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What is/was for dinner?

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I have not been feeling well, and our pantry is, um challenged! ;)


But, dh pulled together spaghetti with chunked up hamburgers (no ground beef), garlic bread and salad! We had a child guest (daycare client). We all prayed a list of things to be thankful for and enjoyed dinner and compary.

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We just finished having lentil soup, and a big (very plain and boring, 'cause I was tired and unmotivated) salad, and the kids are having sliced bananas (gag!) in bowls with a little milk and sugar for dessert. It was pretty yummy, but I am fantasizing a little about chocolate chip cookies now...

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We just finished having lentil soup, and a big (very plain and boring, 'cause I was tired and unmotivated) salad, and the kids are having sliced bananas (gag!) in bowls with a little milk and sugar for dessert. It was pretty yummy, but I am fantasizing a little about chocolate chip cookies now...



Oh . . . Chocolate chip cookies. I've been wanting chocolate all day today. But, I have to wait until the kids go to sleep or I'll have to share. . .

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Hi Nan! We ate out.....it's our dd's birthday! YEA!


Wouldn't it be great if there was a forum devoted to recipe exchanges? Maybe there is one already.


I will say one of my favorite recipes is this (some garden veggies when they are mature):


Bell peppers, cut into "rings"....colorful red, orange, purple, yellow, chocolate

Red Onion, sliced thick


Mushrooms, sliced thick



Minced Garlic (can't eat too much....YUM!)

** Chicken or beef strips, or shrimp



Using a cast iron skillet, heat well and add extra virgin olive oil. Add bell peppers and red onion and saute until tender (or slightly burnt is also good). Add meat and make sure it's done. Add all ingredients and toss.

Top with parmesan cheese and sometimes chinese noodles. Serve alone or over wild rice or pasta.


Lettuce salad



What am I doing? LOL? This is an entire meal. Bon Apetite! Sheryl

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Grilled chicken, brussel sprouts (with a garlic butter sauce), and couscous. Yummy.


This sounds awesome.


We had scrambled eggs with carrots and celery sticks. I am pregnant and tired. (except for ds5 who is allergic to eggs. He usually gets cereal or peanut butter bread.) We have this a lot :lol:!

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My husband had to fly back to California to be with his dad, so it was just my daughter and son and me for dinner tonight.


We couldn't think of anything that all three of us wanted to eat that wasn't a big deal to make. (And, having been up since 5:00 this morning to take my husband to the airport, big was not on my hit parade.) So, my son had pasta with some sauce I chipped off the big frozen block in the freezer and microwaved. My daughter and I had store-bought hummus with crackers (me) and pita chips (her) and some apple slices.

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I dined with a group of local Episcopalians who hosted a "green" dinner. Menu items were made, as much as possible, from seasonal, local ingredients. I attended not as a featured guest because of my involvement with the local food movement here. We ate:



Cheese cubes

Crab bites

Bison meatballs


Main Course:

Vegetarian lasagna

Garden salad

Marinated asparagus




Hot Milk Cake w/ fresh strawberries


Local Wine



It was a lovely evening. My family had to fend for themselves! ;)

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Tonight happened to be an exceptional dinner night. DH is a chef and stopped at the grocery store on the way home. We had grilled salmon, grilled eggplant, grilled knockwurst, corn on the cob, rice and sushi for an appetizer. Yum!


In contrast, last night was bacon & eggs for dinner!

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