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S/O WTMer's you know IRL...who would you like to meet from here?

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I was intrigued to find out that many of us know people from on here (except me of course). I would love to meet any of you so if you are near my neck of the woods and want a meet-up let me know and we could make it happen.


But, who would you like to meet IRL? A few but this is not an exhaustive list are




Jean in Newcastle


Nakia (who wouldn't now?)



There are more but I only got 2hrs sleep last night and I can't think

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If I tried to start a list, I'd have to keep coming back and adding, and potentially offend someone that I didn't think of the first time in my decaf state.


So, I'll go with: if I've ever pm'd, fb'd, yapped on the phone, on a friend's list, or shared some laughter, I'd want to meet you! :D

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I would LOVE to meet people from these boards IRL! I am always curious to know if the image I have of them in my head is anywhere close to who they really are! I have really enjoyed so many different people's posts! I would love to get to know them better IRL! Wouldn't it be fun to have WTM get-togethers? Maybe our own exclusive conventions?



P.S. Okay, Imp...now I'm offended that you haven't pm'd me. :D



JUST KIDDING! Who wouldn't want to meet Impish!!! I bet everyone of the 33,000+ members on this board are wishing you had pm'd them too, so get busy!!!! ;)

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I would LOVE to meet people from these boards IRL! I am always curious to know if the image I have of them in my head is anywhere close to who they really are! I have really enjoyed so many different people's posts! I would love to get to know them better IRL! Wouldn't it be fun to have WTM get-togethers? Maybe our own exclusive conventions?



P.S. Okay, Imp...now I'm offended that you haven't pm'd me. :D



JUST KIDDING! Who wouldn't want to meet Impish!!! I bet everyone of the 33,000+ members on this board are wishing you had pm'd them too, so get busy!!!! ;)


I'm not good at face to face, esp to start with. Ask SpecialMama. We met through our city's hsing online board. Talked for ages before meeting...but face to face, I freeze.


I hate feeling like I'm not living up to expectations. Here, its easy to be who I am, but ppl also have a pic in their head of how you look, sound, act...and I always feel like I'm not making the grade.

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I'm not good at face to face, esp to start with. Ask SpecialMama. We met through our city's hsing online board. Talked for ages before meeting...but face to face, I freeze.


I hate feeling like I'm not living up to expectations. Here, its easy to be who I am, but ppl also have a pic in their head of how you look, sound, act...and I always feel like I'm not making the grade.


It just goes to show, there is so much more to people than you may first see. We would probably find much better friends in life if we did not make quick judgements based on first impressions. Who you really are on these boards is such a cool person! It's hard for me to imagine that you would "freeze" in real life!

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I'm in the Salem, OR area; I'd love to just have a Salem meet... and anyone from Washington that wants to come over.... (hint, hint Beth) I'd be up for finding a spot if people wanted to do this... and I could meet in Salem or Portland :)..... although maybe those in Albany or Eugene could more likely meet in Salem :)

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It just goes to show, there is so much more to people than you may first see. We would probably find much better friends in life if we did not make quick judgements based on first impressions. Who you really are on these boards is such a cool person! It's hard for me to imagine that you would "freeze" in real life!


I'm comfortable/like who I am intellectually, personality wise.


Its the physical aspect that is the issue :lol:

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I'm comfortable/like who I am intellectually, personality wise.


Its the physical aspect that is the issue :lol:


What? You look so cute! You do seem to be a bit bald, and you have one of those really young faces, but that sparkle in your eye, and the way you point your finger in mischievous jest! What's not to love????







:lol::lol::lol: (I crack myself up sometimes. Which is a good thing, because most people IRL don't find me that funny! :lol:)

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If I tried to start a list, I'd have to keep coming back and adding, and potentially offend someone that I didn't think of the first time in my decaf state.


