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Poll: what is the religious makeup of this group?

What religion or lack there of do you MOST closely fit into?  

  1. 1. What religion or lack there of do you MOST closely fit into?

    • atheist
    • agnostic
    • Conservative Christian (however YOU define that)
    • Christian - Other
    • Muslim
    • Jewish
    • Buddhist
    • Hindu
    • Pagan/Wiccan/Druid (I know these are not the same thing)
    • other

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I voted Christian - Other, but that doesn't seem right. I'm Catholic.


Sometimes I'm conservative, sometimes I'm not. Depends on the topic.


My statement of faith is summed up in the Apostle's Creed. Does that make me conservative?

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In the OPs offense, 'I' have never participatedin this poll before so I don't feel 'polled to death' and would skip it if I did.


I am OFFENDED that you didn't include an option for Universalist Unitarian AND Unitarian Universalist. WHAT were you thinking? :lol: Actually, I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church . . . . I'm used to not being considered a 'real' Christian. I see the categories as:



Born again/evangelical Christian


That's how I think of the divide on homeschooling boards anyway. This board is actually rather liberal compared to the one I'm weaning myself from. It's a little witch-hunty and creepy over there.

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I'm a Unitarian-Universalist.


I feel real proud that in Doug Wilson's pro-slavery booklet, one of his pieces of evidence justifying the Confederate cause is that abolitionists were mostly a bunch of Unitarians. :D

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I wasn't really sure whether to choose conservative or not either.


Well, have you ever referred to yourself with the phrase "conservative Christian"? That was kind of where I was going...if you self identify that way on a regular basis.

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I'm a Unitarian-Universalist.


I feel real proud that in Doug Wilson's pro-slavery booklet, one of his pieces of evidence justifying the Confederate cause is that abolitionists were mostly a bunch of Unitarians. :D


LOL - good to know! :lol: (from another UU!)

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Give the girl a break - Catholics are Christians, right? It's not a 'Christian denomination' poll. :tongue_smilie:


Yikes, I didn't mean to offend or anything. I just thought it seemed like a rather obvious oversight. Yes, Catholics are Christian and I don't think it's necessary to break it into all Christian denominations. Just seems like it would make more sense to divide into Catholic and Protestant if she's trying to get a good idea on the religious make-up of the board. Catholic is different than Protestant, much more so that Methodist from Presbyterian, for example.

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I don't think anything is provable, at this point, (so I picked agnostic) but I tend to think deities are human constructs. I get a big thrill out of nature and the beautiful accomplishments of man, and if religion is a bigger thrill, it would be too much for me.


When asked, I call myself an apathist, a term I learned on the internet. I don't care whether there is a deity of not, and I never think or wonder about it. My only brushings with religion is to watch religious people carefully: in the past people like me have been burned.

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Two reasons. One, someone specifically mentioned that they thought this board was mostly "Conservative Christians" and so I wanted to poll to see if that was true. That's really the only reason I separated it out from Christianity as a whole. Secondly, I ran out of spaces, lol. I had already used up so many, that I couldn't separate out Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform Judaism. I would have liked to. (I was raised in a very Jewish area, and grew up going to synagogues as often as I went to churches, lol). No disrespect meant. Had I not specifically been looking to find out if the board really was mostly "Conservative Christian" I would have lumped Christianity all together.


Ok, I see why you didn't have Catholic in there. Sorry! Makes sense now.

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No specific religion, - not atheist because I have no problem with theism- not agnostic as I have no problem with God either and know there is a lot more to life than the material world. I love Buddhism and have adopted many Buddhist practices over the years...I am just not a Buddhist.

I love nature religions, paganism, witchcraft, and shamanism...but I am not any of those either.

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I think the poll results are interesting. More than half do NOT self identify as conservative Christians. I wonder if these results are typical of the general homeschool population.

I know. It really interests me also. I wonder the exact same thing.

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I voted other.


I am a Christian.


I get really frustrated with putting people in boxes or making assumptions based on one aspect of their lives.

