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Can we maybe get a roll call of all the moms with a new kindy child this fall?

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and if this is your first offical year?


I'll start:


I'll be starting Kindy with Big Brother offically. He is going to turn 6 in Nov, i love late birthdays. He has a year of part-time pre-school under his belt (3 hours 2 days a week) because of his Speech IEP and making it easier on everyone and giving him pratice time.


This is our first offical year, though he has had an IEP since 3 -- so on paper he's been listed as homeschooled since 3 LOL (his "classroom")


I am kinda getting nerouvs -- he has some emotional challanges and attention issues -- so he is a very active all boy 5 yo boy .....






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Our DS2 is turning 6 at the end of September. If he was in our school district this would be his kindergarten year (not grade 1) because of the Sept 1 cutoff. He is just now starting phonics and beginning to write anyway so I am calling this year kindergarten.

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My oldest DS just turned 5 on Monday (yup, he's a 4th of July baby :D ) We'll be starting school *hopefully* sometime in August, but by September 1st at the very latest (if I can get started on actually *planning*! My motivation seems to have checked out for the month of July. :lol: )

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I'm planning to let kindergarten take 2 years for my little guy.


He is 4.5, turning 5 in mid November. Mentally, I think he's ready for more challenging material than typical preschool curriculum however, he's a pretty wiggly boy who doesn't like to sit still for long.


He'll be joining big sister (1st grade) for history and science whenever he is interested. He'll have his own reading, phonics, and math material.

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My youngest ds (5 yrs. old) is supposed to start K this fall. However, we started K this summer, and he is doing really well. He may be able to start R&S 1 in the fall... we'll see.

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I will be starting Kindergarten with my youngest in September using Oak Meadow. He will turn 6 in November. I did attempt K with him last fall and we tried it for a few weeks, but like someone else said he was a pretty wiggly little boy and he just wasn't interested enough or attentive enough, so I dropped it and did another year of informal pre-K instead.


My 10 year old was in public school from K through most of third grade. I pulled her out in March of her third grade year and homeschooled her for the rest of 3rd, all of 4th, all of 5th, and will be homeschooling her for 6th grade in the fall.

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Not me, but just jealous of all you. I loved our Kindy year. Sticker books with animals around the world, cuddled up reading together, course I only remember the best parts... But it really is fun! Enjoy and take pictures of your first day!

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I have a 4.5 year old who may wind up doing what most would consider "Kindergarten" in spite of me. He rejected another year of outside-the-home play-based preschool for this coming year, and is eagerly anticipating reading lessons. Sigh. He's not official until next year.


I have no intention of requiring anything at all from him, though.

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I've got DS starting this year. He will be 5 on Monday. I'm planning to take things very slowly and try to be relaxed about it all since he can't stand to be pushed into anything. He is definitely ready for some math and is currently teaching himself how to write his letters, so we've made a good start I think. :)

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My little guy will be 6 in September. This is our first real homeschool year. He would officially be in Kindergarten even though most of our curriculum is 1st grade. I haven't decided whether to call him K or 1st yet :)

My youngest boy will be 6 in February so officially it's K for him, even though he is more of an early 1st grader.

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My youngest is starting K this fall, and they'll be grades K, 1, 2, and 3. :) She's young for K, not turning 5 until mid-November, but she's very very excited to be doing what the older kids are. She begged me for workbooks of her own last year and has already completed Get Ready, Get Set, and Go for the Code, as well as Earlybird math A. She's been tagging along with Five in a Row lessons for a couple years now, but she's getting a lot more into it lately. I think this will be a really fun year for us.

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My DS5 is not official with the state until next year, but we've been having fun with Singapore Earlybird A and HWT pre-k. We're going to do WP Animals and ETC this fall. Enjoy ourselves and work on maintaining a routine until we start "for real" fall 2012.

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I'm planning to let kindergarten take 2 years for my little guy.


He is 4.5, turning 5 in mid November. Mentally, I think he's ready for more challenging material than typical preschool curriculum however, he's a pretty wiggly boy who doesn't like to sit still for long.


He'll be joining big sister (1st grade) for history and science whenever he is interested. He'll have his own reading, phonics, and math material.


I can relate. Big Brother was easy ready for the academics of Kindy last fall (right before tunring 5) but emotionally / sit-still / body ablity -- nope -- in fact i am still worried though in math is is already 1st grade and in may other skills also.

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Count us in. My oldest turned 5 in late May and we started some of her kindy work in the last few weeks. :) Excited to get into the full swing of things. I do have a very energetic 3 year old and a super clingy 1 year old so I am hoping it all works out.

