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My 8 yr old is huge/need your advice/support

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I have twins. One is slender and barely eats. The other LOVES food and is huge.


Now, I should start off by saying that my FIL is 6'3, dh is 6', my dad is 6'2 and I'm 5'7. So we're not a short family.


Ds just turned 8 and is five feet tall and 95 lbs. Even his calves are huge. Almost bigger than mine. (I'm slim enough.)


Do I buy chips, sodas, fast food. No, no and no. We eat really well. On top of it, he's vegetarian -- his choice.


Yes, he has one dessert a day after dinner. And I've started to give him Weight Watchers desserts (without the packaging). He loves their fudgecicles.


I've been watching him grow larger than his twin since he was 4 or 5. I'm a very healthy eater and I make sure that he gets "low point" food (Weight Watchers points). I'm not crazy about it and he doesn't know that I pay attention except for that we discuss healthy foods. (Whole wheat vs. white bread etc.)


Is he active? Well, we do tennis and soccer and he plays outside w/ other kids a lot. I see him running around. We don't have a TV and watch a dvd now and then on the computer. No Wii. No DS.


I think he's going to be a huge man like his grandfathers, but sometimes I wonder if I'm fooling myself.


I should add that he also gets the stray pimple now and then. Real whiteheads, not little tiny bumps. The ped. said that he'd hit puberty earlier than most.


I'd love your thoughts.



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He's probably just gained weight for a growth spurt. My oldest was stocky and gained some weight just before/around puberty. All his friends got bellies, too. They are all tall, skinny boys now. Just keep feeding him healthy food. I'd skip the ww dessert and give him yogurt and fruit or something similar. Let him eat, he may need it. Get him exercising, too.


My ds is 6'2" and 160 now. I never knew he'd take after my father as a tall, skinny man when he was such a stocky little kid. Of course, this kid is a health nut and loves too exercise. I wouldn't worry about your ds yet.

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95 pounds for a five foot frame (especially if his father, etc are large framed & he's been consistent with his weight-to-height ratio as he's grown up) doesn't seem like anything to worry about, IMO. He sounds like an active, healthy, big kid. Not everyone's going to fit into the same mold for how big they are and at what ages. I think it sounds like you're doing great!

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his weight certainly doesn't sound high for his height. My dd is 5'1 and weigh 80 pounds. Her height is in the 95% but her weight in the 25%. I wish SHE weighed 90 pounds! At 95 he can't be overweight, can he?


If he appears to be kind of chubby, realize that he's only 8. MANY kids get chubby, then add height inches and thin out, then get chubby, then grow in height and thin out, etc.


My younger ds is 6'3. He was always built bigger than his brother. He weighed 32 pounds at his 1 year check-up. We called him Tank. :D He's thin now but he's just very tall.

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Ds just turned 8 and is five feet tall and 95 lbs.




How in the world does this translate to "huge"?


dd14 is 4'11" and weighs around 90lbs - people are ALWAYS commenting on how skinny she is… and the other day at an exersize class (that she takes for fun - it's that Zumba thing) I even noticed how much of a stick she was compared to the rest of the group (mostly all 18+ ladies) …..


I think maybe you're just used to seeing your other twin (who I assume is a lot shorter?) and "average height" eight year olds and THEN your son looks so much bigger…. make sense?

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See, I don't think that's heavy at ALL. My son eats day and night, went through a vegetarian phase, and we eat pretty well. We do have some junk food but not a lot or often. He swims for exercise and of course runs around and does normal 8-year-old boy activities. He's 8 years old and 5', too, and my 6-year-old DD is over 4' tall and 65 lbs. So I know how it goes. He's 87.2 lbs and I think he's a little too skinny. I'd love it if he gained another 8 lbs. He gets the odd pimple, too, but I've been told not to worry about it and that it's fairly normal. We shall see. Sometimes he gets sort of thick and chunky, but then he stretches it right back out. What kind of bone structure does he have? If he puts his thumb and forefinger around his wrist, do they meet? If not, he might just have a very large bone structure and may just be a bigger kid no matter what. Just keep doing what you're doing, teaching him to make good food and exercise decisions, and he'll be fine :)

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DON'T WORRY! With the height and weight of his dad and other family members it's nothing to worry about! My husband is 6'11 and I'm 5"10 our son just turned 8 the end of Jan and he is 5ft tall and 92 pounds. The doctor is not concerned one bit. And we hardly ever buy junk food only for special occasions and it's healthy junk food.

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He does not sound over weight for his height.


Have you tried this site: http://www.keepkidshealthy.com/welcome/bmicalculator.html


My 11 year old is 5 ft 1 inch and weighs 113 lbs. His doctor says that since he is on the upper end for both height and weight that he is okay. My son has always been chunky. He came out that way - weighing almost 10 pounds at birth.


I'm still hoping that my son thins out. We eat very healthy and I try to get him to eat an apple of veggies if he moans about being hungry between meals.


Sometimes I think the genes have a lot to do with weight. We all pretty much eat the same thing. My oldest son is 5 ft 9 inches and 125 pounds (which makes him very tall for his age and on the low end for weight) and my youngest son is just average for both height and weight.

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You mention you are vegetarian. Does he eat a lot of soy? That might play a role in him being bigger than his twin/hitting puberty earlier, etc. but otherwise, 5' and 100 pounds is just about right.


If you are really concerned an endocrinologist can do some basic blood work to make sure everything is OK.

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You mention you are vegetarian. Does he eat a lot of soy? That might play a role in him being bigger than his twin/hitting puberty earlier, etc. but otherwise, 5' and 100 pounds is just about right.


If you are really concerned an endocrinologist can do some basic blood work to make sure everything is OK.