I picked other...... I am a Christian Scientist and consider myself Christian...but most would consider me a cult. :D


If you're a Christian, then why would you not vote that way? I'm curious, and I chose you two, just because your responses were easy to find and you both said you voted "other," but self-identify as "Christians."


If it's (as Pam said) because other Christians don't consider you Christians, then are you allowing other people to dictate your salvation? Or are you denying your Christianity, because you want to deny being a part of the larger group of Christians?


I'm just curious why Christians would not be willing to self-identify as Christians.

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I think the poll results are interesting. More than half do NOT self identify as conservative Christians. I wonder if these results are typical of the general homeschool population.


I was wondering, too.


If you're a Christian, then why would you not vote that way? I'm curious, and I chose you two, just because your responses were easy to find and you both said you voted "other," but self-identify as "Christians."


If it's (as Pam said) because other Christians don't consider you Christians, then are you allowing other people to dictate your salvation? Or are you denying your Christianity, because you want to deny being a part of the larger group of Christians?


I'm just curious why Christians would not be willing to self-identify as Christians.



Edited by CaladwenEleniel
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I think you should have added Catholic. Seems pretty basic to me.


I consider Catholics to be Christian. Because they are Christians.


To explain further, there are a limited number of options you can use in a poll, and I used up every space. There was no room to give options for each denomination, so I broke it up into two categories...conservative and not conservative, and left it up to people to decide which one of those categories they felt they most identified with. There are conservative Catholics, and liberal Catholics, so they might pick either category, depending on their own beliefs.

Edited by ktgrok
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If you're a Christian, then why would you not vote that way? I'm curious, and I chose you two, just because your responses were easy to find and you both said you voted "other," but self-identify as "Christians."


If it's (as Pam said) because other Christians don't consider you Christians, then are you allowing other people to dictate your salvation? Or are you denying your Christianity, because you want to deny being a part of the larger group of Christians?


I'm just curious why Christians would not be willing to self-identify as Christians.


I have been ripped apart on message boards when I've said that I was a Christian Scientist. Some people think that Christian Science is Scientology.... nothing could be further from the truth. Others feel that because we are noncreedal (that's not a word, is it?) that we aren't Christian. I grew up where mentioning that I was a Christian Scientist caused Mothers to clutch their children to them (my friends) and forbid me from ever playing with them again...... or caused such a gasp of horror that it was obvious that they felt I was going to hell or something. :001_huh: It is self preservation that makes me wary and causes me to word things in a "nonoffensive" way.


Am I denying my Christianity..... not hardly. I have no problem with who I am and what I believe, I just know how people have responded to me in the past. I would rather, personally, for people to view me as the mellow kind of individual that I am..... I'm not here to convert anyone or convince anyone....I'm just here to have fun and learn. :D

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I consider Catholics to be Christian. Because they are Christians.

To explain further, there are a limited number of options you can use in a poll, and I used up every space. There was no room to give options for each denomination, so I broke it up into two categories...conservative and not conservative, and left it up to people to decide which one of those categories they felt they most identified with. There are conservative Catholics, and liberal Catholics, so they might pick either category, depending on their own beliefs.

Very well said and I fully agree. I have never ever heard any of my Catholic friends say that they're not Christian. :lol: Of course, they are.

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I can't speak for the people you asked, but hope you don't mind my two cents. And I hope this comes across as conversational. :)


I identified as a Christian.


But when I was younger, and in my little region, it was answering the question, "Were you baptized in a Christian church?"


If this were the question, then I could understand the hesistance to respond... well, not really. I mean, either you were or you weren't :lol:


It was almost like identifying your nationality or ethnicity. It didn't say much about what you believed spiritually. It was what separated the kids that celebrated Christmas from the ones that didn't. If anyone cared about anything deeper, then they talked about if we were Catholic, Methodist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, or something else.


The question wasn't really asking for personal spiritual beliefs. It was asking about self-identification, "I believe I am a ...."


