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Please help my daughter decide her senior picture!

Which picture should go in the yearbook?  

  1. 1. Which picture should go in the yearbook?

    • White shirt picture
    • Pink shirt picture
    • Maroon sweater picture

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We have an appointment with the photographer on Monday and need to decide which one should go in the yearbook.


There were about 20 to choose from, but we narrowed it down to these 3. The whole family has different opinions, so help us choose!


p.s. - I don't want to say which one is her favorite and which one is mine because I don't want to skew the votes. I will tell which ones when the votes are in. Suffice to say we do not agree haha!


Update: Wow! Thank you all for your votes and kind words! She is a typical 16 year old girl ... self-concious and hates every picture of herself, but we did have some nice ones to choose from.


Her favorite is the maroon sweater one. Mine was the white shirt one. The maroon sweater pic also got the most "likes" on her facebook page, so looks like that will be the one we will go with for her yearbook picture. I can't wait to see what it will look like as a final product! I will probably also get the white shirt one and hang it somewhere in the house. Thanks again. It really helps to get different perspectives :)










Edited by Home'scool
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Does she have a favorite? I like the first two better than the third. She looks younger in the third than the other two. It might be helpful to see what photos other people are submitting. If everyone else is submitting a head shot and she submits shot #1, she will look very, very tiny.


ETA: I voted for #2. I like the color and the lighting.

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I like #2 the best because the pink is very flattering to her coloring and her smile looks much more genuine. My only concerns about that picture is that the color is not a classic color and the backdrop is not a traditional serior picture backdrop so it may look a little dated in 10 years. The smile in #3 looks forced and the color is kind of somber. So I guess the white one would be my second choice.

Edited by KidsHappen
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#2 has her cleavage smooshed.

#3 is pretty but it just looks like a snapshot. I prefer a senior picture to look a bit more formal.

#1 is my favorite. The white shirt draws attention to her face and beautiful hair, it looks more beachy which looks nice with the sand and it looks, to me, like a more professionally taken picture.

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I love her pose in #1, and the white shirt is beautiful. It's a really classic shot. That's my favorite as a photograph.


But I voted for #3 because I love her smile in that picture. It's a great photo too, and her smile looks the most natural, less of a "I'm getting my picture taken" smile. I was really drawn to her face and not the photo. The photos I tend to treasure over time are the ones in which my child's personality really shines through, not necessarily the ones which are the most perfect photographically.


She's a lovely young lady. :)



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She's so beautiful! Any would be fine, but have you considered cropping the photo? I would go with the pink shirt, but crop out the bottom to remove the cleavage and then crop the other sides to center her face. Her face then becomes the focus and the beautiful sunset is still there. I played with it on paint, but I have no idea how to put it into this thread. :tongue_smilie: I would think the photographer could easily do that for any of these photos.

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Okay I'm annoyed! I cannot believe that some of you are making such a deal about her cleavage. I didn't notice it the first time i looked at the picture so i had to go back and look at it again....I even had to put my laptop up closer to my FACE to find the "cleavage". Seriously? She barely has any b**bs and the 'cleavage" is pretty much non-existant. Give me a break. I would be happy with that picture if it were of my daughter (she's a junior in HS).

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The white shirt picture is my favorite. The shirt, the pose, and the background are beautiful. My initial impression is that this picture also has the most natural looking expression, but then I realized that knowing her in person would be necessary to have the best idea which expression is most natural for her. The 3rd is my second favorite.

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If it were my child, I would like #1 (white top) for the family room wall/photo gallery.


#2 (pink) to keep in an album or maybe a 3x5 on a desk, because it is very cute, but I agree the look might be dated pretty soon.


#3 (maroon) for the official senior picture, because of the more classical composition of the photo.


She is beautiful, and I have to wonder if she ever takes a bad picture! :)

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