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Anyone else have this realistic (not) homeschool fantasy?

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Your alarm goes off at 4:45 - 5:00 am and you joyfully leap out of bed. You go downstairs for a hot cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee from your Keurig while you listen to worship music, read your Bible and have a blissful quiet time. You then hop on your eliptical machine for 30 rigourous minutes to get those endorphins flowing. You eat a wholesome breakfast while your children are still asleep. You have your second cup of coffee and browse your favorite homeschool blogs, message boards and Facebook.


You take a nice long hot shower and dress nicely head to toe, hair and makeup done, earrings on and shoes on.


Your children rise at 7:00-7:30 and call you blessed as you feed them a wholesome breakfast. Without complaining or fighting or whining, or making a mess, they dress, wash their face, bruth their teeth and are ready at 8 for a half hour of cooperative family chore time whereas by 8:30am, your entire house is clean and spic and span from top to bottom, for everyone has done their assigned chores.


They happily bounce onto the sofa at 8:30am to listen to you read fantastic literature selections from all of the magnificent curriculum you have purchased. They diligently work on their schoolwork and lapbooks, notebooks..whatever throughout the day.


Full of energy after a whole foods lunch, you take them all over kingdom come to their activities, bringing with you your knitting, lesson planning, a good book etc because your hands are never idle.


You come home, freshen up, and have an outstanding dinner ready for hubby as he gets home from a long hard day at work.


The children practice their piano or other instruments, have a nice tubby and the family reads a wonderful read aloud together before agreeably going to bed on time without complaint.


All prepared for tomorrow, you get to bed by 9pm after a relaxing quiet time of reading, so that you'll be all ready to start over again tomorrow.


Oh man..I think I feel nauseas again....:lol::lol:

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As I tried to figure out how on earth I was going to 'do it all'...when making the decision to homeschool, I had it all 'written on paper'. It always looks easier written on paper. Just like the unrealistic budget. LOL


I thought of that fantasy today as I saw the dust and dog hair by the baseboards, the dishes piling up, shut off my alarm clock at 7:45 am and told it to shut the blank up, stayed in my jammies with the kids till 11, blew off soccer practice (there's another one tomorrow) and went to bed at 6:30 after dinner for a nap.


I do need to desperately eat well and exercise though! I KNOW everything else would be easier if I could just be disciplined!

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But when do you grind your own wheat?


Now see, back when I was in my first round of homeschooling (my oldest), I went through that phase. I even got stuff from Wheat Montana. I've lightened up on myself. That was when I was pregnant with number 2 and actually sewing my own all in one cloth diapers. LOL

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LOL...I actually almost choked when I got to the part about your hands never being idle. Then when someone said when do you grind your own wheat? LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!


You guys kill me sometimes!






PS I am lucky if the kids have had breakfast by 9:30...forget anything else!

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LOL...I actually almost choked when I got to the part about your hands never being idle. Then when someone said when do you grind your own wheat? LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!


You guys kill me sometimes!






PS I am lucky if the kids have had breakfast by 9:30...forget anything else!


at this point I'm lucky if they have breakfast.


I found ds in the corner of the living room the other day at 7:30am. I knew someone was in there because I saw the dog staring at something. Around the corner comes my 9 year old in his spongebob pj shorts, no shirt and something behind his back. I said "what is behind your back?"


He starts to cry and shows me a pack of mini oreos and shaking his head says "I was just so tempted mom!" LOLOL

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That is the dream (minus the shoes on :lol:) But then I have a day like today. Where dh comes through the door (and has to get dinner started) But he looks up a dd and I are rolling on the floor practicing her poem, and ds bounces out to say he needs to do Dad's health report when he has finished putting dinner on. Total chaos, but with our happy kids, we look at each other and say how nice it is that our kids don't have to suffer through "real" school

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That is the dream (minus the shoes on :lol:) But then I have a day like today. Where dh comes through the door (and has to get dinner started) But he looks up a dd and I are rolling on the floor practicing her poem, and ds bounces out to say he needs to do Dad's health report when he has finished putting dinner on. Total chaos, but with our happy kids, we look at each other and say how nice it is that our kids don't have to suffer through "real" school


awwwwww! :001_smile:


(sorry, had to add the shoes on part to my story to get the FlyLady factor in there) LOL

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My kids were in their pajamas until 5pm (it's Tuesday, we don't have to go anywhere on Tuesday). At that point, DD got fully dressed (nice shirt and skirt :confused:) and DS put on clean pajamas :D.