So, I'll go with: if I've ever pm'd, fb'd, yapped on the phone, on a friend's list, or shared some laughter, I'd want to meet you! :D


I would hope that since we are all adults :glare: that we could be big enough and understanding enough to know that I can't and you can't remember EVERYONE"s posting name that you would like to meet.


Of course my list isn't exhaustive and it's just to start with. I could add YOU, Judomom, and a few others that I still can't think of :confused: This thread is just for fun.

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There are really lots of people I'd love to meet, including by not limited to, Poke Salad Annie, Eliana, Nan in Mass, FarrarWilliams, NMoira, and SatoriSmiles. I would also like to meet Wishbone Dawn and WendyK, because I confuse them,and strider because your screen name makes people mix us up -- even me! I am totally forgetting people. No wonder those people at the Oscars have their cheat sheets.


I would also like to see pqr. Because I cannot picture him at all.


I really would like to meet so many of you.


And Mrs Mungo. Every time she lists food she likes to cook, I get hungry.

Edited by stripe
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I think top on my list should be Parrothead, 'cause we could analyze Jimmy Buffett tunes all day, and discuss if he's the equivalent to a modern day prophet. Oh, and I think she's a wrong Christian, too, so we'd have that...


Compared to some message boards, there's a lot of interesting personalities on here. I'd be really pleased to meet any of ya!

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I think top on my list should be Parrothead, 'cause we could analyze Jimmy Buffett tunes all day, and discuss if he's the equivalent to a modern day prophet. Oh, and I think she's a wrong Christian, too, so we'd have that...


Compared to some message boards, there's a lot of interesting personalities on here. I'd be really pleased to meet any of ya!

OMGness! You have made my day! :grouphug:

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I would also like to see pqr. Because I cannot picture him at all.



All of the guys really. I often wonder if pqr, Bill and Tony look like I've pictured them in my mind. Of course in my mind they, and our other guys, are all really hot.

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I've met a few already but those I would go the extra mile to meet would be the ladies from the two main social groups I frequent. :) I think I'd also like to be a fly on the wall with a certain two or three people in the same room together.

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Just a few of the many I'd like to meet: Jane in NC, 8FilltheHeart, ksva, Janice in NJ, Joan in Geneva, Kathy in Richmond, Nan in Mass, Ester Maria, Poke Salad Annie, Capt_Uhura, The Autumn Oak, Wishbone Dawn, Sarah CB, PariSarah (who doesn't post anymore, boo hoo), Rosie number, Peela, keptwoman, Cleopatra, and many many more.

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There are really lots of people I'd love to meet, including by not limited to, Poke Salad Annie, Eliana, Nan in Mass, FarrarWilliams, NMoira, and SatoriSmiles. I would also like to meet Wishbone Dawn and WendyK, because I confuse them,and strider because your screen name makes people mix us up -- even me! I am totally forgetting people. No wonder those people at the Oscars have their cheat sheets.


I would also like to see pqr. Because I cannot picture him at all.


I really would like to meet so many of you.


And Mrs Mungo. Every time she lists food she likes to cook, I get hungry.


I can't believe that. I'm so much more clever, funny, and beautiful then WendyK. Much more modest too.


Just hide me when she reads that, okay?:D

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There are so many! Aubrey, Impish, Joanne, Colleen in NS, MelanieM, Ms. Mungo, Bill, Tina (with the sparkly name), Nakia, Parrothead, CleoQC and I have to stop because as fast as I type I think of more. Some I want to give a hug too, some I want to cackle with over a cup of tea, some I want to pick their brains...


I honestly thought I could come up with a list last night reading through the original thread but I now see it's a fool's errand. The list would be ridiculously long.

