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Secret code words only your family/spouse understand

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Dh, came home from the boys soccer games and turned on SyFy channel. The current movie playing is In the Name of the King. This movie is a complete inside joke between dh and I. See, the first time we saw it we got to the scene where Jason Statham's wife is asking how much he loves her. She wants him to give her specifics. He respond with, "Let me show you," in that low husky voice he has. Then they embrace. End of scene.


When I saw that scene I busted out laughing!!!!! :smilielol5:I looked at dh and said, "What a Man-asy!" Combining Man + Fantasy. Since then whenever we see/hear something that is a bit on the....I don't know....cavemanish level, we call it a Manasy. ;)


Just wondering if you guys have any family lingo?

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We have lots....here are two.


My grandmother was from small town Oklahoma and had minimal education. She had a few words that she mispronouced or had a regional pronunciation to them.


One of them was 'kern' for corn. My family always called it kern (a family joke, not out side of the family). This has been on my mind lately and laughing right now because my new boss's son is named ker'n (I don't know how to spell it, but that is how it is pronounced). Every time we talk about her son, I can't use his name because it sounds too much like I am calling him 'corn'. LOL



When ds16 was about 4yo. He said " I love you one-thousand-sixty-two". It was the biggest number he could think of. So, he and I will still say 1062 instead of I love you.

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The kids have plemes. They would come up and say they had a plan. They'd tell us what it was and we'd say, no that's a scheme. So now they come up and tell us they have a pleme.


There are others but that one comes to mind first.

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There are a few that have come into our family language from words my dd got wrong when little.


Scramwidge instead of sandwich.

Going for a miranda instead of meander, I think I said something about meandering about the supermarket once and it turned into miranda and now its used instead of going for a walk.


And one I made up when I was about 2 was bumins which means any flying creature and burny bumins is any thing that stings. That's now just part of our family lingo as if it was a real word as all my family say it too.


There are a few others.

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"Sog-sog" = stupid in our family. We had a rule when the kids were little that you couldn't say the word stupid. Now the rule is that you can't call a person stupid, but you can call ideas, policies etc. stupid. But back then they couldn't differentiate so it was a blanket rule. There were times when I just had to say it so I would spell S-T-U-P-I-D for dh's benefit. Of course, since my kids would not stupid themselves they quickly figured out what this meant. Dd (3 back then) would spell "S-O-G-S-O-G" when she wanted to tell us that something was stupid and it stuck. But now we just say it instead of spelling it out.

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Our favorite kind of pizza is megan, which rhymes with vegan. It's a veggie pizza with pepperoni added.


Every evening my husband and I squish the kids by telling them it's time for lights out. So one of us will say "Could you go squish the kids?"


There are some others.

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'Quirty duff' = squirty stuff = whipped cream in a can - this is from my childhood.


nem-en-nems was how Thing 1 says "M&Ms" and that one kind of stuck. Thing 1 also once said that his brother was "50 gallons of crazy" which seemed, actually, to be a very good description. We'll still break out oddball measurements like that sometimes. "You're being 85 feet of cranky."


There was an episode of "Just Shoot Me" that had David Cross guest starring as someone's brain injured brother/son who was actually faking. He went around saying "Chicken pot, chicken pot, chicken pot PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!" At one point, I made that for dinner and DH went around the kitchen singing it. For some reason, the kids misheard it, and took to calling it "Chicken Butt Butt Pie" and that's what we call it now.


From Seinfeld, DH and I use "good naked and bad naked" and "Night Guy and Morning Guy."

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Why is it I can never recall such things when prompted?


We have 'nem en nems' too :) or 'nem ens'


Oh, one of our faves from when Eldest was but a wee little tike, his favorite lunch was "peanter butter and apple jejy samner"


And now my mind goes blank again.

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Two that come to mind are fritters-fritter and scoopsie.


Fritters-fritter is what my older brother called the refrigerator as a child and it stuck. My whole family says it.


Scoopsie is how my daughter said excuse me when she was a toddler. Even our parrot says it now when someone belches.:D

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We have so many. Someone mentioned m&m's. My middle DD used to call kit-kats, kitty cats. That's how we've called them since then. Diapers are boppers, after my oldest DD's pronunciation when she was 1. DH and use lots of lingo and funny lines from movies and tv shows too. I just can't think of any right now.