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He would officially be in Kindergarten even though most of our curriculum is 1st grade. I haven't decided whether to call him K or 1st yet :)

Ditto. DS will be 6 in November, and he's doing all 1st grade or higher work at the moment, and K work last year, but by the PS standard, he would just be entering K this year b/c of the cut-off. No idea what to call it so I just don't call it anything :tongue_smilie:

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We started kindy 3 weeks ago! We are homeschooling b/c I have two kiddos who are in various therapies that take up a LOT of time, and I didn't think we could manage that AND public school time-wise.


So far, it hasn't been quite what I'd expected. We haven't gotten nearly as much done in the "extra" subjects as I'd hoped (everything other than phonics, handwriting, & math). The other thing is that I am homeschooling because it is best for my kids, but I wasn't necessarily excited about doing it. It has actually been a lot more fun than I expected!! The kids are excited and enjoying it, and aren't fighting nearly as much because we are busy. So it has been a good experience so far!

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I am starting kindergarten with my 5 year old son. He just turned 5 in June and we will start Aug 22. I'm a little nervous as he was in preschool at church last year, which was our first homeschooling year....so I will have 3 boys at home, trying to school them for 6th, 3rd and K!

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My DD will be starting kindy in August. She's 4, but will turn 5 the last week of Aug. I'm not into pushing my kids academically at a young age, but she taught herself to read CVC words, knows all of her letters and letter sounds, can write them all and did a little K math over the summer.


If it ends up being to much for her, we'll slow down and stretch K out for 2 years. :)

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We started our homeschooling a few weeks ago. My son finished a co-op preschool in May and we started in June. We did a very slow start and have just been adding one subject in every week. Right now we are doing a pre-k handwriting, K math and 1st grade reading/phonics program. I'm planning on adding in science next week and then I think we will hold with that until January. Here most public schools only do half day kindergarten so I feel like we are covering plenty. I plan to have my kiddos on year round school and stepping them up a level in January since that is near their birthdays.

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I have a Class of '24'er here too. We begin this month and are excited (well, he's excited about all but handwriting and no longer getting to continue making "tooth B's" --- B's that look like fang teeth!).


Brag Brag on the fall bday(i wish!)...mine's a May babe.



ooppps...."this thread", not "these thread"

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DD will be 5 in a few weeks. (She misses the MO cutoff by one day, but she's definitely ready academically.) We're letting her go back to her play-based preschool (9 hrs/wk) as a social outlet, but we'll be working on K/1st stuff at home.

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I have a "K"er this year. She will be 6 in November! She is also my guinea pig. If all goes well the older will be home next year just in time for middle school to start.




Are sole focus is Phonics/reading/handwriting and Math. I will add more in as the year progresses but I think for Kindergarten that should be sufficient.


ETA: We have already started.

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I'm folding in a Kindy this year! We started a few weeks ago but have just been working up to a full schedule slowly. This will be our 3rd full year homeschooling.


So far it's been interesting. He blew through most of the little workbooks I purchased for him to do in between his math and phonics and kept asking for more and more schoolwork. Then today, he decided he didn't want to do any work at all. Last year he would sit and do some work when he wanted but when he wanted to be done he would just be done. I don't think he realizes yet that this year he has to take his schoolwork a bit more seriously. I'm a big pushover though. I still see him as such a little guy...I don't have the heart to make him sit when he wants to play.:tongue_smilie:

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My youngest will "officially" start K in August. I tried a little here and there last year, but she wanted nothing to do with it. She will be an "older" K (6 in April), but she is truly ready to learn now. We will be starting our 8th year of homeschooling next month. Yikes! where has the time gone :confused:



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We will be starting Kindy here too. My dd, turning 6 in February, did a few things here and there last year while big brother was doing 2nd grade. I'm excited. We have been working on phonics the last few months, and she is beginning to read cvc words! Kindy and 3rd grade...looking forward to a great year.

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My baby will be in kindergarten this year :crying: (they are 16 months apart) This is going to be harder than the rest because he is my baby :crying: He will not be 6 until Feb, we are going to start out slow at first then gain full steam by his 6th birthday. I have done it that way with all my kiddos.




My baby is growing up :crying:

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Guest Britbokmommy

Coming out of lurking to join the fun.My baby is starting K in september. He'll be 6 in April and has some language delays and most days cannot sit still for toffee. He is very excited about Ziggy Zebra coming to help him learn to read so we'll see how it goes.

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We're doing K officially this year. She wouldn't be official until next year for K if she was in a ps though. DD has a Dec. 1, bday. We've been playing around with handwriting, phonics and math since January. She already has writing down, is in 1st grade math and reading CVC and CVCC words.


So, now I'll add in some extras and we'll start the second week of August, after her stepbrother goes home. She loves doing school and is excited to do her K year. She is one of those eager beavers, who is very difficult to hold back...she started teaching herself handwriting when I wanted her to hold off.

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