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I hate to resurrect this. (Kerfuffle related)

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I recieved this email tonight and I thought it would be of interest. https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=1r6xsN0FYkDUu0XbrcqXLRxNUCNpk4bNoAcUJRWW7WEyM4PUHq3A225nJU4MO&hl=en_US&authkey=CMjJxIULI hope that link works. It turns out their was a mediation process going on :glare:. AIG backed out.

Edited by simka2
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Well, drat. I can't access the document. The first error message I get says that the document is either not available or I do not have permission to view it. The second says my Gmail account is unavailable. ??? Hmmm.

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Can anyone tell me if the new link in post 1 works?


It took me to the gmail login page.


ETA: I got it. I just had to log into my google accoun to see it.


Question: Looking at item 6, I'm wondering about why it's biblically prohibited to go to a secular court. What am I not getting?

Edited by extendedforecast
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OKay - this is the Ken Ham/Don Landis vs. Brennan Dean/GHC mess.


In the first post, I read "AIG" and thought it was that "Supermarket to the WOrld" place that sponsors NPR. American INternational Group.


Just in case anyone else couldn't figure it out initially....

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OKay - this is the Ken Ham/Don Landis vs. Brennan Dean/GHC mess.


In the first post, I read "AIG" and thought it was that "Supermarket to the WOrld" place that sponsors NPR. American INternational Group.


Just in case anyone else couldn't figure it out initially....


Sorry, Amey!!! :D I was hoping the Kerfuffle title would give it away. ;)

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Sorry, Amey!!! :D I was hoping the Kerfuffle title would give it away. ;)


I think if it had been a little closer to all of those posting (time-wise) it would've. I read the title and knew that "kerfuffle" should be triggering something, but once I read AIG, I got lost.


WHY I would think of the insurance corporation instead of the religious group (? that's not the best word...) on this particular message board? I have no idea.

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I just have to ask (it's my nature)...how do we know this document is authentic?


Officially, I don't know with 100% accuracy. The email came to me from GHC. I had sent them a nice email when the kerfuffle started, so I assume that is when I got put on their email llist.


I will say this. I read every post on Ken Ham's wall made by the lawyer that he eventually said was lying. Everything she said has been confirmed in the email. Again, I find that interesting.

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I just have to ask (it's my nature)...how do we know this document is authentic?


I got the same email that Simka did from GHC. It had both attachments. I didn't go to the conference, but I did send an email to them in support during th kerfluffle, so I guess they saved those emails and sent this out as a delayed response.

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I got the same email. I really, truly appreciate GHC's class in all of this. Unfortunately, it's not going to change a lot of people's opinions. Apparently, something similar has happened before with AiG (backing out of mediation) a few years ago, when they split from CMI.

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The linked documents say a lot about character.


It was difficult for me to put into words at the time, but the very "silence" from GHC and the "noise" from Ken Ham was a huge tell for me. I had been in a similar situation at one time. I chose to jump thru every legal and relevent hoop presented to me (without it turning into a public mess) I wasn't able to defend myself. Eventually, I had all my ducks in row and the truth came out. My attacker was able to say whatever he wanted, for a time, but in the beginning I couldn't. I realize I was projecting on the GHC/Ken Ham situation, but when GHC remained silent I really started to wonder.

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I wonder if the mods are sighing over this thread. LOL


Thanks for posting this. I too am impressed with how GHC has handled this.


I am sure there is some of that. I also knew there were people who were curious about GHC positon. It is my hope that this stays calm and just acts like a PSA. ;)

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I am sure there is some of that. I also knew there were people who were curious about GHC positon. It is my hope that this stays calm and just acts like a PSA. ;)


As one of those curious people, thank you for posting the links.

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I just have to ask (it's my nature)...how do we know this document is authentic?


If you're asking if this is what GHC actually sent out, I'm another one who received it from them. I had also sent them some emails about how much I was looking forward to the convention.


If by authentic you mean is it the full story, I think that there is certainly the AiG side of things. But I found it interesting that GHC were willing to document the timeline of events in such detail.


I'm sure that AiG will have another litany of blog posts about how persecuted they are. Frankly, I'm tired of the whole thing. I know I won't be buying anything from AiG. Spending more time on the whole kerfluffle just allows a group I don't agree with and don't respect to steal time from my homeschooling my own kids.

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As one of those curious people, thank you for posting the links.



Thanks to the OP.

No problem to your both! ....oh wait, it was extrememly difficult to figure out how to provide the links ;). )but, I learned something new)


Frankly, I'm tired of the whole thing. I know I won't be buying anything from AiG. Spending more time on the whole kerfluffle just allows a group I don't agree with and don't respect to steal time from my homeschooling my own kids.


Yes, it is my deepest hope that having the other side will provide a fuller pic to those that want it. Then when something similar happens in the future they will have this experience to look back. Other that, please go enjoy your kids (or grandkids)!!!!!!

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:iagree: Everyone has pretty much picked sides by this point. Adding fuel to the fire?

It is one thing to question my motives, which I have already answered in the course of this thread. It is quite another to "attribute" motives I do not possess. I personally know of many who HAVE NOT picked sides, they found themselves very bewildered by both parties actions. I hope to add some more pieces to their puzzle. That is all. Information is a good tool.

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It is one thing to question my motives, which I have already answered in the course of this thread. It is quite another to "attribute" motives I do not possess. I personally know of many who HAVE NOT picked sides, they found themselves very bewildered by both parties actions. I hope to add some more pieces to their puzzle. That is all. Information is a good tool.



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I recieved this email tonight and I thought it would be of interest. https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=1r6xsN0FYkDUu0XbrcqXLRxNUCNpk4bNoAcUJRWW7WEyM4PUHq3A225nJU4MO&hl=en_US&authkey=CMjJxIULI hope that link works. It turns out their was a mediation process going on :glare:. AIG backed out.


Those are pretty generic recommendations. Maybe that's because he wasn't paid for them, but still it doesn't really shed any light on the situation.


The second link was interesting (they would have been invited back, etc.)


Of course, I've often found in life that the person doing the most talking in public is generally in the wrong. :001_smile: I think that was the case here, too. While people were faulting GHC for not stating their side, they were attempting mediation.

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So if you truly hate to resurrect this. (Kerfuffle related) - why post the link? What could the possible outcomes of the conversation be? What are you hoping to acheive?
Seems to me the whole point is sharing a substantial amount of new information about a topic many here have shown interest in, but of which a great deal has been left to speculation. Sharing is good. :001_smile:
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Seems to me the whole point is sharing a substantial amount of new information about a topic many here have shown interest in, but of which a great deal has been left to speculation. Sharing is good. :001_smile:


I agree. This is not the old thread resurrected, it is new information about a previous topic. Very interesting links, and I have a new appreciation as to how the situation was handled behind the scenes.

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So if you truly hate to resurrect this. (Kerfuffle related) - why post the link? What could the possible outcomes of the conversation be? What are you hoping to acheive?



I want to be clear. I'm not attributing motives. Simka and I arrived here at the boards at about the same time; although she is clearly a much more active member.:D I often read her comments with enjoyment. This thread surprised me.


Having just watched a sweet thread about a Mother's enjoyment and pride in the accomplishment of her average child vs. her gifted one disintegrate within three pages, I was very skeptical that this thread about a divisive issue would remain civil. It seemed disingenouous/naive to express reluctance to discuss something that one is then opening a discussion about.


Glad to say that so far the hive has surprised me. :hurray:

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