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S/O Facebook - What annoys you?

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Politics is a given, but I have a theory that there is nothing that can be posted in a status update that isn't annoying to someone. About 80% of my status updates have something to do with my DH and kids. Most of my family members have told me to keep it up, because they love seeing how our kids are growing through pictures and the funny things they do or say. However, I was completely deleted by two cousins who don't have and don't like children. Oh well!


So what annoys you? And what do you actually enjoy reading on a friend's status? I think it would be interesting to see how many things fall in both categories.

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Things that annoy me, in order of precedence:

Comments that imply that anyone who believes differently than you is either a raving lunatic or a total idiot.

Comments that are flat-out untrue.

Those @#%#$^(@^#$@ 'spider under her skin' scam videos that people keep falling for.


When someone repeatedly posts the first two, especially combined, I tend to block them.

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1. Someone trying to sell something but not really. They just won't shut up about the new home business they started, but claim they aren't trying to sell us anything.


2. Whiners. Every day it is the same miserable Eeyore type updates.

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Politics is a given, but I have a theory that there is nothing that can be posted in a status update that isn't annoying to someone. About 80% of my status updates have something to do with my DH and kids. Most of my family members have told me to keep it up, because they love seeing how our kids are growing through pictures and the funny things they do or say. However, I was completely deleted by two cousins who don't have and don't like children. Oh well!


So what annoys you? And what do you actually enjoy reading on a friend's status? I think it would be interesting to see how many things fall in both categories.


I get frustrated by people who are coarse. I have several on hide or whom have been deleted because their posts were full of cursing or descriptions of getting drunk.


I dislike it when people only post political jabs. Once in a while in the stream of their life, sure. Only posting gotcha one liners? No thanks.


I really dislike it when someone feels like their opinion or viewpoint is the only acceptable one. This is the sort of person who will jump all over a post they disagree with, but will get angry and retributive is someone else makes a dissenting comment to them.

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Nothing cute or funny annoys me. I love links from when you are browsing blogs and the web. I like that you share photos or talk about something that you bought. Basically, normal friendly conversation topics. I so dislike the TMI stuff. I truly hate the drama stuff too - those that live every moment on a status and tweet.


I like the "coffee house chatter".

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2. Whiners. Every day it is the same miserable Eeyore type updates.


I blocked my own brother for this. I felt bad, because he really was struggling with a bit of depression, but every status was, "I hate my life!" followed by, "I hate my job because I don't make 50k a year" (he's 19) followed by "I am the most ******* awesome person ever! Y'all are haters!". Um, ok.

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I've resisted opening a FB account on principle.


What principle, you may ask?


To be honest, I'm not sure. Maybe the same principle that prevents me from reading Twilight. Ever.


This made me smile. :) (And I've read Twilight).


Even though I am a FB addict, I admire people such as you who resist because of your principle. :)

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Ugh, those stupid games...farmville, mafia wars, etc.




And I think it was the source of this s/o thread...those posts where it says:


"If your Mom is someone you admire...(or you know someone with cancer, or your Dad passed away, or you have a special needs child, etc.)...then post this as your status!"


I can't stand those either.


Bandwagon crusades drive me nuts.

Edited by bbkaren
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Ugh, those stupid games...farmville, etc.




And I think it was the source of this s/o thread...those posts where it says:


"If your Mom is someone you admire...(or you know someone with cancer, or your Dad passed away, or you have a special needs child, etc.)...then post this as your status!"


I can't stand those either.


Bandwagon crusades drive me nuts.


I block every new game they come up with as soon as it comes out :P

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I've resisted opening a FB account on principle.


What principle, you may ask?


To be honest, I'm not sure. Maybe the same principle that prevents me from reading Twilight. Ever.


LOL! I don't even know what Twilight is about, beyond teenage angst and vampires, or is that all there is?


I joined FB in 2004, as soon as my college's network opened. You had to have a .edu email address at a school that had Facebook to join. There wasn't even the "news feed" feature. It is very, very different now.

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I'd like to delete my account, but we use it for sharing 4h info that I may not get any other way.


I particularly hate when someone posts "Happy Birthday/Anniversary to my daughter/husband.." and I know that the person lives in the same house. I always wonder, is the person being wished happy whatever off in another room on a different computer reading their facebook page? Don't they talk to each other?


Now if someone posts, "Today is my anniversary or daughter's birthday" then I don't mind.

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Yep, you can block the game updates without blocking the person. I had a cousin delete me because of it. Just block the stupid game. I game because it's something a lot of my extended family does, my kids do, and distant friends do. We play for each other and have fun with it. I usually don't post to my wall. But every couple of weeks, I will go on a game posting spree to make up for it. They can't get certain items without my doing so.

