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Can you say a prayer for my Emma?

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Last month Emma got a cold and two days later, she was in respiratory distress. She had pneumonia with asthmatic qualities (she had strep throat too, but that's another story). It was bad. We were *this close* to a hospital stay. They only let her come home with me because I'm a nurse. I was truly terrified. It was the same week that my oldest had that mysterious facial swelling and hives. Not a good week.


Anyway, Emma's allergies are acting up and she has had cold symptoms all day. Now she is in bed and coughing. This is EXACTLY how it started last time. I was working overnight, and Patrick called me really early in the morning to tell me she was coughing and wheezing. When I got home, she was terribly sick, lethargic, high fever, respiratory distress, etc. I don't want her to be like that again. It was awful. Can you please pray she stays well and this passes quickly? Thank you so much!

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Praying! :grouphug: I've had more than one kiddo hospitalized on oxygen - I know how scary these breathing issuse can be.


I assume you've already started albuterol (and an inhaled steroid?) at the first sign - consider doing the albuterol every 4 hours overnight. I know, no sleep :tongue_smilie:

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Praying for Emma. :grouphug: That's a scary situation.


Fwiw, my oldest had similiar problems. After yrs. of allergies quickly turning into pneumonia and asthma attacks, we had his adenoids taken out. Now, he's fine. He gets colds now and then but never asthma or pneumonia.


I hope she is able to fight this off and recover w/out having to go to the hospital.


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