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Husband was suppose to come home tonight from fishing...

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He is still not home.


Maybe he said Monday night? :confused:


He is with two others, but I know they are in a remote area.


Can you contact the families of the other guys to double check their return time?

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He is still not home.


Maybe he said Monday night? :confused:


He is with two others, but I know they are in a remote area.





No cell phones? Can you call people that would know where the other two people are (their wives/girlfriends/&tc)? I'd have chewed my nails to the quick by now.

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He is still not home.


Maybe he said Monday night? :confused:


He is with two others, but I know they are in a remote area.


Oh my, for peace of mind you have to get ahold of someone that knows return time. I am worried to heck and hes not even my DH :)

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Oh my, for peace of mind you have to get ahold of someone that knows return time. I am worried to heck and hes not even my DH :)


:iagree:Hugs and prayers. See if you can contact the other wives/girlfriends. If they're worrying too, it might be time to send help. If they're not expecting them until tonight, you know all is well.

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No cell phones? Can you call people that would know where the other two people are (their wives/girlfriends/&tc)? I'd have chewed my nails to the quick by now.


:iagree: Is there anyone you can call? Is he self employed, or is there a job you could call to see when they expected him back?



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I hate this kind of thing, but every time it's happened to us, it's a combination of things--maybe a dead battery on the cell phone, grabbed the wrong charger (or lost it!), maybe something as bad as a flat tire--but usually just lost in a cornfield w/ no reception.


Here's hoping everything is ok!

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If you really think he was supposed to be back last night, and he still hasn't returned yet, you need to notify someone. So many things can happen in the wilderness and most are minor things that just cause a delay but sometimes help is needed in some way. Is there a park office you could call and have rangers check for him? If not, maybe the local police or sheriff could be asked to check. They do well checks frequently and most turn out fine, so they won't think you're crazy. You don't need a specific location. You can just tell them he was fishing at X Lake or is camping in X state park or near X town and has not returned.

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If you have the tag (license plate) number of the vehicle he was driving, you could give it to the authorities, and they could put it out there and it could be checked for in a parking lot or something perhaps near where he went fishing.


My other thought is that if he was supposed to be back last night, then the others he was with should also have been back last night (possibly) and perhaps their families have contacted the authorities for information.


Hope you get good news soon -- I am truly hoping you just misunderstood when he said he would be back.:grouphug:

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Just found that on map.http://maps.google.com/maps?rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&oe=UTF-8&rlz=1I7ADRA_en&q=ely+mn&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x52a5b00711befad9:0x956bce3d3522817e,Ely,+MN&gl=us&ei=ImXRTbzCNpKC0QH1x6WLDg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBkQ8gEwAA

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If you have the tag (license plate) number of the vehicle he was driving, you could give it to the authorities, and they could put it out there and it could be checked for in a parking lot or something perhaps near where he went fishing.


My other thought is that if he was supposed to be back last night, then the others he was with should also have been back last night (possibly) and perhaps their families have contacted the authorities for information.


Hope you get good news soon -- I am truly hoping you just misunderstood when he said he would be back.:grouphug:

His work truck is at friends house, so no plate that I know numbers of.


I am so scared and angry. Then I feel guilty for being angry.


Then I think if he is not dead, he can move out because this is so mean! Then I start crying for thinking such evil thoughts. :(

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It sounds like you are totally sure when he's expected back. Did you or he write it down on a calendar, a planner, somewhere? Personally I would hesitate to call the authorities until I was sure when he was supposed to be back. If I knew for sure he was expected back yesterday then I would definitely let authorities know that he's not back home yet.

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His work truck is at friends house, so no plate that I know numbers of.


I am so scared and angry. Then I feel guilty for being angry.


Then I think if he is not dead, he can move out because this is so mean! Then I start crying for thinking such evil thoughts. :(


Do you know where the friend lives? Is the friend married? I know you said that you don't know the last name but I'd drive on out there if I was worried.

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Oh my goodness!!!! I can certainly understand your feelings. I am waffleing between worry and pissed-off-ed-ness....and I don't even really know you guys...sigh. You are in our prayers.


Is there any way you could contact any of the people's family's with whom he went on the trip with??




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His work truck is at friends house, so no plate that I know numbers of.


I am so scared and angry. Then I feel guilty for being angry.


Then I think if he is not dead, he can move out because this is so mean! Then I start crying for thinking such evil thoughts. :(


You do not need to be beating yourself up over this -- you need to be kind to yourself. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


You would be able to give a description of his truck to authorities if you had to, right?


Everyone here is praying for you, you are not doing yourself any good by sitting there eating your liver -- understand? :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: (I am saying all this in the kindest of voices -- I truly feel for you).


Is there a family member you can call and vent to or who might be able to offer some solace or comfort or at least come and sit with you to pass the time till he walks in the door tonight? A neighbor? A friend? :grouphug:

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You definitely need to call someone. I have a cousin who works for the DNR, but he is in the Gooseberry Falls area. Maybe call the non-emergency police number and see what they would recommend doing.


Just found that on map.http://maps.google.com/maps?rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&oe=UTF-8&rlz=1I7ADRA_en&q=ely+mn&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x52a5b00711befad9:0x956bce3d3522817e,Ely,+MN&gl=us&ei=ImXRTbzCNpKC0QH1x6WLDg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBkQ8gEwAA
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It sounds like you are totally sure when he's expected back. Did you or he write it down on a calendar, a planner, somewhere? Personally I would hesitate to call the authorities until I was sure when he was supposed to be back. If I knew for sure he was expected back yesterday then I would definitely let authorities know that he's not back home yet.