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Not the people, but Facebook itself. In no particular order:



  • ever-shifting privacy boundaries... every few weeks there's something new
  • having to block all those stupid games, quizzes, and other apps (I block rather than just hide)
  • lack of search (so I can find that brilliant link I posted last year)
  • its new practice of putting similar posts together (though grouping reshares together is welcome)
  • the stupid 420 character post limit
  • clumsy interface that seems to get worse instead of better (though this might change with pressure from G+... FB seems to be stepping up improvements to the UI recently, rather than just making things easier for advertisers)
  • I just don't trust FB


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HEARTS! There are some young women I know (early 20s) who don't seem to be able to post anything without lots of hearts. We get it. You love each other.


More than 3 status updates a day, about doing your laundry, how much you had to pay in tolls, can't find your library card, whatever.


Passive-aggressiveness. Using FB to vent to someone without venting to them. Example: "I don't understand why some people call themselves your friends but when you need them the most, they totally let you down." It's embarrassing.


I used to post a lot more funny things that my kids say until a friend of mine mentioned how much she hates it when people do that b/c she has a kid who is delayed and doesn't say funny/clever stuff. I realize I could have thought "whatever" and kept posting my kid stuff (and I still do sometimes) but it did make me cut way back. *I* think my kids are hilarious/smart/adorable, but I get that it can be too much sometimes.

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HEARTS! There are some young women I know (early 20s) who don't seem to be able to post anything without lots of hearts. We get it. You love each other.


More than 3 status updates a day, about doing your laundry, how much you had to pay in tolls, can't find your library card, whatever.


Passive-aggressiveness. Using FB to vent to someone without venting to them. Example: "I don't understand why some people call themselves your friends but when you need them the most, they totally let you down." It's embarrassing.


I used to post a lot more funny things that my kids say until a friend of mine mentioned how much she hates it when people do that b/c she has a kid who is delayed and doesn't say funny/clever stuff. I realize I could have thought "whatever" and kept posting my kid stuff (and I still do sometimes) but it did make me cut way back. *I* think my kids are hilarious/smart/adorable, but I get that it can be too much sometimes.


I love it when my friends post cute things their kids say and do.

Or maybe I should say I <3 it :D

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1. Someone trying to sell something but not really. They just won't shut up about the new home business they started, but claim they aren't trying to sell us anything.


2. Whiners. Every day it is the same miserable Eeyore type updates.



and I will add Games(which I have blocked all of)

and chain statuses(is that a word?). No I am not more of a Christian, Daughter, Friend, etc. if I post it.:lol:


I have pretty mellow friends it would seem though and I delete anyone who annoys me too much.;)

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I block every new game they come up with as soon as it comes out :P


Me too! I also refuse to do any of the "download this facebook app" activities. "Send a birthday card to..." "Find your high school friends" etc.


They look neat but then when you click on them, they require a download and release of info. So forget it.


It comes in handy when someone passes a request on that you join some sort of nonsense activity, "Oh, I'm sorry, I don't sign up for any of the apps...I got hacked once (or a virus, or whatever) so I don't anymore."

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What annoys me is when people comment about the state of their health. Drives me nuts. And I'm not talking about people who have like cancer or something and they're updating their friends on recent tests, or whatever. I'm talking about people who say their allergies are bothering them, or their kid has a cold or various other gripes that we all deal with and don't need to tell the world about. That drives me nuts. I do like hearing about cute things my kids' friends say, or crazy things that happen throughout their day.

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The most annoyed I've been is by a friend going through a divorce (and who also has kids with FB accounts) who posts how wonderful her new freedom is and all about the fabulous relationship with her new dude. Interestingly, her soon to be ex dh is also one of my FB friends, and he has not posted a single inappropriate thing on his status. If he has moved on, no one in FB land would know. I ended up hiding her because I just couldn't stomach what the posts might be like for her kids to read.


Lately, SIL and BIL's political rants are getting annoying, too. I agree with many of their views, but I just hate it when people try to shove their beliefs down others' throats. For SIL, it carries over into our phone conversations, too. I get to listen to her vent for the first half of the chat. Yay, me!


Reading posts filled with spelling and grammar errors is another sore point for me.


Oh, I almost forgot. I "unfriended" a person once because he had some sort of power trip going where he liked to insult other friends and family members when they commented on my status updates. I started by just deleting his comments hoping he would get the point, but when he was over the top rude to an aunt of mine, that was it. I still shake my head wondering what the heck was up with his agenda. I now know I really didn't know who he was or what he was really like because I never would have guessed he could behave like he did. The internet sometimes brings out the worst in people.

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  • Whining
  • I can't stand 'vague-booking.' Posting something on a public forum that is vague, so that only a few people know what you are talking about.
  • The passive-aggressive thing that Janie Grace mentioned.
  • Duck face! ;)




This list makes me feel like I should justify why I still have an account. I suppose I do like knowing, on some level, what is going on in the lives of family and friends far away.

