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How much time do you spend on science?


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hmm..not sure. He does an hour at co-op each week. Then he reads one chapter a week in a book on heath/human science. And he reads 2 articles a week in Current Science weekly reader magazine. And we have started doing the projects in Milestones in Science...probably will do one every week or so. And then he watches LOTS of science related tv...even if it is just stuff like "The Science of Fighting."


He is also doing a computer science course.

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We have gone through periods where not much science was getting done either. It happens.


Not getting science done isn't concerning me right now. I do hope to 'deal' with that sometime by next year. But I'm not going to set a definite dead line.


I have thought about asking for ideas to inspire me. But I'm almost certain that people would list all sort of things we did last year. :p Also to be honest, right now I'm not even in the mood to ask to be inspired about science.

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Formal science = about 1 hour/week (BFSU)

Informal science = constant and ongoing


Not that it really matters, but my dd has had perfect science scores in her standardized testing. I was worried that our unschooling approach would be at odds with standardized testing, but it obviously isn't.

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Science books and sometimes videos 2-3x a week for a pretty varied amount of time - could be 10 minutes, could be an hour.


Science narration about once every other week.


Science experiment day 1x per week for 2-3 hours.


ETA: Plus, whatever science we encountered out there in the world, at museums, occasionally our co-op is doing a sciencey topic, or we watch other videos, etc.

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