I disagree. I have plenty of outdoor experience and I would rather err on the side of caution than risk not getting help that may be needed.

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It sounds like you are totally sure when he's expected back. Did you or he write it down on a calendar, a planner, somewhere? Personally I would hesitate to call the authorities until I was sure when he was supposed to be back. If I knew for sure he was expected back yesterday then I would definitely let authorities know that he's not back home yet.



I would definitely be calling SOMEONE. Can anyone drive out to the friends house and then maybe out to where they were supposed to be fishing? Ideally someone with a good cell phone who can keep you up to date.



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I disagree. I have plenty of outdoor experience and I would rather err on the side of caution than risk not getting help that may be needed.


I agree that help needs to be called or as soon as someone is overdue. But - these kinds of searches take money - even if it's just to hike up to a lake to check on someone. The OP at first said that he was due yesterday and then in a later post said that perhaps he wasn't due today. If he was due yesterday then it's a no brainer for me - call. If he wasn't due to today and it's a simple misunderstanding (which we've had plenty of, believe me) then I would want to check before calling.

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I hope this doesn't come across as snarky in any way....I was in a similar situation a few years ago when my husband failed to communicate. It turned out fine (it was a case of failure to communicate, rather than something horrible happening). The good thing was that it "forced' us to sit down and have a heart-to-heart. Since then, he is always careful to leave the cell phone numbers of those that he'll be hiking, backpacking or kayaking with, as well as their wives names & numbers. Since his trips usually involve moving (kayaking, hiking) rather than a set location, he leaves a map with his "planned route" in case I need it. I know that in the event of an emergency, someone could follow this map and most likely find him and his group of friends. I think that it's irresponsible for a parent/husband to leave and not give you the pertinent details. What if something happened to you or one of your kids at home while he was gone? No one would be able to reach him.


I am praying for his safe return and for your nerves during this scary time. If you really think he was supposed to be home last night, I think you need to contact the authorities.

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Just remembered a last name of friend and remembered he owns a business with his name.


Called him. He is home and was not with my husband this weekend.


Now I am wondering if he was with another friend of ours and I am mxed up.


I am so confused! :confused:

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Now I am seriously freaking!


Deep breath. Count to ten. I know it's stressful when you can't be sure about stuff you wanted to remember. Take it step by step.


Think about:

1. Who else would have known about this trip? Perhaps some friends who weren't part of the trip, but would know the folks who are on it?


2. Think back on your conversations about the trip. Try to remember where you were, what he said, what you said, etc. Perhaps you will be able to remember more about his plans.


3. Keep in mind - chances are it is all a misunderstanding. He is probably safe and sound sitting on the shore drinking a beer and relaxing.


4. Take care of your kiddos. They are your first responsibility.

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Just remembered a last name of friend and remembered he owns a business with his name.


Called him. He is home and was not with my husband this weekend.


Now I am wondering if he was with another friend of ours and I am mxed up.


I am so confused! :confused:



Does this person have the name or family name of the other person dh could be with? Goodness, I'd be beside myself too!!

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Just remembered a last name of friend and remembered he owns a business with his name.


Called him. He is home and was not with my husband this weekend.


Now I am wondering if he was with another friend of ours and I am mxed up.


I am so confused! :confused:


Uhhh...I would be calling everyone your DH knows and asking if they know where he is.....friends, family, business associates...


You have 7 kids and A BABY at home and he leaves no contact info or doesnt check in? :glare: We hunt and spend many a days in the woods, but there is always a way to reach my DH.

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Does this person have the name or family name of the other person dh could be with? Goodness, I'd be beside myself too!!

No. They only other person I can think of is the guy he works with daily. My phone is broke, so I am waiting for my dad to call me with his phone number.


I can believe this. I SWEAR he told me he was with the gyuy I called. :( I don't get it.


But he does NOT lie. In 11 years, he has never lied to me. He has not told me things, but NEVER lied.


:confused: feel like fainting. I am so puzzled.

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No. They only other person I can think of is the guy he works with daily. My phone is broke, so I am waiting for my dad to call me with his phone number.


If your phone is broken, is it possible that he's been trying to contact you and you haven't gotten the calls?


I think it's totally reasonable for you to be freaking out right now. Do you have a friend/family member/neighbor who can come hang out with you while you wait? I know, if it were me, I'd probably do a lot better with somebody there to keep me company and help me keep from totally losing it in front of the kids.

Edited by twoforjoy
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Now I am seriously freaking!


I say it's proper to freak out at this point. If everything is all right and you freak out and call all his friends and he feels embarrassed later, maybe he'll be far more considerate about keeping you in the loop next time. He can't complain about you caring. You're scared and alone with 7 kids. You have every right to be proactive and figure out where he is.

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No. They only other person I can think of is the guy he works with daily. My phone is broke, so I am waiting for my dad to call me with his phone number.


I can believe this. I SWEAR he told me he was with the gyuy I called. :( I don't get it.


But he does NOT lie. In 11 years, he has never lied to me. He has not told me things, but NEVER lied.


:confused: feel like fainting. I am so puzzled.



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Uhhh...I would be calling everyone your DH knows and asking if they know where he is.....friends, family, business associates...


You have 7 kids and A BABY at home and he leaves no contact info or doesnt check in? :glare: We hunt and spend many a days in the woods, but there is always a way to reach my DH.

6 kids and baby.


Yeah....he doesn't understand how this effects me when he doesn't check in and I can not call him.


I have told him, but hunting/fishing is more important than my sanity.


Dad just called with number. Trying that.

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