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Texas-day 30 of over 100 temps. . .


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Guest Barb B

And actual temps at about 108 this week (not heat index!!). So - I am a veteran down here - but feel stir crazy right now. With 108 I don't want to take a 45 minute car ride to a museum (I am one of those folks who think - what would I do in this heat if the car breaks down!). Going to town pool - yuk - too hot IMO. So, my kids are 8,13 and 18 (he's mainly sleeping in till noon all he can before he leaves for college in 2 weeks - but I'll stick him in here anyway). Give me ideas to fight this feeling of "omg another extremely hot day!".


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I'm right with you about the heat. My only one still at home is 11. We have spent the week doing art projects and sewing (I'm teaching her). We also spent time making cool and healthy snacks to go into the freezer. This week we will ready the school room for school to start next week and play games together.


That probably isn't much help -- I also check on tropical storms brewing in the Atlantic and track possible paths about 3 times a day.


My first summer in Texas was 1980 and I don't remember being so hot. But I was just out of college and starting a new job (yes I am old) and did not have to keep a child entertained.



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We are in a similar boat. I was going to take the girls 1 1/2 hours away to a science museum and water park and decided it was too hot to drive. Dh suggested the local water park, which is smaller. We saw the forecast which includes 110 and 111 and decided it was dangerous.


Our neighborhood pool is open until 9. We have been taking the girls swimming after 7 at night. It has intermittent shade, by then. What sun is out isn't a burn hazard. The pool has been BUSY, so I guess everyone likes the idea. Our pool water had been pleasant. My theory is that humidity is LOW. So, we're getting more evaporative cooling and they are also having to put more water back in the pool, which has always cooled it. Previous summers, not as hot, the water was too warm to be pleasant and getting out of the pool didn't make you cool, like it is now.

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This is why we school year-round. The summer here is awful. In October, we can spend some time outside, going to the parks, etc.


It is disgusting outside. The heat is just killing all the grass. I think FW is getting ready to go on that "don't water your grass" water conservation schedule. It hasn't rained here in a looooooooooooong time.


We're going to do some serious landscaping this fall and we're going to use the drought-resistant, native plants.


I have no ideas for stuff to do. We just do school. Maybe that's why my kids are so smart. :tongue_smilie: It's the heat. News headline, "Texas homeschoolers score 60 percentile points higher than everyone else because they're trapped inside their houses for 4 months out of the year. Nothing to do, but Singapore Math." :lol:

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I have no ideas for stuff to do. We just do school. Maybe that's why my kids are so smart. :tongue_smilie: It's the heat. News headline, "Texas homeschoolers score 60 percentile points higher than everyone else because they're trapped inside their houses for 4 months out of the year. Nothing to do, but Singapore Math." :lol:


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Angie we must live close because they are saying the same thing. Yes, that is why we normally school in the summer and I really wish I could. The boys ( 14 and 16) are SO bored. But our house is being remodelled and the boys are leaving with their dad to Ecuador ( where their high temperature will be lower than our low here in Texas!!!!!!) Plus their CC classes don't start till the end of August and their online AP Classes in Sept.. That said, I have been making my 16yo do PSAT prep for an hour every day ( really helping!!!!) my 14yo basic math and then practicing conversational Spanish for their trip. Still... hard to not let them watch a movie or play a video game every day. They read but 8 hours of reading every day is a little much. Pool is only open from 1-6 and I'm sorry but when it is over 100 that is just way too hot to be outside even in a pool.



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Ya know, I don't wish a hurricane on anyone, especially as I've lived through several. BUT...it's going to take a hurricane to push this high pressure system off of us.


Agreeing with other posters -- this is why we school year round. It's just too bloody hot in the summer for outdoor fun.

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We are in a similar boat. I was going to take the girls 1 1/2 hours away to a science museum and water park and decided it was too hot to drive. Dh suggested the local water park, which is smaller. We saw the forecast which includes 110 and 111 and decided it was dangerous.