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Well, the list is huge and I am bound to forget people b/c I have such a hard time with screen names. [That's why is was so hard for me when WendyK changed her avatar. Totally threw me for a loop. :tongue_smilie:]


The main person I want to meet though is the one I probably never will, Rosie. She just cracks me up so much. But then, there's all of you on this thread, and then Remudamom [though I'd be scared she might shoot me or something. :D] and Milovany [sorry can't do the accent thingy, don't know how.] and so many more. I mean I would love to just have a gigantic, arena size event and then have people mingle in various ways. Such as:


2hrs in the social group you post to the most


2 hrs in geographic regions. First The west [someone come up with a dividing line] goes to all the WTMers in the east and then switch the other way around.


Then have all of the out of country WTMers line up geographically and the rest of us can mingle with them.



Oh and we need someone like Bill Gates or Oprah to fund it. :lol:

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I don't care to meet any one from here IRL.


I really just like our relationship the way it is.


That's not to say there aren't people here I enjoy and -in some cases- am even fascinated by ... but I like being able to log off and step away entirely (as callous as that sounds, it's not intended to!) I could further an online relationship, but I have no desire to take it to real life.

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I will likely forget lots of names, but off the top of my head fivetails, Dayle in Guatemala, Cadam, Remudamom, plain jane, Chris in CA, Aubrey, 8filltheheart and Quiverof10. There is tons more, but I don't remember the screen names as easily.


I would like to actually sit down and talk with specialmama and Impish, for longer than the brief meetings we have had.

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I was intrigued to find out that many of us know people from on here (except me of course). I would love to meet any of you so if you are near my neck of the woods and want a meet-up let me know and we could make it happen.


But, who would you like to meet IRL? A few but this is not an exhaustive list are




Jean in Newcastle


Nakia (who wouldn't now?)



There are more but I only got 2hrs sleep last night and I can't think


Nakia would be my #1, but that's probably just because I "know" her the best. Hmm.....


There are so many! Aubrey, Impish, Joanne, Colleen in NS, MelanieM, Ms. Mungo, Bill, Tina (with the sparkly name), Nakia, Parrothead, CleoQC and I have to stop because as fast as I type I think of more. Some I want to give a hug too, some I want to cackle with over a cup of tea, some I want to pick their brains...


I honestly thought I could come up with a list last night reading through the original thread but I now see it's a fool's errand. The list would be ridiculously long.


Wow, I feel like I just got asked to the prom by the hottest jock! Thanks girls!! I would love to meet you all too.



I would like to meet everyone here except for firefly, Sugarfoot, and Jenny in Atl. I can't meet them because I would have to share Alex with them, and HE IS ALL MINE!!! ;)

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Not even just once?


"I'm just not that into you"


:tongue_smilie: Kidding. But no, not even just once. Not even the people I "like".


I'm actually a very extroverted person, and usually strike up a conversation with anyone - anywhere. I make friends easily IRL, and acquaintances even more easily. My kids are involved in several extracurriculars, I have a close-knit and large family, and I work outside of the home in a very public place doing customer service (I have a fair amount of people who are "regulars" and I run into around town).


Sometimes I just want to run into the grocery store without worrying about who I'm going to run in to. And have to stop and talk to. Even when I like people, sometimes I just want to be anonymous. A wallflower. A face in the crowd. I get that need met here, even though it's an online venue. I'd hate to lose it because I don't have any other hobbies! (Read: I won't find another forum to hang out on to start fresh! And I had to give up Yahoo groups when they changed the format.)


I did post last week about a stalker-type 'meeting' of a WTM'r -- I recognized her from her avatar, pictures, and posts. Our paths crossed while I was at work; I didn't approach her. I don't know her username, but I'd recognize her post if it's still a picture of her. Totally weird experience.


I've been involved with various online communities for 12 years and this is the first time I've declined to meet up with people. I have the type of job where I've been able to meet IRL people all over the country, continent, and even world (Asia, Europe) that I've "known" to various degrees online. I'm sometimes curious about people here, but so far nobody has made me curious enough to take that leap!


I almost went to Valley Forge in June, but ultimately chose not to. I figured it was too small an event, too popularized here to be able to remain anonymous :D plus, the GPS said it was an hour drive from my airport. If there's anything I hate more than being recognized, it's driving!


