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No Bin Laden photos released?

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I don't find it strange. They don't want to rile up a bunch of his followers.




I have no doubt he is dead; I don't need photographic evidence. Also, who wants to see that? I don't want that image seared on my brain for all time.

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Really? This roll over and submit attitude is really amazing to me! Why all of a sudden is it not appropriate to show a dead body to the world----of course of THE #1 MOST wanted Terrorist-----when we see gore each and every day from all over the world. But all of a sudden....it's time to just...stop? Since when do people just take a politician's word about something, with no proof. Just his word. Bush was raked through the coals for just about everything that he did or said. Seriously----I'm amazed at what I'm seeing (reading). :confused:

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I have no doubt that he is dead. However... we got video of Sadaam's hanging and gruesome pictures of his two sons - how is bin Laden any different? I don't imagine his followers like us much as it is. Even the quick burial at sea doesn't appease them all. I don't know. :confused:

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I have no doubt he is dead; I don't need photographic evidence. Also, who wants to see that? I don't want that image seared on my brain for all time.



What about all of the graphic images in books about 9/11? What about the images of Saddam captured and his son's killed? I still get choked up just reading any account of 9/11 and don't even need to see the photographic evidence amply documented----and yet THE Mastermind supposedly behind that day.......get's a nice quiet burial at sea and the 'dignity' of not having his death shown to the world? :confused:



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Really. I am left wondering what you think might be accomplished by this viewing other than that it would p*ss off a whole lot of dangerous and already unstable people. :confused:


I was under the impression the crazies already were po'd not only about the raid and supposed killing----but also about the water burial? Would photographic evidence stir anything more up?

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What about all of the graphic images in books about 9/11? What about the images of Saddam captured and his son's killed? I still get choked up just reading any account of 9/11 and don't even need to see the photographic evidence amply documented----and yet THE Mastermind supposedly behind that day.......get's a nice quiet burial at sea and the 'dignity' of not having his death shown to the world? :confused:




I don't think they did it to preserve his dignity. I think they did it for the reason I stated above - to keep the crazies from going even crazier.

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What about all of the graphic images in books about 9/11? What about the images of Saddam captured and his son's killed? I still get choked up just reading any account of 9/11 and don't even need to see the photographic evidence amply documented----and yet THE Mastermind supposedly behind that day.......get's a nice quiet burial at sea and the 'dignity' of not having his death shown to the world? :confused:




I don't see it as 'dignity'. At all. To dispose of his body quickly and quietly shows that we aren't glorifying his death. What does dragging out his death prove? It's not in our best interest to rile up his base. Or martyr him.

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Really. I am left wondering what you think might be accomplished by this viewing other than that it would further p*ss off a whole lot of dangerous and already unstable people. :confused:


As if they need motivation. Come on. It makes no difference to them, they hated us before and they still hate us. Appeasing them should not be the priority. Satisfying American citizens and reassuring your own citizens is what should matter to our government - regardless of who is in office.


That said, I believe he is dead and I don't need pictures. Some others do though and I don't fault them for not trusting our government, as they are not very trustworthy. Politicians lie. It's what they do.

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I don't think it's necessary. I didn't think it was necessary to show pictures of Sadaam and his sons, either. It's just like throwing gasoline on an already raging fire.


:iagree: If he were not dead, it would be known by now. Politicians on both sides of the aisle have reported seeing the pictures and believe it to be true. And if you didn't think it was true, a photo-shopped version could easily be put out (there is actually one circulating). So the nay sayers would still be nay saying anyway. If it's considered a national security risk, so be it. Our military is in enough risk as it is.

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:iagree: If he were not dead, it would be known by now. Politicians on both sides of the aisle have reported seeing the pictures and believe it to be true. And if you didn't think it was true, a photo-shopped version could easily be put out (there is actually one circulating). So the nay sayers would still be nay saying anyway. If it's considered a national security risk, so be it. Our military is in enough risk as it is.


:iagree: I think the American people need to get over this attitude of we have the absolute need to know every. single. thing that happens with our military and intelligence communities. We don't. After having been involved with military intelligence, I don't even WANT to know anymore. (And I was low ranked... I never exactly knew a lot to begin with!) Some things just don't need to be advertised, for many, many reasons. This is one of them.

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:iagree: I think the American people need to get over this attitude of we have the absolute need to know every. single. thing that happens with our military and intelligence communities. We don't. After having been involved with military intelligence, I don't even WANT to know anymore. (And I was low ranked... I never exactly knew a lot to begin with!) Some things just don't need to be advertised, for many, many reasons. This is one of them.



I think I have heard this somewhere before......now when was it?;)

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As if they need motivation. Come on. It makes no difference to them, they hated us before and they still hate us. Appeasing them should not be the priority. Satisfying American citizens and reassuring your own citizens is what should matter to our government - regardless of who is in office.


That said, I believe he is dead and I don't need pictures. Some others do though and I don't fault them for not trusting our government, as they are not very trustworthy. Politicians lie. It's what they do.


:iagree: Exactly! There are plenty of families of 9/11 victims that want to see it. Why not satisfy them? Why 'appease' the crazies who already have found fault in the situation? Yes---politicians lie and our Govt has and will continue to lie.....sometimes for 'national security' reasons but more often than not for other more nefarious reasons.

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That's true I suppose, but they don't need real evidence or absence of evidence to do that either.


Right. If it exists, they'll use it. If it doesn't, they'll make up some other reason. So why give them real evidence?

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Simply because, it is not about them.


Then who is it about? I'm sorry, but I guess I don't see how we, the general public, or anyone else for that matter, is entitled to view the pictures. Maybe someone could explain that to me. Sincerely asking.