Our neighborhood pool is open until 9. We have been taking the girls swimming after 7 at night. It has intermittent shade, by then. What sun is out isn't a burn hazard. The pool has been BUSY, so I guess everyone likes the idea. Our pool water had been pleasant. My theory is that humidity is LOW. So, we're getting more evaporative cooling and they are also having to put more water back in the pool, which has always cooled it. Previous summers, not as hot, the water was too warm to be pleasant and getting out of the pool didn't make you cool, like it is now.


I know. I just mentioned yesterday that there's something wrong when 106* looks reasonable. :glare:


It's just really been a weird weather year. I can't wait for September.

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We are stuck at home without a car, so going out isn't an option on dh's work days. I don't let the kids out to play until around 7ish, depending on the amount of shade in the yard. Dh has been pretty good about taking the kids to the pool on his off days. In fact he took them to a local water park for a few hours the other day (the prices were outrageous for a couple of hours IMO). Sometimes they mope around bored, and I've let them watch too much tv and play on the computer a lot more than usual, but they also play nicely upstairs and read quite a bit too. Today I'm going to start a few subjects and try to plan the rest of the year. Our neighbors have family visiting from Venezuela. I'm going to invite the young girl to play with my girls. She's going to be here for a month and doesn't know much English. Maybe she can pick up on some English (her goal), while my kids learn some Spanish. A mom can hope.

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This is so gross, but I have to tell anyway. I spent all day yesterday outside at a horse show. When I got home and looked at my tank top I didn't have regular sweat stains. There were rings of white all over it....I think they were salt rings. :tongue_smilie:


Good thing shark week has started!!! we will be inside today recovering.


...but dd had a great show even if it was HOT!!!!



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This is why we school year-round. The summer here is awful. In October, we can spend some time outside, going to the parks, etc.


It is disgusting outside. The heat is just killing all the grass. I think FW is getting ready to go on that "don't water your grass" water conservation schedule. It hasn't rained here in a looooooooooooong time.


We're going to do some serious landscaping this fall and we're going to use the drought-resistant, native plants.


I have no ideas for stuff to do. We just do school. Maybe that's why my kids are so smart. :tongue_smilie: It's the heat. News headline, "Texas homeschoolers score 60 percentile points higher than everyone else because they're trapped inside their houses for 4 months out of the year. Nothing to do, but Singapore Math." :lol:


Be careful not to over do on the drought-resistant plants. Parts of Texas (DFW where I live) can have flood, too. I lost more plants in 2007 (?) when my yard got 40 inches of rain between April 1 and June 15th.


The biggest thing to do landscape wise is to water deeply when you water. Groan...I'm into survival mode where the landscape is concerned. Save the trees, the shrubs, and the perennials...keep the grass watered enough that it doesn't completely die. Tough summer to be a plant.


To the OP, we spend a lot more time watching DVDs and reading. (My remaining son is older.) We will be outside in the fall when (if!) the hot weather breaks.

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I'm in DFW as well, and between this heat and being 8 mos pregnant, I have about lost all patience that I had left :lol:


I've been having the kids play outside as soon as they wake up and have breakfast (about 8am) so they get a little outdoors time. They have to be outside for about 30 minutes or so. Then we've been doing school in the afternoon because it's too hot to do anything else!


I am just praying that September brings freakishly cold weather to make up for this :D

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We were doing the "save the trees" bit, especially because the City has been doing an extensive storm sewer replacement project in front of our house for literally months, involving not just digging out the entire street to the depth of up to twenty feet, but excavating our lot all the way into the right-of-way. Last week they dug out nearly half of the root system of our oak tree; I don't see how we can save it, and it's been providing the shade for our bedroom. They also ripped our sprinkler system--pipes and wires and all--out of the yard, destroying the entire thing and making it very difficult to water. Just for an extra challenge.


The heat and the noise and the heat and the dead everything and the heat ... I've taken to putting everyone in the van in the afternoon (when the driveway isn't blocked in by construction machines), driving over to Half Price Books, and using their AC. I call it "free reading period." :D


We're really sailing through math and Latin, though!


