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Have you ever sworn you wouldn't use a curriculum...

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and then you did?

This just happend to me. I was sure that the Faith and Life textbooks were dull and that I would never, ever use them with my kids. A friend recently sent me a bunch of books she was done using, including Faith and Life 3. I had a look at it and was so impressed. Now I can't wait to start using the series!

Maybe I need to re-evaluate some of the other curricula I thought I wouldn't like. :)

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MCT because I had KISS which was free and awesome and all the MCT fans irritated me :tongue_smilie:. But then I went through a tough year where I needed open and go curriculum and ordered MCT grammar and poetry and now I'm in love.


I STILL love KISS and am grateful I used it because it revolutionized how I think about grammar but I need the ease of MCT.

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and then you did?

This just happend to me. I was sure that the Faith and Life textbooks were dull and that I would never, ever use them with my kids. A friend recently sent me a bunch of books she was done using, including Faith and Life 3. I had a look at it and was so impressed. Now I can't wait to start using the series!

Maybe I need to re-evaluate some of the other curricula I thought I wouldn't like. :)


I think the Faith and Life was updated because I started using it a few years ago and seasoned homeschool mom was surprised I thought it was good and she looked at my book and said it was different than the last time she looked at it. My oldest is in 4 and it's not my favorite anymore, but I love 1-3! Of course 4 just has a lot more details.

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I think the Faith and Life was updated because I started using it a few years ago and seasoned homeschool mom was surprised I thought it was good and she looked at my book and said it was different than the last time she looked at it. My oldest is in 4 and it's not my favorite anymore, but I love 1-3! Of course 4 just has a lot more details.


We like Faith and Life! I've read that it has been updated to include additional Scriptural references. I particularly liked the 4th grade book.


I like MCT because I feel it inspires a true love of learning in my kids. My younger loves to snuggle up with it. He laughs at the stories. He quotes examples at weird times of day. I thought the lack of scheduling would bother me, but I just have a feel for about how many pages is in an average day, and I skim ahead to look for a natural break point, and that's it.

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I think the Faith and Life was updated because I started using it a few years ago and seasoned homeschool mom was surprised I thought it was good and she looked at my book and said it was different than the last time she looked at it. My oldest is in 4 and it's not my favorite anymore, but I love 1-3! Of course 4 just has a lot more details.


I wondered why so many people liked F&L. I used it when I was younger & HATED it. I vowed to myself I would never use it with my kids. .... And I'm sticking with that ... for now!


On the OP, it hasn't happened yet, but I've only been homeschooling for five years.

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The first two times I tried to read SOTW, just to myself, I hated it. I didn't have a kid who was ready for it yet, and I just wasn't ready to like history being anything other than cut and dried because that is how I was taught history. Now I love SOTW and it is working very well for DS.

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Not with homeschooling curricula (yet!), but I did when I was teaching music. I taught at a private Christian school, and I was free to come up with my own curricula, use what they had, or both. When I first looked at the curricula, I turned my recently-graduated-from-college nose up at it--it was old, and it looked it (and many of the recordings sounded it, too!). As the next couple of years went by, I began using it here and there and realized most of it was actually pretty good. Even if it did need to be updated! I learned my lesson about being a curriculum snob AND about not reinventing the wheel when it was sitting right there in my classroom!

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Yep.. :glare: Mamma warned me! :lol: She always said never say never because God will show you different. I didn't listen. I said I could never marry the man I married & I'd never use boxed curriculum. I've been married for 12 years to that "never gonna marry him" guy {and when he found out I thought that he fell off his chair in shock haha} & have purchased a boxed curriculum we are completely ecstatic about using!


Mamma Was right.. I really should just make that a bumper sticker though..

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We love Faith and Life, but this year, we used them online through My Catholic Faith Delivered. My middle two absolutely LOVED doing it this way, since there are quizzes and games and things that go along with each chapter.


My kids use Faith and Life, and then we switch to the Didache series for 8th and up. :)


Does a family require a student license or a group license?

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MCT, because I had taken a look at just the 3 elementary grammar books without any of the other components and was very underwhelmed. It wasn't until I ordered the full "town" level that I realized that the bulk of the grammar instruction was actually in the "writing" book (which I had not previewed).


I still have a love/hate relationship with MCT but I was wrong in my initial impressions of it.

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I was firmly committed to Saxon for math, until I found out that all 4 of my kids hated it. :P I also hated Love & Logic until my oldest got to be about 4 or 5, now it's probably my favorite parenting philosophy.


The only curriculum I've sworn I would never use is A Beka (we used it in the preschool where I taught before having kids), and I have no immediate plans to go back on that promise.

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MCT because I had KISS which was free and awesome and all the MCT fans irritated me :tongue_smilie:.
LOL! When something has a bunch of fans I avoid it as much as I can. I did that with AAS and ended up using it and I did that with HOD and ended up using it. HOD was all wrong... too religious, written by a teacher, talked about way too much... etc. :tongue_smilie:
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R&S English. I thought it would be "too religious". I got over it. :D


A reading program. But my son LOVES CLE Reading. I see the value in it; he's learning a great deal, loving to write down full sentence answers, and enjoys the stories. He's even learning a character lesson or two. ;) We're sticking with it!

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Very much so! Homeschooling has taught me so much about myself and my children. I thought I'd never teach spelling, but I do! I thought we'd only use real books, and no readers, but we NEEDED readers during the learning to read process. I thought I'd never use a textbook for anything, but now we do use one for English. I also thought - no way workbooks, but our Latin is pretty much like a workbook!


So funny :).

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Yep, Rod and Staff English. I once read an article on discipline on a website that sells R & S...big turn off for me. Now I'm a happy user.


Ok, slightly off subject, but I also said I'd never watch or have my kids watch Barney the Dinosaur....then I had kids :lol:



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Ok, slightly off subject, but I also said I'd never watch or have my kids watch Barney the Dinosaur....then I had kids :lol:



I've stayed strong on this one!!!! :lol:


I haven't homeschooled long enough to have anything that I said I'd never use but ended up using, I don't think. Well, I did say that my son didn't need a program like AAS so I was going to go the cheap workbook route for spelling. Then a couple weeks into homeschooling, after trying 2 cheap spelling programs, I broke down and ordered AAS. Great decision for us! So that's the closest thing, though I hadn't really said we'd never use it... I had initially picked it out, then changed my mind last minute and ordered the 2 cheaper spelling books. I should have gone with my gut!


Oh, I just thought of another one... When I first looked at handwriting samples, I wasn't going to use italics. I didn't like them. What are we using now? GDI. :D And I even got the adult book for me and am LOVING the change in my handwriting that is taking place. Plus after seeing cursive italics in action (I posted a sample on another thread of a thank you note a high school boy sent me - with *beautiful* handwriting), I'm even more into GDI!

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HOD--it looked way too textbook-y in the lower levels (and that was all they had at the time). I went to their site to look for read-aloud ideas and took a 2nd look at their whole program. We're using Beyond and it's not at all textbook-y. :D


I was also a big fan of unschooling/child-led learning and I'm so far from that now. :lol:


I keep saying I'll never use TOG, but it looks more appealing every year. :lol: I'm convinced we'll be using it by the time my oldest is in Jr. High.

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