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It is cold here again....

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:glare: Yes I am pouting. I am whining and complaining too. I am bundled up on my couch with a sweatshirt on and debating whether I need long pants also. It is not suppose to get up over 68 here till Wednesday and it is suppose to rain and be yucky. Not fair. It doesn't rain in Wyoming! Why is it raining in Wyoming when we are suppose to be nice now?:glare: We only get a few months of nice weather and so far we have only had maybe a week of it. I want to cry.


I am ready for nice weather and for it to stay nice. I want to open my windows and doors and feel the heat come in from outside, not my heater vents!



All done whining. Thank you for listening. And yes I will gladly trade for way hotter weather, hot and humid anything right now. Cold and wet sucks!

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I'd be happy to trade! It's supposed to be 106 today. I'm tired of the summer already!


I do love our winters though. I pull out my heavy coat for probably 2 days out of the season. Other than that, it's just a light jacket.


I guess the grass is always greener, right? Course here, the grass is dead and brown!

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I'm right there with you. High of around 60F, rain on and off all day, really windy. I'm wearing jeans, long sleeve shirt, and sweatshirt.


But I've also lived through many South Florida summers. I'd love to have the New York summers that I grew up with, but I don't miss South Florida summers at all.

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I'm wearing a cashmere hoodie, slippers, and jeans while I drink my morning coffee. Another day of gloom and chill is brewing outdoors. My tomato plants are rotting, the strawberries won't ripen, and my boys have yet to need sunscreen, shorts, or even a cold drink while playing outside. This 'spring' we have had a total of four days that have hit 70 degrees.


Winter will never end. I'm sure of it.


It's hard to believe that anyone anywhere is warm.


There. My whining is over. Time for another cup of steaming hot coffee.

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Clearly, I need to move to Wyoming.


No kidding.


OP, you can have some Georgia temps from us. No charge! :D


I always complain about the heat and HUMIDITY here in the Southeast (I've lived here all my life). Then last week, I spent 5 days in Las Vegas. Oh my. I know people say the heat isn't as bad there because it's a dry heat. Um, no. All my mucous membranes were dried out, I was starting to have nosebleeds, and I swear my brain was starting to shrivel up as well. I have NEVER been so glad to get back to the humidity of the Southeast.


Wait, that was totally irrelevant. Sorry. I'm still on my first cup of coffee. :tongue_smilie:

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If it makes you feel any better, it is ridiculously HOT here and we have fires on top of that!! The air quality had been dangerously unheathy here for a week because of the smoke. Everyone is staying inside. =(


NC has fires right now, and the smoke smell is so strong here. I had a serious migraine yesterday and had to go outdoors. It was just horrible!

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I always complain about the heat and HUMIDITY here in the Southeast (I've lived here all my life). Then last week, I spent 5 days in Las Vegas. Oh my. I know people say the heat isn't as bad there because it's a dry heat. Um, no. All my mucous membranes were dried out, I was starting to have nosebleeds, and I swear my brain was starting to shrivel up as well. I have NEVER been so glad to get back to the humidity of the Southeast.


It wasn't even that hot here last week - about 90 degrees. Come back in a month when we're at 110+ with about 4% humidity. Ugh.

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It's been gloomy and damp here for days with a high of 62. Last night when I got gas the strong wind was just freezing and I was wearing wool slacks and sweater. Sunny Southern CA--not so much where I live!


Hang in there. The sun has to make an appearance some time!

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I'm wearing a cashmere hoodie, slippers, and jeans while I drink my morning coffee. Another day of gloom and chill is brewing outdoors. My tomato plants are rotting, the strawberries won't ripen, and my boys have yet to need sunscreen, shorts, or even a cold drink while playing outside. This 'spring' we have had a total of four days that have hit 70 degrees.


Winter will never end. I'm sure of it.


It's hard to believe that anyone anywhere is warm.


There. My whining is over. Time for another cup of steaming hot coffee.


8 hours later, and it is actually sunny and 69 degrees! Wow!


I shouldn't have complained this morning. I do hear that we're back to rain and breezy tomorrow, but it's a lovely night here in Seattle for once. :)

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Northwest Montana here.


Depressingly cold and rainy. Our summer is so short and this year it is so late in coming that I could cry. :nopity: (That's me feeling very sorry for myself)


The only heat we have is a wood stove sitting in the living room. I keep thinking I can close it up for the year - put the wood, newspapers, cardboard away - and then I have to drag everything out to make yet another fire.


52 degrees today with rain.


So, I feel for you. :grouphug:

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NC has fires right now, and the smoke smell is so strong here. I had a serious migraine yesterday and had to go outdoors. It was just horrible!


Along with our suffocatingly hot weather, we, too, are dealing with fires here. The smoke has been overwhelming. And, like you, I've been dealing with a migraine. The smoke has definitely ramped up my pain. It has been unbearable outside for me the last few days.


I'd gladly take a blast (or more) of cold air...

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I just wish the weather here would make up its mind! In the past two weeks or so, we've been bouncing around from the low 50s to the high 90s. It's absolutely ridiculous!

Even though our upcoming days are supposed to be in the 80s according to the forecast, we can't even swim comfortably, since the water hasn't had time to warm up. (Our community pools are filled by icy cold well water!)

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It was like that here in MI for a LONG time this spring. We've gotten SO much rain and it was just plain cold and miserable. Then a couple weeks ago we got hit with 90 and humid. Where did that come from? And, where is spring?


This week it's more like spring and it's amazing the difference in my mood when the windows are open!


I hope you get some warmth soon!

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We were all excited when it warmed up to the low-mid 60s and the sun partly came out for a couple of days. We managed to sneak out to the beach for low tide and mow 1/3 of our lawn. We're back to the 50s and rain again today. Our plan for the day WAS to finish the lawn and go to a nearby town's city-wide garage sale. Looks like we are hanging out indoors again.

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Our city still says they're going to do a fireworks show for 4th of July, but many of the neighboring cities have cancelled theirs. One of them is doing a laser show instead.


It's boiling outside by noon and stays that way all day.


We need rain desperately. My yard looks like it's going to blow away. I'm watering 2x/week as allowed and that's just enough to keep my yard from turning into bare dirt.

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