And for some people, like me, they realize they are not considered Christians by some. For example, certain (not all) members of a Christian fellowship do not consider me Christian since I'm not part of their fellowship. Or for some people, it's like clarifying what branch of a denomination they are involved with. I'm not letting anyone dictate my salvation. And I don't think people can dictate salvation. Hope that makes sense. Again, just offering some input and not attempting to speak for anyone else. They will have different answers that will explain why they would choose Other.

I am just trying to wrap my head around why someone that believes themself to be a Christian would then choose "other" in a poll asking how they self-identify. I could understand if it had been more specific (do you believe Christ is the son of God), but it was very vague for that reason.


I know that certain groups would not consider me Christian. It's impossible to have all "Christian" religions consider one particular person a Christian, because so many define that differently, or else have different parameters for what you have to do to be a Christian. I don't allow their rules to change how I view or portray myself. I am a Christian. I don't allow, if you will, their chains to enslave me.


I just don't understand why a Christian would not self-identify as a Christian.

I have been ripped apart on message boards when I've said that I was a Christian Scientist. Some people think that Christian Science is Scientology.... nothing could be further from the truth. Others feel that because we are noncreedal (that's not a word, is it?) that we aren't Christian. I grew up where mentioning that I was a Christian Scientist caused Mothers to clutch their children to them (my friends) and forbid me from ever playing with them again...... or caused such a gasp of horror that it was obvious that they felt I was going to hell or something. :001_huh: It is self preservation that makes me wary and causes me to word things in a "nonoffensive" way.


Am I denying my Christianity..... not hardly. I have no problem with who I am and what I believe, I just know how people have responded to me in the past. I would rather, personally, for people to view me as the mellow kind of individual that I am..... I'm not here to convert anyone or convince anyone....I'm just here to have fun and learn. :D

But you didn't vote as a Christian. This is a silly, nothing sort of thing, but I don't understand why you wouldn't say you were a Christian, if you believe yourself to be a Christian. This wasn't a matter of converting people, or convincing people. It was trying to get a representative number, nothing earth shaking, I just don't understand why you would not allow yourself to 'count' as a Christian.

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I am just trying to wrap my head around why someone that believes themself to be a Christian would then choose "other" in a poll asking how they self-identify. I could understand if it had been more specific (do you believe Christ is the son of God), but it was very vague for that reason.


I know that certain groups would not consider me Christian. It's impossible to have all "Christian" religions consider one particular person a Christian, because so many define that differently, or else have different parameters for what you have to do to be a Christian. I don't allow their rules to change how I view or portray myself. I am a Christian. I don't allow, if you will, their chains to enslave me.


I just don't understand why a Christian would not self-identify as a Christian.


But you didn't vote as a Christian. This is a silly, nothing sort of thing, but I don't understand why you wouldn't say you were a Christian, if you believe yourself to be a Christian. This wasn't a matter of converting people, or convincing people. It was trying to get a representative number, nothing earth shaking, I just don't understand why you would not allow yourself to 'count' as a Christian.


And I might say the same...the poll is silly, the site is silly, your fascination with my self-identity is silly...... who cares? I consider myself Christian....most people in the world do not.... I personally don't care what you or anyone else thinks. Let.It.Go. "Work out your own salvation"..... not mine. :001_smile:

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Why are we separating out "Christians" and "Conservative Christians" but not "Jews" and Conservative Jews" for example? :confused:


Because conservative Christians make up a much larger percentage of the population than do conservative Jews.


Eastern Orthodox Christian. No other "label" is accurate.


I don't know about others here; however, the term "conservative Christian" in today's parlance means a specific stratum of Protestantism. There are many Christian groups that are "Christian" and "conservative", but could not rightly be called "conservative Christian" because of the contemporary usage for that term.


There also are "cultural members" versus "believing members" of religious groups.


I did not vote in the poll.


If you search using swagbucks for conservative Christian you get the wikipedia page for Evangelicalism. If you google it you get the wikipedia page for "Conservative Christian" which links to Evangelicalism and Protestant Fundamentalism in the third sentence.




Atheist here.