Or ... maybe I'm that poutine eating celebrity that was nearly outed earlier this summer :lol:!

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Wow, I feel like I just got asked to the prom by the hottest jock! Thanks girls!! I would love to meet you all too.



I would like to meet everyone here except for firefly, Sugarfoot, and Jenny in Atl. I can't meet them because I would have to share Alex with them, and HE IS ALL MINE!!! ;)


Well shucks. That's the only reason I wanted to meet you - to see if I could borrow him for a night.


Nevermind then. :tongue_smilie:

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Well shucks. That's the only reason I wanted to meet you - to see if I could borrow him for a night.


Nevermind then. :tongue_smilie:



Oh, now I see how you are. You are going around, pregnant by some fella, wanting to steal MY MAN! Well, I never.

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There are tons of people I would love to meet on here. But right now I want to know if I can hang out with Parrothead and Nono to discuss Jimmy Buffet songs. And drink margaritas and hurricanes, of course. :tongue_smilie:


I wanted to use Parrothead as my name on here...I don't hold a grudge. ;)

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I have gotten to know many women from extensive PM's and emails, and I've spoken to Mariannova, Impish and Tap, Tap, Tap on the phone. I was supposed to meet Mariann while vacationing in DC last year but we had to cancel that at the last minute. :sad: It was best for both of us but I was REALLY looking forward to meeting her!


I hope to meet Chucki/Parrothead one day.


I have one FB friend and have exchanged phone numbers with several people but we haven't arranged a time to chat yet.

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I have gotten to know many women from extensive PM's and emails, and I've spoken to Mariannova, Impish and Tap, Tap, Tap on the phone. I was supposed to meet Mariann while vacationing in DC last year but we had to cancel that at the last minute. :sad: It was best for both of us but I was REALLY looking forward to meeting her!


I hope to meet Chucki/Parrothead one day.


I have one FB friend and have exchanged phone numbers with several people but we haven't arranged a time to chat yet.

Why didn't we meet up when I went to Boston last month?

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Why didn't we meet up when I went to Boston last month?


you should have PM'd me! I would have met you!


We need to meet in ME one day. If we do it on a day dh is home, I would only bring dd11 and the girls would have fun, as would we!


of course I need to lose some weight first.:lol::lol::lol:

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"I'm just not that into you"


:tongue_smilie: Kidding. But no, not even just once. Not even the people I "like".....


Or ... maybe I'm that poutine eating celebrity that was nearly outed earlier this summer :lol:!


or maybe you're SWB's kilt wearing man!


I would like to meet people in a parallel universe for sure! I was at a convention years ago and a lot of people from another forum attended, but I never introduced myself -- far too chicken and I too always think I'll be immediately identifiable if I say much online.


But I like the idea of meeting people. There's something comfortingly 'it's a small world' about it to counteract the creepy anonymity of cyberspace.


But since more people want to meet a banned troll than me, I think I'm safe from my 'fanbase' of zero.

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you should have PM'd me! I would have met you!


We need to meet in ME one day. If we do it on a day dh is home, I would only bring dd11 and the girls would have fun, as would we!


of course I need to lose some weight first.:lol::lol::lol:

Just name the day and town. Anything south of Augusta would require me to spend the night.

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or maybe you're SWB's kilt wearing man!


I would like to meet people in a parallel universe for sure! I was at a convention years ago and a lot of people from another forum attended, but I never introduced myself -- far too chicken and I too always think I'll be immediately identifiable if I say much online.


But I like the idea of meeting people. There's something comfortingly 'it's a small world' about it to counteract the creepy anonymity of cyberspace.


But since more people want to meet a banned troll than me, I think I'm safe from my 'fanbase' of zero.

I'm always open to meeting people. I'm just so far from everyone that most any meet up place will be an over-nighter for me.

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