ETA: I don't even really believe the weather reports. I was driving past Camp Mabry on MoPac just the other day, and the radio had just announced "99 at Camp Mabry"; but their sign was giving the temperature as 103.

ETA2: I also agree that a good solid hurricane hitting the coast is just what Central Texas needs. Sorry, Houston.

Edited by Sharon in Austin
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The last time I lived in DFW (2000) was the year we had over 100 days over 100F. I think that is why we jumped at the opportunity to move away! Maybe Texas just doesn't like me ;).


I have to say Houston is a bit nicer. There is a breeze and the gulf if I really need to escape!

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It's too hot to do anything, except scuttle from air conditioned house to air conditioned car to air conditioned mall (or something else air conditioned).


My nephew had a birthday at a water park last month, and that was just a very. bad. idea. I made sure that ds had his rashie on, along with long swim trunks, and I was applying sunscreen every half hour.


We still got fried. I felt weak and sick for a few days after that.


We wait until the sun goes down to swim. It's too hot, and the UV index is too dangerous otherwise. The UV index right now is 11. Anything over 10 is considered "Extreme."

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I'm in DFW as well, and between this heat and being 8 mos pregnant, I have about lost all patience that I had left :lol:


I've been having the kids play outside as soon as they wake up and have breakfast (about 8am) so they get a little outdoors time. They have to be outside for about 30 minutes or so. Then we've been doing school in the afternoon because it's too hot to do anything else!


I am just praying that September brings freakishly cold weather to make up for this :D


:grouphug: I can't IMAGINE being pregnant in this. Yuck!


I think we had plenty of freakishly cold weather back in February. :glare: That was enough for me! I'll be happy with 80's and even 90's in September.

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This is why we school through the summer and take our breaks in the spring and fall. We've done it this way for years. However, today we're not doing schoolwork because it's this mama's birthday and she wants a vacation from it. :D

Happy Birthday!!!! Mine is next Monday! How about we pull up a nice tub of Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream for a birthday treat!



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We spent ten years in Birmingham, AL, and I found the heat far more tolerable than it is here in DFW. Not only is the weather ugly, but the terrain is, too. Were it not for dh's job, and our friends here, I would hightail it out of here.


Despite the heat and scorpions, give me back the beauty of Central Texas ! Especially, send me back northern Alabama !

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We just moved to TX about 3 weeks ago. I cannot begin to explain to folks outside the area just how hot it is here. The news today said to take cds out the car so they won't warp or melt (?) from the heat. I always keep some chocolate in my pocketbook, but it melted from going out of the house, to the car, into the grocery store, and back again. I never left it sitting in the car, but it melted just by being carried around!


I'm not sure what to do either. Most of our stuff in unboxed. We started a puzzle on the dining room table. I'm finishing up a sewing project I started pre-move. Dc are playing various board and video games. They have done some scratch art. We've played some family games together like Uno, Skipboo, blockus.


We've gone ice skating a few times. We've also gone to local malls and walked around. I plan to start school on Wed. We schooled right up until the week prior to the move, I had not planned to start back until Sept. But, with this heat, I think it might be a good idea.


When it was hot (not this hot) where we used to live, we would invite friends over for games and desert. But, we've met very few folks here so I don't know any to invite over.


Dh has talked about joining the Y so we could get some exercise. But honestly, it is too hot to drive there to workout.


I've never lived anywhere it is this hot!

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And actual temps at about 108 this week (not heat index!!). So - I am a veteran down here - but feel stir crazy right now. With 108 I don't want to take a 45 minute car ride to a museum (I am one of those folks who think - what would I do in this heat if the car breaks down!). Going to town pool - yuk - too hot IMO. So, my kids are 8,13 and 18 (he's mainly sleeping in till noon all he can before he leaves for college in 2 weeks - but I'll stick him in here anyway). Give me ideas to fight this feeling of "omg another extremely hot day!".



Wow. And it is only August 1. We lived in DFW for a few years, and I feel for you.