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I used to post a lot more funny things that my kids say until a friend of mine mentioned how much she hates it when people do that b/c she has a kid who is delayed and doesn't say funny/clever stuff. I realize I could have thought "whatever" and kept posting my kid stuff (and I still do sometimes) but it did make me cut way back. *I* think my kids are hilarious/smart/adorable, but I get that it can be too much sometimes.


I get this, but then again should I not talk about a pregnancy when I have friends who are struggling with infertility? Talk about DH when others are divorcing? Post about doing something special with my mom when others have lost their mothers? I do stop and think of others before I post something that might be hurtful (I don't post about DH getting new jobs, for instance) but when whole aspects of your life are painful to someone, how much you should hide gets tricky.

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Hmmm ... people who post on EVERYTHING they do many times a day. Zzzz ...


People who seem to have a favorite child. I was friended with a couple people I went to high school with that posted multiple pictures/videos per day of 1 child, in this case always the youngest. And posted next to nothing about their other children? Weird. They lost me when they were posting 5X a day anyway.


People who whine constantly, but they don't last long. If I don't know them personally that's an automatic unfriend. Otherwise turn them off in my feed.


I do keep pics of the kids online, and I love seeing other people's kids. But I try not to make it a brag fest on my kids. And if anything that keeps me from posting more. My favorite posts on FB are other homeschoolers posting funny antecdotes and the local homeschools messaging boards with events, etc. I do love staying up to date on people's photos too. But I'd prefer not to see how you're aging on a day to day basis. :D I regularly turn people off in my feed.

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My aunt is what I call a Facebook cheerleader. She shows her love and support by liking and commenting often. BUT, she drives me nuts because her status updates alternate between how to be a good christian and bashing our government's leaders. Seems a little contradictory to me. ;)


And then there are those wonderful young family members who are crude. I want to know what is going on with my nieces and nephews, but I've had to hide of a few of them.

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Nothing cute or funny annoys me. I love links from when you are browsing blogs and the web. I like that you share photos or talk about something that you bought. Basically, normal friendly conversation topics. I so dislike the TMI stuff. I truly hate the drama stuff too - those that live every moment on a status and tweet.


I like the "coffee house chatter".


I'm in your camp.


One thing that annoys me is the cryptic one liners....such as


Why do people have to be so mean?

I will never understand some people.

Today is the worst day of my life.


Ugh. Most of this comes from teenagers. I would delete them but I like keeping up with their lives. I just try to ignore the angst.

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Oh! My husband's cousin does this..."Facebook as Diary"...




(addressed, I guess to some person "who knows who they are"):


How could you do what you did to me? Did you not know how it would make me feel? I can never trust you again.



Or the simple statement "FML"...and then waiting for people to ask what's wrong.




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My aunt is what I call a Facebook cheerleader. She shows her love and support by liking and commenting often. BUT, she drives me nuts because her status updates alternate between how to be a good christian and bashing our government's leaders. Seems a little contradictory to me. ;)


And then there are those wonderful young family members who are crude. I want to know what is going on with my nieces and nephews, but I've had to hide of a few of them.


Eh, but despite those things, you still have to love aunt, cousin, grandma whomever, because you know they mean well :) It beats the zillions of email forwards my stepdad's mother used to send me. I would send snopes to her, snarky replies to other things (things you like: American food, because this is America, of course! My reply was sushi, because America is a melting pot, of course!)

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ROFL - we call that "vaguebooking" over here and that's a big no no! :lol:

Seriously if we are not worthy to know then keep it between you and a some close friends. That is what private message is for.


I forgot one more. My uncle posting in great detail about his recent stomach bug.:ack2:

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Seriously if we are not worthy to know then keep it between you and a some close friends. That is what private message is for.


I forgot one more. My uncle posting in great detail about his recent stomach bug.:ack2:


A friend of mine who posts waaaay TMI about monthly cycles and other various bodily functions. :tongue_smilie:

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I don't get annoyed too much with friends, it's more facebook related. And I miss flair. :glare:


I like the ironic postings. Like one friend who posts something about her wonderful family and their closeness. My next post in the feed is one from her son who posts about how he can't wait to move out of his house for college next week. :lol:

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And I think it was the source of this s/o thread...those posts where it says:


"If your Mom is someone you admire...(or you know someone with cancer, or your Dad passed away, or you have a special needs child, etc.)...then post this as your status!"


I can't stand those either.


Bandwagon crusades drive me nuts.




(how is that for irony???)

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I don't get annoyed too much with friends, it's more facebook related. And I miss flair. :glare:


I like the ironic postings. Like one friend who posts something about her wonderful family and their closeness. My next post in the feed is one from her son who posts about how he can't wait to move out of his house for college next week. :lol:


LOL. Hilarious.

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I just thought of one more:

Poeple who post a bunch of quotes. So much so that I tend to skim past their status until I realize that they are actually saying something original.;)


Hey! :glare: Guilty. But when I come across really cool quotes I feel the need to share.

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