We are having a very good week of school so far. I'm expecting a complete meltdown from DD tomorrow, she has one about once/week.

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Your alarm goes off at 4:45 - 5:00 am and you joyfully leap out of bed. You go downstairs for a hot cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee from your Keurig while you listen to worship music, read your Bible and have a blissful quiet time. You then hop on your eliptical machine for 30 rigourous minutes to get those endorphins flowing. You eat a wholesome breakfast while your children are still asleep. You have your second cup of coffee and browse your favorite homeschool blogs, message boards and Facebook.


You take a nice long hot shower and dress nicely head to toe, hair and makeup done, earrings on and shoes on.


Your children rise at 7:00-7:30 and call you blessed as you feed them a wholesome breakfast. Without complaining or fighting or whining, or making a mess, they dress, wash their face, bruth their teeth and are ready at 8 for a half hour of cooperative family chore time whereas by 8:30am, your entire house is clean and spic and span from top to bottom, for everyone has done their assigned chores.


They happily bounce onto the sofa at 8:30am to listen to you read fantastic literature selections from all of the magnificent curriculum you have purchased. They diligently work on their schoolwork and lapbooks, notebooks..whatever throughout the day.


Full of energy after a whole foods lunch, you take them all over kingdom come to their activities, bringing with you your knitting, lesson planning, a good book etc because your hands are never idle.


You come home, freshen up, and have an outstanding dinner ready for hubby as he gets home from a long hard day at work.


The children practice their piano or other instruments, have a nice tubby and the family reads a wonderful read aloud together before agreeably going to bed on time without complaint.


All prepared for tomorrow, you get to bed by 9pm after a relaxing quiet time of reading, so that you'll be all ready to start over again tomorrow.


Oh man..I think I feel nauseas again....:lol::lol:


I am reading this out loud to my family, as I am crying from laughing so hard!!



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Well, in my fantasy my children get up at 6:30, get dressed, make beds, eat breakfast, exercise, do piano, and start on schoolwork while I sleep in until 9:00. It could happen!


Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!! Now that works for me....and my oldest can drive them to Timbuktu and back for their activities while I crack open a Mike's andmread the next Anya Seton novel on my shelf....yep....that sounds good.

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Well, in my fantasy my children get up at 6:30, get dressed, make beds, eat breakfast, exercise, do piano, and start on schoolwork while I sleep in until 9:00. It could happen!


Oh that sounds delightful! I'll file that one away for when mine are a bit older!

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:001_huh: That's not what it's like for everybody? I just assumed...


Except you left out the part where my children sweetly picked out half their toys to donate to homeless children at a shelter. I tried to convince my daughter to keep her dollhouse, but she was so determined!


But other than that, and the praise music - we're heathens, you know - it's almost like you've got a hidden camera in my living room.

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You lost me at 4:45am. No fantasy of mine starts that early in the morning.


:iagree: I wholeheartedly agree with this! The guys get up at 7:30, feed the 5 year old, start the parts of school that is independent, I get up at 8:30, (fill in the other stuff you said on getting ready minus Bible study and coffee), join them at 9:30, instruct until 12, lunch, they complete their remaining independent work, I teach the kindergartner, have a wonderful, stress-free meal at home, everyone peacefully goes to bed, I enjoy a freshen up shower, great teA, and asleep by 11.


Ah, that would be nice. I did forget transporting to activities at 4 and pick up at 6. I guess the great meal follows that.


Nice to dream. Thanks :)

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That was fun to read. lol But I have to say that most of theose things have never crossed my mind.


:001_smile: I just always saw my home as one filled with spunky and creative people.


Of course, today was a rough day and I did wonder what I could have done to make these children more docile.


I the end, I know I never wanted that. It's a good fantasy, however. One I could have used today!! lol

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4:45--are you God is even up at that hour? :001_huh:


No fantasy of mine starts like that. Mine starts at about 9, 10 if it's wonderful, when someone brings me coffee and the paper.


well I don't know...that intimidating Proverbs 31 woman "rises while it is still dark".


