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We haven't had a Myers-Briggs thread in awhile. What's your type?

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I tend to think these things over generalize. I always struggle with answers to many questions because the answers are often not just "yes" or "no" but you have to choose so what do you do?


I'll just share who I share personality types with (apparently, though I didn't completely agree with the outcome! :tongue_smilie:)


"Famous people of your particular type

Ronald Reagan, Pope John Paul II, Nick Nolte, Tony Blair, Katharine Graham"


That's fairly good company in my view! :D


It also tells me that good careers would be (in order down the line): counseling, psychology, education (Funny but I feel as a homeschooling Mom I do all of those things already! LOL) management, politics, science, computer programming, physician.

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Maybe the numbers would be different if taken from the general population as opposed to a homeschooling board??? Just a thought.


That was the same thought I had about the higher occurrence of INTJ on the board as well.


INTJ here as well.

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I've taken this test several times in the past and I alternate between two different combinations. I think the reason for it is that for some of the questions neither a yes or no seems right. I could say yes 50% of the time and no 50% of the time and whichever I answer probably has to do with how I'm feeling at the moment. This time I got INFJ. I can't remember which other result I've gotten. I'm certain it was just one of the last two letters that was different. Looking back at today's results and at the careers that are good matches for this personality type, it seems about right. I've considered a career in every one of those fields except for law.


In looking at the other possibilities for the last two letters, I think I may have gotten INFP as a result at times.

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LOL, all I can remember (from the old board) is that there was someone I identified with that had the same type, so I kept track of what I was that way. :)


I also remember that it was supposedly the most rare type.


And one of the description pages almost made me want to cry, it was so spot-on, and gave me such a feeling of being 'understood'. :( (I looked up some in-depth descriptions at a later time).


I have such mixed feelings about personality things like that; on the one hand, it's fascinating to me to assign folks to little 'boxes' and hopefully understand them better, but I also kind of buck up at being labeled, lol. I hesitate to look too closely at things like that for my kids, because I don't want to (even subconsciously) treat them as a certain 'type' and not allow them to change as they mature. (I've seen conversations where folks seem to place an overarching importance on 'types' with little wiggle room).


But as I said, the in-depth description of whatever Myers-Briggs type I was/am was so incredibly true that I wish I could pass it out to my family. So, maybe what I really believe in is a limited use of that kind of knowledge as a tool for understanding...with the caveat that no one fits neatly into any one 'box'.


I love talking about it, though, and seeing what 'types' you guys are. :)

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When I first took the test, way back, I thought I was an INFP also. But, the more I read and the more I reflected on my natural preferences, the more I realized I am definitely a "J" and not a "P". I make lists. I use a plan book for school. If we are going on vacation somewhere I have to research it ahead of time so we don't miss the good stuff. I color coordinate by clothes in the closet (hmm, maybe that's more of an ocd thing. hehe), I like the decisions to be made. Dh is a "P". Here's a good example of how we differ. We looked at cars for a while trying to determine which make and model would suit our needs. After the decision was made and the car was purchased, dh continued to look at cars, research them online...just because you never know if you've made the right decision. There could be something better out there. His decision making is very open ended. I need closure. I was done looking the moment I saw the car we decided to buy. If I didn't urge him into making a decision we might still be looking!


BTW, INFJs are the one type who mis-type themselves most often. I read that online and it was such a light bulb moment for me. We can empathize so well will the thoughts/feelings/opinions of others that sometimes we mistakes others' preferences for our own.

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I also remember that it was supposedly the most rare type.


...it being odd that there was such a huge section of the general population (on the old board) that identified as the most rare type.


Either it's not as rare as they'd say it is...or there's something about homeschooling (WTM-esque homeschooling, in particular) that draws that type.


*That* would be a fascinating study, lol.

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LOL, all I can remember (from the old board) is that there was someone I identified with that had the same type, so I kept track of what I was that way. :)


I also remember that it was supposedly the most rare type.


And one of the description pages almost made me want to cry, it was so spot-on, and gave me such a feeling of being 'understood'. :( (I looked up some in-depth descriptions at a later time).


I have such mixed feelings about personality things like that; on the one hand, it's fascinating to me to assign folks to little 'boxes' and hopefully understand them better, but I also kind of buck up at being labeled, lol. I hesitate to look too closely at things like that for my kids, because I don't want to (even subconsciously) treat them as a certain 'type' and not allow them to change as they mature. (I've seen conversations where folks seem to place an overarching importance on 'types' with little wiggle room).