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Reporting in from a little bit north and it's hot up here too so if you want to get away you'll have to head way north. Like Minnesota north. We've had weeks of miserable hot weather. We created an art studio/craft room in our basement and have been spending a lot of time down there.


PS I lived for eight years in south Texas (San Antonio and College Station) and even though it's hot up here, I know it's much hotter down there.

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Gulp.. Just watched the weather. Tyler tied their record for summer days over 100 at 47!!!!! 35 days of that have been in a row now. And it is only August 1st. Tyler set a all time high for today at 108.. supposed to get to 111 later in the week which will be the hottest they have ever been in history... Sigh.

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The last time I lived in DFW (2000) was the year we had over 100 days over 100F. I think that is why we jumped at the opportunity to move away! Maybe Texas just doesn't like me ;).


I have to say Houston is a bit nicer. There is a breeze and the gulf if I really need to escape!


It amazes me that it actually is cooler here in Houston. (cooler being a relative term, of course) Our high forecasted for the week is 101, and that's only one day. It is miserably hot, but at least it's not as bad as other areas.

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I don't remember the science as well as I would like to; however, Houston's proximity to the Gulf probably explains the slightly cooler temperatures (compared with DFW, for example). The Ship Channel brings that water even closer.


We like geckos -- but do prefer them to remain outside. When they get in, we have to rescue them from death at the jaws of the dog.


Among the assorted health annoyances, I have "reverse SAD". So this weather is torture for me.

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Today was day 48 (with 49 a promise tomorrow) of triple digit temperatures. It's 10:30 PM and it's STILL 95 degrees.


I've been staying home. It's too hot to do much of anything. Even the pool is no fun. We have been trying to get out to see a matinee at least once a week. Dark, cool movie theaters are wonderful if you don't melt on the way there.

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I don't remember the science as well as I would like to; however, Houston's proximity to the Gulf probably explains the slightly cooler temperatures (compared with DFW, for example). The Ship Channel brings that water even closer.


I know that's it, but the humidity usually pushes our heat index up higher. However, the humidity has been down this year because of the lack of rain.

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We just got back from San Fran on Sunday. It was so nice - I was cold! Now I just want to go back. Maybe the TX moms could caravan to colder weather....


We were on the west coast for 2 weeks in August last year. We went from Carlsbad, CA to Olympia, WA. The weather was glorious! 60's and 70's. I'm ready to go back now.

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We started school today because we're bored out of our minds. *lol* At least it's giving us something to do while we wait for cooler temperatures.


We moved to DFW in July of 2000 from KY, because my hubby was transferred here. Until then I had never lived anywhere where it got so freaking hot! I didn't want to move to TX in the first place, and really wasn't expecting the extreme heat. The day we moved in I told him I wanted a divorce. :lol:


I am really more of a cold weather person. I find the cold invigorating, and enjoy getting out in it to walk around the block or go to the park. But the heat is the exact opposite. Some days it's a struggle just to check the mail. :tongue_smilie:

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I suppose it would be just mean for me to say that we climbed a nearby mountain last week and had to traverse about five patches of snow and the kids went sledding on the top of the mountain......




Ok... this is not just mean, it is cruel. We normally go somewhere cool like Colorado or Wyoming in August but not this year. You get 50 lashes with a wet noodle!!! :smash: You are hereby sentenced to campinng in a tent in my backyard!!


Just kidding.

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Some days it's a struggle just to check the mail. :tongue_smilie:


It's days like this that I'm glad there's a little door in my wall that lets me check the mail from INSIDE the house. I don't have to go out!


I think we're going to North Park Mall tomorrow to visit the ducks and turtles and fountains. It's too hot to do anything else!

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Do you know where to find a record of what the high temps have been this year? I found that July 2011 (in Dallas) had 30 days over 100. I know there were some 100+ days in June too, but I can't find a record anywhere.


The heat is sucking the life out of me. :tongue_smilie: Our A/C can't even get the house as cold as I would like it to be.

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