends happens sometime in the general month, before or after.


This coming year, I am thinking of having a combo party for DS8 and DS5. DS8 has a Feb 6th, and DS5 has a March 16th...so I am thinking end of Feb, one party, both get to invite 5 or so friends....I won't have to buy two cakes, both with leftovers, two themes, etc. Win win for us all!

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My friend's dd's birthday is in September, but the party for her 2010 birthday was held in June 2011, because her mom got very sick (and is still recovering - chronic Lyme disease) and her dad has a job out of state. Her mom had planned a rather elaborate party (based on Kit Kittredge), and when it finally happened, it was a huge success. My girls had a blast.


Until this year, we've had parties within a 2-3 week timeframe from their birthday, but this year, I combined my early May 'baby' and my late June baby's birthdays...in mid-July. They received expensive gifts, and we weren't planning to do a big party, but then...well, we're likely moving before their next birthdays, so we decided to go ahead and do something fun. I expect we'll be moving in January 2012, so I might try to get a party in for my January kiddo - mostly because it'll likely be one of the last times his friends will all be together before we move. It's hard to do that right after Christmas, I know!

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