This is what I was going to say - if you're concerned. Maybe it's just that you're comparing your twins a bit since they looked similar size for the first half of their lives, until your one ds started taking off. Otoh, if you're concerned in your gut about this, maybe there's cause. Are there any thyroid issues in your family?

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Yes, what did the ped say? I don't have twins, but my 6yo and 3yo are sometimes mistaken for twins because they are the same size. I worry that the 6yo is not eating enough and the 3yo is eating too much. But the peds (2 different ones, because we moved) say not to worry. Their height and weight are proportionate to each other, and their growth curves are normal. As long as that is the case, it doesn't matter that both of them are off the scales (in different directions).

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I have twins. One is slender and barely eats. The other LOVES food and is huge.


Now, I should start off by saying that my FIL is 6'3, dh is 6', my dad is 6'2 and I'm 5'7. So we're not a short family.


Ds just turned 8 and is five feet tall and 95 lbs. Even his calves are huge. Almost bigger than mine. (I'm slim enough.)


Do I buy chips, sodas, fast food. No, no and no. We eat really well. On top of it, he's vegetarian -- his choice.


Yes, he has one dessert a day after dinner. And I've started to give him Weight Watchers desserts (without the packaging). He loves their fudgecicles.


I've been watching him grow larger than his twin since he was 4 or 5. I'm a very healthy eater and I make sure that he gets "low point" food (Weight Watchers points). I'm not crazy about it and he doesn't know that I pay attention except for that we discuss healthy foods. (Whole wheat vs. white bread etc.)


Is he active? Well, we do tennis and soccer and he plays outside w/ other kids a lot. I see him running around. We don't have a TV and watch a dvd now and then on the computer. No Wii. No DS.


I think he's going to be a huge man like his grandfathers, but sometimes I wonder if I'm fooling myself.


I should add that he also gets the stray pimple now and then. Real whiteheads, not little tiny bumps. The ped. said that he'd hit puberty earlier than most.


I'd love your thoughts.



Is your doctor concerned? One of my dd's had gained 35 pounds in 6 months and her doctor wasn't concerned yet. "A big growth spurt is coming! If not then we'll talk about diet at her next appointment in a year."


It's hard on the budget to keep up with a quickly growing kid like that. DD went from a girl's size 10 to small women's in those 6 months.

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Sounds like you have fraternal twins, and one must take after you (the slender one) and the other....not. Don't compare them - he does not sound "huge" at all.


PS - my fraternal boys each took after a different side of the family, too. One is 5'7" and barely 110 lbs at age 19 (doctor says he is normal) the other is 6 feet and 150 lbs.

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According to all the charts I just googled - the "average" weight for a kid 5 feet tall is 91 lbs. Which means your son is only 4 lbs over the average. I'm sure you know better than me,,,, but that doesn't seem like a problem.

Healthy food and lots of exercise....

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As long as your pediatrician isn't concerned, I think you're fine. I'm 5 feet, 1/4 inch tall and weigh 106 pounds. I think your son is height/weight proportional.


How in the world does this translate to "huge"?


I think it's extremely rare to find an eight year old who is the same size as a grown adult. I think 5 feet tall at 8 qualifies as huge. But again, as long as the ped isn't concerned, I wouldn't worry.



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I would be more concerned with the fact that he's entering early puberty. You may want to google that some more and discuss that with your doctor. I have read that precocious (early) puberty is often signified by a growth spurt. And you should not be seeing it before age 9 (which even strikes me as too soon)



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I guess my question would be why you are feeding him low calorie foods and actively worrying about his diet more than the rest of the family. He isn't currently overweight relative to his height and it doesn't sound like he tends toward an inactive lifestyle absent prodding.

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I would take into account his bone structure and not just weight. The 95 lbs sounds within a very reasonable range for 5 ft. of height. If he is a larger bone structure, then this will add more weight but not fat. Bone is HEAVY. So, if his grandfathers tend towards the larger bone structure, broad shoulders, long femurs, etc. then he's going to just naturally weigh more and yet be healthy.


I don't trust weight charts because they really don't take into account muscle mass vs. fat, nor do they adequately take into account bone density/mass. Healthy bones are heavy bones; medium and large bone skeletal structures are going to be heavier than small bone structures (like my husband and my puny, very tall, scarily thin boy) and as such, I think doctors need to adjust their ranges a bit.


You are doing all of the right things for him to be healthy so unless there are other signs of physical problems, I would error on the side that this is healthy and normal for him.



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I would be more concerned with the fact that he's entering early puberty. You may want to google that some more and discuss that with your doctor. I have read that precocious (early) puberty is often signified by a growth spurt. And you should not be seeing it before age 9 (which even strikes me as too soon)




I was thinking the same thing. I haven't had any personal experience with this, but it seems to me that I've read somewhere about early puberty in boys actually stunting their growth in the long term. I'm not trying to freak you out. I'd probably mention it to his physician.

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my sister had 3 boys--they didn't have the greatest diet--they were picky eaters and most prefered "hot dogs"/sandwiches/pizza growing up-they eat better now but still aren't big veggie eaters---one was a skinny child all of his life---he's almost a little over 30 now and still has to buy his pants from a specialty store because he's so tall and skinny.The other two started out about the same way--they had a "pudgy" stage where they were husky and kinda "big" for a few years then a little after puberty hit they slimmed up and their height shot up---not sure how tall the middle one is but he's over 6ft and is now a normal weight. The baby is now just 21 and was the same as the middle child-had a husky period where he was big too for a few years---but just like the middle child a little after puberty hit he shot up and slimmed down---he is now about 6ft 7 and is a normal weight--he is a ver big one (as in tall,big feet,hands) LOL.....so for some kids they grow out of it--

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