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I have been ripped apart on message boards when I've said that I was a Christian Scientist. Some people think that Christian Science is Scientology.... nothing could be further from the truth. Others feel that because we are noncreedal (that's not a word, is it?) that we aren't Christian. I grew up where mentioning that I was a Christian Scientist caused Mothers to clutch their children to them (my friends) and forbid me from ever playing with them again...... or caused such a gasp of horror that it was obvious that they felt I was going to hell or something. :001_huh: It is self preservation that makes me wary and causes me to word things in a "nonoffensive" way.


Am I denying my Christianity..... not hardly. I have no problem with who I am and what I believe, I just know how people have responded to me in the past. I would rather, personally, for people to view me as the mellow kind of individual that I am..... I'm not here to convert anyone or convince anyone....I'm just here to have fun and learn. :D


Pam, I had a Christian Scientist friend growing up. Thankfully, at the time, I didn't have anyone whispering that I should fear her, but I know what you mean. I know people who would have said, "She's not a Christian" and discouraged me from staying friends.


She never tried to convert me, but I'm sure she would have answered anything if I'd asked. I feel the same way (being here to have fun, learn, etc. and not looking to convert), if that matters.


I am just trying to wrap my head around why someone that believes themself to be a Christian would then choose "other" in a poll asking how they self-identify. I could understand if it had been more specific (do you believe Christ is the son of God), but it was very vague for that reason.


I know that certain groups would not consider me Christian. It's impossible to have all "Christian" religions consider one particular person a Christian, because so many define that differently, or else have different parameters for what you have to do to be a Christian. I don't allow their rules to change how I view or portray myself. I am a Christian. I don't allow, if you will, their chains to enslave me.


I just don't understand why a Christian would not self-identify as a Christian.


But you didn't vote as a Christian. This is a silly, nothing sort of thing, but I don't understand why you wouldn't say you were a Christian, if you believe yourself to be a Christian. This wasn't a matter of converting people, or convincing people. It was trying to get a representative number, nothing earth shaking, I just don't understand why you would not allow yourself to 'count' as a Christian.


If someone came from an experience like mine (again, different from those who chose "Other"), it's not a stretch to see why someone would choose other.


It's simply not about letting other people enslave, or control our self-perception.


This is a sincere question, not at all sarcastic or in an argumentative tone. Do you want to understand why someone would choose "Other" or do you want to keep saying people who check that box are doing things that they aren't?

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Pam, I had a Christian Scientist friend growing up. Thankfully, at the time, I didn't have anyone whispering that I should fear her, but I know what you mean. I know people who would have said, "She's not a Christian" and discouraged me from staying friends.


She never tried to convert me, but I'm sure she would have answered anything if I'd asked. I feel the same way (being here to have fun, learn, etc. and not looking to convert), if that matters.






Thank you for understanding. As an aside, Christian Scientists are told NOT to proselytize. I love to answer any questions....but will never push. :D

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Because conservative Christians make up a much larger percentage of the population than do conservative Jews.


Adding to the confusion, Conservative Jews (as in belonging to the Conservative branch of Judaism) are not "conservatives", but moderates.



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It was trying to get a representative number, nothing earth shaking, I just don't understand why you would not allow yourself to 'count' as a Christian.



I think you've clearly got your answer. I think it was clear about 100 votes ago. The board is, by a vast majority, Christian, and the majority of those Christians identify as "conservative Christian." In fact, it is closing in on nearly half of all respondents voting "conservative Christian."


When someone says this board is mostly conservative Christian, it seems quite clear that they would be correct, as that is by far the largest representative in your poll.


So, when someone else decides that they want to vote other, just let them have their vote. "Other" is such a small percentage of the vote that it can hardly be a great threat to the outcomes of your poll. Let it go.

Edited by Audrey
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After rereading the new testament my views have changed so I no longer consider myself the traditional evangelical conservative Christian. I voted Christian other because now, more than ever, I believe in God's sovereignty and huge grace.


Eta: not to say conservative Christians don't believe what I wrote at the end, lol. Just that my views have changed somewhat which lit up my faith more than ever.