But as I said, the in-depth description of whatever Myers-Briggs type I was/am was so incredibly true that I wish I could pass it out to my family. So, maybe what I really believe in is a limited use of that kind of knowledge as a tool for understanding...with the caveat that no one fits neatly into any one 'box'.


I love talking about it, though, and seeing what 'types' you guys are. :)



Jill, did you used to be Jill Ok in VA on the old boards? I actually kept the list of who was which type and I just dug it out to see if you were on there. I tallied it up on paper to see how many of each type we were and even figured out the percentages. It was fun! Anyway, if that Jill is you, you were an INFJ like me.:)


I know what you mean about reading about your type online and feeling such validation! I really enjoy personality theory and find it helpful as a tool, but you are right, it should never be used to box someone in. The possibilities along the continuum of type are infinite!

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...it being odd that there was such a huge section of the general population (on the old board) that identified as the most rare type.


Either it's not as rare as they'd say it is...or there's something about homeschooling (WTM-esque homeschooling, in particular) that draws that type.


*That* would be a fascinating study, lol.


...and something about internet boards also perhaps. It would be interesting!


In the general population there are about 1% of the people with the INFJ preference, on the old boards we amounted to 24%. Go figure.

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Three of my kids just took the kids' personality quiz on that site. It leaves out the 4th letter and is for kids from 7-12. Since my kids are 12 and 14, I asked them to fill out the test themselves, on the theory that they know themselves even better than I know them. The kids' test results are for 3 areas, not 4.




I was surprised at how accurate it was. I have an ESP (DD), an ETJ, an INJ, and an ISJ.


I am an INFP and over the years, after taking these tests many times, I always end up INFP.


I wonder if I kids are generally more amenable to homeschooling. My I's much prefer it, and my E's did not.



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I actually kept the list of who was which type and I just dug it out to see if you were on there. I tallied it up on paper to see how many of each type we were and even figured out the percentages. :)


I did this as well, but then I lost my paper. That is the "P" in me. It makes it quite hard to homeschool.

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Jill, did you used to be Jill Ok in VA on the old boards?


Yep, we're not in VA, anymore...I'm just plain ol' Jill, OK now. :)


I thought it was you...how funny that I linked myself to you as a way to remember, and here you had it written down for me, lol!

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...the "Counselor" type that's cross-referenced in the quiz linked in the OP, and it says on that page that less than 1% of the population has that type. Maybe that's what's being referenced? (There might be another site that lists the types and their prevalence that I don't know about.)


I just saw that because I went and took the quiz again to see if my type had changed (I've heard people say that it can, over time), but I was still INFJ, and the "Counselor" type came up with it.

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DH is an INTJ, too. Y'know, at times we seem so different, in our interests, etc. It makes sense, I suppose, that what we actually have in common is our underlying personality type.


If you read the INTJ personality description on that site, it's at all surprising why so many of us homeschool!

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I'm just new here, but it's so cool to see 6 or 7 other INTPs here! I don't think I've ever met another one in real life.


My theory has always been that there are an overabundance of I's and N's who homeschool. (But I love E's and S's too!)

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I took it years ago when I worked for a bank. I was very annoyed while taking it, but impressed with the accuracy of the description I received when the results came back.


I enjoyed reading through the responses when we did this on the old board.

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ISFJ (Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging). I used to be an ISTJ (Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging). I believe that motherhood and homeschooling, as well as working with other homeschool moms to start a homeschool support group has brought out a more sensitive side to me. I also think I strive to be more feeling that thinking/analytical. It's probably a good thing, because I'm not sure my middle-aged addled brain is up to the heavy thinking and analyzing I did as a young adult. :confused:

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I'm just new here, but it's so cool to see 6 or 7 other INTPs here! I don't think I've ever met another one in real life.


My theory has always been that there are an overabundance of I's and N's who homeschool. (But I love E's and S's too!)

Really, I stopped following this thread... if that's the case we do have enough for a group hug!



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INTJ here. It fits me. I'll have to get my kids to take the test - I "think" I know what they are, but I'm not sure.


Dh has never taken the test. Maybe I'll have him do it. After 34 years of marriage, though, it probably doesn't matter, lol.

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ENFJ here, but just barely a J. I think I'm becoming more J as I get older. The personality descriptor is very accurate.



I would have guessed that you and Doran were the same type. Maybe thats why you two hit it of so well. The Es & Fs really shine through here on the board.

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