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What math programs do you own right now?

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At one point I had Singapore, Miquon, MathUSee, Developmental Math, and Horizons. I am happy to say I have whittled it down to MUS and Singapore's Challenging Word Problems! I also have Mathtacular dvds, but that doesn't count, right? I do have Singapore level 1 texts, but I am actively trying to sell them, so they don't count either.

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Here is what we are using:


Study Time Arithmetic Grade 3

Arithmetic Village


What we will probably use as well:

Practical Arithmetic


*Maybe* we will use here or there:

Making Math Meaningful

Oak Meadow Math, grade 4


What I'm pretty sure we will never use, but can't quite sell just yet:

Teaching Textbooks, several different years


What I am definitely ready to sell:


Family Math


What I have, don't use, but don't think I can sell:

Living Math


Okay, so this is a pretty embarrassing list.:tongue_smilie: I think our choices for this year are pretty grounded and seem a good fit so far. So, I feel a bit better about the above list in light of that.

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I didn't toss or sell the Saxon math, so I have that even though we switched over a year ago to Singapore - so I have that too - and I supplement with Horizons workbooks, so I have those, but not the entire program.


For the future I have on hand, Lial's Basic College Math, Duxbury's Intro to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis, a box of both DH and my college math books, and my old AP Calculus book - not sure if we'll use any of them, but we have them! Oh and in my dining room somewhere is a precalculus textbook DS picked up at the library book sale that he thought looked "neat".

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Short answer - you don't want to know!! :lol:



Long answer -

AoPS Prealgebra, Intro to Algebra, Intro to Number Theory


Saxon Math - ALL of it, from kindergarten through calculus and physics. Also have the fourth edition Saxon Alg - Geo - Alg II sequence. Also have old first editions of Calculus and Geo Trig Alg III (what Advanced math used to be called) (My DD may learn best from AoPS, but *I* am not as smart as she is, LOL!!)


Dolciani Prealgebra and Algebra


Foersters' Algebra I


Jacobs Algebra


University of Chicago Mathematics Project Algebra


larson's calculus of a single variable (not sure this counts since it's a contribution from DH, but I'm KEEPING it because we might need it for homeschool someday!! :) )


Key to books, most of them but a random assortment as some have gotten used up as DD used them for supplements


Patty Paper Geometry


Murderous Maths


all three Danica McKellar books


and a boatload of various manipulatives



Yes, I am insane. I fear to see what the collection will look like by the time my mathy kids reach college!!

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  • Singapore and all accompanying materials for levels 1 & 2 & Earlybird
  • RightStart A/B
  • MUS Primer and Alpha
  • Miquon Orange and Red
  • Math Mammoth Light Blue Gr 1-6
  • MEP all printed out
  • Saxon (someone gave me new Saxon materials)
  • bunch of extra math books on the Singapore math site as well.

  • EPGY open enrollment.
  • Family Math.
  • Will be buying Life of Fred elementary


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Life of Fred - we use as a supplement

Miquon - like this, only works for some of my kids

Singapore - use challenging word problems, have some other stuff too though

Rightstart (Games only) - like the games

Muggins - not used much

Hands on Algebra - great word problems!

Teaching Textbooks - the math that works for my 2nd oldest....

MEP - like this for reception/1st

AOPS - prealgebra

Mammoth Math (ebooks) - whatever color series that works on individual skills like fractions...

CLE - teacher manuals only

Math U See (only own blocks and skip counting cd) - still use blocks occasionally

Harcourt (1st grade worktext that was given to me) - in with the coloring books

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Agh-I am BY FAR the worst. In fact, there's not much I don't have :tongue_smilie::


I have in my house at this moment or in a box in my garage (ready to sell or use later, depending):


-Miquon (inc all teacher materials and red/orange level)

-RightStart C (sold A and B)

-Singapore Primary-US Edition 1, 2, and 4; Standard Ed- (inc HIGs and IPs plus wkbks and texts) 1b, 2a and b, 3a and b AND the whole original set of CWP, also the green teachers guide that helps you with the bar diagrams