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If we're going to Bob Evans, that's "Bob's Heaven."


Dh has a code word for indiscreet body parts inadvertently showing, but I'm not going to give it away! :D


Dh made up the word "Voicestrous" as in "being boisterous with your voice." It actually really annoys me when he uses that word, but it is part of our family culture.


We also use Seinfeld-isms: No (whatever) for you, Close Talker. That's all I can think of right now.

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Macaroni and cheese is "Magic Cheese" because that's what my oldest dd called it when she was little.


Our dds are nick-named Moof 1 and Moof 2, or Little Moof and Big Moof. When the oldest was a baby we called her Muffin. We were living in Germany at the time and were messing around with her, talking baby talk with a German accent and it morphed into "Moof-fine," later shortened to just Moof. They are now 20 and 16 and we still use it.



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A lot of Seinfield: close talker, low talker, pirate shirts, No ---- for you!, etc there are more... We also have Friends quotes, lots of them, most notably- how you doin'?


Popsicles are pock-a-sicles. Special blankets are mankets. We call TeA, the marital privilege.

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Ummm...TeA in our house is "eating cabbage". We came up with something we'd never really do to refer to.....that.


And artichoke is the code word when the other (usually DH) is doing something annoying in public and I don't want to embarrass or demean him or talk about it in front of others. I have to use it when the "hairy eyeball" goes unnoticed.

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My brother and my husband both know what chartreuse flamethrowers are. (As in, "Hey, would you mind picking me up some chartreuse flamethrowers?") Wonder if anyone else knows the source of this one? :D




I don't know....but I Googled. If the Google answer is the same as your answer....*giggles*

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My brother and my husband both know what chartreuse flamethrowers are. (As in, "Hey, would you mind picking me up some chartreuse flamethrowers?") Wonder if anyone else knows the source of this one? :D





Oops, somehow didn't quote you...


My search showed a gun... And.... let's see... talk about all sorts of other things.. I'm thinking products for Auntie Flo... but no idea where it's from


Would that be it?

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From one of my favorite comic strips of all time.


"I tell ya, there's a conspiratorial air about females! Like those suspciously vague commercials that never say just what they're about. What exactly is 'feminine protection' anyway? A chartreuse flamethrower?"


Good job Google! And it's all making so much more sense now. I was wondering if your brother had had to go get some for the females in your house while growing up. Or if that's what your mom told your dad when he was going to the store.

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Not true code words, but my brain frequently locks up, and all I can think of is the first letter of a word. So I give a word with the same first letter as the word I want, and my family has to figure out what I'm talking about. They've gotten pretty good at it. :D


At this pace, I figure by the time I get to the other side of menopause, I'll be hitting every third word correctly. :lol:

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Ours are just words my kids, nieces, nephews etc have come up with along the years.


Putter- computer

pac- pac - backpack

hoovie- movie

fork - fort ( my six year old still says "hey mom I am making a fork, want to come in")

We have an uncle who is a dump hound he finds all kinds of stuff there, (usually in the metal piles and such not the garbage places) we call it his Kmart. So, when he calls we ask "are you at Kmart or home?" He thinks it is funny.

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I have another one. When dh and I were first married we got into a really big fight. Now, take into consideration that I was 18, in Seminary, and Dh was on staff in a rather conservative church. Anyway, I got so mad I was trying to shout the most cutting remark I could think of (I know very mature of me) and in my most indignant voice I yelled, "JUST DROPOFF!!!!" :001_huh::tongue_smilie:

Okay that wasn't quite what I was going for. Somehow I combined "drop dead" with "knock it off."


We both burst out laughing and the fight was over. All it took was completely humiliating myself. ;)

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We now have a new to add to the family thesaurus. At dinner ds9 was telling me about his soccer game. He then says, "And then for our snocker snack we had...." The entire table lost it!


So, soccer=snocker. :D

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We have nem en nems, too. Breastfeeding is called ninny back when my mom was nursing my siblings and my g-ma calls it that, too. Both my sisters call it that to their kids. TEA at our house is taking a nap. DH and I can joke "did you have a good nap last night?" and nobody is the wiser!;)

I.C.E. is code for ice cream...again passed down from grandma.

