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I have Telephone Aversion Syndrome.

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I didn't have Telephone Aversion Syndrome in my teens or even my early 20s, but after I started having children I developed TAS. I prefer to do everything via email or in person if possible. I really don't like the phone, and some of the calls I had to make today were among my least favorite kind.


But I just changed doctor's offices (which involved 3 phone calls), scheduled a doctor's appointment for ds5, left a message with a friend so we can set up an evening for her & her family to come over, called the school to find out about a speech evaluation for ds4, and called the Zoo about a special event ds5 was invited to attend.


Yay, me!


Now--to make myself answer the phone since I'm now expecting 2 return calls :tongue_smilie:.

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I don't know if it's TAS or "Coming Home Aversion Syndrome." All my son's friends know that we "go to town" on Tuesdays and Thursdays. That's when we run errands, to Taekwondo, etc., etc. We drag ourselves in at 8:00 or 9:00 at night, trying to dodge happy dogs and anything else that might be in the way while we clean out the car and the trunk -- and the phone starts ringing. I guess I shouldn't complain, because the rest of the week, it starts ringing at 4:00 -- about the time the other kids get home from school. On the weekends, it's a free-for-all.


Most of the time, if he doesn't get it, the answering machine does. If it isn't important enough for them to leave a message, they certainly didn't need to talk to me.

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~holds hand in mock phone position~ Hey JudoLops...call me! :lol::lol:


I'm exactly the same way. What a revelation it was to find I could turn the thing OFF and not have the world collapse around me.


Now to do something about my AKS: Addictive Keyboard Syndrome! :eek:

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I'm so excited! There's a name for it, AND I'm not the only one afflicted. :D Honestly, if it wasn't for caller id, I don't know that I'd ever pick up the phone.


psst....we don't have caller id, and I only pick up the phone when I'm expecting a call.

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~holds hand in mock phone position~ Hey JudoLops...call me! :lol::lol:


I'm exactly the same way. What a revelation it was to find I could turn the thing OFF and not have the world collapse around me.


Now to do something about my AKS: Addictive Keyboard Syndrome! :eek:


AKS? What? I don't know nothin' about that "syndrome" :leaving:.

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I never knew there was a name for this affliction. I have it too! :glare:



I LOVE email. Talking on the phone to anyone other than immediate family or very close friends actually causes me to get nervous and sweaty. Having to call servicemen or insurance companies, or any business, really bothers me.

Michelle T

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I didn't have Telephone Aversion Syndrome in my teens or even my early 20s, but after I started having children I developed TAS. I prefer to do everything via email or in person if possible. I really don't like the phone, and some of the calls I had to make today were among my least favorite kind.


But I just changed doctor's offices (which involved 3 phone calls), scheduled a doctor's appointment for ds5, left a message with a friend so we can set up an evening for her & her family to come over, called the school to find out about a speech evaluation for ds4, and called the Zoo about a special event ds5 was invited to attend.


Yay, me!


Now--to make myself answer the phone since I'm now expecting 2 return calls :tongue_smilie:.


Oh, I hear you. I have a list of very-important-phonecalls you just inspired me to make.


Wait. It's ten till 5. Oh, well. Guess they'll have to wait. :o Now to go hide from my dc...:leaving:

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~holds hand in mock phone position~ Hey JudoLops...call me! :lol::lol:


I'm exactly the same way. What a revelation it was to find I could turn the thing OFF and not have the world collapse around me.


Now to do something about my AKS: Addictive Keyboard Syndrome! :eek:


I *just* realized why my phone hasn't rung all day!!! :blink: I turned it off last night & completely. forgot. about it!


Guess I should go check the flashy red light thingy.:D And call my mom to assure her I'm not mad & my grandmother to assure her I'm not dead. :001_huh: And pop some popcorn w/ extra butter. Heather!!! :lurk5:

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I had no idea that it had a name and that other people suffered from the same affliction. Talking on the phone makes me feel trapped and overwhelmed and all panic-y. I have posted the following before:


I only talk to two people on the phone: my db and my dh. I talk to me db because I am almost as close to him as to my dc and he is on the road 10 hrs a day and needs to talk to someone just to stay awake. I, of course, talk to my dh and I will talk to my dc if they call me. But that is it. I don't talk to anyone else, ever, for any reason. I might call 911 in a real emergency but that's about it.



Luckily, I have a wonderful hubby who makes all of the family phone calls. :)

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Me too. I hate calling people. I was so glad when I was able to start ordering pizza online! Woo Hoo!


I ALWAYS make dh call to order it. Thankfully he doesn't seem to mind - usually. Just so you all know, I am going to show him this thread, so I can once and for all prove that I am not the only one that hates making/receiving phone calls. :D


And while I'm confessing, I had to make a phone call yesterday to confirm I still wanted to participate in something. I *thought* it was going to be an automated system, and as soon as I realized it wasn't I panicked and hung up. Then I took a few deep breaths, and a few more moments and psyched myself up to talk to a live person before hitting re-dial.


Hmm, somehow putting that in writing, makes it sound so... unhealthy. :tongue_smilie:

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I have that too! But it's pretty hard to hear anyone on the phone with a toddler demanding attention. Emails and texts can be sorted out at my convenience, unpunctuated by aforementioned toddler. :) Anyway, we have a maximum of two phone calls a week on our home line since hubby only plugs it in one night a week so his relatives can call. Needless to say I've not told mine about this recent innovation! We haven't had the phone on for about 6 years. My mobile is unlisted, and my mother is too stingy to call it. So, we lead a quiet, peaceful life!



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If my daughter is home, I make her answer the phone. If possible, I get her to make phone calls for me. I hate (absolutely HATE) talking on the phone. It is a bit easier if I am talking with my mother or Rebekah (my daughter) or a good friend, but I could go the rest of my life without ever talking on a phone again and it would be WONDERFUL.

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There are very few people I actually enjoy talking on the phone with, and mine is generally unplugged until one of the dd's notices and plugs it back in. I do not like being reachable at any given moment. Trust me, no one needs me in an emergency, they need dh. Dh's cell is the number for emergencies, and he can get in touch with me by calling my cell (only a few people have that number).


What is really annoying is when people call dh to find out where I am and what I'm doing, and why I won't answer the phone. :angry: Umm, because I'm busy, or don't feel like talking, and why are you calling my dh to find out what I'm up to? He's not even here, but they know I'll probably answer the phone for him. That's just invading my 'no telephone' space, IMO. Creeps me out.


I don't mind calling and making appts., but if it's going to take a long time and be a lot of rigamarole, then I do.

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As a teen I spent hours upon hours on the phone. I so regret the hours of reading and learning that I gave up just to mindlessly chat with my friends.


I spent my professional career days always on the phone.


And now I hate to talk on the phone. I rarely do. If I want to chat with a friend I'm more inclined to meet them over coffee.

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so many people IRL think I'm weird because I have TAS. Clearly' date=' I am weird for other reasons (no tv, introvert, non-cultured, homeschooler)....


So glad to have you folks in my support group.[/quote']



Our first meeting will be a conference call next Tuesday at noon. :lol:

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