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If you could only have ONE thing for school...


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If only one thing: First-time joyful obedience.


Practical: Computer (and printer) with internet access because if we didn't have books, it would be our resource.


In my dreams: Unlimited travel expenses to explore the world as we learn.


Favorite item in our learning room: Laminated Wall Maps

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If I had to pick one thing "curriculum-wise" it would be a video-based math program. As my dd gets into the upper Algebra courses, it gets more and more difficult for me to teach it RIGHT--and I am thrilled to have a teacher on the screen do it for me!




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Even though it does not exist, I would want a set of Classical Writing Diogenes & higher instructional DVDs similar to the IEW Student Workshop and Continuation courses. Needless to say, such a thing does not exist.


I could not live without the Internet & a quality printer as I've found if one must, you can HS every subject with these two items.

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I don't know if this counts as one thing but I would love our own personal library/school room decked out with comfy chairs, sofa, table/chairs, posters, supplies, drawers, etc. Many things to create one thing! LOL! :D


Now if we have an option to go non-schooling.......I REALLY need another vehicle!!! Ours has more pings, clanks, and wobbles than is safe and it is hard to crank and slips in reverse. BUT HEY!! The ac works and it is full of this rich man's gas!! :lol:

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since I only have experience with K and younger:


Curriculum or book I would buy if money were no object: A private Spanish or Latin tutor


One thing that has been my favorite thing: My SL Core B (then it was called preschool) books- we've really made use of them. I also used the Pattern Blocks kit, Singapore EB Math, and Sing the Word from A to Z that comes with the Core a lot. It has really been worth the money I spent!

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I agree with the good library thing - we are very blessed to have one of the best library systems in the country (Central Rappahannock Regional Library), but if you mean something tangible it would be my World Book Encyclopedia (the books, not the computer version).


Most information in an encyclopedia does not change so even an older used set is extremely useful. My non-readers had post-its stuck in all the entries they were interested in (the ones with lots of pictures). They learned alphabetical order by retrieving the volumes for me.


Whenever they asked, "Why?," I would say, "Let's look it up." That taught them that the smart people aren't the ones who know everything - they're the ones who know how to find out.


Many times I would find one or more of them lounging around the LR totally absorbed in a volume.


Many times I would tell them to look something up only to hear them say after a few minutes pause, "Mom, did you know....?" (fill in the blank) about something completely unrelated. That's why I like the books as opposed to the CD - they learn a lot from reading entries that catch their eye as they are looking something else up.


I bought my 1998 set in 2002 for about $50 at a library book sale (another reason I love my library). Before that we had the 1969 set that my parents bought new.


There's more, but I've rambled long enough.

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Well, since money is no object, I'd have to say a house that comes complete with a dedicated, fully stocked (labs, reading nooks, computer center, bookshelves, desks, closets, *sigh and drool*) schoolroom and a big, fenced in backyard that I can send the kids out into for PE.



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curriculum: complete set of The Great Books by Encyclopedia Britannica


practical: a completely decked out classroom in my home, complete with chalk board, large tables that we could all sit around together, an overhead projector, and plenty of shelves for books!


fantasy: unlimited travel and expenses!

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I'd like to have one of thos little Katrina Cottages in our back yard to set up school and a full science lab. My son is looking forward to Chemistry this fall and I think we'd have a blast (not literally, I hope) putzing around in a lab.


Oh my gosh, thos are so neat! I wish I hadn't seen that..now I want one! That would be perfect for our bursting at the seems house! What a wonderful place for homeschooling (and mom...)

Hmm...:grouphug: (picture of mom's brain cells trying to formulate a plan).


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If money was no object, my own private plane to take the kids and travel the world learning about the different cultures/languages first hand instead of in a book.


Otherwise the one must have for me is the internet. We don't use the library at all, so the internet is a must have item

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Library--the books we've read have been our favorite part of homeschooling.


I agree with other posters who've suggested traveling. We studied about caves about a year ago. We just got back from Carlsbad Caverns. When we were in the cave I exclaimed, "Look! Don't you all remember when we studied about all this?" The kids just looked at me like I had two heads. They didn't remember much at all, but they will now!

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More traveling...to see the places we read about, and to learn about different cultures.



:iagree: Yes, yes, this is the only thing I feel that we are missing from our home school.


Although, a staff would be nice. And magical pencils that always stay sharp with erasers that can't be chewed off.

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A designated school room with cute furnishings and a huge wall full of books from floor to ceiling with one of those moveable ladders. I can already picture it in my head. LOL! Okay, that's more than one thing isn't it? So let me go with Winter Promise instead. (wink)

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Curriculum- would have to be a sonlight core.


If it's just one thing period, it would have to be a computer with internet, bukoo memory, and a high speed super printer with a 55 gallon drum for an ink cartridge.



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I think I will go with the domestic staff. I want someone to cook us really healthy meals, taking into account all of our health issues (dh's allergies) moral issues (dh's vegetarianism), protein needs, likes and dislikes, please. Oh, and if they could clean up afterwards too, that would be nice. And if they could also teach the kids about nutrition and the importance of a good diet, because they don't want to hear it from me :001_smile:


With that, my time would be free to use the library and internet to homeschool perfectly well, but I wouldn't wish for that because I already have it :001_smile:

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curriculum: complete set of The Great Books by Encyclopedia Britannica


Although this is nice, the text is small and you wouldn't want to write in the books. I had the set and I just gave it to a friend b/c I want to hold a single book in my hands and use my pencil as much as I want.


I didn't know if you knew about this or had thought about it in that way, it's a nice set but individual books would be better for studying.


Just 2¢

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Either a new set of encyclopedias OR the internet.

Unless you mean in addition to everything we already have. In that case, I would say: an airline/hotel pass to anywhere in the the world...unlimited. Well, you asked!


best intentions,


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