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Moms of girls - need outweighs age, right?

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Dd will be 12 in the very near future. Puberty has reared its ugly head, but the some things are happening slower than others. It sounds strange to my old fashioned ears to hear myself say I let my dd shave at age 11. But, she truly needs to shave legs and pits. There isn't any sense making her wait until a magical age of 13, right?


It is such a strange time. She still plays with dolls and toys, yet her body is moving forward - just marching right along whether she wants it to or not.

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Diva is 13 next month. She's had her period for over a year. :svengo:Wearing a bra for close to 2 yrs.


There are some things that age restrictions really just aren't applicable, and issues surrounding puberty are one of them, imo.


Of course, I'd have loved the ability to tell her body, "No, you may not grow bOOks until after you're 13! And none of that menstrating nonsense either!" but alas...

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I don't think 11 is particularly young for shaving. And if she's in any way self-conscious, absolutely let her go for it. You could get her an electric shaver if you think she's too young to deal with razors, though I think most 11yos can learn to manage. (BTW, I think the Venus razors are far less likely to cause accidental cuts than many of the others out there.)

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This is almost shocking how much hair her legs developed over the summer. Used to be she had minimal blond hair that pretty much stayed rubbed off with all the playing she did. Now it is long and dark and fur-like.


She wants it gone, but at the same time she sees shaving as one more step toward growing up -which she is loathe to do.

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Yes, I agree need outweighs age. Dd started with Veet (the scrape-away leg dipilatory) at around 11. Since she dances a few other things started early (around 11 years old) like contact lenses, eyebrow waxing, and regular mani-pedis. She'd ask, I'd weigh the pros and cons and figured if it makes her feel better and it's not harmful, why not?

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Dd will be 12 in the very near future. Puberty has reared its ugly head, but the some things are happening slower than others. It sounds strange to my old fashioned ears to hear myself say I let my dd shave at age 11. But, she truly needs to shave legs and pits. There isn't any sense making her wait until a magical age of 13, right?


It is such a strange time. She still plays with dolls and toys, yet her body is moving forward - just marching right along whether she wants it to or not.

Oh, I hear your pain!:crying:

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My mom played by the numbers. I have some Native American blood. I have lots of hair. Dark Brown Hair. And I was not allowed to shave until I was 13. The hair on my legs was horrendous. Even as an adult, looking back, it was horrendous. It was at least an inch long, if memory serves me right, closer to 2. And it was brown. I flat out refused to wear skirts (and we were Baptist...Skirts required for church!). It was a horrible, unnecessary power struggle.


My 2 girls are Asian. My 7 yr old will probably be bleaching her lip by the time she's 12. They will probably both be late developing BooKs. But Dh and I have already decided that whether needed or not, they will have BooKshelves by the time they are 11 1/2, so they don't feel the pain of being late, quite as bad. And shaving their legs. Whenever they feel the need. It is NOT a hill to die on.

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It is such a strange time. She still plays with dolls and toys, yet her body is moving forward - just marching right along whether she wants it to or not.


Yes, it's a strange and wonderful time! My girl is newly 13. Before she went to camp for the first time - she was not quite 11 that year - I suggested she may want to shave her pits. She had quite a blond beard going under her arms. She declined, and that was that until she got home from camp. Then she asked for a shaving lesson. Legs waited at least another year (her choice). So did menses. In the meantime she was prepared. ;) In her purse she inherited from her big sister, she carried a supply of pads right next to her swiss army knife and hot wheels cars, because you just never know what the day may have in store, you know. I think those original pads had to be replaced a few times because they got dirt on them long before they were needed for their intended purpose.


Just now she headed outside by herself to get in some sword practice. It's a stick she carved, and she made her sheath out of duct tape. The boys her age are happy to play that game with her. The girls? I don't think she bothers to show them what she's made.


I think 13 is wonderful. They each have their own timeline, that's for sure. Enjoy the ride!

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My dd is 12 and I offered her the option to shave about a year ago. She's blonde and so it's not particularly visible yet, not enough to make her want to shave. It's not coarse/thick enough for me to really encourage her to shave, so we're in a holding pattern for the moment, but if she wanted to, I'd let her.

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My mom played by the numbers. I have some Native American blood. I have lots of hair. Dark Brown Hair. And I was not allowed to shave until I was 13. The hair on my legs was horrendous. Even as an adult, looking back, it was horrendous. It was at least an inch long, if memory serves me right, closer to 2. And it was brown. I flat out refused to wear skirts (and we were Baptist...Skirts required for church!). It was a horrible, unnecessary power struggle. .


:iagree: this was my mother too. Years of unnecessary teasing and body image issues just because she had a number in her head. If they need it, let them do it!

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dd11 started to shave this year, too. She will be 12 in November.


She and dd8 are all dressed up today and playing nurse to me. Yesterday she drew a bunch of pictures, put them on display, then opened her "museum" up to the public, knowing no "real" people would see her artwork. :lol:


Her favorite is to push her rooster or chickens around in a stroller.:lol:


she still enjoys being a little girl, but she wants to be a little girl with boobs.:confused::smilielol5::smilielol5:

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Physical development can't be stopped, and if she's self-conscious about it, then I'd absolutely let her do it. My girls ranged in age as far as development. One began her periods at age 10, another at age 14. My 10-year old developed earlier on many fronts (even before her older sister). That's just the way it goes!

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Thanks everyone. The deed is done and she says she feel pretty good. She was mostly scared she would cut herself.



If you're not opposed to or allergic to depilatory creams, they are very easy to use and no chance of cutting. I also think the results last a little longer than shaving.

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