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I feel like an idiot asking this.....

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Without much thought:

Flower, apple, seeds, tree, basket, pie.


Obviously the flower, apple, seeds, tree part is a cycle, with no beginning or end. The basket--> pie part is kind of an offshoot, so I started with flower so that I could end the cycle on tree and thus move off to basket. The apple alone is kind of non-specific - could stand for the apple the seed came from, or a harvested apple from the basket about to go into the pie. It took me a while to decide that the cookie-looking things were apple flowers (or are they?). How'd I do?!

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Hmm, I think the one with just the apple would be a sort of "introductory" label, and the rest would go seed, blossom, tree, bucket, pie.


Or maybe the apple alone is supposed to be where the seeds come from. So apple, seeds, blossom, tree, bucket, pie.

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Hilarious! I thought it was apple, seeds, blossom, tree, basket, pie. Dh thought it was completely different, but I don't remember his suggestion after reading everything here.


I think my idea came from the little poem "eat an apple, save the core, plant some seeds and grow some more". I already printed this and I'm pretty sure it's going to just go in the coloring basket at this point. lol

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Seeds, tree, flowers, apples, basket, pie, (seeds could also go here)


This shows a chronological order of; plant seed, grow tree, tree blooms, apples set on, pick apples, make pie.


I my opinion this is not a good example of sequencing cards. If I were you I would not even use it. :001_smile:


:iagree: although I agree with a lot of others too. :tongue_smilie: But this was my first thought (and I'm sticking with it).

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Well, it does make an interesting picture set from which to tell a story. You just have to keep in mind that there clearly isn't a "right" answer. The work for the child is in coming up with a reasonably coherent story explaining the logic/reasoning he used to order the cards. It might even be fun to print off several copies of the cards, so the story could be even more creative. A bright kid could do a lot with this, if you keep it fun and open-ended (and serve some pie to go with it LOL!).

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My first thought without peeking at other peoples' choices:









I hate first grade activities. They rarely make sense to me. Too many correct answers are often possible.:tongue_smilie:



So, what is the "right" answer?

Edited by Lolly
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I would say:




Tree (after flowers because fruit is on the tree)





Of course, there are various valid answers as the drawings are rather ambiguous. You could also sort by # of items in the drawing (though the tree & the basket might be a close tie), alphabetical order of items, small items to big items, etc....






No, I'm obviously *not* smarter than a 1st grader! ;):tongue_smilie:

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How would YOU order the sequencing activity (3rd picture down) if you were doing this? There is a disagreement in this house as to how it goes. ;)



that's a cute graphic but the sequencing is not well done, imo. My best guess would be



apple tree

bushel of apples

single apple

apple pie


ETA: Although now reading the replies starting with the single apple makes a lot of sense to me too.

Edited by silliness7
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