When DH and I were dating we watched No Country for Old Men=yuck. Now when we watch a movie we usually say something like "that wasn't very good, but not as bad as No country for old men" or "that was as bad as ncfom." It is how we judge our movies.

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I have another very dumb one.

I have an aunt named Charemon. When we were little we would sit on the floor between her knees so she could braid our hair into a million braids. Well it smelled pretty funky to say the least. Now my 2 sisters and I have a code word for when we think we need to shower or if someone smells bad below the belt. Man, I have to go take a shower. I have Charemon crotch." or " whoa, she has Charemon crotch." I know it's bad but true.:lol:

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I have another very dumb one.

I have an aunt named Charemon. When we were little we would sit on the floor between her knees so she could braid our hair into a million braids. Well it smelled pretty funky to say the least. Now my 2 sisters and I have a code word for when we think we need to shower or if someone smells bad below the belt. Man, I have to go take a shower. I have Charemon crotch." or " whoa, she has Charemon crotch." I know it's bad but true.:lol:


I just laughed so hard I couldn't catch my breath! :D

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When we were newly married, I was Christmas shopping for all our family members. DH made the comment 'I don't sh1t money!' So now, when we are doing something expensive, Dh and I joke about getting a bottle of miralax. While at the Homeschool convention, I told him to stop at Sam's and pick up the Big Bottle of Miralax.


Oh, and Dear SWB added one to DH's list....He now has Magic in his pants,or so he thinks :glare:

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We sometimes have a $50.00 view day. This is a day when the view of Mt. Hood is spectacular. It doesn't happen often. When the dc were very little we were looking for an apartment to rent and at the complex we ended up moving into, the gal doing the initial showing to my husband said that for $50.00 extra a month we could have one with a view of the mountain. He declined. Later he told me he almost said "Lady, this is Oregon, for $50.00 we could buy a picture, hang it on the wall and see Mt Hood a whole lot more often". LOL

So that became a family joke.

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These are great. :)


We quote movies a lot - "You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means." "Just a small shrubbery, not too expensive," stuff like that.


Vallina - for vanilla, the way ds2 used to say it, heffin for elephant, boona for balloon...all words our kids mispronounced as toddlers.


Greenwich-Meanhich for Greenwich Mean Time. This is how a former co-worker used to say it, honestly.

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I thought of a couple more.



When we were visiting Disney world a couple of years ago, we decided to take a drive to Daytona. As we were driving to our hotel, we passed by an amusement park or water park- I can't remember which. When I announced it to the kids, DD asked,"Serioulsy?" (pronounced: cerealsy) We all had a good laugh, and now we always say it this way.


And sometimes when someone says something outlandish, DH or I ask, "you serious, Clark?" from Christmas Vacation.


We also have many sayings from Seinfeld as well as other shows.

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My husband and I use the phonetic alphabet a lot when we want to talk above the kids' heads. The other day we were in the car, trying to figure out where to eat dinner. I gave him two options: Charlie Hotel (CH-ipotle) or Golf Golf (G-enghis G-rill). We have a small circle of favorites, so we can usually get away with just using the first two letters. I'm pretty sure my son has figured it out, but he's too smart to say anything LOL.


Have you heard of "double-speak" ...? My kids and I do that when we want to talk about my husband's head. He can't figure it out!! (I tried to google it so I could offer a link, but didn't find anything under double speak or double talk. It must be called something else. It's similar to Pig Latin.)


My family speaks island pidgin a lot, especially when we gather in a group and almost always when we're in public and want to say something just between ourselves without having to whisper. There are small pockets of Pacific Islanders here that do the same (or would understand us) but for the most part nobody knows what we're saying. We like it that way LOL.

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LOL!! These are great.


James Bond and I use "strategery" too!


Here are a few others:


Squishes: code for hugs when we're not close enough to actually hug


Bucket loads and bunches: When I put Indy to bed every night, we say "I love you bucket loads and bunches." When Indy leaves to go somewhere, we just say bucket loads and bunches.


Pants on the ground: When we see someone wearing something that looks ridiculous, we say this. In case you don't know, it's from a song an old guy sang on American Idol a few seasons back. The main lyrics were "Looking like a fool with your pants on the ground." BTW, if I ever own a horse that runs in the Kentucky Derby, I'm going to name it Pants on the Ground.


There are more, but I can't think of them right now.

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