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It wouldn't be ethical to show pictures of his death. We don't need to see the pictures. The job is done, let those who need to morn (his peoples) and let those who need the closure have it. We don't need to dwell on this and show pics.


:iagree: For some reason, we feel we have the "right" to see them, and I don't agree with this notion. It's done, and we've seen enough footage and heard enough information. There was a day where we were not privy to any of the information we receive today. We don't have to know everything that our military does in all the minute details.

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Then who is it about? I'm sorry, but I guess I don't see how we, the general public, or anyone else for that matter, is entitled to view the pictures. Maybe someone could explain that to me. Sincerely asking.


:iagree: I just posted a response that spoke to this. The feeling of entitlement confuses me as well.

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Really. I am left wondering what you think might be accomplished by this viewing other than that it would further p*ss off a whole lot of dangerous and already unstable people. :confused:


Once again, you said it far better than I. Agree wholeheartedly. Why behave like he is a trophy?? Or a demon? He was just one more rotten to the core, power hungry despot with an ax to grind .

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Then who is it about? I'm sorry, but I guess I don't see how we, the general public, or anyone else for that matter, is entitled to view the pictures. Maybe someone could explain that to me. Sincerely asking.



I don't think anyone is entitled. I just said I can see why some would want to see them and that those people should be our government's priority, not the crazies.

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Then who is it about? I'm sorry, but I guess I don't see how we, the general public, or anyone else for that matter, is entitled to view the pictures. Maybe someone could explain that to me. Sincerely asking.



I have *no* desire to see them. None. I do not want this man glorified in any way, and that's the only end I see in publishing photos.

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I don't think anyone is entitled. I just said I can see why some would want to see them and that those people should be our government's priority, not the crazies.


I don't think that it's a matter of appeasing the crazies... but a matter of refusing to provide them with images that would provide a rallying point around their "martyred" leader. The same reasoning behind burial at sea (no desire to aid in the establishment of a shrine or place of pilgrimage) holds for this. They don't want them to have an icon to rally around.

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I don't think anyone is entitled. I just said I can see why some would want to see them and that those people should be our government's priority, not the crazies.


I can understand that, but I respectfully disagree. Our government must concern itself with the security of our nation, not the wants of individual citizens.

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I don't think anyone is entitled. I just said I can see why some would want to see them and that those people should be our government's priority, not the crazies.


:iagree: I personally don't need or want to see them. But I think certain people personally affected by 9/11 should have the privilege. Also, I really think an outside, non-governmental person should be able to see them and verify the truth. At least to quell the 'crazies' in our own country! We don't need any more divisiveness in our own country over this now.

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I have no desire to see the pictures nor do I think that as a people we should be entitled to the inner workings and secrets of our military. My issue is this - there are 3000+ families out there that may be looking for closure. When a criminal gets the death pentaly aren't the families of their victim(s) allowed to witness the execution if they wish? I would think that evidence that he is dead may help the families of those lost in the attacks.

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Really? This roll over and submit attitude is really amazing to me! Why all of a sudden is it not appropriate to show a dead body to the world----of course of THE #1 MOST wanted Terrorist-----when we see gore each and every day from all over the world. But all of a sudden....it's time to just...stop? Since when do people just take a politician's word about something, with no proof. Just his word. Bush was raked through the coals for just about everything that he did or said. Seriously----I'm amazed at what I'm seeing (reading). :confused:


I am amazed at the level of distrust:(

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:iagree: I personally don't need or want to see them. But I think certain people personally affected by 9/11 should have the privilege. Also, I really think an outside, non-governmental person should be able to see them and verify the truth. At least to quell the 'crazies' in our own country! We don't need any more divisiveness in our own country over this now.


We were posting at the same time. Great minds. :D

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I am amazed at the level of distrust:(


Really? I am currently studying American Govt with dd----and I am simply astounded at the dishonesty of our Govt over the years. Study up on the Spanish American War, WW1, WW2, the Phillipine invasion by the US, the Vietnam war.........you'll then understand my questioning mind ;)

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I think they were probably weighing the benefits of showing the pictures. Showing the gruesome pictures around the world would have an inflammatory effect for sure. Would this offset the benefits of having people get proof? I agree with the administration that it would not; those people who need the proof the most would claim the photos were doctored anyway.


As for the burial, they did offer the remains to the Saudi government and they didn't want them. Who would, really? Nobody would want the trouble it would cause to have a burial place that attracts the crazies. So then you have 2 options: cremation/scatter ashes or burial at sea. They took the option that was closest to an Islamic burial and that was that.

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Really? I am currently studying American Govt with dd----and I am simply astounded at the dishonesty of our Govt over the years. Study up on the Spanish American War, WW1, WW2, the Phillipine invasion by the US, the Vietnam war.........you'll then understand my questioning mind ;)


Yes there have been instances of dishonesty but IMHO I think most people who have served in our government have been good people with integrity.

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1. Pictures of the body would not have appeased anyone who is going to claim he isn't really dead. Pictures would be accused of being doctored or fabricated. So I don't believe showing the pictures gives anybody reason to "trust" that he is dead, if you dont' already do so.


2. To see the pictures for "closure"...I don't understand that at all. Not even slightly. He is dead. The idea of actually seeing the photo making anyone feel better - there is something wrong with that. To me that is an even farther step of "celebrating" his death that what has already taken place. And definitely a contradiction for any who say they are celebrating the military victory...what does a picture of a dead person have to do with the military victory? Sounds way more like personal vengeance that way.

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The Military---YES! The Politician side---um...not really :glare:


Abu Ghraib, My Lai, the sexual abuse of women by their fellow soldiers?? Just as there are outstanding morally sound persons in politics and the military there are just as many reprehensible persons in both as well.

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