I think I've come to the conclusion about 10 days ago that this getting up early thing is NOT me. I am NOT my mom. I am NOT my husband. I am never going to be. I am NOT a morning person and it is just going to have to be ok that I'm not. So there.

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well I don't know...that intimidating Proverbs 31 woman "rises while it is still dark".


I think I've come to the conclusion about 10 days ago that this getting up early thing is NOT me. I am NOT my mom. I am NOT my husband. I am never going to be. I am NOT a morning person and it is just going to have to be ok that I'm not. So there.


She can have the dark, I don't want to be an overachiever, anyway. :D


I'm with you. I am not an early bird, and all attempts (two years) of trying to change myself into one made me and everyone else miserable. It all gets done and it gets done on a timetable that suits us. Later. :001_smile: I found that when I tried to change it, I was so tired I got less done. I figure I gotta work to my strengths, right?

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Your alarm goes off at 4:45 - 5:00 am and you joyfully leap out of bed. You go downstairs for a hot cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee from your Keurig while you listen to worship music, read your Bible and have a blissful quiet time. You then hop on your eliptical machine for 30 rigourous minutes to get those endorphins flowing. You eat a wholesome breakfast while your children are still asleep. You have your second cup of coffee and browse your favorite homeschool blogs, message boards and Facebook.


You take a nice long hot shower and dress nicely head to toe, hair and makeup done, earrings on and shoes on.


Your children rise at 7:00-7:30 and call you blessed as you feed them a wholesome breakfast. Without complaining or fighting or whining, or making a mess, they dress, wash their face, bruth their teeth and are ready at 8 for a half hour of cooperative family chore time whereas by 8:30am, your entire house is clean and spic and span from top to bottom, for everyone has done their assigned chores.


They happily bounce onto the sofa at 8:30am to listen to you read fantastic literature selections from all of the magnificent curriculum you have purchased. They diligently work on their schoolwork and lapbooks, notebooks..whatever throughout the day.


Full of energy after a whole foods lunch, you take them all over kingdom come to their activities, bringing with you your knitting, lesson planning, a good book etc because your hands are never idle.


You come home, freshen up, and have an outstanding dinner ready for hubby as he gets home from a long hard day at work.


The children practice their piano or other instruments, have a nice tubby and the family reads a wonderful read aloud together before agreeably going to bed on time without complaint.


All prepared for tomorrow, you get to bed by 9pm after a relaxing quiet time of reading, so that you'll be all ready to start over again tomorrow.


Oh man..I think I feel nauseas again....:lol::lol:


Umm, yep, this is precisely my homeschool fantasy. Unfortunately, reality doesn't even come close to this. I still keep dreaming about it though; it gives me something to aspire to!

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you lost me at joyfully leaping at 4:45 AM :glare:


LOL sounds wonderful. Never gonna happen :lol:




Maybe 7 on a school day, not ever before that and mine would include loose leaf tea (the drink kind:lol:) from Galway, Ireland which my parents brought me as a souvenir. It is the best tea ever.


I almost had that day last Thursday which was a blessing since I never count on really good homeschooling days in the first two months of the school year.

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awwwwww! :001_smile:


(sorry, had to add the shoes on part to my story to get the FlyLady factor in there) LOL


Just came to check the thread before bed (10:52, not 9 and I am still not ready for tomorrow) I read it to dh. First comment was;"you didn't write that did you?" No honey, "well you could post back that you stopped at the 4:45 part as soon as you saw it was am."




"No tea tonight!" and he knows what I mean:lol:

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Ah...thanks for the reminder that I'm expecting too much out of my dc and myself. This is the ideal that I have in my head, and I keep thinking that if I "could just change X about myself," my homeschool would look just like this. Seeing it written out like this, and reading all the responses shows me, what folly that is. Tomorrow, I'm going to relax and enjoy my dc more.

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but it's necessary to fit everything else in to the fantasy! Otherwise, that time never would have been included... LOL



Yeah, I've been trying to figure out how to fit in exercise and Bible study into our mornings and figured I'd have to get up at 6am, which makes me :blink: and :crying: and :glare: so I go back to :sleep: instead.

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