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Would you stay at a hotel that was rumored to...

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have had bedbugs?


We are going to a resort hotel in a couple of weekends and when DH looked it up online there were two reports of bedbugs on a trip advisor website. I am the only one concerned but I don't want to miss this trip. I looked up online how to protect yourself and I am going to follow those steps. I still have nagging doubts though but everyone else in the group are not concerned. So what would you do?

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No, I really don't think I would. The nagging worry that we just might get some, then take them back home, then have the most awful time trying to get rid of them. No, not worth it. I'd look elsewhere for alternative accommodation.



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We stayed one night at a hotel last summer that was "clear" as far as online reports though, and got bitten and had to go through all of the procedures when we got home. It was a year ago now, and thankfully that was it. The bites were miserable though.


That said, in December we made our annual Great Wolf trek even though there were reports online that they had bedbugs. I checked and then isolated our suitcases out in the shed and washed everything. As far as I know we didn't bring them home.


We then went on vacation in May, and I checked online and picked carefully, but I still checked every room and isolated everything when we got home and washed everything. Hopefully we didn't bring anything home, but no sign yet.


The bottom line is that you can get them anywhere now though. I've heard of several local cases that got them at a local megachurch that has theater-style seating. So I take every step that I can to avoid them, but I don't let it ruin my life either.

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No way. I won't even go to the local $ theater b/c they have had them. I can't afford the treatment to get rid of them if we bring them home, so I guess it's my own insurance policy. As other posters have said though, you can get them anywhere, so if it's a special trip just go and when you get home isolate everything.

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You could call the place and ask to speak with the manager about the reports and the steps they've taken to eradicate them. His attitude could tell you a lot.




I would call- if they are courteous about the reports and are forthcoming, then they probably have been diligent taking care of the situation- If they are snide then I would probably pass and go elsewhere.


But, really, I have bug phobia and I've never once checked for bed bugs. Once we did stay at this really creepy motel and we slept on our own blankets on top of their blankets and everything- I normally don't do that though.


I think I need to educate myself on bed bugs.

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Unfortunately any disgruntled client can make a claim of bedbugs in the online websites. I would look at the overall satisfaction of recent posters. If it seems that the majority of people have no complaints, I would go for it but I would certainly give the room a good look upon arrival - before moving any luggage into the room.

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Lift up all the sheets and check the seams of the mattress. I do that in ALL hotels.


For future reference, what is it we are looking for, bugs themselves, or some other kind of evidence that they're around? (Shudders)


I have no experience of them, but it seems they're pretty prevalent these days, I guess no-one can escape forever. Forewarned is forearmed.


Any other advice on what to look for when staying at hotels? How to deal with them if you do get an infestation?





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I agree. I wouldn't be phased by a couple of complaints. The place I booked had at least 20. So either they really had bedbugs or they just stunk as a hotel.


I think when the Ritz Carlton's had them, that bed bugs are just a risk you take traveling now. Check everything when you get there and isolate stuff when you get home, even if you are staying a hotel that is "bedbug free."


And %$#!%$#@

Now I'm itching all over. :D

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For future reference, what is it we are looking for, bugs themselves, or some other kind of evidence that they're around? (Shudders)


I have no experience of them, but it seems they're pretty prevalent these days, I guess no-one can escape forever. Forewarned is forearmed.


Any other advice on what to look for when staying at hotels? How to deal with them if you do get an infestation?






The bugs themselves hang out in the seams of the mattress and come out at night to "feed." (eeeeewwww!) There can also be evidence in terms of pinpricks of blood on the mattress. I've also read you should check the nightstand drawers. Honestly though I only check the mattresses, because I think that's where you're most likely to find them. There are pictures of them online, as well as pictures of people who have been bitten.


I think if I encountered them during a hotel stay unknowingly, I'd be tempted to burn all my luggage in the driveway, rather than risk bringing them into the house! Or, maybe I'd drive straight to the dump to donate my suitcases.

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Now see if I paid that kind of money for a room I think I'd seriously sue the hotel if I ended up infested with bed bugs. I would expect way better for that kind of money.


I know I was pretty freaked when we went. It turned out fine (and it was a cheap B&B).


Um. except it isn't really the hotel's fault. It's their patron's fault. THey know nothing about it until it is reported to them. If they deal with it appropriately, that is the most they can do.


Unless you think hotels should start suing their customers who bring bedbugs into the hotel (even if unknowingly)

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Um. except it isn't really the hotel's fault. It's their patron's fault. THey know nothing about it until it is reported to them. If they deal with it appropriately, that is the most they can do.


Unless you think hotels should start suing their customers who bring bedbugs into the hotel (even if unknowingly)


:iagree: I don't think the hotels enjoy them much either!!! I know our local hospital has had to initiate some bedbug protocols too. They're everywhere. When we travel, I simply check every single bed and drawer now BEFORE anyone hops around the room.

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I think if the hotel overall has a good reputation and most reviews are positive and everything is set, I'd take the chance, but I'd check the mattresses upon arrival and not set the suitcases on the bed or floor.


