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Opposites attract?

Personality differences between you and your spouse  

  1. 1. Personality differences between you and your spouse

    • Similar
    • Mostly similar
    • Somewhere in the middle
    • Mostly opposite
    • Opposite
    • Other

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Where he's strong, I'm weak, and vice versa. We have the same beliefs about family, marriage, all the important stuff. We share the same sense of humour, integrity, honesty...We're both stubborn and passionate. He has far more life experience and street smarts, I have an easier time with books.

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I gave my dh a Myers Briggs a week or two after I met him and was shocked when he came out exactly the same as I did. (Just some getting to know you fun:tongue_smilie:) I found out later that only 1% of the population had that specific personality. Anyway, I always wondered about that standard opposites attract idea. It wasn't so in our case.

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I'm tetchy and he's amiable. That can work to our advantage and to our detriment. :rolleyes:


In our fundamental beliefs, we are very similar.




This describes us exactly.


In personality we are different. We share enough interests to have a lot of things we enjoy doing together but have enough things that we like that are different that we challenge each other to try new things.


Fundamental beliefs and values are pretty much exactly the same.

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In personality we are different. We share enough interests to have a lot of things we enjoy doing together but have enough things that we like that are different that we challenge each other to try new things.


Fundamental beliefs and values are pretty much exactly the same.

This is what DH and I are like, too.

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I said mostly opposite, but I am aware of that when people say they are opposite of their spouse, many on the outside are thinking: same.


The similarities don't gall the way opposites do, and thus we notice them more.


My ex and I had HUGE similarities. We had one difference that did us in: I am happy and peppy and he was moody and disappointed in everything (including me, in the end). Our taste in movies, clothes, food, house, our work ethic, our savings goals, etc. etc. etc. were very similar. But, we were Tigger and Eeyore. (Come to think of it, if we'd both been Eeyores, we just would have ended it sooner. Darn, too bad I'm not an Eeyore.)


Current hubby *is* opposite, but we didn't "attract". We are castaways on the same aging island, and we are kind to each other. We even came from different shipwrecks, of ships going different places. His wife marooned him, and my ex just sank from view with nary a bubble. :)

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we're totally different LOL he is a big 'ol tough tattooed army dude and I was a quiet,little country girl... he drank beer and I drank diet soda lol he listened to heavy death metal music and I was into 80s music and country music....lol but it works for us...met on a blind date in 2000---married in 2001----it will be our 10th wedding anniversary this summer......lol and guess what channel is on his radio in the car.....COUNTRY! lol it's soooo funny if he puts one of his old cds in or if I put it on an 80s music channel the kiddo will put up a fuss and complain till we put it back on the country station....lol I laugh and tell the hubby his old army buddies would NOT recognize him now...........

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Where he's strong, I'm weak, and vice versa. We have the same beliefs about family, marriage, all the important stuff. We share the same sense of humour, integrity, honesty...We're both stubborn and passionate. He has far more life experience and street smarts, I have an easier time with books.



Wow, :iagree: your answer describes my dh and me perfectly!

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We share the same values but our personalities are very different. It works out well, though we certainly can drive each other a little nuts. :)


Oh, and he's an ISTJ and I'm an INFP. So our actual personalities are opposites except for introversion.

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I posted other because when we first met we were complete opposites. I was a major introvert and he was a very popular extrovert. 13 years later we've met in the middle. I'm way more outgoing than I used to be and he's become more of a homebody.

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Our interests, personalities, temperaments, learning styles, strengths, weaknesses and approach to life are almost as opposite as can be.


When we aren't driving each other nuts, we complement each other fabulously (OK, the more I think about it, these two phenomena typically occur simultaneously--getting on our last nerve, while complementing one another).


The glue that holds us together is our agreement on faith, values, priorities, and life goals for ourselves and our children.

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Do you and your spouse have similar or opposite personalities?



I voted 'mostly opposite,' but really I prefer to use the term 'complementary.' We are very different in many ways, but those differences tend to complement each other, rather than being opposed to each other. I.e. most of his strengths are my weaknesses and vice-versa.

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I voted 'mostly opposite,' but really I prefer to use the term 'complementary.' We are very different in many ways, but those differences tend to complement each other, rather than being opposed to each other. I.e. most of his strengths are my weaknesses and vice-versa.


I like this; it sounds like my husband and I too. I'm an INFJ and he's an ESTP - so exactly opposite, but where I'm a strong I & J, he's a week E & P. And where he's a strong S & T, I'm a weak N & F. So it's easy for each of us to give where the other person cares more.


And though we have very different personalities, we have very similar views on religion, parenting, money and general lifestyle.


It all works really well for us.

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I had to think about it for a minute, because we enjoy/value a lot of the same things (reading, the same tv shows, we both wanted a lot of kids, he is all for hsing, extended bfing, cosleeping, etc, which are all important to me too), but you asked about personality, so I said mostly opposite. He is totally a type A personality and I am not.

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Our interests, personalities, temperaments, learning styles, strengths, weaknesses and approach to life are almost as opposite as can be.


When we aren't driving each other nuts, we complement each other fabulously (OK, the more I think about it, these two phenomena typically occur simultaneously--getting on our last nerve, while complementing one another).


The glue that holds us together is our agreement on faith, values, priorities, and life goals for ourselves and our children.


Hahhaa, this is my situation as well. We have absolutely nothing in common interests- or temper-wise, but our values and belief system are the same plus we are deadly attracted to eachother (you forgot that one, friend-of-mine!!).

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