-All levels of MM

-Life of Fred Fractions

-Rod and Staff 1

-Right Start Math games book

-All my kids' old CLE (level 1-5 for one dc, 2 for the other), plus their upcoming levels-3 and 6

-Primary Challenge Math (Zaccaro)

-Saxon 5/4

-Horizons 2

-Key To Measurement and also the Decimals one

-Hands On Equations

-Lial's BCM

-Lial's Pre-Algebra

-Foerster's Algebra

-Noble Knights of Knowledge

-Penrose the Mathematical Cat, Mathemeticians are People Too, and lots of other living math books

-not to mention Liping Ma and the HUGE box of manips, math balances, etc

-we do MEP but I REFUSE to count that because it's on the computer


there may be more but I am :blushing: enough about all this!

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Math Mammoth

Two Plus Two is Not Five


Right Start

Rod & Staff

various living books (Sir Cumference, etc)

MathTacular DVDs

Singapore CWP

Oak Meadow (included in the syllabus)


I feel compelled to point out that RS, R&S and MEP are all 1st grade level, and we are not using them any longer (and I'm actively trying to sell RS), so it's not quite as bad as it sounds. Although I did ask DH to print the current level of MEP, and I'm seriously considering getting the new LOF elementary books as a supplement...


And I've sold or given away Spectrum, Miquon and MBTP (not strictly a math curriculum, but one of the 6-8 units was all measurement).


Hi, I'm Aurelia and I'm a math curriculum junkie. :seeya:

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Singapore 3a/b, 4a/b and all the assorted other books.

Life of Fred A and B

Math Mammoth 1-6

Right start Math games

About 20 read aloud math books and the same number of other math games.


Our downfall is science.

I was just thinking today after I went to order something I read about, how much is enough? I have a very liberal budget. Ordering does not hurt our finances. But, there is not enough time to read every book I have here now. It is something I'm trying to get a grip on :001_smile:

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Right Start A-C

Singapore 1A/B, 3A-5A, 6B, DM1 plus the complete CWP series and 1A/B, 3A-6B IP

Horizons Pre-Algebra

A bunch of Math Mammoth "blue" worktexts

Life of Fred Fractions through Pre-Algebra 2

Hands-on Equations

Edward Zaccaro's Primary Grade Challenge Math and Challenge Math

Kumon Word Problems grades 3-5

Mindware Addition Adventures, Subtraction Secrets, Multiplication Mosaics

the 3 Danica McKellar books

3 of the Family Math books

Math on Call reference book


This is why I've been resisting AOPS Pre-Algebra and LOF elementary...


ETA: I forgot about the various MEP and CSMP things I've printed. D'oh!

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I have Miquon Orange, Singapore Essentials A and B and U.S. Edition for first grade A and B, and Kitchen Table Math Book 1 on the way (literally being shipped).


ETA: I forgot to add in some ebook ones I have but haven't printed: Efficiency Mathematics Primary, Intermediate, and Advanced. Also Ray's Arithmetic Primary and Intellectual and Funnix Math


And my daughter just learned to count things. :)

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Math Mammoth (1st, 4th, 6th) MUS (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Epsilon and Zeta) LOF (Apples, Butterflies, Cats,Dogs, Fractions, Decimals, PreAlgebra with Biology, PreAlgebra with Economics, Beginning Algebra), and Singapore Early bird A and B and I had Singapore 1A and 1B till I loaned it out.


Here's what really disturbing: I started homeschooling one dc in Fall of 2009 and the rest didn't start until 2010/2011.


So that is the math curriculum I've purchased and used in only 21 months.


Good heavens. :tongue_smilie:

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MUS Beta, that I'm using. :D A Singapore text that I may use just to cement some ideas.


I think in my for sale pile is a fake Singapore text (didn't realize it was the other Singapore until I bought it), a couple Cuisenare rod books (fractions and how to use), some random high school ACE (consumer, I think), and an old set of A Beka 8th grade (yellow cover) that I can't seem to give away.


I think that's all.

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Okay, I don't feel so bad now...there are plenty of you out there with just as much stuff!


