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How many times a day do you change your clothes?

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Today might be a bit more than normal but I seem to change my clothes a great deal. Here is my day so far:


1. wake up in PJ

2. put on farm clothes to feed horses

3. come home put on walking clothes to walk with a friend

4. change into town clothes to go shopping/run errands

5. switch again into funeral home clothes for a visitation

6. get back home and back into farm/horse back riding clothes to take nieces and nephews riding

7. back into walking clothes to go walking with another friend


then later tonight will be:

8. back again into barn clothes to go feed horses

9. home for a shower and PJs.


Quite often I will change 5-6 times a day as you don't wear good stuff to do chores or chore clothes to town, etc.


Does anyone else change this much?

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get up and put "house clothes on"-either shorts or lounge pants till I get a shower---after showering I"ll usually put on tshirt/shorts or lounge pants if I"m not going out,if I am going out depends on weather what I wear....if I did go out when I get back home I"ll usually put on "lounge clothes" again...then before bed after shower I'll put on nightgown......

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Normal days are just pajama's to regular day clothes.


My best friend, her Mom, came from a way different set of rules though on dressing. I was smiling when I read the title here, it brought her immediately to mind.


Had she ever met Wallis Simpson, they would have gotten along beautifully.


She's totally one of a kind there.

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Today might be a bit more than normal but I seem to change my clothes a great deal. Here is my day so far:


1. wake up in PJ

2. put on farm clothes to feed horses

3. come home put on walking clothes to walk with a friend

4. change into town clothes to go shopping/run errands

5. switch again into funeral home clothes for a visitation

6. get back home and back into farm/horse back riding clothes to take nieces and nephews riding

7. back into walking clothes to go walking with another friend


then later tonight will be:

8. back again into barn clothes to go feed horses

9. home for a shower and PJs.


Quite often I will change 5-6 times a day as you don't wear good stuff to do chores or chore clothes to town, etc.


Does anyone else change this much?


Nooooo. I simply couldn't do that much laundry. (Hats off to you!) For me it's out of jammies and into day clothes, then back into jammies.

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Once or twice. Once into my clothing from pjs. I usually try to plan my clothing for that day's activities. If I am going somewhere then I put those on and try to not get dirty. If we are leaving much later in then day, then mom clothes until leving time. On Sundays I will put on church attire and maybe lose the jacket or heels for the afternoon, then back on they go for evening service. If I had to feed horses then I'd probably change more times a day, though.

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If running first thing I dress in my running clothes. If I ran I do chores (feeding and milking goats) in those clothes otherwise I just do chores in my regular day clothes which consist of jeans or jean skirt and a shirt, the same clothes I would wear if I left the house. If they are nicer or I want to be extra sure I don't get dirty because I have an appointment or something I put a pair of overalls on (which I bought solely for this purpose). Unless I'm wearing a skirt of course but it is jeans or capris most of the time for me.:) I don't go for a walk often but when I walked with a neighbor I only changed my shoes. If you are changing into barn clothes your everyday clothes are likely nicer than mine.:D When I had horse I changed my pants to breeches for riding because I rode english. I couldn't change that many times a day, I hate running in the afternoon mostly because it would require a change of clothes.:tongue_smilie:

Edited by Happyhomemama
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Generally I get through with one change of clothes but if I have to go somewhere in the afternoon then I'll change out of the sweats and t-shirt I wore for the morning into some nice clothes.


And then there are times like tonight when I sit down to knit and realize the dog just piddled on the chair I'm sitting on and I have to go change my clothes.


Honestly, we should have called her Leaky.

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Nope...I'm in pj's 24/7.


JK. :D


In the morning I'll put on comfortable pants (kind of like sweat pants but cuter :001_smile: ) and a t-shirt. When it's time to run out...I put on jeans (usually same shirt). When I get home it's back to the comfy pants. Then, of course, changing into pj's before bed. One night a week I'll change again into long shorts (not sure what you call those) and a workout shirt for Zumba.

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For me, this question could have been how many times do you actually put on clothes (instead of PJ's!). I have to admit, if I don't have to go anywhere I am usually in PJ/lounge clothes. Back when I used to do Flylady, I would get dressed to the shoes every day full on make up and everything!! I will admit I got a lot more done back then!

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Three for me, and 2 showers on most days.


I wake up in pjs, shower, and get in work clothes.


Got to work. Come home and change into workout clothes.


Work out, take shower.


Put on real clothes. Look nice, feel good kind of stuff.


Finish the day, change into pjs. Repeat.

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I don't change for "town."

I get up, change out of jammies into work clothes if I'm working (dog walker, so capri sweats and t's), and usually back into jammies at night.

Sundays, I change into Sunday clothes, then back into casual clothes for the day, then into jammies.


I don't have livestock to feed.

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Nooooo. I simply couldn't do that much laundry. (Hats off to you!) For me it's out of jammies and into day clothes, then back into jammies.


But these clothes all get worn multiple times before washing. Usually barn jeans last about a week before washing, barn shirts 2-3 days, walking clothes--depends on heat/humidity but in cooler weather2 or so wearings, etc.

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1. Change from PJs to workout clothes to walk the dog or go for a work out.

2. Shower and put on regular clothes (shorts or capris and nice top during summer, jeans and nice sweater during winter.)

3. If I have a meeting in the evening or have to work, I might put on something nicer.

4. If I go rock climbing at the gym, I will put on clothes appropriate for that - usually a t-shirt and some cargo pants or capris that have some stretch to them since I need to keep my phone with me.

5. Back to PJs to go to bed.

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No! Wow, you must have a lot of laundry!


Not really that much as I wore the same horseback/chore clothes 3 times day and will wear them another 1-2 days before I wash them. The funeral home clothes were only worn for 1 hour so they went back on the hanger. The exercise clothes will be washed as I fell down walking today and the shirt is sweaty. My "town" clothes were only on for about 2 hours so they can be worn again as well.


I just rotate clothes a lot. In hot weather I was taking 2-3 showers a day but now that it is cooler 1 a day does it.

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But these clothes all get worn multiple times before washing. Usually barn jeans last about a week before washing, barn shirts 2-3 days, walking clothes--depends on heat/humidity but in cooler weather2 or so wearings, etc.


I don't think that's outrageous given the different activities you're doing.


I'd be going to town in either chore clothes or workout clothes though--assuming you mean errands like the bank, post office or grocery store. If it was something like a doctor's appointment where someone might get close enough to notice I stink, I'd probably change.

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