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I won't take that as an argument as long as you don't think I'm trying to convince you of something that you aren't sure about. :)


You asked how it would be Biblical not to proselytize, which I take to mean attempt to recruit, convert or have someone join your faith.


You and I may also have totally different ideas about how someone actually proselytizes, so I'm speaking very generally.


If anyone asks me the reason of the hope that is in me, I should be ready to answer. Just as Philip was ready to answer the Ethiopian, should be ready to talk about matters of faith. But if someone isn't asking, I'm not going there. It doesn't mean I don't make myself available to anyone who has questions or is wondering about faith. At the same time, if my friend or family member is raising their child in a different denomination/fellowship/whatever than mine, I'm not proselytizing. And I expect them not to invite my very young children to their church trying to get them "saved" or to "make a profession of faith" contrary to what they have been taught.


Now I'll shut up and let the people who actually hold to the "no proselytizing" answer for themselves because they may have very different ideas than what I just shared. But feel free to PM me if any of that didn't make sense.

I completely understand your reasoning, (and proselytizing to children I would think is always rude no matter what your faith) but what I was asking was how that reasoning is based on the Bible, not because I am challenging you, I hope you understand, but because that may be something I have never seen before. Edited by Lovedtodeath
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Did I miss something?

:D Last month I realized that I was trying to be a Christian to no avail. I accepted Christ Jesus as my only mediator. He has baptized me with Holy Spirit. I am just so joyful in the love and freedom of Christ!


"whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace."-- Galations 5:4


"But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him."-- 1 John 2:27


Jesus Christ is the ONE MEDIATOR between God and mankind, the one and only greater Moses. 1Tim. 2:5; Matt. 23:8-10


All of God's children rejoice with me for He has found another of His sheep!

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I referred to I Peter 3:15 and Acts 8 in my answer. Does that help at all?



I think these citations speak directly to what I believe..... I am more than willing to share my beliefs but I will not knock on doors or harangue people about Christian Science.... by doing so, I would be denying an individual that discovery of what I hold to be the Truth. I will gleefully assist ..... but the discovery is theirs. It is just our way.... take it or leave it.


Christian Science is out there.... in most major cities around the world. We have active websites where people can go and learn about C.S. We have weekly and monthly periodicals with articles and testimonies of healing. We have a world class newspaper that is distributed globally..... I don't know what more that you want to see..... C.S. is out there and available.


My life itself is a testament to God and Truth..... I could provide you with countless proofs of God's Love that I have witnessed in my life by prayer alone.... financial healing/physical healing/emotional healing. We read from the Bible and The Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures daily.... we teach our children to live the Golden Rule.... to rely on God for everything in our lives.


Here is a link to our Tenets....we do not follow creeds...




I hope I am doing enough for you to be considered a Christian..... :001_smile:


(and people wonder why I said "Other") :lol:

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I think these citations speak directly to what I believe..... I am more than willing to share my beliefs but I will not knock on doors or harangue people about Christian Science.... by doing so, I would be denying an individual that discovery of what I hold to be the Truth. I will gleefully assist ..... but the discovery is theirs. It is just our way.... take it or leave it.


Christian Science is out there.... in most major cities around the world. We have active websites where people can go and learn about C.S. We have weekly and monthly periodicals with articles and testimonies of healing. We have a world class newspaper that is distributed globally..... I don't know what more that you want to see..... C.S. is out there and available.


My life itself is a testament to God and Truth..... I could provide you with countless proofs of God's Love that I have witnessed in my life by prayer alone.... financial healing/physical healing/emotional healing. We read from the Bible and The Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures daily.... we teach our children to live the Golden Rule.... to rely on God for everything in our lives.

Honestly, this is exactly as I am starting to think.
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I completely understand your reasoning, (and proselytizing to children I would think is always rude no matter what your faith) but what I was asking was how that reasoning is based on the Bible, not because I am challenging you, I hope you understand, but because that may be something I have never seen before.


I understand and I didn't take your question as having a challenging or disbelieving tone. :) Again, feel free to PM me if any questions come up and while I don't have all the answers, I never mind discussing!

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