I have currently:


Miquon (all the student and teacher materials) DD hated it; perhaps one of the boys will like it!

MM all the levels

Singapore K Essentials A and B; DD completed these already

Practical Arithmetic Book 1

Japanese Math Grades 1-6 textbook and workbooks.

Prof B prek-2nd grade DVD and workbook; DD likes this program as well

MEP Reception and Year 1 which is our math program now supplemented with MM. DD loves it!

Rightstart Math Games and Al Abacus activities; these are hit as well

Living Math books- Greg Tang, Anno's counting books, etc

A bunch of vintage math books found on google books (way too many to go through)


Resisted the Singapore lure after Essentials and diving in MEP more. I may add CWP later on, but not worried about it. I will be adding Life of Fred Elementary at some point.

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Miquon (all)

Singapore Earlybird (all)

Primary Mathematics [singapore] 1A—3B with Intensive Practice

Challenging Word Problems, old version (1-6)

Brain Maths

Math Express Speed Stratagies

Primary Grade Challenge Math

MEP (all)

CSMP (all)

Math Magic [indian Math] (all)

Tokyo Shoseki [Japanese Math] Level One Textbooks and Workbooks

Critical Thinking Company Mathematical Reasoning B

Activities for AL Abacus (RightStart)

Right Start Game Set

Understanding Mathematics [Liping Ma] 4th Grade

School Mathematics Study Group [sMSG] Elementary, Intermediate, Jr High, Algebra, and Geometry



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ok, after seeing these lists I am feeling safe to share mine :lol:


Horizons K, 1, 3, 4

Singapore 1, 2, 3, 5

Survival Math

Money Matters for Kids

Money Matters for Teens


Lof Fractions, pre-algebra 1 w/ biology, pre- algebra 2 with economics. I want to order A, B, C and D as well for ds's

5th grade summer math skills bridge

6th grde summer math skills bridge

Consumers Math for grades 3-4: Skills for living

a few different C-rods skills books

MUS Primer (and blocks, I LOVE the blocks :001_wub:)

Calculadders Master pak 1

Lials BCM

Patty Paper Geometry

VideoText Algebra A, B, C

Math Blaster Pre-Algebra

Key To fractions, decimals, percents, measurment & metrics

Discovering Algebra



Umm, ok I am not going to search for anymore because this list is much longer than I realized. Or list the stacks of drill worksheets I have printed off. Or list the websites we use :blink:


I am not even going to list everything I have sold within the last few months :001_huh:


We do use either whole or part of most of this though if that makes a difference ;)


I think I need a 10 step program. :leaving:

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It's comforting to be in this group of parents who probably own more math books than shoes (or would that just be me?).


All of Miquon

Almost all of Life of Fred

All of Professor B Math



Singapore through 4th grade

Almost all the extra Singapore math books

A few different mental math strategy workbooks

Zacarro Primary Math



Will be adding to this pile the new elementary books from LOF, probably the AOPS Elementary books once available unless they become too elementary for us, and Hands on Equations.


And I only started accumulating as of 1 year ago.


ETA: Hey, I just realized this thread is a trick! I see there are some books I need to buy.

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It's comforting to be in this group of parents who probably own more math books than shoes (or would that just be me?).



ETA: Hey, I just realized this thread is a trick! I see there are some books I need to buy.



Point 1= my math books by FAR out number my shoes/flip flops/ boots owned put together


Point 2= so far I have resisted the urge to google some of these. Except for the evil link that was linked. Thats like giving a case of beer to an alcoholic :glare:

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These are the ones I can remember now. I am sure I have more.

Several years of Singapore Primary math from different publishers

CIMT-MEP (all levels)

Miquon (Orange and Red)

CSMP (all levels)

Math Mammoth Light Blue (all levels)

Key To Fractions, Decimals, Percents, Algebra

Ed Zaccaro's Primary Grade Challenge Math and Challenge Math

Hands-On Equations

Mathematicians are People Too (vol 1 and 2)

Several Scholastic math books

And my dd is only 6.

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