With all the traveling we do and how prevalent bedbugs are now, I just assume we'll get them at some point. I did have them once while traveling in the Middle East. Fortunately we didn't have any long-term problems with them.

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I would never, ever, EVER!! But... I'm in the throes of an infestation of our house, b/c of staying in a hotel that had the little suckers. There are steps you can take, to prevent bringing them home, if you do happen to pick them up. I know there are sprays you can get, but I honestly doubt they do much good. The best idea is to not ever put your luggage and clothes on the bed, and then keep it all outside for a day or two after you get home. Someplace hot.

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Yep, I would. And we had a horrific infestation this past year. DD brought them home last summer and didn't identify the problem until December. Still, as other's have said, they are everywhere. I know what to look for and so I check hotel beds for evidence before we unload our stuff.


Even in hotels that are on the "list," I haven't found any. I don't trust the list - either to say that a hotel is safe, or that it's not.

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The bugs themselves hang out in the seams of the mattress and come out at night to "feed." (eeeeewwww!) There can also be evidence in terms of pinpricks of blood on the mattress. I've also read you should check the nightstand drawers. Honestly though I only check the mattresses, because I think that's where you're most likely to find them. There are pictures of them online, as well as pictures of people who have been bitten.


I think if I encountered them during a hotel stay unknowingly, I'd be tempted to burn all my luggage in the driveway, rather than risk bringing them into the house! Or, maybe I'd drive straight to the dump to donate my suitcases.


I do agree with this. I would absolutely NOT bring stuff into the house that I suspect may have them. I'd get rid of the luggage, and take the clothes to a laundromat to wash/dry on high heat. I'd even buy new clothes for the whole family and have them strip and change in the laundromat bathroom to make absolutely sure they didn't come in the house. When I was cleaning my DD's room after we found them there, I must have carried one into my room. It only takes one as they don't need "two to tango." Ugh.

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I think when the Ritz Carlton's had them, that bed bugs are just a risk you take traveling now. Check everything when you get there and isolate stuff when you get home, even if you are staying a hotel that is "bedbug free."


You can get them at any time at any hotel, and even some public places like theaters and churches are suspect.


And you have to watch thrift store and garage sale finds now.

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I'm reading thatyou all just leave stuff outside and that

is not enough precaution. They can lay eggs on your luggage zipper, etc. Unless you manage to heat your luggage up to 120 for a 20 minute peiord they could still live. A 90% alcohol spray will also kill them.

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I'm reading thatyou all just leave stuff outside and that

is not enough precaution. They can lay eggs on your luggage zipper, etc. Unless you manage to heat your luggage up to 120 for a 20 minute peiord they could still live. A 90% alcohol spray will also kill them.


I agree. From what I've read, you've got to heat up the luggage. The bed that my daughter slept in is wrapped up in saran wrap and in an un-airconditioned storage unit. The bedbug guy said that this *should* kill anything that's still in there. We don't have room for it in our new house, so we are find to let it sit. As beautiful as it is, it might sit forever.


With that said, with the heat that we're having, I bet you could put the luggage in a garbage bag in the trunk of your car and park it in the sun. Surely that would get hot enough. What do you think?

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Thanks for all of the replies. My big worry is that I cannot afford to deal with an infestation. We will not be coming directly home (staying at my brother's who is going with us) and he is not concerned at all. I think I will just take the barest minimum we need, garbage bags and no luggage but pack it into a reusable bag. I will be inspecting everything also. Thanks to everyone- I know I will still be nervous but I can't ruin it for everyone else.

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My instinct is to say, "No way!"


In reality, if I were in your situation, I would have to go. How could I forego the entire vacation based on those two reviews? I'm sure that I would be calling the hotel ahead of time, hoping to get reassurance that they've taken care of the problem and will continue to be proactive. I'd also be checking everything very carefully and taking extra steps upon my return home just in case.



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I had a bedbug scare recently...turned out to be a false alarm. But it was close enough that I had to educate myself about those nasty critters and there is NO WAY I would stay at a hotel that was rumored to have them. As it is, I check every bed and wall in a bug-free hotel now that I know what it would take to get rid of them.


Can't you find another place close by?

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Honestly, I wouldn't be too concerned. I would for sure check my bed(s) upon arrival and ask to be switched to another room if I found them, but I think most decent hotels are on top of the problem and taking care of it once it's been reported.


Just check when you get there. Honestly, they have found bed bugs at certain Four Seasons resorts, and people still stay there. I would just be diligent about checking and if you have any doubts, get a different room.

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Y'all are freaking me out here. I woke up thinking about this this morning (an hour before my alarm was to go off). Dd is going to Peru for two weeks, and they will be staying in at least three different hotels, possibly four.


On the plus side, though, I'll be talking to her about precautions and preventative measures, and I'll give her a few of those black trash bags to store her stuff in, either in the rooms, or in the sun if they suspect infestation.



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Honestly, I wouldn't be too concerned. I would for sure check my bed(s) upon arrival and ask to be switched to another room if I found them, but I think most decent hotels are on top of the problem and taking care of it once it's been reported.


I was just thinking that if it has been reported on line the resort is probably being super careful to get rid of them or monitor for new outbreaks.

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