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All right ladies, what is causing this?

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All of a sudden I am indifferent to coffee. It's not that the smell or taste make me nauseous or ill, but I simply don't want to drink it anymore. I simply can take it or

leave it. :confused: Now, the background: I *love* coffee. So much so that I've even deeply craved it in pregnancy. However, the only other time I've felt indifferent about my morning cuppa java is when I was pg with one of my kids. :001_huh: This has been for the last few days or so.


I'm not pg. I just *had* a baby. :p I never get pregnant this soon after. Never. :tongue_smilie:


So what else is causing this? :bigear:

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I go through phases of loving coffee and not really caring about it. I think I just get tired of it sometimes. Once I no longer get the caffeine buzz, I tend to get indifferent to it. In the fall/winter when the skies are so dark and gloomy (PNW) the caffeine helps to keep me perky, with summer sunshine-I don't need it so much.

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I go through phases of loving coffee and not really caring about it. I think I just get tired of it sometimes. Once I no longer get the caffeine buzz, I tend to get indifferent to it. In the fall/winter when the skies are so dark and gloomy (PNW) the caffeine helps to keep me perky, with summer sunshine-I don't need it so much.


Hmmm. This could be it. Makes sense to me. Although, I sometimes drink decaf because it's the taste and aroma that I enjoy.

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I would guess that you are not pg, but I'd take a test just to be sure. My guess would just be crazy hormones. I've taken multiple pg tests during the first year of all of my kids lives because I felt strange pg symptoms, even though we chart and I knew I hadn't ovulated. Just crazy hormones, but it made me feel better just to know for sure.

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I guess you would have to think about all the things you LOOOOVe :D about coffee.


Does it warm you? Is you climate warm right now, so you aren't enjoying this part?

Does it taste wonderful? Do you have something else that you are enjoying like tea or soda? If you sweeten it, it is too sweet for a hot day? If you don't sweeten it, are you wanting a sweet drink instead?

Does it give you the little buzz from caffiene? Buzz gone? Are you replacing it with something else?

Does it remind you of...? Is the nastalgia gone?

It is part of your morning/afternood ritual? Have you broken a habit unrelated to the coffee, so you don't need this part of your ritual anymore? Are you on a new routine with the baby, so coffee just doesn't fit right into your routine?

Are you brand specific? Did you change brands? Flavors? Strenth of brew? Machine?

Are you just sooo happy with your life right now, that you don't need the comfort it used to give you?

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Okay, after 20 years of consumption, I lost my taste for coffee one Saturday morning. Nothing else, just coffee. On Tuesday we had cheesecake at work, which is rich for my fare. I was still stuffed at dinner. At 11 pm, I threw a gallstone, and awoke in the throes of an attack. Other than losing my taste for coffee, I'd had no forwarning. It was a good two weeks after surgery, and one day I woke up and thought COFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.



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I go through that sometimes. No idea why, but I can go from drinking a pot a day to not finishing the first cup. It doesn't seem to be seasonal or hormonal (though I did lose my taste for coffee when I was pregnant with the boys).


Actually, I've done that with knitting over the past few months, too. I have half or nearly finished projects and no desire to pick them up. No aversion, either... Just no interest either way.


And my life pretty much revolves around coffee and wool. :D

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Okay, after 20 years of consumption, I lost my taste for coffee one Saturday morning. Nothing else, just coffee. On Tuesday we had cheesecake at work, which is rich for my fare. I was still stuffed at dinner. At 11 pm, I threw a gallstone, and awoke in the throes of an attack. Other than losing my taste for coffee, I'd had no forwarning. It was a good two weeks after surgery, and one day I woke up and thought COFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.




Ack. That's scary. :001_unsure: I've never had a gallbladder attack and after reading some posts here, I sure hope I never do. :scared: Oh man, now I'm worried. I hope it's not my gallbladder. :(

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I go through that sometimes. No idea why, but I can go from drinking a pot a day to not finishing the first cup. It doesn't seem to be seasonal or hormonal (though I did lose my taste for coffee when I was pregnant with the boys).


Actually, I've done that with knitting over the past few months, too. I have half or nearly finished projects and no desire to pick them up. No aversion, either... Just no interest either way.


And my life pretty much revolves around coffee and wool. :D


Thanks for sharing this. I'm glad to hear that it can be norma and that this does happen to other people who are not pregnant. :)

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I don't know if this is really relevant, but the perfume that I have loooooooved for the last 5 or 6 years suddenly lost all attraction for me AFTER my DD was born. It was really bizarre: I still liked the perfume during pregnancy (even when I had morning sickness) but within a few weeks/months or her birth, I had to admit I just didn't like it anymore. Didn't hate it, just didn't like it. I'm definitely not pregnant, so I had to put it down to post-partum changes. DD will be 2 in October and I still don't like it. :confused:

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That happened to me as well. Not pregnant. I just did not like it all for months. Then I just needed the caffeine. I was overly involved in a theater project and was burning the candlematmboth ends - coffee saves me. I started fixing it differently so that helped with my tast aversion.

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I love coffee, but I go through phases when I just don't want it. They come on suddenly. They are tea phases. I make lattes from very strong good tea (PG Tips) instead, or chai lattes. I drink those instead for a week or two. Maybe you just need a break from coffee.

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Well, whatever you have, I am going to stay away just in case it is contagious!


It sounds absolutely dreadful.


I loved coffee even when I was pregnant. I can't think of a time I don't love coffee.....oh wait, I take that back.....I do not like coffee when I have a bad cold or the flu.....maybe because I can't taste it?????



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I'm not pg. I just *had* a baby. :p I never get pregnant this soon after. Never. :tongue_smilie:




Two sets of "non" twins here - Feb 2001 & Dec 2001 and again in Jan 2004 & Dec 2004. I *almost* never get pregnant that soon after.... Almost.

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I haven't read all the responses, but I'll just throw in that I've lost my taste for coffee as well. It started tapering off about a year ago, maybe? I asked about it here and got all kinds of scary responses (not as scary as possibly being PG though! :lol:), but it really just seems I've lost my taste for it. It still smells good to me, but I just don't enjoy it anymore. I started making myself a cup in the mornings and would find it in the same place in the afternoon, without a sip taken from it :confused: So I finally just stopped drinking it. It's good because it was giving me horrible, volcanic heartburn, but it's also bad because I really, REALLY, REALLY miss the caffeine :( Ah well...

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I've been feeling ambivalent about coffe lastely as well. And for years, I've had it almost every day. I'm not sure if it's because several months ago I gave up sugar in my coffee or if there's some other reason. I still love the smell of it in the morning, I just ask my husband not to make any extra for me. It makes me kind of sad. I hope that as the weather cools off in the fall, I will again enjoy my cup of coffee in the morning with my Bible and my quiet time. I kind of miss it right now, even though I don't have a huge desire for it.


ETA: I'm definitely NOT pregnant. And I never gave up coffee during pregnancy, although I switched to a custom half caff blend, which I continued even after my last baby 2 years ago. Hmmm. Maybe I need to go back to high octane to reignite my passion!

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